

"Sunggyu, let's eat together!" Jihyun said. Even since a week they become friends, Jihyun always ask him to eat with her. Sunggyu smile.

"Never mind Jihyun ah. I don't like to eat at school. Just like I said before, I can eat at home." Sunggyu said. Jihyun sigh.

"Come on Sunggyu ah! You have to eat with me. I want to get closer with you." Jihyun said. Sunggyu taken aback.

"What for?" Sunggyu ask.

"For my brother of course." Jihyun said softly.

"Woohyun?" Sunggyu said. Jihyun nod and smile.

"W-why must? We're just friend." Sunggyu  blush. Jihyun chuckle.

"I know. That's why I want to get closer to you. Maybe, you can fall for my brother's charm." Jihyun wink. Sunggyu smile shyly.

"Jihyun ah, don't joke like that. It is scary than ghost." Sunggyu joked. Jihyun giggle.

"Okay. If you don't want to eat with me, but later, you will have to follow me somewhere. Promise??"Jihyun said and held her pinky finger. Sunggyu hesitate.

"Or you have to eat with me today."Jihyun threaten. Sunggyu nod and intertwined their finger.

"Good then! Tomorrow, follow me. Okay?" Jihyun said.

"Okay! Miss Nam Jihyun!" Sunggyu said.

"Your future-sister-in-law!" Jihyun sang and walk away with her friend. Sunggyu bit his lips shyly and blush.


"Gyu~~" Sungyeol called.

"Want to follow me visit Myungsoo?" Sunggyu said. Sungyeol sway his body shyly and tap his two finger.

"Can I?" Sungyeol blink his eyes several times and make a cute face. Sunggyu rolled his eyes.

"Of course you can. Moreover, he is your boyfriend right?" Sunggyu said and walk away. Sungyeol run and walk beside him.

"Omo! Gyu! You approve us? Eventhough I didn't even declare with my BabyMyungie? OMG! I love you my brother-in-law!" Sungyeol hug Sunggyu tightly.

"Yah! Yah! Let me go!" Sunggyu push Sungyeol.

"I didn't even say that I approve you guys? I didn't say anything." Sunggyu joked. Sungyeol pout and make a sad face.

"Gyuzizi! Yeolli is hurt! Yeollie will tell Myungie! Just wait!" Sungyeol said. Sunggyu chuckle. He put his arm around Sungyeol's shoulder.

"If you can make my brother happy, then I will just let you two. Myungsoo's smile is my happiness." Sunggyu said. Sungyeol nod. They stop walking and Sungyeol turn his head towards Sunggyu. He raise his right hand on his shoulder's level.

"Kim Sunggyu, my brother-in-law. Me, Lee Sungyeol promise will make my future boyfriend, Kim Myungsoo, happy. I will light his world with my love. I promise Sunggyu ah!" Sungyeol smile. Sunggyu pull him into a hug.

"Thank you Sungyeol ah." Sunggyu said. They walk together while singing Man In Love.


"Myungsoo can be operate if there is a donor. For now, we have to find the sitable donor for Myungsoo." The doctor said.

"Doctor, can I give my liver to him?" Sunggyu said. Sungyeol look at him.

"Gyu, you can't. Your body is weak right?" Mrs Kim said. Sunggyu look at his mother.

"Eomma, I will be fine. I promise you." Sunggyu said.

"But, it will be too risky. We all know you have a weak body." Sungyeol said.

"Yeol, I know. Just, let me sacrifice for Myungie. I promise I will be fine." Sunggyu said.

"Wait. Let us do the check up first. If it not suitable, we will find a new donor. Agree?" The doctor said. They all nod. Sunggyu follow the doctor.

"Sungyeol ssi, did Myungsoo or Sunggyu say anything?" Mrs Kim ask. Sungyeol look at her.

"No. Waeyo Mrs Kim?" Sungyeol said. Mrs Kim chuckle and shook her head.

"From now on, call me eomma. Arasso?" Mrs Kim said suddenly. Sungyeol smile like an idiot and chuckle.

"But why?" Sungyeol ask.

"I know about your feeling towards Myungsoo. From the way you talk to him, you look at him. Myungsoo smile for you and Sunggyu. So I don't mind at all." Mrs Kim said. Sungyeol blush.

"Ahjumma.. Ah, I mean, eomma,will you take Myungsoo and Sunggyu away after Myungie.. I mean Myungsoo's operation." Sungyeol ask. Mrs Kim smile.

"If they want to follow me then, I will. But if they don't want. I can't force them right?" Mrs Kim said. Sungyeol nod.

"Sungyeol, take care of Myungie can you?" Mrs Kim said. Sungyeol smile.

"I promise I will make Myungsoo happy." Sungyeol said. Mrs Kim nod.

They wait for another 30 minutes and Sunggyu finally comes out from the room with the doctor. His face is gloomy.

"How?" Mrs Kim ask. The doctor shook his head.

"Sunggyu's body is too weak. And his liver is not that good. It is suitable but it is not good. We can't take Sunggyu's liver." The doctor said. They sigh. A tears slid down Sunggyu's cheek. Sungyeol pat Sunggyu's shoulder and mouthing 'its okay'. Sunggyu nod.

"What say if just take my liver." Mrs Kim said.

"No!" Both Sungyeol and Sunggyu said.

"Doctor, can I try?" Sungyeol said. Sunggyu look at him. "Yeol. Don't" Sunggyu said.

