Chapter 10

Imagine You, Imagine Me.

I woke up when the clock struck 8, it was still early. I went over to the bathroom to observe my face. Thankfully, it wasn’t swollen, no signs of crying. It was always like that and that is one of the reasons why I manage to always cover up my feelings. No signs of crying all night long, no signs of crying myself to sleep.

I went out and sat in the kitchen. I guess Tia and Jake weren’t awake yet. I looked over the refrigerator and grabbed some water. I poured them into a glass and took gulps of water. My throat was thirsty. I then took some cereal and pour milk into for breakfast. With no one to talk to, I ate my breakfast alone. I hated the silence so once again; I went out towards the patio and ate my breakfast there. I saw a few people jogging, walking to work, I guessed. I didn’t feel alone then.

I started thinking about what happened last night, getting upset at Kris which happens often but saying it out loud to his face, that never happens. I guess the situation, place and time made me sensitive. I was glad in a way when I knew he knew how I felt. But when I realise, I might lose him not only as a crush but a good friend, it finally hit me hard. All those things I imagined doing with him. All those things I had imagined, this wasn’t it.

I always imagined talking to him about my feelings and I always imagined his reaction and this was not it. I kind of expected him not being able to answer or respond towards my feelings but I always tried to imagine something different. Maybe he would respond, maybe he would liked me back. I started to feel upset again. I started getting disappointed again.

I have three more days to go here, I don’t even know if I would be able to go through one day here. I imagined spending all seven days with Kris but now I knew that it was never going to happen. I tried to remember what I had initially planned out for my trip. I had to leave Kris out of the picture but the thinking didn’t go anywhere. I shouldn’t have imagined this trip with Kris in mind but how could I not, he was the main reason I came here the first place.


I walked back inside the guest house and saw Jake preparing breakfast. He turned around when he heard the door clicked. I smiled towards him, “Good morning Jake”

“I didn’t know you were up already?” Jake said and looked at my hands which held onto the cereal bowl.

“I woke up a little early today and I was hungry” I said and clean my dishes while Jake was still flipping sausages on the pan.

“I hope you are still hungry though, do you have space for more breakfast?” Jake showed me a plate of scrambled eggs, toast, potato rosti, baked beans and sausages. Jake smiled when I nodded.

“Of course, I always have extra space for food.” I sat down on the chair opposite Jake after I did my dishes. Jake hand me a plate and sat down in front of me. “Where’s Tia?” I asked.

“I’m guessing she’s still upstairs, she’ll come down once she smells food” We both laughed. It was no secret, Tia love Jake’s food.

“That’s because you cook good food” I said and ate my portion.

“You can’t really say cook when all I do is fry frozen food,” Jake laughed and asked if I wanted more scrambled eggs.

“No, no, even frying needs skill” I shook my head and I have to admit once we taste Jake’s food, there is no turning back.

“What’s your plan for today?” Jake asked and all I could do was shrug my shoulders.

“I’m not sure; I don’t really have plans for this trip” I answered truthfully.

“Do you want me to suggest you some place?” Jake said and hand me over a cup. I poured hot chocolate again.

“Yeah, anywhere would be fine” I said and munched on my toast.

“Have you ever been to USS?” He asked and I smiled when I heard the alphabet.

“Now that you mention it, I forgot I wanted to go there!” I was excited, thinking about the place but I suddenly felt down when I realise I had no one to go with.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Jake asked and I perked up. I immediately nodded.

Jake smiled and I was already feeling excited. “But are you not busy today? Don’t you have class?” I asked.

“No, no class. Don’t worry! We should go by 9 then” We both looked at the clock at it was half past 8.

“Where are you guys going?” Tia suddenly came out from the stairs immediately going for the seat next to mine.

“Universal Studio, Lena hasn’t been there yet” Jake answered and grabs another plate for Tia.

 “Ah, I see!” Tia nodded and I handed her a cup for her coffee.

“Do you want to come along?” I asked Tia, but she just shook her head.

“Nah, I have a lot of work to do here.” Tia said, “You two have fun, make sure Lena has lots of fun, okay Jake?”

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Chapter 38: Thank you and you did a great job on this story!!!
Chapter 38: Could you maybe do a chapter about how Jake and Lena became a couple or how he confessed (I always wanted her to be with Jake because he always made her happy and put her needs before his)
qinmad #3
Chapter 37: I found the story yesterday and I read it all til today, even at night. Gosh, I was about to kill you once I read "1 year later" bc I knew Kris and Lena didn't end up together but then I realized that it was for the better. They were too caught up with each other and they couldn't think straight. I'm glad they finally did and both are happy -they remained as friends and it's all that matters. It's the first story that end up with friendship over relationship in the end and I still love it! Wow, you wrote a hella good fanfic and I'm glad I could read it! :) x
pbcccc #4
Chapter 37: kris is a jerk.. and i pity jane more than Len.... Len knows everything and tried to stop it but Jane knows nothing and still believes in Kris....
valiant_exo #5
This is one inspiring story..... There's a point in our lives when we realize that, two people will work out better just being friends than lovers...
Chapter 37: It's easier to understand now :) Feel so sad that June didn't end up with Kris but with Jake instead :) But that will be alright for me, I think kkkk. Thanks for this great story kkk. And hey, can I be your friend? Kk
Chapter 37: New reader here! I spent 4 hrs to read this story. And I don't really understand the last chapter... But I think, Lena is now in a relationship with Jake? :) please answer me it's so hard to understand :(
Chapter 37: The ending was so short. And it confuses me...
alexisreads #9
Chapter 35: Waiting for update!~
Chapter 33: I hope Kris realizes his mistakes soon..and apologizes..
Because Lena seriously deserves to be happy...
And Jake will always be the one Lena confides in..

Looking forward to your next update

I really want to know Kris's reasons for doing this..