Chapter 5

You Fell For Me


Soo Yun swallowed and took a deep breath, "You heartless jerk.."  

"Am i wrong??"  Junhyung glared back in his cold tone.

Soo Yun glared at him with glistening tears in her eyes.


A/N: Now i know you must be confused... well lets start from the beginning of the day.. (well kinda beginning).


"WAHHH.. Such a good day.  Nothing can break my mood."  Soo Yun said smiling.

"Not even Junhyung?"  Eun Ji joked

Soo Yun shook her head as she looked up to the sky, "Not even Junhyung."

"Woah... You ARE in a good mood."  Eun Ji said looking serious.

"Hey Eun Ji.. Did you know?....  Junhyung actually SMILED to me... And he was being NICE too."  Soo Yun said whispering and smiling.

"Noo.... You mustve been dreaming."  Eun Ji said not willing to believe it.

Soo Yun shook her head, "It was ALL real... He might not be that bad after all..."

Before Eun Ji could say anything they were bumped into by B2ST.

"Oh.. Hey Soo Yun and Eun Ji!"  Kikwang waved and smiled.

"Hi Kikwang."  Eun Ji and Soo Yun greeted.

Soo Yun took a glance at Junhyung but he wasnt smiling at all today.  Soo Yun slightly pouted.

"How are you guys today?"  Kikwang asked.

Before Soo Yun could answer Yoseob spoke up, "Why are you asking Kikwang?"  He appeared behind Kikwang's left shoulder mischievously smiling.

"Yeah.. Why Hyung?"  Dongwoon popped up behind Kikwangs right shoulder as Kikwang looked back and forth between them.

"Will you guys stop it?!"  He chased both Dongwoon and Yoseob around.

"ahh... Theyre acting dumb again... dont mind them."  Doojoon said.

Soo Yun shook her head, "Its fine."  

"Hey... Say hi.."  Hyunseung slightly nudged Junhyung who looked bored as heck.

Soo Yun stared at him waiting and he sighed out of annoyance, "i dont really want to.... but hi."

Soo Yun was taken aback.. *this isnt the same Junhyung from yesterday...*

Then before anyone could say anything else the bell rang and it was time for their first class.  

"See ya guys later!"  Doojoon and Hyunseung both yelled while going after the still running Kikwang, Yoseob and Dongwoon.


Vocal class went by quick but throughout it Soo Yun couldnt help but wonder why Junhyung was still that cold person.  He was acting like a jerk.. Not acknowledging her and when he did.  He either glared or looked away bored.

"I thought you said he became nice?"  Eun Ji asked apparently noticing him too.

"I-I thought he did..."  Soo Yun was lost in her thoughts.

"Well... I gotta get to class.. Hope everything's alright."  Eun Ji said as she waved good bye.

Soo Yun waved back, sighed and then walked to the dance studio.

"Alright class!"  The teacher said loudly, "Since i havent been here for the last few days... I would like to see your skills.  Dont worry about the people around you and just have fun."

The teacher paused and then looked around, "Umm.... Miss Lee Soo Yun?"

Soo Yun's head shot up, "Yes?..."

"Will you please show us your freestyle?"  The teacher asked.

Soo Yun looked around and nodded her head, "O-Okay."

She got up and the teacher smiled, "Whenever youre ready."

Soo Yun nodded nervously while Kikwang looked at her with his eyesmile.  

Junhyung looked annoyingly at her and then at Kikwang and when he saw Kikwang giving her the thumbs up and her smiling back in response, he got even more annoyed.

The teacher put the music on and Soo Yun took the first few seconds to feel the music.  Once she did she danced effortlessly(

Once she finished everyone clapped especially Kikwang who was whistling and clapping the loudest.  Soo Yun smiled shyly and sat back down.

"Alright That was wonderful Soo Yun.  Anyone want to give her a few pointers?"  The teacher asked.

"Why dont you Junhyung?  Since your specialty is popping."  The teacher finally asked Junhyung as no one was volunteering.

Junhyung sighed, "When you pop..."

Soo Yun was waiting for him to continue.

"You're doing the same moves over and over again even when they're not that good... Once you've polished your moves.. THEN try popping."  Junhyung finished while the class burst into laughter especailly his fangirls since they hated Soo Yun.

*What happened to him being nice?....* Soo Yun thought as she tried to contain her anger, *This is EXACTLY like the time with Eun Ji..*

"Alright alright class.. settle down."  The teacher calmed the class down and continued on.


"Yah!  Yong Junhyung!"  Soo Yun yelled once class was over.  He walked over to the rooftop before she even got the chance to get out of class but she knew where he was so she went up there.

"Aish... And i thought i was gonna have a peaceful nap...."  Junhyung sat up and looked at her, "What do you want?"

Soo Yun walked over to him angrily, "Was yesterday a joke?.... Were you just being like that to see what i'd do?"

