Chapter 6

Imagine You, Imagine Me.

We had toast for breakfast today. Toast with butter, jams and Nutella. Everyone was trying to convince Jake to cook and he could only find bread in the storage. Apparently, we ran out of flour, pancake mix or rice. But as soon as everyone saw toasts, they were happily spreading out jams, butter and all. With hot chocolates, coffee and tea on the side, everything seem just right.


Tia promised to go grocery shopping immediately after breakfast. We were fine though. I guess the company, talking, sharing session helped a lot. We started talking over our trip today and I was energized. I couldn’t wait to go to the art gallery, museum and theatres. We suddenly hear a buzz, the door bell rang. Tia looked confused, we weren’t expecting anyone.


“Hello. How may I help you?” We could hear Tia talking over her guest and I heard footsteps.


“Lena, someone is here to see you.” I turned and I saw him. Kris, with that smile on his face. He held up some paper bags and said his greetings.


“Hi everyone.” I couldn’t help but blinked my eyes a couple more time. Why was Kris here? “I’m sorry if I am disturbing. I promised Lena brunch yesterday and I didn’t... Anyway, so here I am.” He explained and I was still trying to process everything.


“Oh! So this is your friend, Lena!” Anne exclaimed and hit my hand.


“I brought breakfast; I hope it’s enough for everyone.” Kris handed over food and it was on the table. I looked over the food and it was my favourite pastry. I was still shocked.


“Hey, I’m Sam” And everyone started introducing themselves to Kris and Kris as well. They moved over and made Kris sit next to me.


“He’s a keeper” Tia managed to say to me and I was still in disbelief. Kris hand over one of the pastries to me and all I manage to say was “Why are you here?”


“Bringing you breakfast, of course.” I saw Jake’s expression; he had that happy and genuine see-I-told-you-so look on his face and signals me towards Kris. I finally snapped into reality. Kris is here, next to me. I was about to ask what happened with Jane but I decided against it. I didn’t want to know really.


I took a cup and poured coffee into it. I hand the cup over to Kris and he took a sip out of it. I can’t help but notice how comfortable this feels. With everyone around us, Kris next to me, I was content.


Everyone started talking about the art tour again and Kris immediately turned over me “Are you going as well?” I nodded and “Can I come too?” I almost choked on my hot chocolate as soon as I heard him say and thankfully he didn’t notice.


“You want to come?” I asked Kris but it all came out in a hush.


“Can I?” He asked again and I was wordless. Of course, we use to go everywhere together at home but he never really was the person who took the first move, it was always, my plan, my invitations and him tagging along.


“Of course you can come along” Anne answered for me instead and Kris smiled and asked me again for confirmation. “I can come, right?”


All I did was nod and he had a bright expression on his face after. Everyone was excited and started preparing themselves. I decided to stay and turned to Kris again. “Are you sure you want to come?” I asked without hesitation.


“Yes, I want to come. Come on Len, you only have a few more days here, I need to spend those with you.” He finally explained and I couldn’t help but smile with that clarification. Kris immediately rubbed my cheeks and ruffled my hair, “Now, go. Didn’t you hear? We’re going in 15 minutes. Go get dress.”


I laughed and immediately stood up to walk to my room. Oh Kris, the things you do to me. I decided on a beige chiffon blouse and jeggings. I went out and immediately went over to Kris who was talking to Jake.


“What are you two talking about?” I asked and grab another pastry from the plate.


“I was just asking Jake about his work” Kris shifted his gaze towards me.


“Work?” I needed further explanation.


“I told Kris I’m a helper here but I’m a student as well.” I nodded and it didn’t seem weird to me. Kris glanced over Jake and asked him a couple more question about his course and things I wasn’t really interested in, all I could hear was business major, third year, interesting and all. I was still munching on my bread. Jake handed Kris a cup of water and motioned it towards me.

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Chapter 38: Thank you and you did a great job on this story!!!
Chapter 38: Could you maybe do a chapter about how Jake and Lena became a couple or how he confessed (I always wanted her to be with Jake because he always made her happy and put her needs before his)
qinmad #3
Chapter 37: I found the story yesterday and I read it all til today, even at night. Gosh, I was about to kill you once I read "1 year later" bc I knew Kris and Lena didn't end up together but then I realized that it was for the better. They were too caught up with each other and they couldn't think straight. I'm glad they finally did and both are happy -they remained as friends and it's all that matters. It's the first story that end up with friendship over relationship in the end and I still love it! Wow, you wrote a hella good fanfic and I'm glad I could read it! :) x
pbcccc #4
Chapter 37: kris is a jerk.. and i pity jane more than Len.... Len knows everything and tried to stop it but Jane knows nothing and still believes in Kris....
valiant_exo #5
This is one inspiring story..... There's a point in our lives when we realize that, two people will work out better just being friends than lovers...
Chapter 37: It's easier to understand now :) Feel so sad that June didn't end up with Kris but with Jake instead :) But that will be alright for me, I think kkkk. Thanks for this great story kkk. And hey, can I be your friend? Kk
Chapter 37: New reader here! I spent 4 hrs to read this story. And I don't really understand the last chapter... But I think, Lena is now in a relationship with Jake? :) please answer me it's so hard to understand :(
Chapter 37: The ending was so short. And it confuses me...
alexisreads #9
Chapter 35: Waiting for update!~
Chapter 33: I hope Kris realizes his mistakes soon..and apologizes..
Because Lena seriously deserves to be happy...
And Jake will always be the one Lena confides in..

Looking forward to your next update

I really want to know Kris's reasons for doing this..