Chapter 11

Imagine You, Imagine Me.

We arrived exactly at 10.15 am; Jake managed to secure our tickets online while eating our breakfast, so we weren’t worried about entrance and tickets. Jake managed to take one map and briefed me on his best plan. I let Jake take the lead as he knows what’s best for the day. We both were excited and upon entering the studio, I was mesmerized. I was in love with the vintage almost Victorian structure the buildings had. I snapped a few pictures and Jake asked if I wanted a picture with me in.

I couldn’t help but feel enthusiastic throughout the day and Jake lead me to the famous Transformers ride, during the queue; we manage to talk about a few things and which movie we liked most. We shared a lot of things in common. I asked how many times he’s been here and he answered 3 and today is his fourth. I couldn’t help but asked Jake how he managed to become a helper at the guest house. It turns out; he was friends with Tia’s family. I wouldn’t have known if we didn’t spend time together today.

We almost arrived to the Ancient Egypt zone when it finally dawned on me. There were going to be sculpture, huge sculptures. I immediately grabbed Jake’s back pack.

“Are you okay?” Jake turned and stopped me when he realised I was holding onto his back pack.

“I forgot” I only manage to say and I could feel my knees trembling.

“Forgot? What did you forget?” Jake asked worriedly.

I forgot to tell him, I forgot. If Kris was here, he would have known. He would have helped but he’s not here.

“I, I, have this thing” I slowly said, “I have this thing, this phobia” I mumbled.

“Lena?” Jake finally held onto my hand which had been on his back pack.

“I hate sculpture; I hate huge, big sculpture. I don’t like them, I’m sorry, I should have told you!” I whispered.

Jake saw the sculpture ahead of us and finally understood.

“Especially those kind, I don’t know why, I tried watching discovery channel. I tried getting over it but I can’t” I explained. I couldn’t look at the huge Egyptian sculpture.

“Hey, its okay, we’ll walk ahead, okay? Or we can turn back; we can go to the other side” Jake held onto my hand tightly.

I looked around and decided it would be stupid to turn back. I should just walk ahead pretend that it would be fine. I closed my eyes tightly, “No, we should walk ahead. I’m sorry; I should have told you earlier. It’s silly, really.” I said to Jake.

“It’s not silly! I’ve always thought they were kind of creepy in a way.” Jake said and that put a smile on my face. “I’m here, so just walk straight ahead, you don’t need to look up.” Jake smiled.

We walked slowly and held onto his hand tighter and my right hand held onto my shirt tighter. I should have told Jake, I should have but I forgot. I really did, I reminded myself about this when I did research on the studio and I told Kris about it. He told me it was going to be alright, he will think of something. I forgot about it then.

Jake was talking to me about a 4D attraction and he talked about what was cool about it and by the time I asked him what it was, we arrived to the next zone. “Here, we are! Get ready for some water works.” I looked up and saw rides involving water but most of all, I went past it. I went past all the sculptures. Jake smiled at me and nodded, he knew what I was thinking about, “I’m proud of you” He whispered.



After the trip, Jake and I decided to go for an early dinner. I had asked Jake to bring me out to the best Chicken Rice in town and the packed atmosphere showed how delicious the Chicken Rice would be.

“Have you ever eaten Chicken Rice before?” Jake finally asked after we made our orders.

“Yes, back at home but I know Singapore has the best Chicken Rice so, this, I look forward to.” I said and smiled when I saw people eating. “The first thing I research on every time I go for a trip is food, I don’t know why; I just have this sort of obsession with food”

Jake laughed, we both laughed. “Sounds like someone I know” Jake said.

Our orders finally came and Jake immediately passed me spoon and forks. Jake gave advice on how to enjoy the food and I followed his steps. It definitely was the best.

“Will you be visiting Singapore again?” Jake asked as we ate our food.

I thought for a while. I was planning on visiting again of course, during the semester break. I had planned on visiting Kris but, I now know it will probably not happen.

“I’m not sure, I don’t really have a reason to come back soon” I confessed. Jake could only nod.

“Well, maybe you can come here for a vacation, maybe not soon, maybe a few years after” Jake thought.

“Maybe.” I nodded, I took that into consideration. I don’t always need to come to Singapore just because I want to visit Kris, I could come here for a vacation, “There’s so many place I haven’t been to” I added.

“Yes and I’ll take you to places, if you want.” Jake offered and I smiled.

“Lena?” I heard a voice calling my name when Jake and I stepped outside the restaurant. I turned around and I saw Jane.

“Jane?” I said quietly.

“Kris! Lena’s here” I saw Jane calling someone behind her. Kris was behind with his friends. I wanted to run, I wanted to walk away but Kris saw me.

“Ah, so this is Lena?” One of their friends said to me and Jane immediately nodded. I could feel an unwanted tension. I said my hello and prepared to walk away when, “Babe, aren’t you going to introduce Lena to everyone?”

“Uh” was the only thing I could hear from Kris. I started to eye him suspiciously but decided against it.

“We have to go anyway; it was nice to meet everyone.” I said and immediately turned around and walk away with Jake.


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Chapter 38: Thank you and you did a great job on this story!!!
Chapter 38: Could you maybe do a chapter about how Jake and Lena became a couple or how he confessed (I always wanted her to be with Jake because he always made her happy and put her needs before his)
qinmad #3
Chapter 37: I found the story yesterday and I read it all til today, even at night. Gosh, I was about to kill you once I read "1 year later" bc I knew Kris and Lena didn't end up together but then I realized that it was for the better. They were too caught up with each other and they couldn't think straight. I'm glad they finally did and both are happy -they remained as friends and it's all that matters. It's the first story that end up with friendship over relationship in the end and I still love it! Wow, you wrote a hella good fanfic and I'm glad I could read it! :) x
pbcccc #4
Chapter 37: kris is a jerk.. and i pity jane more than Len.... Len knows everything and tried to stop it but Jane knows nothing and still believes in Kris....
valiant_exo #5
This is one inspiring story..... There's a point in our lives when we realize that, two people will work out better just being friends than lovers...
Chapter 37: It's easier to understand now :) Feel so sad that June didn't end up with Kris but with Jake instead :) But that will be alright for me, I think kkkk. Thanks for this great story kkk. And hey, can I be your friend? Kk
Chapter 37: New reader here! I spent 4 hrs to read this story. And I don't really understand the last chapter... But I think, Lena is now in a relationship with Jake? :) please answer me it's so hard to understand :(
Chapter 37: The ending was so short. And it confuses me...
alexisreads #9
Chapter 35: Waiting for update!~
Chapter 33: I hope Kris realizes his mistakes soon..and apologizes..
Because Lena seriously deserves to be happy...
And Jake will always be the one Lena confides in..

Looking forward to your next update

I really want to know Kris's reasons for doing this..