
Excuse you.

Chapter 3

“He asked for your number?! Like your number?! Really?!” Luhan shrieked, almost knocking over Sehun who was sleeping on his lap because when Luhan is sick, he gets really hyper, like what even-

“Shhh, and yes he asked for my number,” Yixing said absentmindedly, he was still thinking about the conversation earlier that day.

“Ohmaigawd, Yixing isn’t this great! He took the initiative to ask for your number! He must have like you too!” Luhan exclaimed, bouncing up and down.

“But he said it’s because he doesn’t really know any Chinese around in Korea, and he also said he would like to hang out with you too.” Yixing replied dejectedly, slumping into the couch.

“Pfft, I bet it’s just an excuse, he is just too shy. Give him more time, it was like, the first time? Don’t be so pessimistic.” Luhan said.

“I guess…”


That night, when Luhan was around sound asleep, Yixing was still up, looking for new recipes for cakes.

‘Bzzz’, Yixing’s phone vibrated as he gotten a new message. Yixing stare at it in surprise, who could possibly message so late?



From: unknown number

Hey! Forgotten to message you when I got back, haha, sorry for disturbing you at such a time. I’m Kris btw. Goodnight and see you tomorrow! :)”


Yixing stare at the message, mouth dropped open in surprise. He actually messaged him. Yixing was contemplating whether to reply, when he decided that Kris was probably asleep. He snuggles into his bed with a smile, falling asleep quickly.

A/N: sobbing bcos 14 subs alrdy ;~; thank you so much wooop! Short update hehe. 


Comment replies:

@SilentWords: Hehe, maybe, maybe not^^ thankyou! 

@Minzy21: Aww thanks sweetie :')

@nicole1999noon: yerr chingu! thanks! <3 ;;; 

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m-unicorn #1
Chapter 7: Just discovered this fic and oh my gawd it is so cute and fun and FLUFFYYYYY *^* I'll wait impatiently for the following chapters so don't you dare stay away for years uh? é.è
Anyway those cuties >3< Their relation is so adorable ** AND KRIS STOP FREAKING PLAYING WITH THIS POOR YIXING X'D Joke. It's fun. Mouahahahah.
miaamaryllis #2
Chapter 5: oh kris had feeling for yixing all these time? xD wonder what surprise he has for him~ are kris and luhan related? o.o cant wait for the nxt chapter!^^
Chapter 5: I wonder how long did Kris know about Yixing's crush on him? I mean, he looks pretty close to Lulu, that means he probably likes Yixing since forever XD
Can I laugh? Kris is so freakin giant:')
Chapter 3: First move, very smooth, Kris! :D
nicole1999noon #6
Upvoted :}
nicole1999noon #7
Chapter 2: Niceeeeee story you have here chingu!:)