"You want to try?" The doctor said. Sungyeol nod.

"Yeol, your life will be in danger. What about your brother?" Sunggyu said.

"Its okay. This is for everyone. Just let me try okay?" Sungyeol said. Sunggyu just nod. Sungyeol and the doctor walk towards the check up room.

"Eomma,will you take Myungie away from me?" Sunggyu ask. Mrs Kim look at her son.

"No. Unless, you want to live with me." Mrs Kim said.

"I love him so much." Sunggyu mumble and bit his lips.

After 45 minutes, Sungyeol walk to them with a big smile.

"Gyuzizi!!" Sungyeol hug Sunggyu.

"Yeol?" Sunggyu said.

"Lee Sungyeol ssi can donate his liver to Myungsoo. It is suitable and Lee Sungyeol's body is healthy." The doctor said and smile.

"About my brother, I will handle it." Sungyeol said.

"Tomorrow, we will do the transplant operation. Since you guys still a schooler, a bit late in the evening would be fine." The doctor said. They smile.

"Thank you doctor." They said. Sungyeol smile and walk in Myungsoo's ward.

"Myungie!!! SARANGHAE!!!" Sungyeol said. Mrs Kim and Sunggyu chuckle.


"Woohyun ah, this is your order." Sunggyu serve Woohyun's food.

"Komawooo Gyujiji!" Woohyun said. Sunggyu look at him.

"Did Sungyeol tell you about my nickname?" Sunggyu ask.

"Is that really your nickname? Woah! I am clever then!" Woohyun said proudly. Sunggyu rolled his eyes.

"Whatever Nam Woohyun. Just enjoy your food okay!" Sunggyu said. Woohyun nod like a cute child and eat his food.

"Yah! Woohyun,there is spaghetti sauce at your cheek." Sunggyu said. Woohyun wipe his cheek.

"No! Not there. A bit left." Sunggyu said. Woohyun wipe it again. Sunggyu chuckle.

"Let me help you then." Sunggyu said and stop Woohyun's hand.He lean closer and wipe Woohyun's cheek. Their eyes met and they stare at each other for a while.

"Ehem! Sunggyu ssi! Help me here!" Sungyeol fake a cough and disturb WooGyu's moment. He chuckle at his own action. Woohyun and Sunggyu groan. Sunggyu pulled away and hide his blushing face.

"Woohyun, I-I got to go." Sunggyu said and walk fastly. He cup his cheek with his hand.

"Oh my God! Why am I blushing!!" Sunggyu mumble softly. Woohyun smile at Sunggyu's action.

"My HamsterGyujiji is so cute!" Woohyun mumble.

"Wait! Did I say My HamsterGyujiji?" Woohyun ask himself and chuckle.

"Let it be. Moreover, he will be mine."Woohyun giggle at himself. Without he knowing, Sunggyu is giggling too looking at Woohyun's naughty action. Sungyeol look at Woohyun behind Sunggyu. He tap Sunggyu's shoulder making the older startled.

"Omo! Gamjagi! Yah! Lee Sungyeol!" Sunggyu his chest. Sungyeol laugh.

"Is it that fun to look at your crush like a creepy stalker?" Sungyeol ask.

"Who said he is my crush?" Sunggyu pout. Sungyeol rolled his eyes.

"What about the lovey dovey moment just now?" Sungyeol said.

"Just say that you like him. It will be easier." Sungyeol said and walk away. Sunggyu look at Woohyun once again.

"Do I like him?" Sunggyu mumbled and place his hand at his heart. He smile.

Thank you so much to my loyal readers, subscribers and commentors!

I will make this fics better!

Thank you once again!


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Thank you for this wonderful fic authornim!!! Hope you can update soon such a cliffhanger pretty pls~ with gyu on top dont make us wait long esp that the story entering the good part..
Chapter 7: oh no why hiatus ;_; i was just comeback and read this. i missed 2 chaps but the you have to go hiatus whyyy

woogyu's date ;A;
purple_wanie #3
Chapter 6: OMG!!! Hyun-ah, you should just tell Gyu that u want him to be yours and not tell it as a joke!! but i feel reluctant to share my Gyu with you!!!
Chapter 5: So. Woohyun knows that his sister like sunggyu? Wow.
Chapter 4: Yay the operation is success!! Omo myungyeol ;u;

Uh why l.joe is the bad guy ;n; he's my bias in teentop haha. Poor my gyu get bullied, uh namu ave him!!

And I'm so sorry for jihyun, woogyu is forever! Lol
Chapter 3: yes Sunggyu yes you like Woohyun. and Woohyun like you too or maybe he already fell in love with you and maybe you too. hehehe XD
purple_wanie #7
Chapter 3: OMG~~ love WooGyu moments~if only Gyu would do that to me!!!
*faints* haha..
great job author-nim
Foreverlocket #8
I didnt have time to comment the other time but HERE IT IS!! I really like this chapter!! Shows the many bonds between the characters :) The little Myungyeol thereee (gosh they're so adorableeee), the Woogyu (hint hint nudge nudge), Myunggyu (damn their sibling love is just mwhskala) and Sung2 (hahaha idk they're really funny). Anyway, was that a hint that Jihyun likes Sunggyu? Hmmmm...
Chapter 2: what disease Myungsoo suffered actually?
both of Nam's children have fell in love with Sunggyu. but Sunggyu only for Woohyun. hehe
it's going to be interesting. please update soon