Chapter 1

My Seven Days With an Angel

Donghae’s POV

Where am I? Why do I feel light? Wait… Sungmin-hyung? Taemin? Minho? Appa? Why are they crying, Hyung why are you crying, eh no response, Taeminnie tell why are you all crying, Minho, the heck you do know how to cry? Yah! Key, Jonghyun, Kyuhyun about time you came, can you tell me why are they all crying? What the are you all ignoring me? Oh a doctor? WHAT! He just pass through me…

Shoot what’s happening… “I’m sorry we did everything but we’re too late, my condolence to you sir.” I heard the doctor said to my Appa . Who died? Yah! Why no one is listening to me wait… the doctor he just passes through don’t tell me… NNNNNNNOOOOOOO!

Wait, what had happen why am I here, oh… now I remember. We were performing in a bar when suddenly a chaos begins, police came, and… a cop he accidentally shot. SHOT? So I am really dead, this can’t be happening. I still have so many dreams, like our group I want us to be known  in Korea, my life, I don’t even got a problem lovelive damn it!. HELL TO THE NO!

(End of Donghae’s POV)

(In heaven)

Leeteuk was watching everything that happened. “Sir! Sir! There is a mistake here, that Lee Donghae he shouldn’t have died today, it’s not yet his time we got the wrong person. It was supposed to be Lee Donggun, but he is not assigned in here he is scheduled you know down below. “It was Luhan, Leeteuk’s assistant angel.

“But what can we do? We can’t let him live, and we can’t resurrect the dead it’s against our angel laws.” Leeteuk said frantically. Suddenly Leeteuk angel lover Kangin arrived.

“Teukkie love is there a problem?”

“We made a mistake, an unscheduled death occurred.”


“Lee Donghae.”

“ “Omo! This can’t be everything is unscheduled how can this happen. Wait I need to do something.”

“What are you planning to do, you know whatever you have in mind it’s against the rules.” Kangin objected.

“You see his father is under my care before, because of his good natured I became chief of angels, I guess I can payback all the kindness he had done.”

“But what if you know, the BIG BOSS knows it?”

“Well if one of you tell what we’ll do then that could happen.”


“So who’s with me?” Leeteuk asked everyone with him.

“I am sir!” Luhan replied.

“Same here.” Junsu replied with his dolphin pitch.

“Fine, if not only for you Teukkie.”

“Thank Kangin.” The four of them placed there hands on the crystal ball, a light appeared and Leeteuk smiled.

“Now let’s all pretend nothing happened, back to work guys!”


(on earth)

“Lord why I know my son is hard-headed but he is too young to die, please I always go to church just this wish let my son lived.” Donghae’s father cried hard as he is kneeling helplessly in a chapel.


At the morgue, two men are preparing Donghae for his cremation.

“Tsk, too young too die.”

“Yah! enough of dramas we need to fix this body and get it ready to be cremated.”

“Fine! Fine I know.” But as they touched him they were shaken when he had moved.

“G-ghost!” as they both run out of the place.

“What ghost?” Donghae asked himself stretching his arms as if he just woke up. “Well that was a good sleep.” Suddenly he noticed he was . He curiously wondered, “Don’t tell me I do a girl inside this stinky place.” He sadi walking out calmly with just a blanket in his body.


As he walked around he stand by the chapel where he saw Sungmin, Minho, Taemin, Key, Jonghyun and Kyuhyun still crying while also praying for his soul.

“Donghae, it’s too sad you left us I haven’t even told you, Kyu here and I are already dating.” Donghae’s eyes got wide when he heard it from his hyung.

“Yeah, now what if we get into fights who will I turn to, and I can’t even tell you how Min is loud in bed.” All of them looked at Kyuhyun glaring at him to be serious and Sungmin kicked him in his leg and he yelped.

“Hyung, me too you see I am dating Minho now but don’t worry I haven’t did what Sungmin-hyung have done promise! Well of course if Minho asked me to…”

“Yah, Taeminnie stop it!” SUngmin warned him.

“Us too, Key and I are dating too sad you won’t see all of us happy with our love life.” Jognhyun said closing his eyes.

“I promise If I am given a chance to see you again I swear I will treat at all seafood restaurant.” Sungmin swear.

“I will no longer bicker with you.” Taemin also swear.

“I will ignore starcraft and I’ll be you personal assistant and help you carry stuff.” Kyuhyun added.

“I won’t nagged you when your wrong.”

“I’ll give you every lines you want in our song.” Jonghyun said.

“Really?” Donghae said behind their backs.

“YES!” they all replied but wonder who talked to them as they turn around all of them scream, even Donghae scream as well.

“Yah! Why are you all screaming?”

“D-D-Donghae?” Sungmin said poking his brother’s cheeks.”

“Hyung did you mean what you told me earlier and when did you all date behind my back huh?”

“Am I stuck in the world of star craft now?” Kyuhyun asked him.

“This is worse than Minho not speaking often.” Key commented. Minho just nodded still in shock. How can anyone believe Lee Donghae is alive again.


(In Heaven)

“Emergency!” Luhan shouted.

“What is it?” Leeteuk asked

“The Big Boss, he knew, and he is sending of the greatest angel to do a mission.”

“What the…”

All of them are nervous only Junsu was excited, as the said angel fly with his wing spread he landed safe.

“Hello everyone, I am Hyukjae, at your service.” He said as he puts his gummy smile to everyone.

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Chapter 6: thank you~~

hyuk back to heaven?

but donghae will wait for him ^^
Chapter 6: what ? hyukkie back to heaven ? nooooo, and why did hae want to die, even if it means he'll go to heaven with hyukkie, but his family gonna be sad to lose him, right ?
Chapter 4: now hyukkie really jealous and it give hae some hint about his feeling, hope jessica go away somewhere far and didnt disturbs hae anymore, she really clingy to him and its annoying~~
Chapter 4: hyukjae you're so cute!!!
jealous eh?? >.<
thank u~~
Chapter 3: awww hyukkie just admit it that you're jealous, dont do something mean to her and hae, you're gonna get scold latter kkkk
Chapter 3: lol! donghae freak out after seen hyukjae wings...hahahaha
and hyukjae are you jealous..kkkk

Chapter 1: nice start!
the angel <3
lol! all of them shocked, donghae still alive...XDD
OMG~~!!! >.<
Looks interesting~~! ^^
Please update soon♥
Ooo ,, seems so interesting !!! Can't wait ><