

"Everybody, please welcome, Nam Jihyun!" The teacher said. Sunggyu look up from his book. The girl enter the class and bow in front of the pupils.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Nam Jihyun imnida. I am a transfer student from Yeongsang High School." Jihyun said. Everyone in the class smile sweetly.

"Jihyun, you can sit beside Kim Sunggyu over there." The teacher point to the sit beside Sunggyu. Sunggyu smile again and raise his hand. Jihyun smile. She walk towards the sit beside Sunggyu.

"Annyeong. Jihyun imnida." Jihyun said. Sunggyu bow his head slightly.

"Annyeong. Sunggyu imnida. Have a sit. Welcome to Woollim High School." Sunggyu said. Jihyun nod and sit. The class start and they focus on their lesson.

"Sunggyu ssi, how to answer this?" Jihyun ask. Sunggyu smile.

"Drop the formality. Just call me Sunggyu. Let me teach you." Sunggyu said and he show the right way to answer the question. Times sure passes fast right? Recess come and other student approach Jihyun and make friend with him. She look at Sunggyu who is reading book.

"Sunggyu, you don't want to go for recess?" Jihyun ask. Sunggyu look at her and shook his head.

"Nah~ I prefer study. Moreover, I can eat at home." Sunggyu said. Jihyun nod and walk away.

"Sunggyu ah!" Sungyeol run to him bringing 2 lunchbox.

"Yah! Lee Sungyeol! Don't run." Sunggyu said and chuckle. Sungyeol pout and sit opposite to Sunggyu.

"Gyu, my brother told me to share this food. He said, you have worked so hard for us. Moreover, we have many food at home. And, you can bring some for Myungsoo." Sungyeol said. Sunggyu smile at him.

"Thank you Yeol ah." Sunggyu said and they start dig in. They chat and laugh a lot.

"Gyu~" Sungyeol said cutely. Sunggyu throw him a weird look.

"Why are you acting like this?" Sunggyu said.

"Gyu~~ Can I follow you visit Myungsoo today?" Sungyeol ask. Sunggyu chuckle.

"Of course, but, how about your brother? Wouldn't he mad if no one help him at cafe?" Sunggyu said.

"Aish. No. He will be alright alone. Moreover, he will open the cafe a bit late and his girlfriend is coming . He will chase me out from the cafe. And I have to sit alone at the park."Sungyeol pout.

"Ahh. Okay, but, my mother is there. You wouldn't mind right?" Sunggyu said. Sungyeol silent for a while. He then let out and awkward laugh.

"If you don't mind then, I will be okay." Sungyeol said and expecting positive answer from Sunggyu.

"Okay then." Sunggyu said. Without they knowing, there are a pair of eyes looking at them.

'What a cute Kim Sunggyu'


Sunggyu sit nervously at the waiting room. The door open and a woman walked in.

"So, you bring a friend. Let's go now." The woman said. Sunggyu nod. They drove to hospital. Sungyeol wait outside while the woman and Sunggyu inside the ward.

"Myungie, eomma will pay for this but you have to stay with eomma after that can you?" She said. Sunggyu bit his lips.

"Gyu, please, persuade Myungie. Don't worry. Both of you will have a great life with me. Trust me Gyu, Myung." The woman said.

"Eomma, I can't force Myungsoo. Moreover, we are your son. Don't play with Myungsoo's life. Because, it is you who left us." Sunggyu said. The woman sigh.

"Suit yourself then. If you change your mind, tell me. About Myungie, I will pay for it so, Gyu, focus on your study. I got to go." The woman said and walk away after hug and kiss her two son. Sungyeol enter the ward with a big smile and a bouquet of flower.

"Myungie!" Sungyeol chirped happily. Myungsoo smile a big smile.

"Yeollie!" Myungsoo open his arm for a hug. Sungyeol accept the hug.

"Myungie!! I misss chuuu sooo much!" Sungyeol said and giggle.

