
Child of the night
So first chap is up, hope you'll like~

Nichkhun didn't expect that the place he doesn't want to live will gonna be a special place for him, few weeks ago he was force to stay in his grandparents house in order to keep him away from the troubles he got in to. He consider it as a punishment

Nichkhun hated the place because its so dull with old furnitures and nothing really interesting about it but it wasn't average either, it's still look fine and cozy. He just hate it because no one lives there and look so dull, gloomy fruitless and everything along with the line , it doesn't suit to a man that worship by all girls yet he needs to comply what his parents want him to do otherwise he would be just a wild animal without any foods to eat, to survive

Nichkhun curse everyday, despising the way he live alone in the place. Being party animal, he misses partying, clubbing with his friends and having one night stands with y hot es and stuffs along with those things. He misses his wild life so much that he could die in boredom or ual deprive. He's young healthy man, suppose to enjoy everything he desire but end up in one place that will buried him alive. he never expect that everything will change after one distant night

Nichkhun sight in exasperation. He was on with a night walk to breath some fresh air outdoor his days had been feel so long and lonely ever since he stay in the old house so he really need a walk to freshen up and release his frustration

As he walks to his door and opens the door, his plan was cancel as one boy appear in front of him. The boy seems lost as he scan every portion of his surroundings with full of curiosity that kid shows whenever they were in new places

Nichkhun was caught up with the boy. For instance the boy stunned him effortlessly. He was awestruck and stare quite long to the boy in front of him who doesn't seemed notice his presence. He delightfully watch in fascination how the said innocent boy purse his pink lips tantalizingly as if he did it deliberately to lure nichkhun but that's definitely not on purpose as he was startled as he saw nichkhun in front of him and stumbled back down in the near furniture that nichkhun had expelled from the house

The boy hurt his knee as it wantonly hit the said furniture, he instantly grimace in pain holding a particular spot upon his wounded knee while desperately blow it, in pursue to blow away the pain but his try was no avail

seeing the boy in that condition, nichkhun subconsciously squatted down to check the boy's wound without hesitation and the thought that this boy may pull some harm to him, he takes him in his arms and retreat inside the house without receiving any resistance from the boy

the boy seemed so young and innocent his face was everything so naïve full of something gives you that vibe of wanting to take care of him and give him a shelter in your safe embrace even he was a complete stranger. his starry eyes tells a story that made nichkhun totally welcome him instantly in the house

Nichkhun takes his first-aid box and a clean rag to clean the wound before treating it cautiously as the innocent boy begun to cry because of the pain on his knee " it will be hurt for a while but you'll be fine later " he coax and proceed to nurse the boy

After the treatment the boy shyly thank him and gave him the look that for the first time nichkhun wanted to protect someone. Nichkhun don't have idea why he's doing what he's doing right now but he couldn't help himself feeling some sort of fondness for the boy. He look at the boy softly " what's your name? " Cautiously ask nichkhun, careful to not scared the boy

the boy inaudibly mumble " I don't know " but nichkhun heard it nonetheless

nichkhun does not know if this boy was just playing around but he couldn't see any lies in that eyes yet how's that possible to not know his name otherwise he has an amnesia but is that really possible?

lots of questions rain in nichkhun's mind but how could this boy answers his question with a formative one when even his name he doesn't know? Nevertheless he try and ask where's the boy live but got an I don't know answer again

Nichkhun look at the boy trying to figure out what he could do. This boy looks so innocent and fragile, if he let him go anywhere else out of the house, he could possibly in the middle of the street and he don't want that. He sort of want this boy for himself?

Nichkhun hit his head at his sudden thought, he cringe at the thought, little scaring the boy in front of him

" sorry " he apologise as he realize his action, not really sure why he's apologizing though " since you don't know your name and where you live, do you want to stay here with me till you remember something? " He ask kindly. the boy immediately nod his head like a basketball without taking any seconds to think about it before he gives an answer, nichkhun chuckle at the cute act, he thinks it was the cutest thing ever he seen so far

After the little talk with the boy. Nichkhun rose up to the kitchen to prepare food without noticing the boy following him from behind. wherever he go the boy will follow and curiously look at everything nichkhun touch with full of interest " oh..!! "

Nichkhun shriek as he bump on the boy, he immediately turn around and saw the boy in the floor. He help the boy to stand and the latter almost slip again, luckily nichkhun was too strong to prevent him from falling so clumsy

