Days :- (Chapter 2) Wednesday

Monday Couple One-Shot Compilations ~






Haha : Hah, I shiver every time Wednesday comes by.. Huh? You don't know why? That was the first time Ji Hyo and Gary hyung had a fight! To make things worse, it happened at my house!





It honestly wasn't looking good for me, with the situation that was currently going on in my apartment that is.


Oh too far ahead? Let me go back just a little and start over.


It was two in the afternoon and Byul had gone out to visit her mother. Her family knew we were dating but we hadn't spread the news out to the media yet. They all liked me, well every one of them except for her mother, "Her scary as hell mother," I say out loud, correcting myself. That was the entire reason I chose not to go with her.


I loved my girlfriend to bits, honest, and I would do anything for her. Anything but meet her mom when I had the choice not to. Thankfully, she understood my predicament and allowed me to relax in my cozy apartment. Geun Shik had also gone out, a 'business meeting' he had proclaimed. I laughed at his excuse. That guy thinks he can lie to me after living in the same apartment with me for 3 years? I yelled out a loud 'Have a good date with your girlfriend!' as he headed out the door.


Propping my legs up on the coffee table, I groan in boredom. It was 3 hours since I was alone at home and there was nothing to do at all. There was nothing nice to watch on TV and the house and run out on it's food supplies. I briefly considered making a mess so I could just waste time by cleaning it up again. Figuring that it was a bad idea though, I brought out my phone and searched through the caller ID list.


Jong Kookie hyung ~ <3


Nah.. He's probably exercising in the gym. If I call him, he'd yell at me for wasting time and to go work out with him.


I scroll down, passing the names of some non-celebrity friends. They were all probably working and I didn't want to call them up for a chat, it would probably disturb them or worse, get them in trouble.


Girin >:o===Q<


Kwang Soo would work just fine. Who knows? If I ask nicely, he may even give me a foot massage.


Pressing the call button, I put the phone up my ear, humming along to Jong Kook hyung's new song that Kwang Soo had saved as a ringtone. There was a sudden beep and before I could open my mouth to yell out 'YAH GIRAFFE!', his voicemail started playing.


'Hello! You have reached the voice mailbox of the number 0. 1. -'


I furiously press the end call button and chuck the phone to my side, muttering a low curse word. That was when the thought hit me! I heard Gary hyung and Ji Hyo mumble about how they had no plans today! I could call them both over! Yeah, they'd be all mushy with each other but that was better to watch than the crappy shows that was playing on all the channels.


Picking my smartphone back up, I scroll through the list, looking for Gary hyung's contact number. 


Peaceful hyungnim ~ [-.-]


I quickly press the call button again before turning on the Speakerphone feature. It didn't take long before a long drawn out 'Yesss Haroro oppa,' replied me from the other end. It was Ji Hyo! Great, they were already together! That means they could get here faster!


I hurriedly tell her to come over with Gary, begging by proclaiming that I was bored out of wits end and that I needed company. She seemed to tease me at first before I offered ordering tons of food for her, to which she happily complied. She ended the call by telling me that they'd be over as soon as Gary oppa wasn't being such a bastard.


I was a little shocked, not that Ji Hyo had cursed, as she does it so very often, but by the fact that she said it towards Gary. Were they fighting?

Suddenly I wondered if inviting them over was a good idea.




"Yah oppa! Open up!," came Ji Hyo's voice from the main door. I ran forward, keys already in hand to unlock the door. After pulling open a the latch, I yank the handle forward revealing Ji Hyo with Gary behind her.


She scolds me for taking too long before carrying some plastic bags filled with groceries that she had brought along into the kitchen, I look at Gary and he gives me an exasperated sigh. The guy looked like he had been through a tornado and back, maybe even expecting another round. I stop myself from laughing at his solemn face before pulling him into the living room. 


I hand him the TV remote before rushing off to help Ji Hyo in the kitchen, glancing back and Gary and noticing that he had Arirang, paying attention to some Sports broadcast.


As I enter the kitchen, I move towards Ji Hyo, giving her a soft pat on the back as I help her arrange the groceries that she bought. She was like the little sister I always wanted as being the youngest in my family, I wanted someone to look after sometimes.


Thanking her for the free groceries, I ask her what was up between her and Gary.


She sighs before explaining that they were actually at the grocery store and they were planning to visit me even before I had called. The two of them had planned to come over and cook a cake for me and Byul but they were both arguing over whether they needed Baking Soda or Baking Powder.

She procceeded to explaing the long story and conversation they had over who was right but my mind blanked out.




That was why Gary was sulking? A silly argument over an ingredient?..


The feeling that built up in me was so severe that I wanted to yell and laugh at them both, and smack them until they realized that it was a stupid argument, that was, until I realized Gary walked into the kitchen.


He walked towards the fridge and rummages his hand around in it before pulling out a bottle of Cola. He opened the cap and took a long sip before moving forward to help place the groceries. Carrying the plastic that was containing the items for the cake, he pulled out random ingredients. Cheese, cream, sugar, milk.. The list went on and on until he stopped, looking a little confused. He went over to the other stacks, brushing past Ji Hyo as he searched through them.


Suddenly, he yelled out a loud 'Yah! Mong Ji Hyo!"


"What is it?," she replied in an angry tone.




The next thing I knew, I had the Monday Couple shouting curses and frantically re-checking every bag and drawer for those two darn ingredients. They yelled at each other, yelled at themselves and Ji Hyo even had the audacity to blame the check out counter employee. I sat in a corner and just snickered. Byul and I had fought before, but it was the first time I'd ever seen a couple fight over some.. trifle matter.


After 30 minutes though, it got pretty boring and I figured that I should say something. I immediately calm the two lovebirds down and drag them into the living room, placing them next to each other on my burgundy colored loveseat.


"Aish, I seriously don't understand you two. Your first fight and it's about cake ingredients? Cham.." I say out loud.


"You, Kang Gary, stop looking like you got run over! Next time you fight, find a way to make up!"


"AND YOU! Mong Ji Hyo, the right ingredient IS baking POWDER. Poor Gary hyung got yelled at for nothing," I chuckled as soon as I said this.


After giving them a long lecture, I proclaimed that I was going to go out and get us some bibimbap, giving them exactly 3 quarters of an hour until I got home to stop fighting and make up. I walked over to my room and grabbed my car keys and wallet.


Going towards the door I give them both a thumbs up, smiling as I hear the sound of Ji Hyo giggling after Gary had cracked some stupid joke.



As I excited my apartment complex and walked towards the nearby restaurant, the thought of what those two were going to do in my house ran across my mind. I cringed but figured it was worth it if the Monday Couple were going to stop fighting.


Today was one heck of a day alright.

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Micalbautista #1
Chapter 24: Please continue this mini-fic!! It's seriously amazing!!
Micalbautista #2
Chapter 15: Love this!! Very in character for LKS!!
circle_ #3
Chapter 12: this chapter is so sweeetttt
KangAzmi #4
Chapter 23: Authornim. Pls finish "LETS MEET NOW" story line. It's really interesting!
KangAzmi #5
Chapter 23: Please finish this story line authornim. Sounds promising
HaMoon #6
Chapter 25: U should update yr story..hehe
alex03 #7
Chapter 25: will you ever write an mc ff again? hope you do... :)
Chapter 1: love it !! i am big fan of monday couple too..So if you have some time, you can check out my story and give some comment !
chomel #9
Author-nim, you're my fav author here! Really love your multitude of writing styles and your creativities on all ur stories. Keep up d great work!
zpa235_ #10
Chapter 25: Daebak!! I love all of them! Such a great stories. Really can't wait for the next update^^