3rd June, Nowon-gu


Lee Teuk hissed a little when his shoulder accidently hit a young pathetic-looking man by the front desk.

‘Sorry, are you alright?” Lee Teuk asked him. But, the black-shaded man just walked passed him and dragged his feet and his spiritless body without a word.

Lee Teuk knitted his brows. He turned to face the brunette nurse and asked,

“Narsha, what with him? Is somebody dies?”

The nurse named Narsha just shrugged, “He looking for someone but the one he looking for was not here. Something like that, I guess.”

Lee Teuk`s eyes continued observed the man from far. Poor boy. Lee Teuk suddenly remembered the reason why he came to the hospital and quickly took put his phone before set it up to call HeeChul.

“HeeChul, where are you?”

“By the 4th level of West Building. Meet me by the espresso guy.”

‘You`re buying,”

Lee Teuk could hear the doctor`s sigh.

“Have you ever picked up a tab in your life?”





 HeeChul paid for a double tall espresso for himself and a grande triple caramel macchiato with extra whipped cream for his friend.

“You have the metabolism of a gnat,” HeeChul quoted.

‘Yeah, it`s great.”Lee Teuk smiled.

HeeChul observed his best friend`s face. “What are you doing here?”

“Talking to you,” Lee Teuk said. “It`s about Yu Jin.”

HeeChul`s nose scrunched, as he tried to remember something.

“Uee?” HeeChul`s eyes met Lee Teuk`s, asking for a clarification.

“Uee?” Lee Teuk asked back.

HeeChul nodded, “Isn`t that what you called her? Uee, the doe-eyed girl.”








JunHyung felt the tingling feeling at the pit of his stomach getting harder. And his anger started to go high.

“What do you mean by there`s no such name? Can you please check again?”

The brunette nurse exhaled softly before turned her attention back to the computer`s screen. After a few seconds, she looked once again the paled-faced man.

“I`m really sorry Sir, according to the record, there`s no patient named Jang HyunSeung being treated in this hospital.”

What kind of joke is this?

“What kind of joke is this?”

DuJun loosened JunHyung`s tight grips on his collar, slowly. JunHyung felt his knees wobble as he sat down desperately onto the tiled floor. Shocking, confused, puzzled, he felt them all in one. He was too tired. Even if his knuckle was about to burst onto DuJun`s face anytime, he can`t.

The leader sat next to JunHyung. YoSeop was already out, just a bit earlier than JunHyung when the exhausted rapper knocking his door crazily. He was grateful enough JunHyung did not hit him or something.

DuJun placed something on JunHyung`s thigh before began, “That`s why we told you to never rush into anything.”

JunHyung chuckled bitterly. Try to say that again if same thing happened to YoSeop. “What`s this?” He asked although it was obvious the thing on his lap was actually a CD.

DuJun tried to smile a bit. “Kangin-shii gave this to us the day when you go after HyunSeung. The doctors that treat HyunSeung had recorded HyunSeungie`s weekly therapy session,”

JunHyung lifted his head drastically. His eyes widened in disbelief.

“Want to see it?”






“So,” HeeChul sipped his drink, “What do you want to do? You`ll meet her?”

 A heavy escaped from Lee Teuk`s mouth. ‘I don`t know. It`s been 5 months and honestly, I had nothing toward her now. But, the Ga-In told me, it`s looked like she was in kind of trouble. I`m not sure what to do.”

A silence hovered between them before HeeChul spoke out, ”No matter what you`ll do, be extra careful. KyuHyun after you right now and only she that knew about the thing that you took from them.”

Lee Teuk face palmed, remembering his stupid past. He massaged his wrinkled forehead, and his eyes were closed tightly.

HeeChul patted his friend a bit hard. “Hey, I`m here! You will not going to go through this alone. You have me. You have Joonie.” HeeChul tried to remind Lee Teuk that he still have his family namely his step younger brother, Lee Joon.

“He`s not going help,” Lee Teuk muttered, but HeeChul could hear it. “What happened? Is this about HyunSeung again?”

“He said he`ll exposed about HyunSeung to HyunSeung`s band members. No matter how many times I tried to persuade him not to tell anyone until HyunSeung`s condition become more stable, he just ignored it!”

One of HeeChul`s eyes brows lifted. “Really?”

Lee Teuk started to act like he always does when he nagging.” Yeah, can`t you believe that? That brat really knows how to ignore me now. Whenever I want to talk to him, want to tell him about HyunSeung`s therapy, he just run away like I some kind of wall or something.”

HeeChul grinned,” Lee Teuk-“

“Did I ever tell you about how he treated HyunSeung. Wasn`t he an idol like HyunSeung too? Or are they were enemy back then, huh?” Lee Teuk continued his rants.