"Yesterday?.."  Junhyung thought for a moment, "Ahhhh... That??... Dont tell me... You actually thought i'd be NICE to you? After everything we did to each other."  He chuckled for a moment.

"I cant believe... I cant believe that i actually THOUGHT you were being truly NICE....  It was my fault...."  Soo Yun said with clenched teeth and a clenched fist, "It was my fault for ever bumping into someone like you!"  As she was about to turn away he said something.

"Dont be mad just caus i said your dancing ... Its the truth.. You can handle the truth right?"  Junhyung smirked and she turned back towards him.

"Oh yeah??  And YOU'RE dancing??.. Tch... Dont TELL me that its great... caus it ISNT... When people are dancing you should be able to feel their emotions.. How they're feeling at THAT time.... But when YOU dance... please... All you ever want to do is SHOW OFF."  

"And what about you?"  Junhyung said while standing up to face her, "You think YOU'RE dancing makes people 'feel' your emotions?.. Dont joke around with me... "

"This is EXACTLY the reason why that So Young girl dumped you... You have no heart!"  Soo Yun yelled.

Then Junhyung looked at her with angry eyes, "What does it matter why So Young dumped me?.. Huh?  Is that supposed to be some kind of comeback?  Tch.. We're not in grade school.......Actually the more i think about it... You act so immature that you can go back there."

Soo Yun widened her eyes, "Look who's talking!"

Junhyung smirked, "What am i doing?.. Trying to argue with someone like you..."

"Someone like me?!"

Junhyung looked at her head on, "Yeah... People like you... with no money... NOTHING... BEGGARS.."

Soo Yun was about to say something but he interrupted her, "Well... I guess you couldnt help it since its in your blood..."


"Are your parents beggars too?... Well thats to be expected.  Otherwise... How can a child like you exist?"  Junhyung's words stung Soo Yun so bad that she could feel her eyes getting hot.

Soo Yun swallowed and took a deep breath, "You heartless jerk..."

Junhyung was slightly shocked at the tears in her eyes but maintained his composure, "Am i wrong?"

Soo Yun glared at him with glistening tears in her eyes, "Fine... You have money.. you have friends.. you have almost everything everyone would kill have.. But that... that doesnt give you permission to talk about someone's parents that way... NEVER..."

"I could care less... What are you gonna do?  Run to your mommy and daddy and tell them that someone bullied you?"  Junhyung said in a baby voice.

A tear then rolled down Soo Yun's cheek and she clenched her fist.  She turned around and hurried away slamming the door behind her.

Soo Yun then ran down the stairs and out the school building until she ran into someone.  She looked up and saw Kikwang.

"Ah.. Kikwang.. I'm sorry."  Soo Yun tried regaining her composure and wiped away her tears but every time she wiped one away another appeared until she just started crying altogether.

"Soo Yun?... Are you alright?..."  Kikwang asked but she didnt answer and kept crying.  She kneeled down and cried in her hands.

Kikwang also kneeled down and looked at her with worried eyes.  Then slowly he held her in his arms as she kept crying harder and harder.


"I DONT WANT HER!"  A male voice rang.

The 10 year old Soo Yun peaked through the doorway and saw her father talking to her uncle.

"Please... Dae Sung Ah..."  Her Uncle begged.

"Its because of her... ITS ALL BECAUSE OF HER!!!! I lost... I LOST MY PRECIOUS SHINAH!!!!"  Her father yelled while clutching both sides of his head to try to calm himself down.

Without knowing it herself young Soo Yun had tears falling down as she looked and listened on.

"It was never Soo Yun's fault... Dont blame this on a poor innocent child."  Her Uncle's voice was slowly becoming stern.

"I've tried Kang Dae.... I have.. But... These 10 years having to live with that... that... DEMON... I cant... No.. I've reached my limit..." Dae Sung said tiredly.



"Dae Sung... she's your precious child... dont do this.."  Kang Dae's voice became slightly more calm.

"No... NO!  She will NEVER be of ANYTHING PRECIOUS to ME!!  If you want her YOU CAN HAVE HER!!!  But i will have NOTHING TO DO WITH HER!"  

"Wait Dae Sung!-"  Then the door slammed.  Kang Dae scratched his head and then turned around.. But what he saw broke him the most that evening... It was a 10 year old Soo Yun standing there with her bunny doll and tears rolling down her cheeks.  She wasnt wailing or anything.  She just continued to stare at her uncle as the tears slowly rolled down.

Kang Dae went up to Soo Yun with a sad look on his face and he knelt down to hug her.  He soon started crying, "It's alright Soo Yun ah... I've got you..."



Kikwang kept holding her as Soo Yun wailed with tears rolling fast down her cheeks.

"Its alright...."  Kikwang muttered as he patted her head.


"Thank you..."  Soo Yun said as she calmed down.  Kikwang and her were both sitting down on the bench drinking hot chocolate.

"You sure you're alright?"  Kikwang asked still worried.

Soo Yun nodded then smiled, "I'm completely fine.. Thank you.."