" are you ok? " Ask nichkhun in concerned and the boy nodded with a first smile curve on his lips despite of the throbbing pain on his knee and his prominent cheeks gives a perfect shed of red to nichkhun's eyes. That smile is equivalent of the moonlight upon the endless ocean, reflecting its light that were brighter then any stars in the galaxy. Nichkhun was dazzled for the very first time

" you ok.." Ask the boy timidly noticing nichkhun was out of world. His voice was so soft just like a marsmallow

Nichkhun shakes his head " uh..yeah..of course I'm fine " he don't know why he suddenly stuttering yet he smile back and the boy shyly drop his head biting his lips timidly while nervously playing with something in his hand that had just notice by nichkhun

" What's that? " The boy look up at nichkhun and then look at where nichkhun was looking. He quickly gave the thing to nichkhun and let him check it by himself

Nichkhun took it and see it to himself. It was a paper. nichkhun unfolded it and there's something caught his eyes that says what he assume was the boy's name. he examine it and pressume it was a boy's information but the paper only contains the boy's name just a name that seemed written so messy that he barely could recognise the letters, but he manage to get it and decided to just put it aside and continue to cook

After finishing his cooking, nichkhun set the foods in the table and beckoned the boy to sit across him and put some food for the boy asking if he wanted to taste it or not. Every inquire came from him earns a nod from the boy

Nichkhun watch as the boy begun to shove the foods inside his mouth seeing his accomplishment at the boy's delightful expression whenever he taste each of the dishes he made. It was somehow he consider as his accomplishment for his entire living

Nichkhun lightly chuckle as he saw some smudge in the corner of the boy's mouth, he take a tissue and kindly wipe off the smudge in the corner of the boy's mouth. He almost slap himself after realizing what he just did. The boy was utterly startled yet he didn't protest either, instead he smiled at nichkhun and thank him politely for doing that even though he's partly embarrass

While carefully wiping the smudges off, Nichkhun felt a sparkle in the top of his finger's at how soft the boy skin was and landed his eyes to the boy's succulent lips feeling it tickling his own to taste it but nichkhun quickly repel that thought, no way he'll kiss a boy but then that lips really looks- before he could think further nichkhun hit his head confusing the boy innocently look at him " are you ok " come a slow mutter of concern from the boy " yes..I'm fine, here eat more "

After their dinner nichkhun wash the plates they use and of course the boy was next to him watching how he cleans the plates in full of his attention were focus on what nichkhun was doing

nichkhun deliberately make his work slow to show how to do it somehow he could predict why the boy was interested watching him doing the chores

" Do you want to help me? " He smile kindly and chuckle as the boy once again nodded excitedly and quickly join him into the sink

Watching the boy enjoying washing the plates makes nichkhun smile more genuinely. The boy wash the plate gracefully as if he's just playing while nichkhun didn't notice that he had stopped washing plates and just watch the boy finish the chores

After doing the chores. Nichkhun drag the boy in his room and gave him a pair of pyjama which is probably slightly big for the boy's body but what he can do, he don't have any small cloths that would perfectly fit to the boy's size and he don't want the boy to sleep with his current tee and pants either so he just gave it to him

" Do you know how to change? " What a stupid question to ask that to the boy He's not a baby, of course he knows he thought. the boy innocently look at him then to the fabrics on his hand, he slowly nodded and take the pair of red pyjama then went where nichkhun pointed him to go to change

After changing the boy back to nichkhun's room. Nichkhun smile and couldn't take his eyes off of the boy, he was so irresistibly cute at his red pyjama which is hung loosely on his body. Nichkhun avoided to look at the expose skin of the boy's chest and drag him in the room next to his and tuck the boy in the bed. He bid goodnight while dimming the light and left the room to change and get ready to sleep as well. tomorrow he'll talk to the boy regarding to the boy's name and some other stuff. He sort of forget telling the boy what's his name so he must tell it tomorrow. He could possibly tell him by the time but the boy looks tired and sleepy

Nichkhun was done cleaning up himself and ready to join his pillow in the bed when a light steps creep his ears. He listen to the sound carefully to make sure there was really a sound. the light foot steps of back and forth seems just in front of his room . He listen to it bit more then narrowed his eyes as the steps suddenly stop. Curious at what it was, he walks to his door and cautiously open the door to peer then in the bright light of the moon he saw the boy in the right side of his door sitting while hugging his pillow. Nichkhun sigh and approach the boy " you can't slip? " He carefully ask squatting down his body to level the boy

