Day 2

15 Days

Day 2

I woke up to find him missing. He probably grew tired of me. I smiled as I went back to sleep, a tear fell from my eye. It’s for the best, I said to myself, trying to mend my broken heart.

“Ryeowook,” I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I must be really missing him, I’m even imagining that he’s there. “Ryeowook, open your eyes, please.” I heard someone plead.

I slowly opened my eyes to find him kneeling on the floor, crying his eyes out. “I thought you were gone,” we both said simultaneously.

“I’ll never leave you, never ever!” he exclaimed. “If only I could say the same thing,” I said to him as I wiped away the tears that were staining his flawless face. “Ryeowook, I love you,” he said as he placed a kiss on my forehead. 

“Where were you just now?” I asked him as we were having breakfast, he just ignored me, I just smiled, I’m probably just an insignificant individual, why would he bother to reply me.

“I thought you left me,” I continued, and again, he just ignored me. The day went by like that, I kept trying to talk to him, but he just continued ignoring me.

I went to his room and saw him writing something, probably a goodbye letter to me. I couldn’t be bothered any longer.

I went to the fridge to get my favorite ice cream, I usually eat ice cream when I’m lonely, I’m not trying to say that I’m lonely now, I just felt like eating ice cream, who am I trying to lie to, my life is nothing without him. I opened the fridge to see a note pasted on my ice cream.

“I love you, sorry for ignoring you today, go take the remote control.” the note says. I smiled, Cho Kyuhyun, what are you up to this time.

I foolishly did as he ordered, but my foolish actions led me to a what seemed like a beautiful dream. He was sitting there on the couch with the remote control in hand. He was wearing the suit he wore during our “first” date. My sister was there too, so it wasn’t really a date.

“Ryeowook, hurry up. My beloved future husband is waiting for me!” she said to me, I scoffed at her remarks, my sister is so deeply in love with an idol, it’s almost unbelievable.
“Dream on Ryeona, That’ll never happen and you know it,” I said to her, she was my sister and she had to know the truth, for me, well for the me at the time, idols belongs to idols. People like me and my sister belongs to people like us, life is no storybook.

“It’s no wrong to dream brother, who knows? Maybe one day YOU will end up with him,” she said to me. “That’s not funny, well come to think it’s funny, because we all know that’ll never happen,” I said to her sternly, little did we know, life is full of surprises. “Considering how much you hate him, mom told me that you’ll end up falling in love with the person you hate the most,” she retorted.

“Ryeowook, honey are you okay,” Kyuhyun said to me, waking me up from my dazed state.

“Yeah, why are you all dressed up?” I asked him as he entangled our hands together.

“For our press conference, I’m going to announce to the world that Kim Ryeowook is mine,” he said to me. “For what, he’s going to be gone in 13 days anyways,” I said to him, looking down unable to look at his face.

“Don’t say that, you’ll still be with me, here, in my heart,” he said as he placed my hand on his chest.

“Thank you Kyuhyun, for everything,” I said, he immediately pulled me into a tight hug. I could feel my shoulders getting wet, he probably didn’t want me to see him crying. “Hey, don’t be a big baby, stop crying.” I said to him as I freed myself from the hug.

He held my hand and told me he loves me repeatedly. “Come, the car’s here,” he said to me.

We arrived at the press conference, the reporters were there, his fans were there and they  were shooting death glares at me when they saw our hands entangled together as we walked towards the stage. I tried freeing my hand from his, but he just tightened his grip. “Let them see Ryeowook, It’s time for them to know,” he said to me with a reassuring smile on his face.

He pulled the chair for me, I whispered him a soft thanks, he said welcome and sat on the chair next to me.

“Good Evening everyone, thank you for coming,” he said, his words were so simple yet the crowd was roaring.

“I’m here today to announced that I’m a married man,” he said as took my hand and entangled it with that of his own. I looked at him and saw that big smile on his face, but why am I not happy?

All the reporters stood up from their chairs, the fangirls screamed, some fainted.  “Who stole our Oppa?!” one of the fangirl screamed.

My cheeks were red, I kept looking down. “Kim Ryeowook, that’s the name of the person who stole my heart,” he said as he lift my face up so that it’ll face him.

“I love you,” he said before he kissed my forehead. “I love him now, I loved him then, and I’ll continue loving him until I die, that’s all I have to say. Thank you for coming,” he said before he dragged me out of the press conference.

“Kyuhyun, thank you,” I said as I tightened my grip on his hand. “No need to thank me, I did it for my own sake, I can finally kiss you in public now,” he said playfully.

Now people, this is life. Though I’m about to die soon, at least I get to live it to the fullest, with the man I love the most.

A/N : So sorry for being missing for SOOOO long, 6 months to be exact :p I'm really, really sorry. I hope you'll enjoy. Spot to the people whom I've promised to give spots too, I sort of forgot, Sorry again, I promise I'll update more frequently from now on.

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well, this is sad ;n;
update soon~
wookie T^T
plz update soon..
please update
Please update this
please update
update soon