
Excuse you.


Luhan came over after he saw Yixing ran into the kitchen, he went over to Kris and handed him some water. He watched as Kris cleaned himself up and said, “You know, you should probably confess your feelings before Yixing tries to attempt self-harm.”

Kris smiled and said, “Ge, I would but its’ really cute to see Yixing being embarrassed and blushing every time.” Luhan rolled his eyes, “Yeah, but you know he likes you, you like him. Why can’t the two of you just be together before I vomit from all the fail attempts at flirting with him? Like, who spent 20 bucks every day to see a guy and doesn’t even talk to him?!” Kris replied, “Fine, but can you help me?”

Yixing slumped on the couch, Luhan had sent him home after seeing his distressed state. Before he left however, he saw Luhan and Kris laughing at each other and punching the shoulders, “I can never be like Luhan, I’m always the awkward one, the quiet one. See how Kris can be so comfortable around him within minutes, but it took me weeks to even start a conversation. I feel like a failure,” He wailed into the pillow.

“Who said you are a failure! To me, you are the best, kind, helpful, talented Xingtuo! Come on, don’t be so upset over the incident,” Luhan came in and chided his best friend, making Yixing sob into the pillow more. “See! You are so friendly around everybody, you even make Sehun laugh out loud at your lame jokes, and Sehun rarely laughs,” Yixing’s muffled voice came from the couch.

“Come on Xing, I’m sure it’s not that bad and you can talk to him more. Now go wash up and have a good rest, be a good boy now.” Luhan patted Yixing’s before sending him to the bathroom to shower. “And to think you are the childish one,” Yixing muttered.

Luhan made sure Yixing before going to the living room to make a call, “Hello Fan Fan? Yeah, about the surprise…”

A/N: Finally an update! Have so many tests this few weeks, and my end-of-year exams are coming up so I won't be updating till after its over. Hope you like this update! Kinda of short but it's the best I could come up with.A virtual hug for you if you can guess what its the relationship between Luhan and Kris ;) Till next time :p 


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m-unicorn #1
Chapter 7: Just discovered this fic and oh my gawd it is so cute and fun and FLUFFYYYYY *^* I'll wait impatiently for the following chapters so don't you dare stay away for years uh? é.è
Anyway those cuties >3< Their relation is so adorable ** AND KRIS STOP FREAKING PLAYING WITH THIS POOR YIXING X'D Joke. It's fun. Mouahahahah.
miaamaryllis #2
Chapter 5: oh kris had feeling for yixing all these time? xD wonder what surprise he has for him~ are kris and luhan related? o.o cant wait for the nxt chapter!^^
Chapter 5: I wonder how long did Kris know about Yixing's crush on him? I mean, he looks pretty close to Lulu, that means he probably likes Yixing since forever XD
Can I laugh? Kris is so freakin giant:')
Chapter 3: First move, very smooth, Kris! :D
nicole1999noon #6
Upvoted :}
nicole1999noon #7
Chapter 2: Niceeeeee story you have here chingu!:)