Acceptance, the first step to Friendship


Glancing around the café one last time, I sighed and stood up, paying for my coffee. I had sat at a table in the corner for more than half an hour, pretending that it was my intention to be here alone the whole time. All around me, couples and friends from the university chatted and I had sat quietly, reading a book, hoping no one would notice me.

Of course he wouldn’t come. Why had I agreed to come anyway?

But I didn’t agree I realised and smiled to myself, glad that my pride hadn’t been completely destroyed.

“Hey! Sorry I’m so late; I was kept back in my English literature lecture. Boy that professor can talk. Or maybe it’s the fact that I can’t speak English that well…” someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned slowly, hardly daring to believe it. So he had decided to come after all. Maybe he wasn’t as stuck up as I thought he was.

“I thought you had abandoned me. I was just about to leave” I said the first thing that came to mind. I hadn’t intended to tell him the truth but it just came spilling out. Oddly enough, I didn’t feel embarrassed about my words. He nodded and slapped himself on his head.

“Sorry about that. I really am. Here, let me get you something. Oh but you’ve already eaten haven’t you? Oh gosh, sorry, I’m rambling” he mumbled, quickly turning tomato red. His expression was genuine and he looked like he truly was sorry. I softened a bit and smiled at him, placing a hand on his arm.

“It’s fine. Really. At least you didn’t ditch me and throw my pride at my pride, which to be honest, I thought you would” I chuckled at his shocked expression and led him over to the table I had just been sitting at alone. But now, I had company. It felt nice to have someone to have lunch with.

“So, what does a star like you think about university? You know, it’s something like us normal people do” I asked, teasing. He turned red again and I suppressed a giggle. When I had been a fan, I remember thinking that shy Yong Guk was the most precious thing.

“Uh, well I wouldn’t call me a star. Alright I am an idol of sorts but seriously it’s no big deal” he muttered, clearly embarrassed by his status of an international star.

“You know, I thought you were going to be all stuck up and proud. That was my first impression of you when I recognized you in our performing arts lecture” I commented, smiling secretly to myself as an expression of horror spread across his face.

“I’m sorry if I seemed like that. I’m uh…extremely shy; I guess you could put it that way. And also, I was a little pissed off at our manager for doing this. But I’m glad now cause I met you” he blurted all of this out, as if he had been holding in all his feelings and had now decided to spill all of it out. I shook my head and grinned at him. Hesitantly, he smiled back.

“To be honest, I called you a cocky bastard earlier today after you made that ballsy move of asking me out for lunch” I said, then immediately clapped my mouth in horror. I didn’t know what had come over me to have compelled me to say something like that. This time he smiled and patted my arm, reassuring me.

“BAP’s charismatic leader huh? Well you’re a pretty sweet guy so far” I try again, this time complimenting him. He grinned and for a while, we sat there, surveying each other over our coffee cups.

On camera, he had always seemed so intimidating and proud. Despite this, he showed his sweet side through his obvious concern for his younger members. He was like a father figure to them and of course everyone knew the mother was Himchan. But seeing him now, without anyone he knew and in a country where no one spoke his native tongue, he showed a different side of himself. Nervous and shy, he had tried to cover that with an act. For some unknown reason, I already felt as if I was close to him, even if I had only known him personally for a few hours. Our conversation flowed easily which was another surprising thing for me. Even more unexpected, we got along well, as if we were old friends catching up on old times. Even the language barrier wasn’t a problem, though he did stumble over some words at times.

“…then he let out a huge snore, which of course scared the living daylights out of us” laughing at his story, I glanced at my watch. My eyes widened at the time and I stood up abruptly.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! It’s already six! Wow time flies when I’m with you huh?” I exclaimed. Just as surprised as I was, he glanced at his own watch and sighed in disappointment.

“Are you free for dinner?” he asked hopefully.

“No. I’m so sorry but I have a lecture at seven and I promised I would meet up with my friend for a quick dinner right about now” I said, disappointment heavy in my own voice.

“By the way, you never told me where your band members were placed” I say suddenly, making an attempt to drag time along. He laughed at this a mischievous twinkle appeared in his eyes.

“That’s classified information. Have breakfast with me tomorrow morning and maybe I’ll tell you” he answered, motioning at his phone. Doing the same, I took out my phone and we swapped numbers, him promising to call tonight. Finally, I stepped out into the cool evening air and made my way quickly to the small restaurant down the road closest to the university. 


I know i second chapter and it's still so short? I'm so sorry! 

Still, I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well and I'll post again tomorrow!! keep voting! :D




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Chapter 5: So... what was that about? o.o The mystery deepens. Why was Janice all teasing and "you like each other" only to when something actually happens? I guess I'll have to wait and keep reading to find out. Another good chapter! ^,^
Chapter 1: I'm interested in seeing where this story is going. I enjoyed the first chapter ^^