Caught Again?


“Mom… Dad..!! I’m home!” Jessica shouted when she entered the house. Jessica decided to have lunch together with her parents but she haven’t told them that Taeyeon would come with her. Her parents beyond ecstatic when they heard Jessica’s request. They haven’t met Jessica for days and they knew Jessica has become more cheerful judging from her tone.

Jessica entered with Taeyeon on tow. Jessica could hear her parents running to her direction. When they are near Jessica, her dad stop running and walk calmly trying to manage her cool image. Mrs. Jung didn’t care about image so she keep running and throw her self at Jessica. “Sooyeon! Mommy missed you!” Mrs.Jung then hugged her tight.

Jessica laughed airily and returned the hug. She kissed both of Mrs.Jung’s cheeks and said,”I missed you too, Mommy!”

Mrs. Jung stunned for a while when she saw the new Jessica but then she smile widely. “You’ve change! And I’m glad that your cheerful side has back!” Mrs. Jung than turned to look at her husband that look at her with envy and merong-ed at him. “Cool image is for loser. Your image won’t give you Sooyeon’s kisses and hug. Poor you!!”

Jessica looked at her father’s sad expression and chuckled. She loosen the hug and walked to her dad. She stopped when she is in front of her dad then hugged him tight. “I missed you too, Daddy.” Jessica said gently. Jessica could felt her dad hesistant for a second but then choke her in a tight hug. “I missed you, Baby Girl.” Mr. Jung whisper.

Mrs. Jung saw this happy moment and smile. She run the to Jessica’s direction and broke the hug. She hold Jessica and Mr. Jung’s hand then hopping while shouting,”Sooyeon has back!” Mr. Jung understand what his wife wants so he hold Jessica’s hand and hopping around too. Because both of her hands is held by her parents and they are hopping around, Jessica didn’t have a choice so she followed her parents and hopping around. The parents and daughter laugh happily while hopping around.

Mr. Jung accidentally saw Taeyeon when he was still doing the hopping. “Omo, Taeyeonnie!!” Mrs. Jung who hear her husband words, stop her action and looked at Taeyeon. “Taeyeonnie!!” Mrs. Jung shouted. Mr. and Mrs. Jung looked at each other with fire on their eyes and abruptly released Jessica’s hand. They tossed Jessica aside so she didn’t obstruct their way. They raced to Taeyeon’s direction and crushed her in a tight embrace.

“Taeyeonnie!!! Why did you never come to visit us anymore?” Mr. and Mrs. Jung said together. They then kissed both of Taeyeon’s cheeks. “We missed you!!” Then they returned to hugged Taeyeon tightly.

Jessica chuckled when she saw her parents behavior to Taeyeon. She didn’t know that her parents love Taeyeon this much. But she tell her self that she could lower her guard when she is at her home. Nobody would do naughty things to her Taeyeon, right? Right?

Jessica took back her words when she saw her parents keep smooching Taeyeon’s smooth cheeks. Jessica knew that it is ridiculus to be jealous to her own parents but she can’t help it. She walked to Taeyeon’s direction and pulled her to her back to shield Taeyeon from her parents. “Stop kissing her! She is my fiancée so I’m the only one that could kiss her.” Jessica said firmly. Jessica looked at her parents’ shocked expression and said,”Yes, I’ve known about the engagement and we’ve made it official.”

Jessica’s parents’ expression change to a happy one and run to smooch Taeyeon once again but Jessica moved faster and hugged her fiancée securely. She throw a piercing glare at her parents. “No kissing!!”

Mrs. Jung showed a sad expression and said,”But..But.. We just wanted to congratulate Taeyeon and welcomed her officially to our family. I promise we won’t kissed her, just let us hug her.” Mrs. Jung then show her pleading eyes to Jessica.

Jessica pondering about her mother’s request but decided to let her mother hugged Taeyeon when she felt Taeyeon tugged her hand a little. “Fine, but no kissing.” Jessica let go of Taeyeon when she saw her parents nodded their head.

Jessica’s parents rushed to Taeyeon and hugged her tight. “Congratulation, Taeyeonnie! Now you could be a Jung officially. Hurry marry our Sooyeonie!” Jessica looked at her parents approvingly when they ‘behaved’ but her smile turned to be frown when she saw her parents patted Taeyeon’s bum.

Jessica fuming and pulled Taeyeon once again. “Mom! Dad!”

Mrs. Jung flicked her tounge and said,”Ckck.. Possesive fiancée. Even if we patted her bum everyday, it won’t disappeared.” Then she pulled Taeyeon to go to the kitchen. “Come Taeyeonnie, let’s cook together. We haven’t done it for a long time.” Then she turned to Jessica and give her a warning gaze. “You can’t enter the kitchen. You do remember that you destroyed our kitchen once. I promise we would only cooking and do nothing else. Go to sit in the livingroom with your dad.” Mrs. Jung dragged Taeyeon to the kitchen happily while Taeyeon could only looked at Jessica apologetically.