"I miss chuu tooo!" Myungsoo pout. Sungyeol pinch Myungsoo's nose. Sunggyu just smile. Sungyeol place the flower at Myungsoo's table.

"How are you feeling?" Sungyeol ask.

"Much better. Yeollie don't have to worry about Myungie. Myungie will be fine." Myungsoo said cutely. Sungyeol smile.

"That's good then. Yeollie can't wait to sit beside Myungie again in class. It is so boring without Myungie for three months already." Sungyeol pout. Myungsoo giggle.

"Myungie too. Myungie wants to study again. Myungie wants to sit for exam. Myungie love school especially Yeollie." Myungsoo said on the verge of tears. Sunggyu and Sungyeol exchange look.

"Myung, Yeol, I have to go somewhere. I will be back later." Sunggyu said and walk out. Sungyeol know that Sunggyu wants to cry. Sunggyu can't cry in front of Myungsoo. He need to be strong for Myungsoo. Sungyeol look at Sunggyu until the boy lost from his sight.

"Myung, you have to be strong for Yeollie. For Gyu. Promise me neh?" Sungyeol held out his pinky finger. Myungsoo nod and intertwined their finger.

"Myungie love Sunggyu Hyung. Myungie love Yeollie too." Myungsoo said. Sungyeol smile and kiss Myungsoo's forehead.

"Yeollie will wait for Myungie. Just be strong for us." Sungyeol whisper.


"So, what did you mother said?" Sungyeol ask.

"She will pay for Myungsoo's treatment." Sunggyu said. Sungyeol nod.

"You don't have to work then." Sungyeol said. Sunggyu smile.

"Aniyo. I wil work. I want to earn myself with my own money. I don't want to depend on others." Sunggyu said. Sungyeol amaze with Sunggyu. He love Sunggyu's behavior which is like to be independent. Someone tap Sunggyu's shoulder. Sunggyu turn around and smile wider.

"Annyeong Sunggyu ssi!" The person greet.

"Woohyun!Just drop the formality. I don't need that 'ssi' " Sunggyu said. Sungyeol look at Sunggyu then Woohyun.

"Sungyeol ah, this is my friend, Woohyun." Sunggyu said and they shake hand.

"Where do you want to go?" Woohyun ask.

"I want to go to Infinite Cafe. I work there." Sunggyu said.

"Infinite Cafe? Sounds good. But, you are still high school student. How come you can get a work?" Woohyun ask.

"Woohyun ah, Sungyeol's brother own that cafe. As a friend, he helps me." Sunggyu said happily. Woohyun nod.

"By the way, where is your school?" Woohyun ask.

"Me? I am from Woollim High School. You?" Sunggyu said.

"I am from Yeongsang High School. Ah! My sister just transfer to Woollim High School. Did you meet her there?" Woohyun ask.

"Nam Jihyun? Is that her?" Sunggyu said. Woohyun nod.

"She is my new deskmate." Sunggyu said.

"Really? Woah! What a fate! Really! We can get closer then." Woohyun said. Sunggyu suddenly blush at the word 'closer'.

"Omo! Why did your face become red? Are you sick?"Woohyun said and touch Sunggyu's face.

"Aniyo. I'm fine!" Sunggyu said. Sungyeol's jaw dropped when saw Sunggyu touch Sunggyu's red face.

'He never let anyone touch his face. Even me.' Sungyeol thought.

"You look so cute!" Woohyun said. Sunggyu pout.

"Omo! Sunggyu, don't pout or I will kiss your lips." Woohyun said. Sunggyu look at him with wide eye and he turn his head away to hide his blushing face. Sungyeol clear his throat.

"Gyu, we has arrive." Sungyeol said. "Goodbye Woohyun ah!" Sunggyu said. "Wait!" Woohyun called.

"Can I follow you guys? No one at my home now. So, can I?" Woohyun ask. Sunggyu look at Sungyeol who smiled at him.

