
Excuse you.

Chapter 5

“Yes, a reservation for Kris Wu at 7pm. Thank you so much” Kris said as he hung up the phone. Tomorrow it’s D-day. He was finally going to confess to Yixing after 2 going on to 3 months of just staring at him. With the help of Luhan, he made plans to ask Yixing out today while he was at the café.


Yixing was daydreaming as he wiped the glasses; he really likes Kris but has no idea how is he going to confess. Suddenly, a knock on the table shocked him out of his daydream. Kris was here again, and since Luhan was nowhere to be seen, he had no choice but to take up the cashier. “Hey Yixing, I think I will try something new. Do you have any recommendations?” Yixing had to struggle to breathe because damn, Kris was in a white button-down today and sleek leather pants. “Erm…erm…..” Yixing trailed off, where was Luhan when you need him?! Just then, it was as though Luhan heard his thoughts, he appeared out of the kitchen and waved to Kris, “Hey Yifan, good to see ya bro, I think you should get today’s specialty, Salted Caramel Frappe with mocha chips and also the new raspberry cheesecake.” Kris pondered for a while, yeah that sounds good, plus I bet the cake was made by Yixing. “Okay, how much will it be?” “total will be $12.40, hey Xing, mind if I ask you go prepare the drink? Oh, and no whipped cream, Yifan doesn’t like his drink with whipped cream so yeah.” Yixing went over to whip up the drink? “Yifan? No whipped cream?” How does Luhan know so much about Kris? He made a mental note to ask Luhan at night as he silently prepare the drink, making sure to do it with care.

“There you go, hope you will enjoy the drink and cake, enjoy ya.” Yixing said as he placed it on Kris’ table. Before he left, however, Kris grabbed his wrist and said, “hey Yixing, I planned a dinner with Luhan and Sehun, join us?” Yixing was stunned; did Kris just ask him out? “I-I-I….” He didn’t know what to say, this was too much for him to handle. “Of course he will join us! Right, Yixing? I was about to ask him but you beat me to it. We will see you tomorrow, 7pm at the restaurant yeah?” Luhan said as he dragged the shocked Yixing back to the counter.


“What were you thinking?! Accepting his request?” hissed Yixing as he was back in the kitchen. Luhan replied, “Since you are always so speechless in front of him, I as your best friend, helped you out of a sticky situation. Think about it, it will be like a double date, therefore while Sehun and I are having our couple time, you and him can bond too! Isn’t that perfect?” “But what if I messed up? He will definitely not like me anymore!” Yixing half-wailed, “give yourself a chance Xing, I’m sure he will like you too! Now go and prepare more cakes, and don’t think about tomorrow, everything will be fine.” “I guess…” Yixing said as he prepared the ingredients to make the cake, “oh, but what will I wear tomorrow?!” He shouted at Luhan as he was going out. “Don’t worry, I have it all planned out.” Luhan smirked as he left, he cannot wait for tomorrow.

A/N: woah Yixing you got to chilll, or not Kris willl not like you x) Pls, Kris loves Yixing. You guys know that right. And Luhan being that sneaky lil' . Hurhurhur. x)


anyway Im back after 6 months? IDk, but Im sorry for the delay yeah, but I made plans to finish the story by July. I already have half of the enxt chapter written out so woohooo! and alll the best to me for my mid-year exams...hopefully i don't flunk any subjects LOL. Anyway till then, see ya! ;) 

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m-unicorn #1
Chapter 7: Just discovered this fic and oh my gawd it is so cute and fun and FLUFFYYYYY *^* I'll wait impatiently for the following chapters so don't you dare stay away for years uh? é.è
Anyway those cuties >3< Their relation is so adorable ** AND KRIS STOP FREAKING PLAYING WITH THIS POOR YIXING X'D Joke. It's fun. Mouahahahah.
miaamaryllis #2
Chapter 5: oh kris had feeling for yixing all these time? xD wonder what surprise he has for him~ are kris and luhan related? o.o cant wait for the nxt chapter!^^
Chapter 5: I wonder how long did Kris know about Yixing's crush on him? I mean, he looks pretty close to Lulu, that means he probably likes Yixing since forever XD
Can I laugh? Kris is so freakin giant:')
Chapter 3: First move, very smooth, Kris! :D
nicole1999noon #6
Upvoted :}
nicole1999noon #7
Chapter 2: Niceeeeee story you have here chingu!:)