Chapter 4 part 1 Sleepover

the bubble tea incident

Night came around and with an unfinished wardrope they had fried chicken delivered for their dinner as Luhans mother did not want to cook Mrs Lu (hyeron) invited Sehun to stay the night he was weary at first as of the change between the two boys relationship but Luhan convinced him. After all he had stayed plenty of times before so after dinner they went upstairs to play video games like they always done it had been about a week since luhans confession and the two of them were glad to get some normality back in their friendship.

They were both sat happily on the floor changed for the night Luhan ended up on his stomach during an intense game of fifa "omg i have the best idea ever" he said getting up from the floor with a smirk on his face grabbing his pillows and covers he returned and pinned the edge of the cover to his chair next to his desk then the other side tucked in the corner of his ridiculously huge bed, as soon as he done this Sehun caught on "we have not done this in adges" he said grinning while walking away to get the blanket off the bed. "I missed doing this with you, its not the same doing it myself"

what their forts normally look like just to give you an idea....

"What do you mean, you done it without me you cant do that we are fort buddies remember" ploncking himself down on his spot with a cute pout luhan folded his arms as though he was in a huff. seriously what age was he again.

'You are so adorable' sehun thought and squeaked to himself. getting no response from sehun who was just standing there looking at him with his poker face while infact he was trying to control his feels for luhan. Once sehun was back to reality he noticed luhan hid himself between the blankets, surrounded bu his laptop and cris packets that were later added inside the fort and curled  himself into a ball. Sehun was going mad he felt like a y fan girl looking at luhan who was compleately unaware of the other boys state as he was too busy grumbling to himself about how sehun did not want to be his fort buddy anymore, he knew himself he was being stupid and immature but the elder liked to act as a child once in while he thought it was fun and most of the time it annoyd the hell out of sehun. Sehun walking over to the ball of covers  which contained luhan sighed and patted the small ball kneeling down. "YA thats my stop hitting it i know its cute but sstop". Sehun never ment to hit there but he knew Luhan did not really care they were close like that "so you dont you like me hitting your luhan?" 

"no i dont Aish " all luhans words were a mummble against the covers and were hard to understand as he was basically suffocating himself with the blankets (which were hello kitty) but his giggles were clear.                  

Sehun sighed and stopped "seriously though the only reason i made the fort myself was because, Aish this is embarrassing." Scratching the back of his neck he hesitated "because i missed you and whenever we make forts together we dont make them as much now as we are older, but i feel close to you i made it thinking of you and wanting to be with you." at that point luhan peeked out of the cocoon he made. 

"really" 'HOLY MAMA OMG SEHUNNIE DONT MAKE ME JUMP YOU' - luhans thought

"yeh you know i really hated seperating myself from you i hope you can forgive me thats what i was wanting to talk to you about before your mum came to the door, it may not be the answer you are wantng but i do accept you're feelings"

Luhan sprang up with widend eyes "huh?" 

"BUT" Sehun continued "its still weird for me you are luhan the one who rocks and likes hello kitty, my best friend"

"what can i say i as a strange child, but erm okay so where dose that leave me then" luhan askes not fully grasping the situation. 

"my best friend who likes me and i am your best friend who neds to sort his ty feelings out"

"your giving me a sore head Sehun i though liking someone was suppose to be simple and straight forward you're so confusing why do i even like you god" Luhan shuffles away from sehun and plonks himself down catching the chai making the roof (cover) colapse... "oh my haha sorry"

Sehun sighs and takes the covers off of luhan and lies next to him on the floor and rearranges the covers over both boys to witch luhan feels better and comfy he shufflles to sehuns back and spoons him. "dont be sorry you make it fall all the time anyway" sehun seys while luhans arm around his waist, "ya, dont remind me its so anoying i put so much effort into them while you sit on your half f the time laying leuge of legends"

"you get too fussy and ocd over making them i leave you to it but i do help, now lets go to sleep for okay night luhan" 

luhans face in sehuns back and arms around his waist, Sehun continue to luhans arm,


"OMG THEY LOOK SO CUTE" lindi shouts

both mrs Lu and Oh ooged and cooed over their two sleeping sons lindi came over early i the morning so they could take the boys out for breakfast 

hearing their mothers giggling like little girls the two boys stirred and started to wake up. Luhan was very moody most mornings especially if they were not school days where as Sehun was the opposite he liked getting up for schools but sundays were days of rest he thought. "sehun make them stop" luhan whined rooling over and covering his eyes wth his arms "haha aww luhan your so cute in the mornings MR GWRUMPY"  sehun had joind in with the almost fangirling their mothers were dong

"come on up boys we are going out for breakfast you can both get bubbletea if you's are really good" hyeron said and with that the two boys shot up like rockets rushing for the bathroom

"erm luhan guests first haha" sehun seys as he goes in first sticking his tounge out "i still think they are 10 and 12" lindi and hyeron say talking while returning downstairs.

when they were all ready they all went to the bubbletea cafe.




i know i said incident will be chapted 4 but will be next one hehe sorry chapter 4 part 2 


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i am going to start updating this again??


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Chapter 7: In this pic, instead of bull , I think he's saying bo xian which is baekhyun's Chinese name....mah guess and huhu this story is getting a bit weird with the body switching thing
Chapter 4: I thought you had updated already, you fooled me Kalli, hehe
You changed the bubble tea picture! Still can't get over how pretty it looks....

Sorry that the comment was unrelated to your story xD
Chapter 3: what do sehun want to say??
argh.. makes me curious.. ><

btw i had learnt how to make that bracelet when i was elementary student.. but i didnt know that it was friendship bracelet.. hahaha.. :p
Chapter 3: what do sehun want to say??
argh.. makes me curious.. ><

btw i had learnt how to make that bracelet when i was elementary student.. but i didnt know that it was friendship bracelet.. hahaha.. :p
to anyone who is reading this please no "Silent Readers", would love you're opinions and to have a little chat haha :)
thank you all for subscribing <3
Chapter 3: Why'd no one get strawberry bubble tea? :P
Looking forward to your next update Kalli ;) \(^O^)/
angel2001 #8
Chapter 3: Update soon!!^^