
Child of the night
another fast update for my kynatics..kkk.. Enjoy~

Nichkhun woken up as for once someone is pressing the use of his door bell, the bell finally rang, though not in the right moment, the sound totally interrupt his sleep and he was still sleepy as . He took a brief glance of the clock and it was already 10 am. The typical him with no working brain within a couple of minutes after waking up, lazily walks out of his room to the door to see who is interrupting his sleep and give a peace of his mind

With his bed hair and smell of bed and something pleasant smell linger on him, he open the door and shoot a dread glare to the two people was standing in front of him. He smack the both of them and scold them for interrupting his sleep " yah..what are you two doing here!! " He bark with constant hit on the two, it wasn't the right thing to greet your visitor but hell they disturb his sleep and they should get punishment for that big crime

The two was now inside of the house, whinning at him " hyung..why you welcomed us with your rude system? aren't you happy to see us here. You should thank us for coming to your little prison " stated the one of the two with his handsome smirk, he didn't notice nichkhun's bad hair

" I won't be rude If you didn't interrupt my sleep " he retorted closing the door behind him

" since when you start to wake up this late hyung? " Taunt the small eye boy

" since my mom give birth to me " nichkhun screech. The two just mock and whisper to each other just to get another smack from nichkhun

Nichkhun walks to the kitchen washing his hand and doing his basis. Preparing breakfast. The two boy narrow their eyes as nichkhun begun to cook various of foods, nichkhun wasn't the one to eat different type of foods in the morning so they feel odd " chansung..don't just sit there and help me here " he command, the boy named chansung immediately walks to the kitchen and help him out " hyung..when did you learn to cook? And why you're cooking too much junho and I already ate breakfast " inform chansung doubtful that nichkhun can cook an edible food

" It's not for you? " Respond nichkhun nonchalantly

"Then for who? " Curiously ask chansung

That question hit nichkhun in the head, he caught the tiny eyes boy with a big mound walking towards his room, his mind quickly tells him what to do and did his vampire pace " yah..junho!!! Where are you going? " He ask folding he arms over his chest

Junho look at him " I'm wondering where's your room hyung so I'll see it by my self "

" No you're not allowed to see my room so sit back and behave " junho rolled his eyes but obey him anyway. No one dares to disobey nichkhun buck horvejkul

Nichkhun proceeded to cook constantly reminding the two to not enter his room and hoping that wooyoung won't be woke up anytime soon

when he's done cooking he tells the two to eat if they want to. And him he will eat in his room. The two look at him skeptically and look at the food, there's no way nichkhun would eat such amount of food and why two glass of chocolate milk? " I'm hungry and I don't drink alcohol now so this will be the replacement for the mean time " such a lame excuse but he manage to excuse himself, only junho looking at him skeptically. Chansung was already on the table digging. Nichkhun ignore junho's look and went to his room before wooyoung came out

wooyoung was still asleep when he enters, he put the tray of food in the desk and walk to his bed to wake the sleeping beauty " woo..woo.." He called gently shaking the boy. Wooyoung hum and slowly open his eyes to the light of the sun and to nichkhun's blinding smile " good morning " he said sweetly

wooyoung return it with sweet one too " good morning hyung " he smile stretching his body

" Did you have a good sleep? " Nichkhun ask. wooyoung just nodded and suddenly jolted up in the bed running in the bathroom. He needs to pee. Nichkhun stifle his laugh, he could predict why the young boy rushed in the bathroom since it happen frequently

After brushing his teeth and washing his face and other stuff, Wooyoung return to the bed. Nichkhun call him for a breakfast and put the tray of food in the floor. They ate silently and done after approximate 10 minutes. Suddenly they heard a knock in the door. Nichkhun shush wooyoung and beckon him to hide in the bathroom. He open the door and glares at his visitors " what? " He ask sternly

