
Excuse you.

Chapter 4

Over the next few weeks, Kris has been frequently hanging out at the counter instead of his usual seat at the couches. Yixing always comes out when he is free, usually after baking some new cakes he seen online, and brings it out for Kris to try, because Kris has said that he is really a big fan of Yixing’s cakes. This has caused Yixing to blush and Luhan’s loud cackling and teasing.

“Here, try this, rainbow chocolate cake,” Yixing said, as he set a plate full of cake in front of Kris. Kris’s eyes widen before happily digging in.


 The cake

“Wow, this is really good!” He said happily, mouth full of the cake. “You should definitely add this to your special treats.”

Yixing smiled from ear to ear, Kris looked like a little kid who has been given a sweet. He noticed a few crumbs at the corner of Kris’ mouth, and before he realised, his hand automatically reached out to brush it off.

Kris' eyes grew round; he choked on the cake and started coughing. Yixing, who just realised, immediately panic and took some serviettes for Kris.

“Ohmygod, ohmygod, I’m so sorry! I-I-I…..” Yixing stuttered. He eventually gave up and ran into the kitchen. Kyungsoo, who was there helping, looked up in surprise. He ran towards Yixing and hug him, trying to calm down the sobbing Yixing.

“Are you okay, Yixing hyung? What happened?" Kyungsoo asked as he patted Yixing.

“I-I saw some crumbs on…Kris’ mouth….so I-I tried to brush it off, but then…he started coughing and I didn’t know what to do so.. I-I…” Yixing said, hiccupping as well.

“There, there. It’s okay,” Kyungsoo consoled as he noticed Luhan signalling to him then Kris was fine.

Yixing couldn’t stop sobbing; he didn’t know what to do. 

“I messed up BIG time.” Yixing thought.

A/N: Short update bc I can't think properly right now. Meh, hope you guys will like it. ;~;  Hopefully a longer update tomorrow!


Comment replies:

@dcyseokyu: hehe bcos Kris is a gentleman, haha.

@SilentWords: hopefully not, o.O 


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m-unicorn #1
Chapter 7: Just discovered this fic and oh my gawd it is so cute and fun and FLUFFYYYYY *^* I'll wait impatiently for the following chapters so don't you dare stay away for years uh? é.è
Anyway those cuties >3< Their relation is so adorable ** AND KRIS STOP FREAKING PLAYING WITH THIS POOR YIXING X'D Joke. It's fun. Mouahahahah.
miaamaryllis #2
Chapter 5: oh kris had feeling for yixing all these time? xD wonder what surprise he has for him~ are kris and luhan related? o.o cant wait for the nxt chapter!^^
Chapter 5: I wonder how long did Kris know about Yixing's crush on him? I mean, he looks pretty close to Lulu, that means he probably likes Yixing since forever XD
Can I laugh? Kris is so freakin giant:')
Chapter 3: First move, very smooth, Kris! :D
nicole1999noon #6
Upvoted :}
nicole1999noon #7
Chapter 2: Niceeeeee story you have here chingu!:)