First kiss

Child of the night

hello my lovely readers, I know you're waiting for this to happen so here you go, I'll give you what you want so please give love to our ULTIMATE COUPLE KHUNYOUNG!!!

" You're so beautiful as ever " Nichkhun caress the boy's cheeks very softly and gently as lightweight feathers. He kiss those cheeks that were rosy under the moonlight that illuminates the place under the tree, he decided to take the boy in the lake with just the two of them. the heaven above was decked out in stars, there were no clouds in sight either and the solitude of the place and the calm breeze of air was perfect for the moment. The moment that he consider as their first date and make their relationship official, yes he'll ask the boy to be his boyfriend and be his forever even the boy's background was still unknown, he'll take the chance of being with the boy. He wouldn't be coward anymore to face what he really feel because that feeling is too strong to deny or ignore

Wooyoung blink his eyes batting his eyes lashes in very cute way that his cheeks tell that the words nichkhun said bite him to make him flush for instance " I've been fretting to tell you this and I think this is the perfect moment " nichkhun sugary said without breaking their eye contact. Wooyoung's beauty was indeed mesmerizing as his eyes couldn't take off of that beautiful naïve face, so innocent and everything you can imagine was giving the picture of the pure innocent boy that no one can resist.

Wooyoung just look at him, being innocent as ever, he could only mutter a shy " what do you mean hyung " and nichkhun couldn't help but to chuckle at the shyness of his voice. So he must say what he want to say clearly if he don't want the boy to miss interpret his confession " I love you and I meant it, I want to be your boyfriend to protect you and to love you more than anyone else " he confess without taking a breath making him sound so desperate but he don't care no matter how he sound was. The matter is wooyoung's answer to his confession

Congenial silent passed for a moment as wooyoung try to take his words more precisely. Making nichkhun nervous as he never been before, finally experiencing that feeling when you're waiting for special someone's answer after your confession. He gulp as he wait for the boy's answer. He remember when wooyoung told him he loves him but this moment was different, he's making a commitment for the first time and he need an specific answers to be secure that the boy was his and no one can ever touch him other than him

Wooyoung's heart was pounding and beating frantically. Explosion of fireworks were invading his stomach as his mind dance at the thought. Nichkhun really loves him as in love love love but he needs to make sure about it first like how he understand love itself " you love me like how chansung love junho? Or do you love me like how old people love chicken? " He blink his eyes innocently. Nichkhun chuckle heartily and ignore about junho and chansung's thing because he had been suspecting something is going on between that two idiots, they are quite obvious, though he wonder how wooyoung know about them yet that wasn't the important question for the moment he needs to answer it and he want to answer it without comparing to those things wooyoung mention

" My love for you is unique maybe stronger and deeper that I only want to be with you " he caress wooyoung's cheeks once again and smile as he saw the light of satisfaction upon wooyoung's eyes and that bright smile and giggle was the best answer without words " I love you too khun hyung, I want to be with you too.. " soon as those words left wooyoung's mouth, nichkhun hugs him so tight and kisses his head, forehead, cheeks the tip of his nose and stare at those lips that had been haunting him ever since that night. The night where he first met the boy that change everything to him and offer him things that more than his possessions could offer. Not just physically but mentally and emotionally. Emotions that he never known before but because of this boy he was now willing to know every kind of emotions as long as wooyoung is with him

" Thank you for coming to my life " he gaze at the boy's eyes and takes those chin up, finally he's getting to taste that luscious lips he's dreaming to kiss. Wooyoung grip the hem of his shirt so tight and squeeze his eyes close as his heart race faster than ever

Nichkhun close the gap between their face and plant a soft kiss on the boy's lips that definitely urge him to kiss it more because of the great sensation it brings. He never know that a kiss could give you a glimpse of heaven. but no matter how he crave for more, he don't want to scared the boy if he kiss him longer than necessary so he need to ask for permission to take this boy's breath away " can I kiss you more and longer? " He ask biting his lips and stifle his chuckle as how flushed wooyoung was as he open his eyes he look so cute nichkhun thought

" Like how junho and chansung kiss? " Nichkhun's eyes widen to what he heard. Does that two twerps eating each others face in front of his innocent wooyoung? " Hyung.. " Wooyoung's unsure tone snap him from his thoughts. He smile at the boy " I will kiss you in more loving way " he softly said not ert as he was " so may I? " He ask again and earn a timid nod from wooyoung who bite his lips. Tempting nichkhun even more

Nichkhun didn't waste time he's dying to own that lips. He cupped wooyoung's face and lean down to capture the inviting lips completely and caress it with his own lips. Wooyoung as naïve as he was. He kiss nichkhun back so timid and inexperience yet send a bliss to nichkhun as much as how nichkhun makes him feel. The kiss was so sweet, so sugared, so melting,- so delicious. And so perfect. Breathtaking that they might die kissing. A kiss as long and silent as the ecstatic night

They snuggle up closely together as wooyoung timidly loop his shy arms around nichkhun's neck, tip toeing while nichkhun held the boy stable making sure the boy was comfortable with it. After their lips have been glued together, nichkhun beckoned wooyoung to open his lips and the latter did. He open his lips slightly then nichkhun put the tip of his tongue out and feel the smooth surface of wooyoung's teeth a signal for wooyoung to respond in kind who moan continuously in the process of the kiss . Nichkhun explore wooyoung's mouth sweeping every surface and finally they tongue met. His eager tongue make love with wooyoung's shy one earning another long timid moan from the innocent boy as he feels the latter shudder in excitements pressing himself more against nichkhun. Shudder curse their body as the kiss intensified. Heaven is with that union of their mouths

