Chapter 6

You Fell For Me


"Wow today you actually got up early and ate breakfast."  Kang Dae said as he watched his niece finish up her rice and seaweed soup.

"I need energy for today.  I have a dance battle."  Soo Yun said as she scarfed it all down.

"Oohhh A battle?  Can i watch?"  Kang Dae asked enthusiastically.

Soo Yun gulped down her soup, "No way.  It's a school thing."

"Aw... And i wanted to watch..."  Kang Dae turned sad.

Soo Yun smiled and reassured her uncle, "Dont worry i'll tell you how it went.  Thanks for the food.  See you later!"  Then she was out the door.

Kang Dae smiled and shook his head, *Such an eccentric girl.*


"What?!"  Eun Ji yelled as she heard about the dance battle.

"Shh.. Not so loud.."  Soo Yun whispered.

"But... EVERYONE likes Junhyung.. All the votes will go to him."  Eun Ji whispered back.

"I know... i wish i wouldve thought of that once i accepted his challenge.."  Soo Yun said...

"What are you going to do??...  You're gonna have to be his slave for a month if you lose... Cant you... just back out of it?"  Eun Ji said.

"NO way!  I'm not backing out.. besides.. that guy will always hang that over me if i did...  I'm just gonna have to try my hardest!"  Soo Yun said determined.

Eun Ji smiled slightly, "Well... Just have fun and dont think about the consequences."

Soo Yun nodded while smiling and then put her arm around Eun Ji's shoulder and skipped to school happily.

That is... Until Junhyung blocked their way.

Soo Yun's smile went away and she cleared , "What do you want?"

"Just wanted to remind you about today..  You know.. THe battle?"  The crowd of fangirls were confused

"Battle?? What??"

Soo Yun ignored them and looked at him head on, "How could i forget?."

Junhyung smirked, "Good."  Then he walked away with his fangirls crowding around him.

"You think you're gonna be okay?"  Eun Ji asked as they watched him walk off.

Soo Yun sighed, "I hope so.."


The rest of the day went by quick and it was already time for the dance battle.  Everyone was crowded in the gymnasium and Doojoon was introducing Junhyung and Soo Yun before they went on.

"Good luck!"  Kikwang gave her a thumbs up.

"Remember... Have fun."  Eun Ji told her smiling.

"Thanks guys."  Soo Yun smiled.

"Now can we please have the contenders up on stage for a handshake so that we can officially start!"  Doojoon said in the mic as the fans screamed.

Junhyung and Soo Yun both went up on stage and faced each other.  Many girls were screaming his name.

So Young was in the audience and looked curiously at Junhyung and Soo Yun, *Who is she?*

"Dont cry when you lose."  Junhyung said.

Soo Yun scoffed, "Who said I was going to be the one crying?"

Junhyung smirked, "I'm going to have fun with this."

"Me too."  Soo Yun said then they both turned around at the same time and walked off stage.

"Alright!  First we have Junhyung-"  The screams and chants interrupted Doojoon.

"Alright alright.."  Doojoon calmed them down a bit, "Show them what you got!"  Then Doojoon got off stage and Junhyung went on. the other three)  Everyone screamed once Junhyung started dancing and they screamed even more when he yelled "Kings back!"  

Soo Yun felt uneasy throughout the entire performance but kept reminding herself to have fun.

Once Junhyung ended the screams were still going on even as he left stage.

"HEY!"  Doojoon calmed the crowd down

"Good luck... You're gonna need it."  Junhyung smirked as he passed by Soo Yun.

"Now.. Heerreeee'sss  Lee Soo Yun!"  Doojoon yelled.  There were some screams by Kikwang and Eun Ji but the rest were either just weak claps or boos.

So Young looked at Kikwang clapping and suddenly remembered Soo Yun, *Ahh... It's her...*

Soo Yun stood on stage and once the music started, she danced,(  There a few screams and claps but not as big as Junhyung's once she finished.

"Alright thank you Soo Yun.  Can we please have Junhyung back on here now?."  Doojoon asked and Junhyung came back on stage.

"Please scream for the one who you thought was the best.  Junhyung."  Once Doojoon said Junhyung's name all the girls screamed and it was so loud Soo Yun had to block her ears.

"OKay okay.  Settle Down.  Soo Yun."  When Doojoon said her name there were a few screams and claps coming from guys and one girl (Eun Ji) but it was WAYY less than Junhyung's screams.

"Alright.. Looks like we have a winner.  Yong Junhyung everyone!"  Doojoon said his name once more and the fans screamed like crazy.

Soo Yun sighed and walked back off stage while Junhyung smirked as he was watching her

"Aww Soo Yun.. Its alright."  Eun Ji hugged her once they got out of the gym.

