Small talk

Excuse you.

Luhan had a high fever in the morning, so Yixing had to force him to stay in bed and get Luhan’s boyfriend, Sehun, to come over to their apartment and take care of him. He also had to call the weekend helper, Kyungsoo, to take over Luhan for the day.

Currently, Yixing is sitting at the counter of the café, drumming his fingers while he waited for the giant to arrive. It has been 2 months and as far as he knows everything about the physical appearance of the giant and that he drinks only decaf latte at 10am in the morning with a slice of New York cheesecake and at 1pm, he asks for a triple-decker sandwich and an iced mocha and at 3pm before he leaves he gets another American cheesecake (what is the difference really) to takeaway. All this time, he has been reading “Harry Potter”, “The Chronicles of Narnia” and other mystical fiction books. Yixing thought that a person like him should be reading adult novels or something like, “How to be really successful in life” because really, mystical fiction? Even so, he knows everything except his name.

“Hey” a deep voice startled Yixing from his train of thoughts. He glanced up and nearly choked on his saliva. There stood the giant he was thinking about just five seconds ago and since when did he appear? “You seem to be really deep in thought, I have been standing here for nearly 5 minutes and the whole time you didn’t notice me,” the giant chuckled and Yixing thinks that his smile is really pretty.

He clears his throat and said, “Sorry about that, my friend is sick today so I was just wondering about him. Urm, what would you like?” the giant nodded and replied, “I was just wondering where your friend been, I have never seen you around before or maybe you did but I don’t really observe my surroundings.” He let out another hearty laugh and Yixing could feel the blush creeping up his neck. “Oh urm, yeah I’m the co-owner of this café with Luhan, my friend, he usually mans the cashier while I do the food. Your order will be a decaf ice latte and a New York cheesecake right?” He blurts out before realising that Kris has not said his order yet. ‘Omg, Yixing he will probably think you are a stalker or something.’ He mentally punched himself in the head. The giant look slightly taken aback before answering, “How did you know? I guess Luhan mention it to you before, seeing how I come here so often.” He slides his credit card across the counter to Yixing and as Yixing picks it up, He noticed the name is ‘Kris Wu’, “so, your name is Kris?” he thought aloud. “Yupp, what’s yours?” and Yixing swears he could almost feel his heart pumping so loud it could explode because Kris is asking for his name, his crush is asking for his name. “Urm, mynameisYixing,” he says it really fast. “Sorry, what’s that? Yixing, am I right? You are Chinese too?”  Kris’ eyes light up and Yixing’s blush just creeped up even further that he looks like a lobster right now. “Yeah, you are Chinese too?” Kris nodded and and Yixing had to look away because that was adorable.

“Here, your latte and cake, hope you have a great day!” Yixing said in Mandarin. Kris laughed and said, “Thank you but I’m staying here till 3pm. I had a great time talking to you and was wondering whether I could get your number, since I don’t really have many Chinese friends and it would be great if I could hang out with Luhan and you one day.” Yixing could have just fainted on the spot right there, because, did his crush just asked him for his number? He grabbed Kris’ receipt on the tray and scribbled his number. Kris thanked him and went to his usual spot by the corner. Yixing waited until he had settled in before dashing to the kitchen and tell Kyungsoo what happen before whipping out his phone and dial a familiar number.


“Luhan, you would never guess what just happen.” 


A/N: Chapter 2 updated! Kris finally talked to Yixing and ask for his number. Yay \o/ 

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m-unicorn #1
Chapter 7: Just discovered this fic and oh my gawd it is so cute and fun and FLUFFYYYYY *^* I'll wait impatiently for the following chapters so don't you dare stay away for years uh? é.è
Anyway those cuties >3< Their relation is so adorable ** AND KRIS STOP FREAKING PLAYING WITH THIS POOR YIXING X'D Joke. It's fun. Mouahahahah.
miaamaryllis #2
Chapter 5: oh kris had feeling for yixing all these time? xD wonder what surprise he has for him~ are kris and luhan related? o.o cant wait for the nxt chapter!^^
Chapter 5: I wonder how long did Kris know about Yixing's crush on him? I mean, he looks pretty close to Lulu, that means he probably likes Yixing since forever XD
Can I laugh? Kris is so freakin giant:')
Chapter 3: First move, very smooth, Kris! :D
nicole1999noon #6
Upvoted :}
nicole1999noon #7
Chapter 2: Niceeeeee story you have here chingu!:)