The comfort of friends

the bubble tea incident

Remembering yesterdays events Sehun groaned while pulling his covers over his head, he gives up accepting he has to get up he stretches and sits up.

A few moments later he is dragging himself to his bathroom and starts to wash and get ready, satisfied with himself he goes down stairs to get breakfast, although it was a Saturday Sehun had arranged to meet up with his other close friend Kris pretty early so he was up and rearing to go now.

looking forward to going out and to get his mind of of things a.k.a Luhan he grabs his keys and leaves shortly after finishing his food meeting with Kris who fortunately had not made him wait long.

Kris knew he was having a tough time lately and decided he was going to help sehun enjoy himself.

"" Sehun remembers he and kris had arranged to met luhan and Tao (Kris's boyfriend) later on in the day for of course bubble tea, it was sehun and luhans favourite thing and would always go after school and talk for hours. 

'i should just pretend i forgot and not mention it to Kris, ugh that wont work he will obviously remember Taos coming plus i stupidly said to luhan yeasterday i would see him today and i owe him bubbletea >.< Why did i say that stupid stupid'

"ya! no swearing Sehun" Kris flicks Sehuns forehead as he suddenly remembers where he is.

"sorry i was err thinking" he had been blanking out allot recently deep in his thoughts, his friends were starting to notice

"aw you don't say surprise surprise, come on lets go" kris grabs him by the shoulders and drags sehun to the bus stop, going ahad with their plans to go shopping. 





"Luhan, time to get up Tao's here" 

'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ugh why dose he half to come round so early i need my beauty sleep' hearing footsteps come up the stairs Luhan prepared himself for an over ecxited Tao to burst into his room and attack him he hid in his covers and as expected Tao to burst into his bedroom and charged towards the bed

before Luhan knew it he was squeeling trying not to become a pancak by the weight of his friend 

"Hyung wakey wakey" Tao giggles cutely how could Luhan stay mad at that adorable panda even if he got him up early 

"im up im up" sitting up he sighed in defeat and looked at the time 09:15 am 'aish this boy seriously going out this early' 

once luhan had got washed and changed he and tao sat in his livingroom eating pancakes his mother had made them for breakfast

"bye umma" luhan gave his mum a quick hug and kiss before rushing off to catch up with Tao who was already out the door

"so where are we going we have ages untill we meet kris and... " a creepy yet cute grin was now plastered across Taos face as he looked at luhan who was hesitating

"were going go to the amusement park it will be fun" Tao and Luhan arrived at their destination and went off to have fun and indeed they did. 

It was around 4:30 pm when Tao got a text from Kris to remind him they were meeting at half 5 they almost forgot as they were having a great time at the amusement park and with that they set off to to the bubbletea cafe they were meeting them at Luhan linked his arm with taos and they basically skipped to the cafe, luhan was always grateful to have Tao as a friend he was always there for him, being the friend he went to for advice on stuff like his feelings for sehun, he was there when he needed him and comforted him, once Luhan was really frustrated about his feelings towards Sehun and Luhan had broke down Tao just lay down cradling and hugging him him letting him cry and let out his fustrations for the whole night it was a great help to Luhan and it had helped him sort out his thoughts. 

Suddenly Luhan remembered the cafe they were going to was the one he had confessed to Sehun in more than a week ago now, he suddenly felt nervous but brushed it off attempting to be his usual happy self like he was earlier they arrived and sat at a table next to the window and waited for the other two while chatting about their day.  


Once Kris was finished dragging Sehun around the shops they decided to go eat before meeting with the other two, they went to subway and while eating Kris decided to boldly come out with what was on his mind "when are you going to talk to luhan, and before you answer you know what i mean" 

Sehun sighed and swallowed his food he was eating before answering "i will tonight atleast i think, i just honestly dont know what to say im in a really difficult position, i want to stay his best friend but can i do so without it being awkward and how do i tell him i cannot accept his feelings without hurting him, he has been mmy bet friend for about 9 years now" 

"i understand, so you don't feel the same way like atall"

"i never said that i dont know how i feel just yet, my mother is putting me through hell if i was to accept his confession i would want it to be for me and not to please my mother" 'Sehun looks as though hes about to burst better change the subject Kris thought and quick' "well i hope the two of you sort it out, it was hard for me and Tao to accept each others feelings and start out relationship, anyway we should get going i don't want to keep them waiting for us, sorry for bringing it up i know its a sensative subject but you need to do ssomething, now come on up"

Sehun found himself lost in his thoughts again 'im glad i have kris he is always there for me and he's a great comfort and always helps me really he's a big softie everyone thinks he is cold and scary but i know different he's like a teddy bear haha' he realised Kris had stopped and that they had arrived at the cafe, taking in a deep breath Sehun checked himself in the reflection and gave himself an encouraging hwaighting, 'wait why did i do that why am i checking to see how i look, its freaking luhan he has seen me in all my glory and in crapy states, why am i nervous its just luhan for crying out loud get it together Sehun' after arguing with himself the two boys entered the bubbletea cafe and took the seats next to tao and luhan who were sat at a table next to the window happily chatting away. 

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i am going to start updating this again??


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Chapter 7: In this pic, instead of bull , I think he's saying bo xian which is baekhyun's Chinese name....mah guess and huhu this story is getting a bit weird with the body switching thing
Chapter 4: I thought you had updated already, you fooled me Kalli, hehe
You changed the bubble tea picture! Still can't get over how pretty it looks....

Sorry that the comment was unrelated to your story xD
Chapter 3: what do sehun want to say??
argh.. makes me curious.. ><

btw i had learnt how to make that bracelet when i was elementary student.. but i didnt know that it was friendship bracelet.. hahaha.. :p
Chapter 3: what do sehun want to say??
argh.. makes me curious.. ><

btw i had learnt how to make that bracelet when i was elementary student.. but i didnt know that it was friendship bracelet.. hahaha.. :p
to anyone who is reading this please no "Silent Readers", would love you're opinions and to have a little chat haha :)
thank you all for subscribing <3
Chapter 3: Why'd no one get strawberry bubble tea? :P
Looking forward to your next update Kalli ;) \(^O^)/
angel2001 #8
Chapter 3: Update soon!!^^