Days (A Monday Couple Series) :- Tuesday (Chapter 1)

Monday Couple One-Shot Compilations ~




Jae Suk : Most people think that the Monday Couple.. well, started on a Monday. In actual truth though, our Chun Sung Im said "We're real now," on a Tuesday afternoon.



I was freaking out.


Alright, maybe freaking out was too mild of a term. I would have sworn that any second now, I'd be on the floor clutching my chest and gasping for her in cardiac arrest. My hand were fumbling as I furiously tried fixing my hair and tugging the sleeves of my shirt, a exasperated sigh escaping my lips.


Get a grip Gary, I think to myself.


It's only a first date. No biggie.


Taking a few deep breaths as I wiped the sweat that had formed on my forehead with my sleeve, I quickly lifted my hand and gave a firm knock on the door before me. Knock, knock, knock, knock. Bracing myself, I waited patiently for Ji Hyo to answer the door.


Ji Hyo, our wonderful Ace. The woman who had put me in this state of which I felt so much, where I absolutely wanted, needed to please her and see those big eyes and brilliant smile. It hadn't been long for her to show her charms and we had only been past the 34th episode of Running Man before I finally worked up the courage in asking her for a date. I still remember how nervous I was and how I stuttered before busting out the question, as we had just finished 'Monday Couple's supposedly first date' and I really wanted us to be real..


"Ermm.. Song Ji Hyo?," I asked when I noticed that there were no cameras or staff in close range.


"Yes, oppa?," she replied, looking at me with her classic mong face.


"Would you like to come with me some place?"


"No no, I meant, would you like to come out with me?"


"Wait.. no.. Like.. Ergh.."


I noticed her chuckling at my fumbling and she tried helping me by saying, "So.. like a date?"


A little shocked that she took it so straight, I nodded and looked down, fearing she would say no. I opened my mouth with the aim of telling her that it didn't need to be counted as a date if she didn't want it to, that I just wanted to hang out and spend time with her but she quickly responded with a. "Of course, oppa. I'd love to go out with you."


Honestly, I felt my heart soar at her statement and we spent the next 10 minutes planning on where we'd like to head out. I suggested an expensive dinner and a movie, well because, I was a guy and I figured that would be the best option but instead she asked me to come over on Tuesday, to her place, as we both had nothing on our schedules. 


Click, came the sound of the door unlocking as I dragged myself back to reality and stared at the woman before me.


She was wearing a long, baggy sweater with shorts and her hair was tied into place with a huge clip. She dressed casual and the look suited her figure and face tremendously. She smiled at me, asking me to come in and take a seat as she went and checked on the meal she was cooking.


As she hurried off into the kitchen, I closed her mahogany door and attached the latch, taking some time to make sure it was absolutely secured before I relaxed on her couch. Glancing around her room, I took it all in. It's not that I hadn't been here before, I'd actually been here a countless number of times. Though. it was with the company of all the other members. So being her alone, it brought on an entirely new feel.


The room smelt like.. food, probably because of the storm that Ji Hyo was cooking up in the kitchen, with a touch of crisp fresh air. The living room was neat, almost pristine with a hint that it's owner had a taste for the classics. The sofa was cream colored and leathered and the plain table that sat in front of it was a dark brown, topped off with a bowl holding an overflowing assortment of sweets. The carpet was a plush, striking colors covered every inch as it stood out against the floor.


Walking forward, I plopped myself down at the edge of the sofa, grabbing a sweet in the process and popping it into my mouth. I chewed and chewed, waiting for Ji Hyo to  be done with the food until I noticed a stack of DVDs next to me. Carefully picking them up, I went through the titles one by one.


7beonbangui Seonmul, Oldboy, Sympathy for Mr.Vengeance, Chinjeolhan geumjassi.


It seemed that Ji Hyo had a good taste in movies as well. These were all amazing movies, garnering rave reviews everywhere. Suddenly, I heard the shuffle of feet beside me and tilted my head sideways, watching as Ji Hyo jumped over the armrests and onto the seat next to me. After explaining to me that she'd bring the food out once we had watched the movie, I handed her the stack, telling her that she should choose what she wanted to see. With a chuckle, she immediately picked out 7beonbangui Seonmul and opened the box, pulling out it's disc and placing it into the DVD player.


The player whirred to life as the opening credits of the movie started and sadly, I would be lying if I said that I paid any attention to the movie after that point. Ji Hyo had decided that snuggling on my arm was fun and it had started sending shivers down my spine, every time I felt her head move closer and closer to my chest.


Grabbing the cup of cola that Ji Hyo brought earlier, "In case we get thirsty," she had said, I carried it up to my lips, hoping that a few long sips would calm my nerves. Well, that plan didn't turn out so well as Ji Hyo decided yet again to turn and look at me, her face inches from mine.