" Well, we just came and you already neglecting us? That's not cool hyung " complain chansung. Peeking inside the room, nichkhun let him peer as he pleased by opening the door wider " wait for me I'll clean here first " he said closing the door. He run to the bathroom " hyung..who's that? " Ask wooyoung a little scared " my brother, he come to visit me with our bestfriend. Stay here I'll talk to them, don't come out ok.. they shouldn't see you " wooyoung nodded and step out of the bathroom with nichkhun he sat on the edge of the bed and wait for nichkhun while nichkhun change in the bathroom. Nichkhun then come out from the bathroom and takes his ipod and give it to wooyoung " here, you know how to use it now right " wooyoung takes the ipod and nodded. Ipod is easy to use when nichkhun taught him how to use it actually he just watch nichkhun play with it and yeah he got it. nichkhun has to explain how to play complicated games though

another knock. Again to his door. Nichkhun hiss and they run to the bathroom as the door knob jiggles. Chansung and junho enter his room " yah..I told you to not come in my room!! " A sharp glare being throw on the two boys as he close his bathroom door " hyung..why so grumpy..don't you miss us? " Two boys sat in the bed avoiding nichkhuns digging glare " miss my .." Nichkhun rolled his eyes and stand in front of the two " so why are you two here? " He close his arms

" Well two more'll be going back home, so we thought to visit you. Mom feels guilty for sending you here, she wanted to know how his trouble maker son survive in this house " said chansung, grinning at his older brother. Though he participated to every trouble his brother has, just their parents didn't know about it, nichkhun sort of cover him up " well as you see..I manage to survive, very well " he emphasise mockingly. The two give him not believing look. and then laugh " what's so funny? " Nichkhun frown " hyung.. Don't deny it, we know you're bored as here " nichkhun laugh back at them louder " how can you be so sure of that?..I tell you I perfectly enjoy my time here, do I look that I'm bored " he mock triumphantly at the incredulous two, junho and chansung stare at nichkhun then there face contort a worry one. Nichkhun was highly hated living in the old house even just to come visit before with his family, his parents had to force him first to come with them and he hate it

the way how calm nichkhun right now gives the two goosebumps. This is not the nichkhun they know, the typical nichkhun should be screaming his out of them right now. not grinning like he'd never grin before. Chansung lean closer to chansung and whispered " I think he's sick " it was a real whisper, a secret.

Chansung nodded his head " I think so too, ual deprive maybe? " he whispered back, junho nodded after then both of them look at nichkhun " hyung..wanna hang out? " They ask simultaneously hoping that accompanying their hyung out would help the lad's sick condition

Hearing his dongsaengs, nichkhun shakes his head " no..and now that you both see that I'm fine, you may go " the two give nichkhun a horrified look. Being kick out by nichkhun this early is the last thing they expected. They thought nichkhun would be happy or at least appreciate their presence but what nichkhun show is the contrary " hyung..why so rude? Don't you miss us? " Chansung give his puppy face along with junho's. Trying to strike the guilt from nichkhun

Nichkhun didn't seem to acknowledge it as he just rolled his eyes. He know this two so well, they were far from the face they currently showing to him " you know, that faces, never work to me, nothing works to me " he impose. So then junho and chansung show their straight face, useless to disguise. " But hyung.. Mom told me to stay here with you, she thinks you're lonely so she send me here and junho came with me. we will return with you home " sure junho will come of course, because these two is inseparable, sometimes nichkhun has suspicion that these two has something or better to say they have secret affair but they were afraid to admit it knowing nichkhun is sick about something semblance of gay relationship but that wasn't important for now because hearing that the two will stay is the worst thing now, what he's going to do now that these two idiots will stay?, how it's possible to hide wooyoung from them. Nichkhun was lost in thoughts, he's worry how to keep his secret and if they found out about wooyoung, what he could possibly tell?. How he could explain about the boy even him himself don't have idea where the boy came from. " Hyung..hyung!! " The two wave their hands in front of nichkhun's face, snapping the lad

Nichkhun then sigh in exasperation, this gonna be hard for him to handle, maybe he should tell them about the boy..but not now, not just yet " why you didn't contact me, why you didn't told me you'll come to stay " he inquire in defeat " we thought we've surprise you " grin the too almost simultaneously

" tsk..and I'm surprise, you can go to your rooms now, you can take any room you want just don't bother me " nichkhun said pushing the two out of door. The two whine but no avail

Nichkhun sigh again he locked his door and walks to the bathroom. As soon as he enter he panic, wooyoung was crying silently " woo..what happen!! Are you hurt " He asked the boy full of worry. Wooyoung nodded. So then nichkhun look all over the boys body to see where's the boy hurts but no wound or scratches seen on the young boy's skin well maybe under his pyjama, wooyoung haven't change yet " where? " He ask again. Wooyoung look up at him with his red eyes full of tears " here " he pointed at his chest where his heart was place " its hurt here hyung " nichkhun don't understand what's the young boy mean by that, does he have a heart disease? Nichkhun panic more as he thought wooyoung was having a heart attack but then he wasn't sure about it so he ask the boy " why? " The boy look at him earnestly, he look at him with full of weary and the same emotion he show when nichkhun leave him, those emotion depicted on the boy's face clearly remind him of what he did and how horrible it was