“Wow, I kind of surprised,” HeeChul finally got his chance to speak.

Lee Teuk gave him the ‘told you’ look, ”Me too, since when Lee Joon was such a spoilt child-“

HeeChul cut Lee Teuk`s sentence, “No. The thing that surprise me is that since when you able to talk about your brother this long?”


‘Lee Teuk…” HeeChul asked again with a scornful smile in his face.

Lee Teuk made up a small cough before went on, trying to change the subject of their conversation. “What about the boys? Didn`t you told me last time, you`ll gives them the CD?”

HeeChul`s mocking face changed. “Did they receive it?”

HeeChul drank his almost-emptied glass of espresso. “Yesung received a call from Kangin informing that he had given them.”

HeeChuk bite his lips, “I just hope the article saying that they had a strong faith to each other was true.”







JunHyung shot a dagger from his eyes straight to his leader for turned off the DVD player.

“I`m sorry, I only can watch it until that part.”Said DuJun.

JunHyung got up furiously from his position and grabbed the black flat remote from DuJun. He went back to his seat, which is on the floor, positioned just a meter from the big plasma TV and pushed the ‘play’ button.

DuJun sighed before turned his heel toward the kitchen. It`s better for now to leave JunHyung alone. YoSeop was in a total mess after watched the video , GiKwang and DongWoon was about the same. Even manager JiYong was about to follow JunHyung`s rush action if manager YongBook was not there to help him stop them. He shivered in his own thought, wondering how G-Dragon will react if he knew about this.

As a close friend, a big part of him just wanted to drag HyunSeung from the therapy. It`s fine if HyunSeung not remembered them, it`s okay if HyunSeung can`t be a part of Beast like before, it`s fair if HyunSeung just stay just the way he is now. Everything was fine, as long as HyunSeung was with them, with JunHyung.

But, he knew he didn`t deserved to decide everything. According to Kangin, according to Dr. HeeChul, HyunSeung volunteered to undergo the therapy himself. Although some amnesia patients will remember eventually, HyunSeung did not want to take the risk. He already knew he had friends and families and he refused to let them waited for him forever. That`s the reason why he took the treatment, a treatment that not all patients willing to take because of the pains that came with it.

Now, he just hoped JunHyung would do the same.




HyunSeung looked just the way he remembered. Although he seemed skinnier and paler, his complexion was still there; the perfectness he witnessed, felt and touched every night before.

HyunSeung sat in a big all-white room. HyunSeung was brushing his bangs when a man in a bright blue jacket and strange yellow-framed spectacles entered the room. HyunSeung greeted the man in a smile that made JunHyung`s heart flattered, for God-only-know-times.

“Good morning, Dr. Hangeng!”

JunHyung`s visions became blurred again. I miss you, my love .I miss you so much.








JunHyung can`t watch it anymore. For a good two minutes, he just stared at the flat screen. Stiff. A small sound broke the silence as DuJun landed his body on the leather sofa.


“I want to see him, DuJun.” JunHyung spoke. DuJun found he stared at the rapper, “Are you sure? I`ll inform Kangin-shii if you do.”

JunHyung took his last sweep over the CD. It was entitled as ‘Case 89 Session 9’.

“Yes. “





10th June, a week after.


A peaceful, quiet morning and no one knew what followed behind it.

HyunSeung was really happy. He just had a strange, cool, sweet dream last night and he just so delightful that he finally remembered it. After done the clothes, he put them a big basket and ran straight to Lee Joon`s room. Without a second thought, he burst in.

Okay, just a second after that, he regretted on the fact that he can be so hyper sometimes.


HyunSeung clamped his eyes shut.


In a blink of eye, Lee Joon quickly turned his body, his back facing the flushed black-haired man. He stumbled to his feet when he put on the sweatpants too fast. He did not see anything, didn`t he?

Lee Joon stand up on his feet quickly, his right hand grabbed his hips, checking something. Good, he did wear his underwear.

“I-I didn`t see anything! I`m sorry!” HyunSeung was flushed hard. What I have done??!! With violent enthusiasm, I almost committed ual harassment. And he`s a guy, for God sake!! Me of all Korean men! How indecent and shameless!!

“Yah! Do you know how to knock??!!” Lee Joon`s voice was high, trying to mask his nervousness and crimsoned face.

HyunSeung still facing the carpeted floor. “I-I thought you was sleeping! I never mean to burst in with any impure thought. I`m sorry!”

Lee Joon, still had his upper body , hid himself behind the cupboard`s door. ‘What do you want?? Speak fast!!”

HyunSeung peeked through his clamped fingers, “I-I just want to give your clothes. I washed them yesterday, so I –. “

He didn`t finished his sentence instead he began to pick up the already scattered clothes on the floor. Lee Joon`s face painted in faint red as HyunSeung took some triangle-shaped garments to his observation.

