Chapter 4 part 2 The Inccident

the bubble tea incident

Once the two and their mothers were sat down they begun to look at the menu but both boys knew exactly what they wanted, even although they had it last night. When the waiter came and took their orders the two mother's left to go to the bathroom leaving the two boys waiting impatiently for their bubbletea as they had an effortless conversation. But what they did not know was what their mothers had planned for the two Poor boys.




While in the bathroom "where the hell did you get it i can’t believe you managed to get it" Mrs Lu said while jumping up and down.


"Haha i know right i know a guy" They had a plan to get their sons together. Desperate time’s calls for desperate measures and it would work. The plan lindi and hyeron have is to use a chemically developed herbal drug powder that controls the mind and put it into their bubble tea and the plan is that when they wake up they would be switched into each other’s bodies. (idk how the i could exlain ho they swtched in detail)


Both mothers knew it was risky playing with their son’s feelings and physical state but they wanted sehun to face reality and be happy. So as they both left feeling nervous and giggly lindi went into the back of the shop and put the substance into each of the bubbleteas that were about to be handed out to their table. Running away like a crazy woman she sat back at her table and continued to talk to hyeron.  


Sehun and luhan were complaining about the homework they had got when their order arrived being the greedy boys they were they grabbed their bubbletea and chugged it down like there was no tomorrow. the two mothers were scared and started to whisper wondering if they had made a stupid mistake to put their sons fate in their hands but were interrupted by Luhan who started to moan to lindi about how he wanted a cookie, of course this resulted in luhan receiving a plate full of cookies from the woman as she adored him 


"Luhan slow down or you will get sick from eating all those cookies at once share with sehun” hyeron Sehun grinned in Victory as he reached over to eat a cookie as when he realised his mum had bought luhan cookies he got jealous as he wanted some too but didn’t ask so he grabbed one off the plate grinning to himself while chomping on the cookie staring at luhan who had chocolate over his mouth. Sehun did not say anything as he thought luhan looked like a 5 year old messily eating which was pretty much true and wanted to make him sit there with food on him. (like how friends as if they have food on them i public) 


lindi wiped luhans face with her napkin and cooed him saying how he was such a baby earning a pout from Luhan which just proved her point. hyeron shaking her had at the interaction beteen her son and best friend. Luhan liked how he could melt anyone with his aegyo but he wanted to feel more manly and guyish ever since he got into high school, he just kept his hello kitty liking a secret aart from sehun knowing. 


Once they paid and left they went their separate ways with luhan and sehun hugging saying they would text each other and meet at school the next day (monday). 


Luhan and his mum arrived home and hyeron being home which was pretty rare nowadays as of work so they watched some movies together then luhan went to his room to finish his ty homework.  he felt a sore head coming on so he took some pain killers and continued his homework while texting sehun mostly asking for the answers. saying as he skipped 2 year. once giving up he went to eat dinner ith his mum but did not feel up to it so went to bed hoping to feel better in the morning for school. 




crap im sorry baby lindi thought as she noticed luhan lost his appetite and was complaining of a sore hear 'omo what have we done im sorry lulu forgive me when you are happy' 


*calls Mrs Oh lindi*


hyeron - "ya what do we do when they wake up act normal you dont mind luhan being sehun do you?" 


lindi - "calm it okay I don’t mind i love luhan anyway sehun is not feeling well i guess the same goes to luhan" 


hyeron "yeah h never ate, oh i got to go bye"




Luhan: Sehunnie i don't feel well :(((


Sent 20:04


Sehun was texting luhan all day getting complaints about his homeword and head 


Sehun: I don’t feel to good either I’m going to go sleep it off 


Sent 20:04


Luhan: YA!  don’t leave me alone talk to me make me feel better ;)


Sent 20:05


Sehun: Hyung that sounded creepy and no. haha im going to rest do the same it will help trust me and don’t take any more pain killers i know what you are like! Nighty lulu x :D 


Sent 20:08


Luhan: Humph meanie okay bye. >< 


Sent 20:08


Luhan: sleep well okay x 


Sent 20:14


sehun grinned and feel asleep he woke up and went to the bathroom to wash up first he planned to go eat breakfast straight after as he was hungry he shower and dress later, when he looked up from the mirror to dry his face he seen luhan behind him in the mirror and nearly peed himself he turned around to shout and call him a for creeing on him so early in the morning when he was not there he went to run after him assuming he went into the room but there was no sight of him, he went back to finish drying off deciding to kill him after he ate when he came back but he noticed he did not see his reflection in the mirror but infact luhan.














 i dont even kno

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i am going to start updating this again??


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Chapter 7: In this pic, instead of bull , I think he's saying bo xian which is baekhyun's Chinese name....mah guess and huhu this story is getting a bit weird with the body switching thing
Chapter 4: I thought you had updated already, you fooled me Kalli, hehe
You changed the bubble tea picture! Still can't get over how pretty it looks....

Sorry that the comment was unrelated to your story xD
Chapter 3: what do sehun want to say??
argh.. makes me curious.. ><

btw i had learnt how to make that bracelet when i was elementary student.. but i didnt know that it was friendship bracelet.. hahaha.. :p
Chapter 3: what do sehun want to say??
argh.. makes me curious.. ><

btw i had learnt how to make that bracelet when i was elementary student.. but i didnt know that it was friendship bracelet.. hahaha.. :p
to anyone who is reading this please no "Silent Readers", would love you're opinions and to have a little chat haha :)
thank you all for subscribing <3
Chapter 3: Why'd no one get strawberry bubble tea? :P
Looking forward to your next update Kalli ;) \(^O^)/
angel2001 #8
Chapter 3: Update soon!!^^