" Because hyung will leave me, hyung will go with his brother and leave me here alone " cried the boy, he start to sob hysterically and if chansung and junho is still in front of nichkhun's door they'll probably here the sobs " shh..who told you hyung will leave you?, hyung will never ever leave you again remember that so stop crying " nichkhun wipe the boys tears and hug him hoping that his warm hug would soothe the boy " but hyung will go back to his parents " sob the boy more " yes..hyung will go back there but hyung will find a place for you and hyung, I'll take you with me, so please stop crying " what he had said totally made the boy look up at him with just a stifle sobs and hiccups " really? " nichkhun smile at the boy, he feel so guilty seeing the boy's face right now but actually he still praise the boy's face. How can this boy look so cute even when he's crying. Well nichkhun has an answer for that he's naturally born cute he kissed the boy's forehead and smile at him lovingly " promise, hyung will take you with him, hyung will never ever leave you, so promise me you'll never leave hyung too " wooyoung smile at that as he nodded vigorously " I promise " wooyoung evoke his pinky finger. Nichkhun chuckle heartily at the cute act and bring out his pinky as well locking it with wooyoung as a sealed of their promise to each other

meanwhile outside the room, two ears were pressed hard against the concrete pad of the door. Chansung and junho hear a sob when they were about to get a room, they try to listen to the sound inside but the sound suddenly fade so they knock the door once again. Worried that with nichkhun's depression and repute for help, he might attempt suicide. The thought terrified them so they desperately knock the door when nichkhun didn't open

the two constantly knock and as the door open both of them land in the floor missing their balance, didn't expect that to come. The two quickly look up at nichkhun but nichkhun's face was no trace of anything sign that he cry, actually nichkhun's face was glowing. More handsome to be honest " what do you want " sternly ask nichkhun, the two was quick to stand and shake their head " nothing hyung, we just want to make sure you're ok " and the two run to the nearest room which is next to nichkhun's room and decided to just share room " do you think there's ghost in this house? " Junho ask, goosebump strike his body as well as chansung " I think so and it probably on khun hyung's room. I wonder if hyung heard that sobs.. " the two went on talking about the possibility of having a ghost in the old house while nichkhun stay in his room for apparent reason

When night fall and nichkhun was in the kitchen as usual cooking. Junho and chansung walk slowly not making any sounds as they were crossing nichkhun's room when they heard a sound. They quickly open the door without caution and scan the room. Both of them has skeptical look on their faces as they stand in the ajar door but no one's in the room so they close it again and walks to the kitchen

Wooyoung sigh in relief as the two close the door it's good that he could hide his small frame behind the foot of the bed. He need to be more careful next time

Dinner was done. Nichkhun opted to eat on his room once again which the two eyed him in confusion " hyung don't you want to dinner with us? " Ask junho and chansung in unison. Nichkhun elicit a quick " no.." And return to his room leaving the two dumbfounded " he's really weird, isn't he? " Whispered junho staring at nichkhun's back. Chansung nodded " don't you think he's really acting unusual?, first he cook, second, he's not bored here, he don't look frustrated at all and third he always stays in his room " chansung counted what he had notice after hours of staying in the old house " with lots of foods " junho included. Then suddenly both of them shriek simultaneously " oh my god!! Maybe he's posses by the ghost crying earlier " the two widen their eyes and shiver at the thought nichkhun was posses by some ghost in the house but The fear and the goosebumps they are getting didn't stop chansung to finish his foods

" Eat some more " urge nichkhun as the boy put down his utensils " but hyung I'm full " pout wooyoung giving his puppy eyes. He already ate extra food to fill his stomach and he don't think he can eat more of that because he was so full " don't you like hyung's cook? " Ask nichkhun feigning a sad expression that quickly ploy the innocent boy " I do!! I do love khun hyung's cook it's really delicious!! " Chime wooyoung " my mouth still want to eat but my tummy says no, look!! " Wooyoung lift his shirt and show his stomach to nichkhun