HyunSeung pouted confusedly, “Is this yours? I can`t diff-“

In a blink of eyes, Lee Joon snatched his blue underwear from HyunSeung`s hand. “Don`t touch my thing!” Damn! Lee Joon didn`t understand why he can be so defensive about something so common between men.

HyunSeung smiled widely, as he never bother with anything that the elder man said to him. He put the rest of the folded clothes back into the basket and asked, “Where should I put this?”

Lee Joon back to his hiding spot, pointing his finger to his bed. HyunSeung nodded, signaling he understood.

As HyunSeung put the clothes one by one on the bed, Lee Joon can`t help but to be amazed on the fact that now he was facing HyunSeung`s back. Although HyunSeung only wore a plain white T-shirt, it was enough to reveal the curves of his slim body. He started to wonder how other Beast`s member can survive living with him without having bloody nose.

Lee Joon mentally slapped himself. He tried to distract his eyes from glued on the scenery by picking his shirt for the morning.

“Lee Joon-shii, what is this? Why there`s a Lee Teuk-hyung`s name here?”

Lee Joon`s eyes widened in horror.

“No! Wait!!!”




EunHyuk was one of Lee Teuk`s friends from school. They had been close ever since EunHyuk`s freshman year-they went on trips together and got part-times jobs at the same store and all-but about 6 months after that, Lee Teuk quitted his job and EunHyuk never saw him again.

But then, when EunHyuk`s graduation just around the corner, Lee Teuk came to him and offer him a place in an organization. Later did EunHyuk know after that, the organization was actually a mafia group. EunHyuk was drew a bead on being a computer engineer since middle school, but being a hacker for the gang was not bad at all.

As a matter of fact, he kind of enjoyed it more day by day.

Lee Teuk was the one who transferred him to the special information section. There, he had been introduced to the section`s ace, DongHae.

8 years after that, of all sudden, Lee Teuk disappeared. Not long after the death of their leader. And the leader`s only son took their group`s highest position although most of their member thought Lee Teuk will take it since he was their leader`s right man and the one that he trusted the most.

But, Lee Teuk took something with him. And now, their leader was after him. Eunhyunk did not even dare to imagine what will happen to him if any of The Gamer knew he actually still in contact with Lee Teuk. Because he will never tell them.

Other than his only cousin, RyeoWook and his DongHae, Lee Teuk was the man that Eunhyunk cherished the most.


EunHyuk turned his head to the source of the voice. His eyes met a man in a black suit that was peeked his head with a smile in his face.

“He`s here?” Eunhyunk asked. His hand was still fixing his tie. DongHae nodded before continued, “Everyone was already gathered at the front yard.”

Although Lee Teuk never told him, he got the lightest suspicion on what actually going on; something that must be related to his step brother or a certain doe-eyed girl that Lee Teuk had slept with.

Just before 6, EunHyuk finally got dressed decently, checked himself in the mirror and then left the huge maroon-walled room. He and DongHae walked from the basement of the large white mansion on the peaceful evening, came across a series of parallel hallways that led down to the main hall. Around the golden-tiled hall was decorated with pictures and broad stone structures while two large crystals lamps decorated the white ceilings, hanging high above them.

EunHyuk never got angry with Lee Teuk when he left their organization. Just felt a bit regret because he damn knew well that the man can be a very great leader.

Both of them passed trough two golden tall doors and turned left to walk to their front garden.

Not that he hate KyuHyun or something.

There about 50 men in black suits and black ties already assembled on the grassed floor. They standing in an ordered rows and EunHyuk could see some of his acquaintance; Shindong and Minho.

EunHyuk squinted his small eyes a little when then, Shindong opened the bullet-proof Rolls-Royce`s door and revealed a young man in his mid-twenty, wore a black turtleneck sweater and a pair of faded loose jeans. His face was gently and innocent. Following behind him was the young man`s right man and his bodyguard, SiWon. EunHyuk despised that man ever since he knew that SiWon once tried to hit on RyeoWook.

How can he hate his own leader?

“Welcome home, boss,” EunHyuk bowed to the young man when he faced him. KyuHyun smiled. Strange enough, EunHyuk can see venom started to spill from the soft smile. His heart skipped a beat.

“DongHae, EunHyuk, any news about Lee Teuk?” He went on, smile still decorating his face. Quite contrasting with SiWon`s stiff face behind him.

EunHyuk and DongHae will never say no to Lee Teuk.

“I`m sorry, boss. We tried, but we still can`t find Lee Teuk.” EunHyuk inhaled silently as DongHae answered the question.