"Okay then. Let's go." Sunggyu said. Woohyun smile and walk with them.


"How long did you knew Sunggyu?"Sungyeol ask.

"Yesterday." Woohyun answer shortly. Sungyeol nod.

"I am two years younger from him? What about you?" Sungyeol ask.

"I'm just a year younger. I guess I should call him Hyung then." Woohyun said.

"Aniyo. We don't need to. He say, he didn't like it. He love it if his friends call him Gyu. He feel more comfortable." Sungyeol said.

"How long did you be friend with him?" Woohyun ask.

"I have befriend with him and his brother since pre school. I know his entire life. He is strong." Sungyeol said. Woohyun look at him with a confused look.

"He has a brother?" Sungyeol nod.

"He is a responsible brother. I respect him. And, I trust him on you." Sungyeol said.

"What? Trust him on me?" Woohyun said.

"Take good care of him or I will hunt you down." Sungyeol said and get up from his seat. Woohyun can be really dumb sometimes. Sunggyu come to his table with a cheesecake and vanilla latte.

"Omo! Thank you Gyu ah!" Woohyun said happily. Sunggyu nod.

"Enjoy your food Woohyunnie!" Sunggyu said and slipped the nickname from his mouth.

"W-what did you call me?" Woohyun ask. Sunggyu bit his lips. "W-woohyun." Sunggyu stammer. Woohyun chuckle playfully.

"Just call me Woohyunnie or Hyunnie. I like it.”Woohyun said. Sunggyu smile unknowingly.

“I have to work now. Enjoy your food…. Hyunnie.” Sunggyu said and walk away. Woohyun smile.

‘What a cute hamster. Gyuzizi.’ Woohyun smile at the nickname.


“Where did you go Woohyun?” Jihyun ask.

“I just have a date with your new deskmate!” Woohyun sang. Jihyun tilt her head.

“S-sunggyu?” Jihyun ask. Woohyun smile.

“Noona. I think, I have fall in love with Sunggyu. Kim Sunggyu. Your deskmate.” Woohyun said and smile happily. Jihyun force a smile.

“Congratulation then.” Jihyun said and smile bitterly.

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Thank you for this wonderful fic authornim!!! Hope you can update soon such a cliffhanger pretty pls~ with gyu on top dont make us wait long esp that the story entering the good part..
Chapter 7: oh no why hiatus ;_; i was just comeback and read this. i missed 2 chaps but the you have to go hiatus whyyy

woogyu's date ;A;
purple_wanie #3
Chapter 6: OMG!!! Hyun-ah, you should just tell Gyu that u want him to be yours and not tell it as a joke!! but i feel reluctant to share my Gyu with you!!!
Chapter 5: So. Woohyun knows that his sister like sunggyu? Wow.
Chapter 4: Yay the operation is success!! Omo myungyeol ;u;

Uh why l.joe is the bad guy ;n; he's my bias in teentop haha. Poor my gyu get bullied, uh namu ave him!!

And I'm so sorry for jihyun, woogyu is forever! Lol
Chapter 3: yes Sunggyu yes you like Woohyun. and Woohyun like you too or maybe he already fell in love with you and maybe you too. hehehe XD
purple_wanie #7
Chapter 3: OMG~~ love WooGyu moments~if only Gyu would do that to me!!!
*faints* haha..
great job author-nim
Foreverlocket #8
I didnt have time to comment the other time but HERE IT IS!! I really like this chapter!! Shows the many bonds between the characters :) The little Myungyeol thereee (gosh they're so adorableeee), the Woogyu (hint hint nudge nudge), Myunggyu (damn their sibling love is just mwhskala) and Sung2 (hahaha idk they're really funny). Anyway, was that a hint that Jihyun likes Sunggyu? Hmmmm...
Chapter 2: what disease Myungsoo suffered actually?
both of Nam's children have fell in love with Sunggyu. but Sunggyu only for Woohyun. hehe
it's going to be interesting. please update soon