Nichkhun could see that the innocent boy's tummy is full as it grow a slight bump but he could easily ignore that obscure bump because he was more interested to see more of that sinful sight of wooyoung's skin tingling his muscles. He gulp and lost his common sense again in that beautiful sight " hyung!! Are you ok " nichkhun was snap by wooyoung's worry tone and look anywhere else in the surface of the room but not into wooyoung " I'm ok, if your done then go to the bathroom and get ready to sleep I'm gonna wash these first " he pointed at the plates they use. Wooyoung smiled and nodded. He made his way in the bathroom just what he was told

Nichkhun return back in his room after asking junho and chansung to clean the scatters in the kitchen which the two no choice but to obey. They couldn't do anything when nichkhun horvejkul ask them to

Wooyoung is already lying in the bed playing with his ipod. Nichkhun didn't disturb the boy with the game he's playing and went in the bathroom then slip under the cover after few minutes to join wooyoung who is now snuggle to him as he yawn cutely. nichkhun wrap an arm around the boy and pull him closer smelling the sweet scent of the boy's tuck in his arms " sleepy? " Nichkhun ask as he feel wooyoung play with the button of his pyjama. Wooyoung nodded. Nichkhun fix his position and lie on his back patting his chest to beckoned wooyoung to lay his head on his chest. Wooyoung did " thank you hyung " said the boy looking up at him with his natural smile. Nichkhun smile back gently and rub wooyoung's back. His gentle lull wooyoung to a quick sleep. Soft snore omitted from wooyoung and just then he realise that wooyoung could only sleep if he rub his back. He smile at the realization and pullled to cover up to tucked their bodies in the comfy blanket as he kiss the boy in the forehead and whisper sweet goodnight to the boy's ear before closing his eyes and entered in his slumber

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Chapter 16: Love it so much ^^ <3
hobuttlover #2
Chapter 16: Yes, epilogue please!
Murtini #3
Chapter 16: So this fic will end soon??
I'll miss this fic sooooo muchh..
Beautiful and cute ever woo
possessive khun..
Can't wait for the epilogue. Authornim,, gomawo..
Chapter 16: yaaaayyyy, author update and wooyoung is back. yeee yeee yeee yeeee.... aaah how happy I am. wooyoungie,,, I miss u ~~~~ but woobaby still a child? won't he be a guy or old boy or man? I hope in epilogue he will be a man, y man.kkkkk... who doesn't want if the fox is cute and precious like woo? I want too and of course, I will as possessive as khun too. no one can touch woobaby except me.hihihihi. aaah glad that khun didn't hurt my woobaby here, even khun more suffer because he miss woobaby.

sigh,,,,,, this story will end soon? andweee,,, how with their marriage then? it will be happened right? in epilogue maybe? and thanks for mr nd mrs horvejkul who welcomed woobaby and take good care of him though they know exactly who and how woobaby is. :-)
gomapseumnida authornim. I miss you I miss your story... comebck as soon s possible authornim. I will wait u :-)
Chapter 16: yes!!!!! epilogue please~
i don't see the reason why the previous chap is rated though.. LoL
but thanks for the double update~
kinda curious too how woo becomes fox..
is there gonna be the story when Khun meets Woo's parents?
it's rare the parents accept their relationship easily..happy to know khun's parent really love Woo too ^^
can't wait for the epilogue ><
Chapter 16: yay! it's a happy ending! really worthwhile to be waited. good job authornim! can't wait for the epilogue too... <3
Chapter 14: poor khunnie... T^T but who cute little???? can be woo? or woo parent?? i hope this woo...><"
update soon thorr..^^
When I read this part"Wooyoung scan the unfamiliar place with his blurry vision" I knew they were split up. Where's Khun? Poor Wooyoung.T____T "I want to see Khun hyung." Poor baby. And reading all the way up to where we see Khun I'm still sad especially when he thinks back to when Wooyoung was there. T___T
Chapter 14: what? Wooyoung is back with his real shape?? Jinjja??? He comeback for real and forever or just for awhile? And whos that behind khun? Teackey? Or woo's parent? Aiiishhh,,, ky always suffer. :( aaaah finally i read this . i miss this story :( gomawo authorssi. I wait the next sweet chap. :)
Chapter 14: O.O!!!!
it wasn't just his dreamy state right? that fox is really Woo right?
whose foot steps??? Woo's parents?
i thought you will kill us with such a looong 'missing time'..glad it's only in one chapter lol
update soon~