Soon short gasp come from the both of them. No matter how experience nichkhun was, this kiss definitely taking his breath away in short duration of time but who wants to breathe, who even wants to think of breathing in the middle of an impassioned kiss?, he could breath through his nose if he have to breathe but he'll keep on kissing as long as it there yet the way wooyoung clutch on his shoulder and short gasp become even more shorter, he knew he has to stop before wooyoung faint so he drew out his lips from the boy and hugs him. Feeling how desperate wooyoung to gasp for air supply that had corrupt by him. While both of the absorbing the exquisite sensation after the long heated kiss they shared " I'm sorry I got carried away, your taste intoxicated me and loss my common sense " he said very gently. Wooyoung didn't say anything he even too shy to face nichkhun which nichkhun could only chuckle and let the boy hide his face on the crook of his neck

Short moment of basking in the sweet sensation, he piggy back the boy and headed home since he prefer to walk the boy in the night breeze of air hitting their system to make them more relax and enjoy the solitude of the place

Nichkhun halted as he saw those two features again in front of their house peering, one of them has a trendy fashion. shorter and smaller than the other who he could compare to a beast. Wooyoung notice that his hyung stop and look ahead " hyung, who are they? " He ask

" hmm.. I've no idea " respond nichkhun and resume to walk as soon as they reach the house, The two startled seeing them but nichkhun couldn't miss the fondness of relief as they saw wooyoung, and nichkhun suddenly cringe at the thought this two were here to take wooyoung with them and the way they look at wooyoung nichkhun definitely knows that this two really came for wooyoung so without asking any question, he ask the two to come in and enter the house where junho and chansung are waiting

Junho and chansung look at each other these are the two they were talking about the other day. They caught them plenty of times peeking in the house like a stalker " hyung, who are they? " they ask in unison, nichkhun didn't say anything but give them a hint which they knew precisely and look at wooyoung who seem tired and no care about the two he's still on nichkhun's back

" I'm going to my room take care of them. I'm gonna put him to bed first " he said and retreat to his room. Junho and chansung nodded to him, could sense the worry in nichkhun's tone and he looks so uneasy makes the two uneasy as well

Nichkhun tuck wooyoung in bed and lay next to him. Wooyoung snuggle to him and says his good night to him while nichkhun rub his back as usual to put wooyoung into a quick sleep. His mind become restless thinking about the appearance of two strangers was with junho and chansung right now. He kiss wooyoung's forehead and lightly peck the now sleeping beauty's lips before heading out his room to face the things awaited

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Chapter 16: Love it so much ^^ <3
hobuttlover #2
Chapter 16: Yes, epilogue please!
Murtini #3
Chapter 16: So this fic will end soon??
I'll miss this fic sooooo muchh..
Beautiful and cute ever woo
possessive khun..
Can't wait for the epilogue. Authornim,, gomawo..
Chapter 16: yaaaayyyy, author update and wooyoung is back. yeee yeee yeee yeeee.... aaah how happy I am. wooyoungie,,, I miss u ~~~~ but woobaby still a child? won't he be a guy or old boy or man? I hope in epilogue he will be a man, y man.kkkkk... who doesn't want if the fox is cute and precious like woo? I want too and of course, I will as possessive as khun too. no one can touch woobaby except me.hihihihi. aaah glad that khun didn't hurt my woobaby here, even khun more suffer because he miss woobaby.

sigh,,,,,, this story will end soon? andweee,,, how with their marriage then? it will be happened right? in epilogue maybe? and thanks for mr nd mrs horvejkul who welcomed woobaby and take good care of him though they know exactly who and how woobaby is. :-)
gomapseumnida authornim. I miss you I miss your story... comebck as soon s possible authornim. I will wait u :-)
Chapter 16: yes!!!!! epilogue please~
i don't see the reason why the previous chap is rated though.. LoL
but thanks for the double update~
kinda curious too how woo becomes fox..
is there gonna be the story when Khun meets Woo's parents?
it's rare the parents accept their relationship easily..happy to know khun's parent really love Woo too ^^
can't wait for the epilogue ><
Chapter 16: yay! it's a happy ending! really worthwhile to be waited. good job authornim! can't wait for the epilogue too... <3
Chapter 14: poor khunnie... T^T but who cute little???? can be woo? or woo parent?? i hope this woo...><"
update soon thorr..^^
When I read this part"Wooyoung scan the unfamiliar place with his blurry vision" I knew they were split up. Where's Khun? Poor Wooyoung.T____T "I want to see Khun hyung." Poor baby. And reading all the way up to where we see Khun I'm still sad especially when he thinks back to when Wooyoung was there. T___T
Chapter 14: what? Wooyoung is back with his real shape?? Jinjja??? He comeback for real and forever or just for awhile? And whos that behind khun? Teackey? Or woo's parent? Aiiishhh,,, ky always suffer. :( aaaah finally i read this . i miss this story :( gomawo authorssi. I wait the next sweet chap. :)
Chapter 14: O.O!!!!
it wasn't just his dreamy state right? that fox is really Woo right?
whose foot steps??? Woo's parents?
i thought you will kill us with such a looong 'missing time'..glad it's only in one chapter lol
update soon~