missing you

Child of the night
Nichkhun scurried out of his room looking for wooyoung, it was complete darkness greet him as soon as he was out but he's unfaze about it, he run to the kitchen but the kitchen light is close same as living room therefore he run to minjun and taec's room and directly push the door to check if wooyoung is there nor what his intuition is right. He couldn't make out anything in the dark room. He turn on the light and saw that the room is empty, neither of taec and minjun was not there to coax him from his dilemma

Nichkhun instantly swoon on the floor. The absence of the two confirm his intuition is right. he's sure wooyoung left for real this time and he wasn't able to hold back his tears anymore. A quiet sob of a man contrast in the empty room. He let it happen, he let his tears go because he don't need to worry if someone see him crying because no more wooyoung would worry, no more wooyoung would ask why he's crying and no more wooyoung will look at him with sad gaze because wooyoung already return to his own world

Nichkhun retreat back to his room lying on wooyoung spot hugging wooyoung's pillow and buried his face over it. the scent of wooyoung filling his lungs, taking as much of the scent he could, he hug the pillow tight as if it was wooyoung but the cold chill of the pillow doesn't make it any better. He wish the pillow would turn to be wooyoung and will coax him from his horrible state right now but that didn't happen because wooyoung never felt cold as that, wooyoung radiate such warm feeling but nichkhun couldn't feel it anymore, he lost the warm he intend to feel for life


Wooyoung groan audibly, unpleasantly shifted his body on the concrete of something he doesn't know yet he feel so uncomfortable. With a forehead crease in discomfort, he open his eyes with a bothersome feeling as he didn't feel the usual warmth in his skin, the warm of his hyung radiating to his skin. When he open his eyes he wasn't in the room he wanted to be in forever and he wasn't in nichkhun's arms. He wasn't on their room as what nichkhun told him " hyung.." Wooyoung scan the unfamiliar place with his blurry vision, he scan every surface could reach his sight, hoping to see his hyung or hear him responding to his call in a soft loving yet enthusiastic tone and he heard someone respond but it wasn't the same as how nichkhun calls him, because his name always safe when nichkhun calls him " welcome back our prince " wooyoung search for the motherly voice and to his surprise he saw a couple of creature with a wolf-ish head but smaller head, looks like a dog but not a dog with long tails with a white tip , reddish brown fur, a long face with distinctive black markings. looking at him, wooyoung was shock and almost jump but then he notice minjun and taec standing side by side looking at him with somewhat wooyoung doesn't know how to call it yet therefore wooyoung's attention completely on them " minjun hyung!!, taec hyung!! " He exclaim running close to his hyungs " where's khun hyung?..chansung and junho? " He ask desperately ignoring the two creature whom greeted him

a tingle happen and wooyoung seem to snap out from his dream yet he remembers everything, he remembers everything what happen so vividly. from the time he ask for his wish and to his current situation, he remembers everything but on his mind right now there's only one person . Thus, he looks at the two fox looking at him " welcome back our prince " formally repeated the two, wooyoung almost couldn't believe what's happening, he could barely open his mouth but he force to, it wasn't easy to progress everything happens but he need to speak " mother, father why I'm here? " He ask incredulously even though he has idea, he ask nonetheless

" you're here because the time we gave you is up, you said you only want to know how human live there so we grant your wish and now it's your time to return to your real world " said his mother " but I don't want to comeback yet I don't want here anymore, I want to stay there " he said in trembling voice feeling so clammy inside as he feel breaking down, already missing his hyung " but this is your world, this world is where you belong, you can't stay there "