"Yeah as long as you had fun right?  I thought you were amazing.. But those fangirls out there LOVE hyung soo much...  I honestly think you deserved to win."  Kikwang said.

"Thanks.  Both of you for supporting me."  Soo Yun smiled.

".. But what are you gonna do now?..  the thing.."  Eun Ji said.

It took Soo Yun a while to catch on but once she did, "Oh noo... I totally forgot.. I have to get out of here before-"

"Before what?"  Then Junhyung was behind her.

"Oh... hahahha.. Hey Junhyung."  Soo Yun laughed nervously.

'Lucky for you today... I'm tired so i'm not gonna order you around."

Soo Yun sighed for relief, "BUT"  Junhyung pointed a finger at her as she widened her eyes.

"You better be prepared."  Junhyung then smirked and walked off.

"UGGHH... My life.. is officially ruined."  Soo Yun said.

"Aww come on.. Dont say that.. Its only for a month.. You'll survive..."  Eun Ji reassured Soo Yun.

Kikwang saw Eun Ji comforting Soo Yun and he suddenly took off.

"Huh?  Kikwang?"  

"HYUNG!!!"  Kikwang yelled to stop Junhyung.

"What?"  Junhyung waited for Kikwang to catch his breath.

"Hyung.."  Kikwang swallowed, "Please... Dont make Soo Yun your slave!"  


"Listen... She's had some hard times.. and i think if she's your slave.. she'll have an even harder time.. NOT saying that you're horrible or anything.."

Junhyung smiled slightly, "You like her that much?  So you want me to forget about the promise?  Wow.. Kikwang... I knew you liked her but..  making me not make her my slave so that she can be YOURS is a bit too much dont you think?"  Then he was about to turn around but Kikwang stopped him.

"Wh-What are you talking about Hyung?-"

"I'm sorry a promise is a promise..  But"  Junhyung put up him index finget to his lips, "I'll keep it a secret."  Then he patted Kikwang's arm and was about to walk away again but he got stopped AGAIN.

"Aishh Hyung!  You just wont listen to me!  I'm telling you!  She!-"  Then Kikwang stopped.. He couldnt tell Junhyung about Soo Yun's past.

"She wat?"  Junhyung asked curiously.

"Ah.. Its nothing.. sorry.."  Kikwang said.

Junhyung smiled again, "See you later."  Then he really left this time.

":AISHH..."  Kikwang scratched his head and walked back.


"I'm back!"  Soo Yun yelled as she entered her home.

"Welcome back!  How was the battle?"  Kang Dae asked.

"Um.... I lost.."  Soo Yun said.

"Aww.. Its fine.. You had fun right?  Fun is all that counts."  Kang Dae smiled.

"Yeah i did."  Soo Yun said smiling.  She decided not to tell her uncle about the 'slave' thing.

She entered her room, closed the door and then plopped down on her bed.

"Ahhh...."  Then after a few seconds her head suddenly popped up, "AAWWEEEHHH...   What do i do?... i cant see him tomorrow... ugh.... its not like i could disguise myself either.."  Then she dropped her head back on the sheets and made fake crying sounds.


It was a nice day again with a bright blue sky and a bright yellow sun, with.... a girl's head peeking cautiously from behind a huge tree.

"Why dont we just go right now?  I cant see him."  Eun Ji suggested.

"You're right.. but... he's like a ghost.. he can appear at ANY time..."  Soo Yun said still looking around.

Eun Ji sighed and shook her head.


"Thanks SOO much Oppa!!!"  a young girl said.

"No Problem.  Free lessons any morning on a weekday."  Junhyung smiled at the little girl.

The girl beamed then walked out.

Junhyung smiled as he watched her walk out then So Young came in, "I see you're still giving lessons to little kids."

Junhyung was surprised to see her but smiled, "yeah... They all love learning how to play the piano."

"And to think a tough guy like you plays the piano."  So Young joked.

Junhyung smiled at it, "So Why are you here?  Fell for me already?"

"What kind of a greeting is that to your best friend?"  So Young said jokingly, "And no.. Like i said i only think of you as a friend.. like a brother.  NEVER anything more."

Junhyung packed up his stuff, "You will soon."  He smiled at her then left the room.  So Young despite herself smiled and chuckled at his cuteness.


"Okay... Let's gooo!"  Soo Yun hid behind Eun Ji as they tried to hurry towards the building.  But then.. again... Junhyung blocked their way.  Soo Yun saw him and hid behind Eun Ji.

"Oh H-hey Junhyung!"  Eun Ji smiled while trying to hide Soo Yun, "How are you doing today?"

Junhyung looked at Eun Ji with his infamous stare, the slightly squinted eyes, "I know you're there."  He ignored Eun Ji and spoke out 

Soo Yun knew it was for her so she slowly poked her head from behind Eun Ji and gave a nervous smile, "Oh Hey.."

