Chapter 03

Who Are You When You Sleep

~JongKook's P.O.V~

"Wake up. You have school" said Yoongi, shaking my shoulder. My only response was a low grunt, leaving my lips, as I rolled onto my stomach, pressing my face against the couch. The next thing I felt was Ice cold water being poured on my head, making me jump up. "What was that for!" I shouted, shivering. Yoongi just shrugged, "You didn't want to get up. So I just got cold water" he said, before walking off. "Wait" said Hoseok. I turned towards him, "Why is your shirt ripped...and dirty?" he asked. I looked at my shirt, not really surprised anymore. "No idea. I'm just gonna change" I said before walking off.

~Hoseok's P.O.V~

"Isn't that weird. It's just like you said. He has ripped shirts and his jeans are also dirty." I said, looking at Jimin. "Well, I don't really know what we should do, but let's leave it. Maybe he does sleepwalk and goes outside in the front yard. He sleeps so he could possibly slip, or trip over something" said Jin. "Probably. Let's leave it for now" Jimin said, before telling JongKook that we are leaving. We left when he shouted 'Alright' back.  

~JongKook's P.O.V~

As soon as they left, I took all the cameras I bought, and placed them all around the house. My plan is that before I go to bed, I turn on all the cameras to see what I do and where I go. After I re-checked everything, I took my backpack, grabbed an apple, and headed to school.

In School, the news about all the murders are going viral, and all girls are panicking. "Nobody would want you. You are ugly anyways!" shouted the school , at a girl, who was being cornered by '', we like to call her that, and her bystanders. People started crowding around them, watching the scence. Usually I don't get into stuff like this, but the promise to my mom might actually help me out with this one.

I walked through the crowd, to the girl. For a moment I was frozen by fer adorable looking face, that was now covered in fear.

"Hey you. Get out the way. I'm handeling business" said , getting my attention. The girl walked behind me, holding onto my shirt tightly, leaning her head against my back. "What kidn of business. Telling her that she would die first. You know, none of us know who that person is after. Let's say its a he. He might be after me, he might be after boys. He might be after you. We don't know, and the only thing we can do is let the Police handle this. So leave her alone, before I will handle business with you!" I said, getting pissed. I don't get mad easily, but if I do, then it's not pretty. She quickly left, all the others walking off, annoyed that there was no huge fight.

I turned to the girl, who looked frightened, and looked at her. "You alright?" I asked her. She quickly thought about it, before slowly nodding. "What is your name?" I asked her, getting more and more attracted to her by the second. "Choi Cho Hee" she said quietly, as if afraid to speak. "You don't have to be scared. I'll protect you" I said, making her smile. I took her small hand, and walked with her to her locker, before we both walked to class.


I picked Cho Hee up from her class, taking no risk that '' might corner her again, or worse. I waited at her classroom door, for her to come out. When she walked out, she looked around, and smiled when she saw me. I walked towards her, and took her hand, which became a habit now, and walked to our lockers, before we went to lunch. As we were walking to the line, I felt a bunch of gazes directed towards Cho Hee and I. I looked at the crowd, some staring at me, others glaring. As I was about to continue walking, a fist connected with my face, making me stumble.

Two boys pulled Cho Hee back, holding her, while four other boys started punching me. I tried the best to defend myself, succeding halfway, when I was pulled away. I looked up to find my History teacher look at me. "Go get cleaned up" was all he said, before him and the other teachers brought those guys away. Cho Hee ran towards me, and walked with me to the girl's bathroom. Not that I really care, now that I got punched for no reason, and that I'm bleeding and have a bruised face.

She laid down her bag, and pulled out some cream, before getting a paper towel and making it wet. She was carefully wiping the blood from my face, fully concentrating. Me...well I was busy looking at her face, studying her facial features. What makes me wonder is why she is so quiet. "Why are you so shy, and quiet?" I asked her, getting curious. "You heard in the news about those two girls dying, right?" she asked, getting a nod from me. "Well, one of these girls was my sister, who was friends with the school . When she found out, she blamed me, and told me that I should have died instead of her. But my sister wasn't like them. She was actually the complete opposite, but she didn't have any friends, so she started hanging out with 'them', to feel like she was part of something." she explained.  

~After School~

When School ended, Cho Hee called her parents telling them that she will be with a friend, since she knew that  '' would follow her, because her parents work late. We were walking, like always, hand in hand, to my house where we were greeted by Jimin. "Well there. Guys, our baby brought his Girlfriend" Jimin shouted, after bringing us inside. They all came into the Living room, smiling when they saw Cho Hee. "Hello. My name is Jimin." he introduced himself. "I'm Cho Hee." she said, smiling. They all introduced themselves before Cho Hee and I sat down and started on our Homework.


Hope you liked the Chapter. She will play an important part in the Story. Just to make sure that if the Picture doesn't show up I will put the link below. < Choi Cho Hee

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Chapter 10: That was...not a good ending. o_o Everything was happening WAY too fast and the plot line seemed to disappear in this chapter...And the romance was so...weird and cliche. >_<
I suddenly felt Cho Hee was a Mary Sue.
Anyway, the whole "parents not wanting to lose wealth and threatening Jimin's parents" thing seemed more random than a plot twist-if that was what you were going for.
Anyway, sad it's over but I wish you luck on your future projects. Byebye.
Chapter 9: jungkookie being like this is kinda creepy >w< i hope jimin won't go to the cops! omg this is getting better and better by every chapter <3
Chapter 9: omfggggg what just happened i'm still.... i .... what... omo i can't. please update soon~~~
Chapter 9: So~ how was school today?
I killed someone. And slapped a girl.
Update please~
Chapter 9: My baby Kookie. NO. He's not a monster Dx
It's okay *calms down*
I-I-I... TTnTT
Chapter 9: Nice update ! I guess knowing that they know it's him
Chapter 8: Don't ever have Jin get angry ever again. That literally scared the out of me. As for Jimin, him being mad made me uncomfortable. (T_T)
Then again, this fanfiction ain't no Disney Princess tale, but still. Great chapter nonetheless.
It is a bit hard figuring out who is who because I mainly know them by their stage names (Rap Monster, Suga, V, etc.), but lemme write this out so I know I got them right for this chapter.
Rap Monster-Namjoon