When EunHyuk received call from Lee Teuk last week, he and DongHae never asked why Lee Teuk demanded for some idol`s stuff. But, this thing kind of turned EunHyuk on. He never knew marriage between men is actually existed in Korea.






Lee Joon swore to God, he had no intention even a bit to push HyunSeung. Okay, maybe he was a little panic-really panic- that HyunSeung maybe told his brother about the gift. He just wanted to grab that box without anyone getting harm.

Then, why now, HyunSeung was lying on his bed and he was atop him?

And, something happened that made Lee Joon forgot to breath.






“JunHyung, your face looks pale. Are you sick again?”

JunHyung tried to look normal as possible. Just a second before, he felt a pang inside his heart. Massaging his chest slowly, he turned to Joonkun and nod his head, “I`m ok. Don`t worry.”

Joonkun patted squeezed JunHyung`s shoulder lightly. “I know you`re still upset. I do know, but this people don`t. So, please cheer up a little. The producer already complained to our president since he has to postpone this meeting twice.”

“I`m sorry, hyung. Perhaps I became nervous since this will be my first drama.”JunHyung finally managed a little smile.

Joonkun gave him a final glance before walked again as JunHyung followed him from behind. They entered the tall MBC building block and went straight to the lift at the right wing. Upon the lift had arrived, JunHyung and his manager being greeted by a beautiful, slim girl.

“Oppa! You came!!”

“Hara? Why you`re here?” JunHyung`s voice was filled with surprise. Goo Hara sulked,” JunHyung-oppa, you didn`t know?”

JunHyung felt his shoulder being tapped. And then, Joonkun whispered to him, “You still not read the script? You two will be the main casts.”

JunHyung chuckled for the first time in the morning. He ruffled the girl`s head, muttered ‘I`m sorry’.

The lift had brought them to the forth level, they found themselves arrived at the MBC Drama Production Department where they being welcomed by a tall, skinny assistant. The assistant guided them to the main meeting room.

The large meeting room still empty. The assistant asked them to take their seat, “The production team will arrive soon. Please make yourself comfortable.”

After took her seat, Hara whispered to the Beast`s rapper,” Oppa, still no news about HyunSeung-oppa?”

JunHyung tried to not looked depressed, “Hara, I don`t thinks this is the right time to talk about this.”

The girl sensed the tense in JunHyung`s voice and decided to mention nothing more.

10 minutes after, the other staffs still not coming and JunHyung bored to death.  JunHyung killed the time by looking trough the pile of script in front of him. According to manager Joonkun, the other male main cast still not being decided yet. So, why the rush?

“This seems ridiculous. The director knows that we once dating each other, right? Does he want to create some sort of scandal or something?”

Hara chuckled a little looking at JunHyung`s grumpy face. “Maybe, but oppa, I`m not the heroine,”

Now, that a surprise, JunHyung thought, “Then, who?”

“Omo, JunHyung. You finally here!”

Both Hara and JunHyung looked at the source of the sweet, loud voice. JunHyung quickly stood up and bowed to the tall, supermodel-like actress. “Nice to meet you, Dambi-sunbaenim.”

To nobody`s surprise, Son Dambi took the Beast`s rapper into a tight hug. Hara gasped a little when Dambi gave JunHyung a quick peck on his nose.

JunHyung turned into a stone, still registered what just happened. Did he just forget something very important?

JunHyung`s brown orbs met Dambi`s dark grey ones. She tapped JunHyung`s nose tip playfully and chortled, “Now, is that the right attitude to greet your girlfriend?”

Yeah, he did forget something. That he was Son Dambi`s current beau.






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beeeeast <3
LuVbAbiEs #2
chp 1(oh gosh what is this?)chp 2 (sobbing,gosh i wanna die, clenching my teeth tight)chp 3 (bite my lips) chp 4 ( don't make me cry again) chp 5 (andwae,wae,wae,wae)chp 6 (keep holding you stupid tears) chp 7 (wae i have to suffer like this?)chp 8 (grabbing boxes of tissue)knock-knock sis: are you crazy smiling and crying there? me: i wanna die....(i'm a new reader here..and this is my reaction when i read this fic)you are queen of angst...(omo my swollen eyes!!can make up cover it?)<br />
wa!! you must update soon >__<
Junnie must be hurt if Seungie can't remember him...
Junnie thaught me. <--- i'm crying just for this simple words...
seungie just only love the junhyung name without knowing the
When Junnie will found Seungie? Lee Joon please tell Junnie you know where Seungie is...
TT^TT....<br />
junnie~~~please help seungie~~<br />
i love you for write this story..^_^
Seungie remember Junnie... Please make them back together... I just can't stand they stay apart...
I'm crying reading this... Readingg how Junnie love his wifey so much make me burst to tears, maybe it also effect from current situation. My Junseung heart hurt...