The boy utterly startled as how his body shudder when nichkhun touch his shoulder but when he realise it was nichkhun he abruptly calm down and shook his head and mumble a very low " no " hugging the pillow tighter

" why? " Inquire nichkhun. The boy look up at him longingly and nichkhun sought something there and he's certain he knows how to consider that look. This is not the typical him to worry and care about someone but damn this new him created by this boy was amazingly feel so right, he thought

" Do you want to sleep with me? " It was a pure, no funny meaning or dirty thought linger on it. Not like how he ask those es that instantaneously would say yes to him. It was sympathy along with concern. His smile coax the boy from any fear or any feeling semblance of that

Once again the boy nodded vigorously and quickly stand running to nichkhun's bedroom afraid that nichkhun would take back his words. He quickly land his small body in the bed and slip under the comfort of nichkhun's blanket snuggle comfortably as he cover half of his body

Nichkhun couldn't help but to chuckle heartily. This boy is really something he thought, closing the door behind him and join the already comfortable boy on his bed

his body lands in the soft concrete of the bouncy bed comfortably lying next to the boy- he can't believe for once ever in his life he let a boy sleep on his bed. He actually never thought he'll let anyone sleep on his bed, sure he had sleep with girls before but not in his personal bed and the fact that he hated thinking gay relationship because he thinks it was disgusting. This time he forget about his perspective in life because this boy manage to pull the new him. The new him who suddenly care about someone for the first time. The boy snuggle closer to him and nichkhun was surprise as his arm subconsciously wrap around the boy and instinctively rub the boy's back that soon was in his dreamland and the warm feeling radiate from him made nichkhun's night not clammy anymore

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Chapter 16: Love it so much ^^ <3
hobuttlover #2
Chapter 16: Yes, epilogue please!
Murtini #3
Chapter 16: So this fic will end soon??
I'll miss this fic sooooo muchh..
Beautiful and cute ever woo
possessive khun..
Can't wait for the epilogue. Authornim,, gomawo..
Chapter 16: yaaaayyyy, author update and wooyoung is back. yeee yeee yeee yeeee.... aaah how happy I am. wooyoungie,,, I miss u ~~~~ but woobaby still a child? won't he be a guy or old boy or man? I hope in epilogue he will be a man, y man.kkkkk... who doesn't want if the fox is cute and precious like woo? I want too and of course, I will as possessive as khun too. no one can touch woobaby except me.hihihihi. aaah glad that khun didn't hurt my woobaby here, even khun more suffer because he miss woobaby.

sigh,,,,,, this story will end soon? andweee,,, how with their marriage then? it will be happened right? in epilogue maybe? and thanks for mr nd mrs horvejkul who welcomed woobaby and take good care of him though they know exactly who and how woobaby is. :-)
gomapseumnida authornim. I miss you I miss your story... comebck as soon s possible authornim. I will wait u :-)
Chapter 16: yes!!!!! epilogue please~
i don't see the reason why the previous chap is rated though.. LoL
but thanks for the double update~
kinda curious too how woo becomes fox..
is there gonna be the story when Khun meets Woo's parents?
it's rare the parents accept their relationship easily..happy to know khun's parent really love Woo too ^^
can't wait for the epilogue ><
Chapter 16: yay! it's a happy ending! really worthwhile to be waited. good job authornim! can't wait for the epilogue too... <3
Chapter 14: poor khunnie... T^T but who cute little???? can be woo? or woo parent?? i hope this woo...><"
update soon thorr..^^
When I read this part"Wooyoung scan the unfamiliar place with his blurry vision" I knew they were split up. Where's Khun? Poor Wooyoung.T____T "I want to see Khun hyung." Poor baby. And reading all the way up to where we see Khun I'm still sad especially when he thinks back to when Wooyoung was there. T___T
Chapter 14: what? Wooyoung is back with his real shape?? Jinjja??? He comeback for real and forever or just for awhile? And whos that behind khun? Teackey? Or woo's parent? Aiiishhh,,, ky always suffer. :( aaaah finally i read this . i miss this story :( gomawo authorssi. I wait the next sweet chap. :)
Chapter 14: O.O!!!!
it wasn't just his dreamy state right? that fox is really Woo right?
whose foot steps??? Woo's parents?
i thought you will kill us with such a looong 'missing time'..glad it's only in one chapter lol
update soon~