And that's what makes wooyoung completely breaks, thinking he couldn't be with his hyung again kills the beat of his wavering heart " no I don't belong here, I may be born into this world but I don't belong here. mother father both of you give me life and I'm really grateful for that but you know since I was young I always see myself as different from others, I never felt I belong here, I never was. khun hyung, khun hyung gives me that place where I belong. wherever khun hyung is, there is the place where I belong, I belong to him... Please bring me back to him... I promised him I will never leave him yet I'm here..please let me go back to him he'll worry " beg wooyoung kneeling down in front of his parents " minjun hyung, taec hyun..please help me... I want to see khun hyung "

minjun and taec could only give their sorry look at wooyoung, they wanted to help wooyoung, do something for the boy's happiness but they don't have power to give that so nothing really they can do to help the lad. the only cry of wooyoung heard in the quiet room everyone in the room seems to fretting what to say but no matter what they say, it would still break the boy's heart " we understand what you feel our prince, you fall in love but sorry we couldn't grant your wish this time, soon you'll inherit the power to lead this land so you have big responsibility in the future "

" No..you don't understand me! If you understand you'll let me go... I don't want to be responsible of anything!! I just want to be with khun hyung!! " Everyone startles to what wooyoung announce and how infuriated he was. they can't even react when he run to his room and locks the door

Few minutes later, wooyoung heard a knocks on his door but he cover his ears using the pillow and wrap his whole body with his blanket no intention to open the door or to go out of the room if its not his khun hyung calling him

Nichkhun sigh inaudibly staring out of the window its been few hours after wooyoung left and he feels like dying, he really miss wooyoung, it felt that he lost the point of his life because wooyoung is not with him, his life mean nothing without his precious wooyoung, he didn't get sleep after a long cold night, his eyes always searching for wooyoung " khun hyung, we're going " chansung and junho was already with their bags their face is full of worry and sadness. earlier they they were shock to find nichkhun alone in his room with tears stain cheeks and swollen eyes and just then they notice wooyoung's absence and realize what their hyung fear had come. it hurts them but seeing their hyung like that breaks them, nichkhun tried to hide his face as soon as he saw them and went in the bathroom and return with a feigned smile to cover his loneliness, and although he knew it was useless he tried to nonetheless. They didn't talk much about what happen because its obvious what really happen and if they talk about it, they know it will just breaks nichkhun even more. They already pack their things because it's time to return back to seoul but nichkhun told them to go first and he'll stay to wait for wooyoung. He know wooyoung loves him and if minjun and taec is right because of that deep feeling, there's a chance wooyoung might comeback for him

Nichkhun feigned a smile again and look at the two waiting for him to talk " don't worry about me, I know he'll come back, just tell mom I'll stay a little longer " he said soothing the two. Junho and chansung smile back and bid bye even they're reluctant to go. They actually really want to stay with their hyung but knowing nichkhun well, nichkhun has high pride he don't want people to see him weak or vulnerable so it would just make things harder for the lad if they stay and show they were sorry even it wasn't their fault. What Nichkhun needs now is some time alone

After the two left, nichkhun takes the camera he use when they went to amusement park, he spent his day looking at wooyoung's pictures and picture of them together. The smiles on there lips reflects to other and the spark of their eyes was beyond a perfect contrast of twinkle of the stars and the moonlight in the vast sky. As he stare at those pictures few things he realize about them and one of those are how cute they are as a couple and how perfect they are for each other and how complete they are beside each other but at this moment nichkhun could say how incomplete he is without wooyoung next to him

Nichkhun spent the night walking on the empty road reminiscing the night when he confessed to wooyoung and how he met wooyoung back then, he thought maybe if he decide to take a walk, wooyoung will pop in front of door but the night didn't bring wooyoung back and when he return to the house, he spent every seconds thinking about wooyoung till his eyes physically give up

3 days after wooyoung left nichkhun still waiting for wooyoung in his grandparents house. His parents had call him insisting he have to go back to seoul because the school will start after 2 days but nichkhun refuse to go back saying he can't leave the house yet, he don't want to leave the house and refuse to say what's his reason to stay in the house he hated before and even his parents are quite baffled and worried they give him more time to stay in the house somehow concern as how nichkhun sound when they talk to him

Nichkhun stared up at sky heading back home as he tales a walk again with the hope if he take a walk, the night will bring wooyoung but the night disappoint him again, wooyoung is still not there the moment he enter the house, nichkhun sigh in disappointment and walk to the kitchen looking for any food he could stuff in his mouth to give his stomach a little compensation for behaving these past 3 days of no proper meal