There was silence for a few seconds then Kikwang spoke up, "You.... wanna tell me... what happened?"

Soo Yun looked at her drink as she was deciding whether or not to tell him.

"Never mind you dont have to-"  

"My mom...  passed away as she gave birth to me.."  Soo Yun said still looking down at her drink.

"I-I'm sorry...."  Kikwang said as he saw the sadness on her face...

Soo Yun shook her head, "No.. It's not even your fault... It was mine.. In a way... I killed her.."

Kikwang was surprised and slightly saddened at what she said, "No... Accidents happen."

Soo Yun sighed sadly, "I was an accident.. that killed my own mother... and thats why.... Thats why.."  New fresh tears slowly rolled down into her drink.  She sniffled once, "That's why Dad left..."

Kikwang looked at her sadly, *Her dad left her?....."

"I understand... Why he hates me.. Why he always looked at me with those eyes... of hate and disgust throughout those 10 years... It was because... because of me that he lost the most important thing to him... his wife..."  Then she started sniffling more and more and the tears continued to fall down again.

Kikwang sat closer to her and put an arm around her shoulder, "Why would anyone look at you like that?."  Soo Yun looked up at him with her teary eyes.

Kikwang smiled, "I Know i wouldnt.."  Soo Yun then chuckled at his cuteness and wiped her tears.  Then they were laughing together.

*I'm happy you're smiling."  Kikwang thought while he looked at Soo Yun laughing.


*Knock Knock*  Junhyung knocked on the door to So Young's ballet studio.

So Young looked at the doorway and was surprised to see Junhyung there, "Junhyung...."

Junhyung walked over to her and smiled slightly, "Hi..."

"What do you want?-"  

"I came here to tell you that..... i'm not giving up on you."  Junhyung said confidently.


"I know i know... you only think of me just as a friend.. And i promise to leave you alone.. we'll stay just friends. but... sooner or later you're gonna find out that i'm the one that you truly need.. not JUST as a friend."  

So Young just looked at him as he smirked, "Well... I'll see you later then."  Then he walked away as So Young sighed and shook her head.

Junhyung was smiling as he walked outside and he stretched while looking at the bright blue sky.  Once he looked down though he saw Kikwang and Soo Yun sitting on a bench.  He looked over at them and started walking towards them.

"What're you doing here Kikwang?"  He asked once he reached them.

"Oh Hey Hyung!"  Kikwang said while laughing.

*Why are they so... happy?..*  Junhyung wondered but as soon as Soo Yun saw him her smile vanished.

"We have practice soon."

"Oh RIGHT!  Sorry.. I got a little sidetracked.."  Kikwang said giggling abit.

"By her?... Really Kikwang... You have the WORST taste in women."  Junhyung said.


"And You.. Shouldnt you be practicing on your dancing instead of flirting with Kikwang?... Its embarrassing."  Junhyung said staring straight at Kikwang.

"Yah Hyung!  Dont say that!  Soo Yun's been-"  Kikwang was interrupted again by Soo Yun.

"Oh i practice.. AND i get better and better each day... But you??..  Tch.. With your skills i doubt you'll EVER be able to get better even if you practice 24/7."  Junhyung then replied harshly, "At least i'm better than you."

"Better?  Please... When you dance you look like you're having a seizure."

Junhyung then turned angry, "All right... You wanna play at this game?... fine..  Challenge."

"Yah dont do this Hyung-"  Kikwang tried stopping them.

"Fine by me."  Soo Yun said determined.

"You too?-"  Junhyung interrupted Kikwang again.

"The person who loses-"  Junhyung started off.

"The person who loses.."  Soo Yun repeated.

"A slave... for a month.."  Junhyung said.

Soo Yun scoffed then looked at him seriously,"Fine.. But dont get scared off."

Junhyung smirked, "I would worry about myself if i were you."  Then he walked off, "Let's go Kikwang."

"Aish... How did it turn into this?."  Kikwang said worriedly.

"I'll be fine Kikwang.  Just a fun challenge."  Soo Yun smiled reassuring Kikwang.

"But... If you lose then..."

"Then i just wont lose."  Soo Yun smiled.

Kikwang brightened up, "You're right.  I'll keep rooting for you Soo Yun!"  

Soo Yun chuckled.

"Alright see you tomorrow and good luck!"  Kikwang yelled as he ran after Junhyung.

Soo Yun waved and smiled until he was completely out of sight, "What have i gotten myself into?...."


Hey so yes i kinda got the idea of "slave for a month from Heartstrings"  XD.. Oh and Dae Sung is not Big Bang's daesung so dont worry :P haha.  Anyways enjoyy



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Update soon please? c:
awwwww i love this story...... whn r u gonna update again????? plz update soooon...... :)
ShallWe_Apple #3
Can I say I love this story!!! Please le do update it's so good! Need moar!
Update soon!! I love your story(:
PLS update soon
This...will be interesting >3 can't wait to read more! ^^