Junhyung just gave her the stare too and motioned with his index finger, showing her to come out of hiding.

Soo Yun was reluctant but came out from behind Eun Ji.

"You're friend can leave."  Junhyung said.

"Really?-"  But Soo Yun put an arm around Eun Ji's shoulder before she could say anything else.

"N-No way!  We stick together like glue.  If one leaves then the other does and if one stays then the other stays.  Right Eun Ji?"  Soo Yun said.

Junhyung gave Eun Ji a look this time with an eyebrow up.

Eun Ji saw it and slowly took Soo Yun's arm off, "Uhhmm... Right... Just not... today..  Have fun Soo Yun!"  Then she smiled and waved goodbye while running away.

"YAHH!!!  Jung Eun Ji!!!  You Coward!"  Soo Yun yelled.  Then Junhyung stepped in front of her still giving her that stare.

Soo Yun cleared , "Um... I guess that means i have to go too... since.. you know... we stick together... like.. glue.."  Then she made an attempt to leave but Junhyung stopped her with his arm.

"I wouldnt leave if i were you...... slave."  Junhyung then smirked and Soo Yun looked up at him.

"What do you want?"

"What's your phone number?"  Junhyung asked all of a sudden.

"My number?... Why?"  Soo Yun asked suspiciously as she backed off slowly.

"I need to call you for the work that i need you to do."  

And before she could back off anymore Junhyung grabbed her wrist with one hand, pulling her towards him, as he used the other to open her backpack to look for her phone.  Once he found it he grabbed it and pushed her away slightly.

"YAH!"  Soo Yun yelled.  But she knew she couldnt do anything about so she just stood there looking absolutely helpless.

Junhyung took out his phone and put his number in her phone before trying to look for her number in her phone to put it in his phone.

"Where's your number?"  Junhyung asked.

"Umm.. I dont know.. must not be in there.."  Soo Yun said.

"I'll just call my phone."  Junhyung said and as he was about to call it Soo Yun snatched her phone away.

"Yah-....  You wanna do this the hard way?"  Junhyung asked.

Soo Yun protectively held onto her phone, "I said i would be your slave.. I NEVER said i would give you my number."

"Yah... Slaves listen to their master.  I asked for your number... politely....  GIve it to me."  Junhyung said getting more and more angrier.

Then luckily the bell rang.

"Oh.. That's class.  See you later!"  Soo Yun smiled and waved before running away to class.

"YAH!  Aish...That girl..."  Junhyung said before also walking away to class.


Today Eun Ji switched seats with Soo Yun although it wasnt much of a difference.  She was just sitting sideways from Junhyung now and it was uncomfortbale since he kept staring at her throughout class.

Once class was over though Soo Yun ran out before saying bye to anyone and walked hurriedly next to independent study.

*Thank God i dont have dance with him today...*  Soo Yun thought as she saw the stairs in front of her, *Freedom is just soo close.*

"Hey Soo Yun!"  Kikwang yelled as he stepped right in front of her.

"Hey Kikwang."  Soo Yun said nervously as she was in a rush but she didnt want to be rude.

'Hows your day today? Is Hyung treating you badly again?"  Kikwang asked.

"Uhh.. No.  Listen Kikwang i have to-"  Before she could finish Junhyung walked up next to her.

"Have to what?"  He asked as he stared at her.

Soo Yun muttered "dang it" and mentally slapped herself.

"OH NO... You were trying to get away but... I... I stopped you didnt i?... I'm sooo sorryyyy"  Kikwang apologized.

"Its fine.."  Soo Yun tried to give a smile but it was hard when EVIL was standing RIGHT next to you.

"Who said you could run away?"  Junhyung asked.

"Sorry... I just had some things to do."

"Your number."  Junhyung handed out his hand and waited for her to give him her phone.

"Forget it.. I'll just tell you it."  Soo Yun said.

"I dont trust you."  Junhyung simply said.  Then Soo Yun reluctantly placed her phone in his hand.

He took it and called his phone with it.  Once his phone rang Soo Yun knew life was completely over for her.

Then he handed her phone back, "See You later.. Slave."  Then he walked away smirking.

"I'M SOOO SORRYYY!!!! I'M SOOO DUMMBBBB!!!!"  Kikwang said.

"No its fine."  Soo Yun said. but all she could think about was how terrible this one month was going to be..



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Update soon please? c:
awwwww i love this story...... whn r u gonna update again????? plz update soooon...... :)
ShallWe_Apple #3
Can I say I love this story!!! Please le do update it's so good! Need moar!
Update soon!! I love your story(:
PLS update soon
This...will be interesting >3 can't wait to read more! ^^