Nichkhun took a glass of milk and walk out of the kitchen to the living room to watch the show he always watch with wooyoung he sat in the couch and open the tv, he's taking a sip of the milk when he feel eyes looking at him and oddly sends him familiar feeling. slowly he turn his head on his left side and find those eyes, nichkhun's mouth gape and the glass almost slip out of his grip as his eyes catches a cute little thing looking at him, nichkhun couldn't even blink, that short ears and very beautiful pure white fur and a unique thick tail with reddish tip fascinates him, nichkhun assume it was a fox but he wasn't really sure because he haven't see any fox as beautiful as that, it looks so cute actually and that reminds him of certain someone. nichkhun so stunned and his mind literally wander back to when the first time he met wooyoung, the person who could only stunned him like that

Nichkhun froze on the couch as the cute little thing suddenly leap up to his lap and still look at him straight in his eyes and just then when he stare back deep into those foxy eyes he notice how that thing look at him, looking at him longingly with the twinkle of something he only see in someones eyes. Nichkhun cautiously touch the little thing on his back feeling the soft fur tickle his palm and the little thing he pet seem to like it as it leans and comfortably snuggle on his lap. Nichkhun smile and resume to what he was doing it relax him somehow but the moment breaks when he heard foot steps echoing behind him

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Chapter 16: Love it so much ^^ <3
hobuttlover #2
Chapter 16: Yes, epilogue please!
Murtini #3
Chapter 16: So this fic will end soon??
I'll miss this fic sooooo muchh..
Beautiful and cute ever woo
possessive khun..
Can't wait for the epilogue. Authornim,, gomawo..
Chapter 16: yaaaayyyy, author update and wooyoung is back. yeee yeee yeee yeeee.... aaah how happy I am. wooyoungie,,, I miss u ~~~~ but woobaby still a child? won't he be a guy or old boy or man? I hope in epilogue he will be a man, y man.kkkkk... who doesn't want if the fox is cute and precious like woo? I want too and of course, I will as possessive as khun too. no one can touch woobaby except me.hihihihi. aaah glad that khun didn't hurt my woobaby here, even khun more suffer because he miss woobaby.

sigh,,,,,, this story will end soon? andweee,,, how with their marriage then? it will be happened right? in epilogue maybe? and thanks for mr nd mrs horvejkul who welcomed woobaby and take good care of him though they know exactly who and how woobaby is. :-)
gomapseumnida authornim. I miss you I miss your story... comebck as soon s possible authornim. I will wait u :-)
Chapter 16: yes!!!!! epilogue please~
i don't see the reason why the previous chap is rated though.. LoL
but thanks for the double update~
kinda curious too how woo becomes fox..
is there gonna be the story when Khun meets Woo's parents?
it's rare the parents accept their relationship easily..happy to know khun's parent really love Woo too ^^
can't wait for the epilogue ><
Chapter 16: yay! it's a happy ending! really worthwhile to be waited. good job authornim! can't wait for the epilogue too... <3
Chapter 14: poor khunnie... T^T but who cute little???? can be woo? or woo parent?? i hope this woo...><"
update soon thorr..^^
When I read this part"Wooyoung scan the unfamiliar place with his blurry vision" I knew they were split up. Where's Khun? Poor Wooyoung.T____T "I want to see Khun hyung." Poor baby. And reading all the way up to where we see Khun I'm still sad especially when he thinks back to when Wooyoung was there. T___T
Chapter 14: what? Wooyoung is back with his real shape?? Jinjja??? He comeback for real and forever or just for awhile? And whos that behind khun? Teackey? Or woo's parent? Aiiishhh,,, ky always suffer. :( aaaah finally i read this . I.read.this.hehe i miss this story :( gomawo authorssi. I wait the next sweet chap. :)
Chapter 14: O.O!!!!
it wasn't just his dreamy state right? that fox is really Woo right?
whose foot steps??? Woo's parents?
i thought you will kill us with such a looong 'missing time'..glad it's only in one chapter lol
update soon~