Jessica shut when she saw her mother’s gaze. She knew that she better obeyed her mother or bad things will happened. Jessica sighed and slumped on the couch in front of her father.

Mr. Jung saw his daughter devastated state and chuckled. “Do you like Taeyeon that much?”

Jessica nodded her head eagerly and smile her brightest smile. “I like, no I love her very very much! Don’t asked why because I’m sure you and mom know the reasons considering how much you loved her.” Jessica smile and shake her head when she saw her dad nodded his head.

Jessica stayed silent for five minutes but on the sixth minutes, she start fidgeting. She has the urge to find Taeyeon. She looked at her father and said,”Dad, I will go to the kitchen and see what they are doing. I will only peek. I promise you I won’t do anything else.” Mr. Jung shake his head but let Jessica do whatever she wants.

Jessica skipped happily to the kitchen and peeked. She smile when she saw that her mother keep her promise. They really are busy cooking. Jessica wanted to turned back to the living room when she saw something strange. She scanned the kitchen once again and furrowed her brows to found what is it that strange. Like a bulb showed in her head, Jessica found the answer. The amount of maid in the kitchen is more than the necessary number. Almost all of the maid roaming in the kitchen. Jessica furrowed her brows to found the reason then fuming when she saw at Taeyeon’s direction.

All the maid in the kitchen looked at Taeyeon with want and lust. They ‘helped’ Taeyeon giving the material to cook and ‘unintentionally’ brushed their body to Taeyeon’s. Being oblivious person, Taeyeon didn’t suspected anything and keep cooking. She thought that the maid really did it unintentionally.

Jessica stormed to the kitchen when she saw one of the maid touch Taeyeon’s cheek to wipe nonexisting dirt. Jessica pulled Taeyeon to her hug and glare at the maid. Jessica turned to her mother and said,”Mom, Taeyeon will go to my room now. You should asked the maid to help you considering they loved to be in the kitchen so much!” Then she dragged a confused Taeyeon to her room.

Jessica pushed Taeyeon inside her room and closed the door. She continue dragging Taeyeon to her bed and throw Taeyeon literally to her bed. Jessica had her hands on her hip and said firmly,”You will stayed here with me until the lunch time come!”

Taeyeon looked at the fuming Jessica and chuckled. “Honey, I have to help your mom. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. We did it so many times before.” Taeyeon tried to assured Jessica and get up to get back to the kitchen.

Jessica fuming madly when she heard Taeyeon had did it many times. That means the maid has touched Taeyeon ‘unintentionally’ many times. Jessica pulled Taeyeon back and throw her back on the bed. This time Jessica tied Taeyeon’s hand on the bedrest with her handkerchief so Taeyeon could only lie there until Jessica release her.

Jessica straddled the shocked Taeyeon and growled. “Now you can’t go anywhere. I’ve told you that you are mine and only me that could touch you! You don’t know that all the maid in the kitchen tried to molesting you!” Jessica hold Taeyeon’s face with both of her hands then leaned forward to peppering kisses on Taeyeon’s cheeks with her kisses.

Jessica looked at Taeyeon seductively and whisper. “I will disinfect you from ‘virus’ by doing the exact things like they did to you including…” Jessica traveled her hand to Taeyeon’s and give it a squeeze. “This.” Taeyeon moaned when she felt Jessica squeezing her .

Jessica heard a faint gasp when Taeyeon moaned. Jessica could felt that the voice that gasp is familiar, just like the voice of maid that saw her did crazy and humiliating things. No no no… Don’t tell me… Jessica looked at the door hesistantly and saw the same maid from previous scene.

“I’m sorry miss Jessica. Mr. and Mrs. Jung asked me to called you because the lunch has been finished prepared. I will tell them that you are busy and I won’t tell anyone about your side! I promise!” The maid said hurriedly then run.

Jessica closed her eyes and sighed because once again that maid saw Jessica in wrong time and position. Everyone would be saying she loves stuff if they saw this scene. Taeyeon being tied and her clothes dishelved while Jessica hovering above Taeyeon and her hands on Taeyeon’s .

Jessica moved her hands from Taeyeon’s and hugged Taeyeon on her waist instead. “I’ve damaged my already tinted image, Taeyeonnie. Let me stay in this position for a while. I’m very embarrassed right now.”

Taeyeon laughed and shaked her head when she heard Jessica’s words

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Chapter 28: A lovely story indeed :)))
Iamsoshi09 #2
Chapter 28: Read again and still love it
Chapter 28: Lovely story.. ^^
TS922TS #4
Chapter 26: This story is very heartwarming. Thank you for your hardwork author nim.
Chapter 28: Wow~~~what a good story thanks for this author-nim
Chapter 28: OHH DOOKONG
Chapter 28: Omg this story is DAEBAKK It's so damn nice. Thank you for the story and fluffiness we needed that :DD
KTY0903 #8
Chapter 28: Just finish read it.Yeah....i like your story!!! Plus taengsic is my bias...
Chapter 28: ur story is daebak..hahaha..can't help laughing with their pranks..hahah
Thank u author