The sound of the cup dropping on me and rebounding on the floor gave a shock to both me and her as I curse silently for the condition of my pants. Great, I just got this washed for today. She stands up to get a towel for me, saying that she would wipe it off but I politely refuse, asking if I could use the bathroom instead.

If I dropped a cup of cola on me just because she looked at me, I would probably get a raging tent if she even comes close to placing her hands on my thighs.


Walking into her bedroom, I headed straight for the white door located next to her walk-in-closet. Closing the door as I enter the bathroom, I immediately turn on the tap of the sink, collecting water in my hands as I wash off the cola stains on my pants. I was a embarrassed as hell, as it probably looked like I wet myself.. Not a good look for a first date.


I sigh, collecting my thoughts as I glance into the mirror. Looking at my stressed out face, I scold myself. Man up Gary! Get a grip! You want this woman, don't you?


Walking back out, I take note of her bedroom, noticing the sea green walls and the lavender scent. Her bed was a pure white, fluffy animal pillows resting everywhere. I noticed a giraffe plushie lying on the floor, an impala as well. A cute pororo pillow was placed on her dresser. On the bed was a lion, a grasshopper, a cat and a monkey. I laughed, thinking about how sweet she was to keep our animal versioned plushies with her.


With a new found confidence, I stroll into the living room, aiming to make this date a success… until I saw Ji Hyo crying.


"Why is she crying? Did you do something? What did you do the her Gary?" came my thoughts. Confused and a little dazed at the situation, I run forward, hoping to figure out what was wrong and comfort her. Sitting beside her, I ask her what was wrong as she wiped her tears. Looking at me with wet eyes, she giggles and explains that the movie was sad and it made her cry. I sigh, grateful that it wasn't anything else and looked at the screen. The movie seemed to be ending so I suggested that we turn it off and get the food and she agreed.


As she sauntered off into the kitchen again, I find the DVD player's remote and quickly press the off switch. Ji Hyo immediately came back into the room as I sat crossed legged beside the table and she placed the food onto it. She had cooked heoddok, a sweet syrup pancake and poolppang, a custard bread puff.


My stomach grumbled at the dishes before me and she laughed before sitting down as well and saying our usual 'I'll eat it well."


As we ate, we discussed many things. We talked about how excited we were when watching Kwang Soo's new drama and how Yoo Jae Suk hyung had given me good advice. She talked about Haha and his silly antics before moving on to the topic of Jong Kook hyung. She said that she was worried about him, especially for his back and I agreed with her, though I was mildly jealous that she didn't worry about me..


'Don't you worry about me too?' I think in my head before getting a shock at her reply. Darn it, I must have said it out loud.


"Just because I don't talk about you, doesn't mean I don't worry or care for you, oppa." she says with food in . I smile at how care-free she is while saying that, as I didn't know any woman who was as laid back on a date as she was. I reach my hand out and brushed aside a strand of her hair that had fallen out of place.


"I'm happy, oppa."


"Oh? Why is that?" I ask, a cheeky grin forming on my face.

"We're real now," she replied, a smile following suit. "We're finally real now."


I would have screamed and yelled in happiness as Ji Hyo had finally called us a pair. An item.. A couple. I was proud that I could hold her, that I was the man who would be with her from this day forth and I blushed at the image of marrying her in my head..

Yes, she was the kind of woman you brought home to your mother, she was the kind of woman you wanted to make love to everyday and she was the kind of woman who you wrote love songs about..


I could only nod and smile at her ramblings from then after, intent on writing a song about her as soon as I reached home..

After all, who didn't love Song Ji Hyo?


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Micalbautista #1
Chapter 24: Please continue this mini-fic!! It's seriously amazing!!
Micalbautista #2
Chapter 15: Love this!! Very in character for LKS!!
circle_ #3
Chapter 12: this chapter is so sweeetttt
KangAzmi #4
Chapter 23: Authornim. Pls finish "LETS MEET NOW" story line. It's really interesting!
KangAzmi #5
Chapter 23: Please finish this story line authornim. Sounds promising
HaMoon #6
Chapter 25: U should update yr story..hehe
alex03 #7
Chapter 25: will you ever write an mc ff again? hope you do... :)
Chapter 1: love it !! i am big fan of monday couple too..So if you have some time, you can check out my story and give some comment !
chomel #9
Author-nim, you're my fav author here! Really love your multitude of writing styles and your creativities on all ur stories. Keep up d great work!
zpa235_ #10
Chapter 25: Daebak!! I love all of them! Such a great stories. Really can't wait for the next update^^