
My YoungJae


The next day, you woke up from sleeps and checks for your voice. You try to speak and finally your voices come out. YoHooo You get ready yourself and went to school. Before you went to school you go to BabyQueen room. You knocked the door a few times and she came out.

BabyQueen: Oh, Wasseo? (Give you a big smile)

You: Nae.. Unnie. Here as you wish Bang Yongguk phone number. (Give her a paper)

BabyQueen: Really? Whoa… Daebak! Jaechan Jjang. (Show you thumb up)

You: Nae... Haha. So, I should make my move now. Annyeong… (About to move)

BabyQueen: Jaechan-ah, Wait!

You: (*What else?) (Turn your body) Nae Unnie? (Smile)

BabyQueen: Err… well.. if you go to concert again I don’t mind if you wanna ask me to join. Hehe

You: Oh, haha. Nae. I will tell luna about that.

BabyQueen: Nae.. Annyeong. Take care.

You: Nae Unnie Annyeong.

After that you went to school as usual. During recess you just stay at your class to study. You need to finish your homework but your head was stuck at that time. You keep scratching your head because you can’t find the answer. While you were study you receive a SMS from unknown number.

From: Unknown number

Annyeong Jaechan <3
How are you? Looks like you’re having dandruff problem? Do you need my help?

From: You
Who is this?

From: Unknown number:
Turn around.

You turn your body and saw Youngjae was sitting on chair at back of your class. You were shocked as you saw him then he waved his hand and give you a cute smile.

You: What are you doing here? (*And, with that red hat again? You even wear it in school?)

Youngjae: Wah, finally you can speak? I thought you were mute. Haha. Waeyo? You don’t like my hat?

You: (Give him death stare) (*you better go out before my friends come in)

Youngjae: Why?

Suddenly you saw your classmate, Jongup were chatting with Yongjae in your class. Now you know that Yongjae come to your class to meet Jongup. Aish..

After class over Jongup come and talked to you.

Jongup: Jaechan-ah..

You: Wae Uppie? (Pick up your thing without looking at him)

Jongup: Do you want to go out with me?

You: Are you asking me for date Uppie? Haha. I don’t know that you like me all this time.

Jongup: No. I’m not. My friends want to meet you.

You: Who? Is he handsome?

Jongup: Nae… Very handsome.

You: Hehe. Jjinja? Okay. Where?

Jongup: At B.A.P Coffee shop. 5PM ok. Don’t late.

You: Okay!

Jongup : (Give you his famous smile)

At that evening you dress up nicely to meet up Jongup and his friend. You’re excited to meet him. Is he really handsome? How will he look alike? And so many questions were playing in your mind. As you arrive there, you find for Jongup and his friend but you can’t find him. You wait at empty seat while crossing your hand. A few minutes later, someone approach you.

Youngjae: Sorry I’m late. (Take a seat)

You: Huh? You’re Jongup’s friend? Where is Jongup?

Youngjae: He’s not coming.

You: Why?

Youngjae: Because I’m asking him to. Hee

You: Why you didn’t ask me to go out personally? Why did you use Jongup?

Youngjae: Will you go out if I ask you personally?

You: No.

Youngjae: That is the answer for your question. You’re genius Jaechan-ah. But, I’m more genius than you. Muahaha (Take your drink and drink it)

You: (Glare at him) (*Aigoo.. this guy. Wearing that stupid red hat again? He looks like MR. PoTato mascot. Hahaha)

Youngjae : Mwo? You call this stupid red hat?

You: (Startled) Aniyo.. I’m just kidding. Hehe Sorry.

You: (Give him serious look) (*Do you really can read what is in my mind?)

Youngjae: (Look at you) Nae… It’s amazing right?

You: How could that happened?

Youngjae: Molla… Maybe because I wear this hat. Haha

You: Jinjja?

Youngjae: Haha. You believe me? I just troll you.

You: Aish….

Youngjae: So, shall we go now?

You: Where?

Youngjae: Follow me (Stand up and pull your hand)

After that both of you then spend time together. Youngjae bring you shopping and watch cinema. He treat you well and you feel comfortable be with him. You guys having fun together and didn't notice that it’s already late of night.

As you both arrive at hostel you find out that the Hostel gate was already locked.

You: Youngjae-ah! This is your fault! How we can get in? The gate already locked!

Youngjae: Omo! Otteokae now?

You: There’s only one way.

Youngjae: Mwo?

You: We fly. Leggo~

Youngjae: what do you mean?

You: We need to climb this wall to get in. Arraseo?
Youngjae: Ok then. You climb first.

You: Aniyo.. You go first… (*And if we get caught you the one that to be blame. Muahaha)

Youngjae: Mworago?

You: heee… Nothing.

Yongjae then climb the wall first and followed by you. You about to jump at that time but unfortunately you can’t balance your body and you fell on Youngjae. You were on top of Youngjae and your lips accidently kiss Youngjae lips. Youngjae suddenly hugged you tightly and kiss you back. You try to push him but he was too strong. Suddenly you heard a voice Youngjae quickly release a hug.

Yongguk: Ehem!!!

Both of you then quickly stand up and facing Yongguk.

Joungjae: Jaechan-yah, you go to your room. Let me settle this.

You: (*But how about you)

Youngjae: Don’t worry about me.

You: Nae.. (Bow and walked to your room)

Yongguk: Who’s that? Your girlfriend?

Youngjae: Not yet.

Yongguk: Do you wants me to report you guys?

Youngjae: It’s up to you.

Yongguk: Since you’re my friend I will let you go this time. But you must buy me ramen stock for 1 month.

Youngjae: Go die with your ramen. (Walk away)
Yongguk: Yaa! Yoo Youngjae! You promised me. Remember that.

Youngjae: Nae… Arasseo.

Yongguk: Yaa! Wait. (Stop Youngjae from walking)

Youngjae: What?

Yongguk : Do you know this number? (Show his phone to Youngjae)

Youngjae: Molla hyung. Why?

Yougguk : I think this girl is crazy. She keeps messaging me non-stop.

Youngjae: (Take a look) (*this is not Jaechan’s number.. hehe) I dunno hyung. Maybe your secrets admire. Haha

Yongguk: I guess so..

You’re already in your room and you saw Luna was writing something at her desk. You take a look and take her notes.

You: Aigoo… love letter again?

Luna: Yaa! Give back! Jaechan-ah….

You: (Give back to her) for who? Daehyun?

Luna: No. It’s Baekhyun. I give up on Daehyun.

You: Aigooo… you such a player.

Luna: Heheehe

You: Luna-yah, you know yongjae? That Yongjae that we met a few days ago?

Luna: Nae.. I know him. Waeyo?

You: Does he have a girlfriend?

Luna: I think he doesn’t have a girlfriend.

You heart feels like a firework at that time. Yohoo. Then you kept smiling alone like a crazy person.

Luna: Why are you smiling?

YOU: Can’t I?

Luna: Omo, Did you fall for him? Jaechan-ah?

You: Aniyo… I’m not. I would never fall for a guy like that.

Luna: You don’t have to lie to me. I’ve know you for years. Tell me the truth. You like him. Don’t you?

You: No.

Luna then walked toward your bed and tickle your stomach.

You: Yaa! Stop it! Stop it Luna-ah… Jaebal..

Luna: You really like him right?

You: Yes I like him. Stop it okay.

Luna: (Stop tickle you) Really?

You: But I’m not sure how he feels. Yaa, You’re my best friend right? You have to keep this secret. Promise me!

Luna: Nae.. I promise. If you like him then you have to tell him.

You: How?

Luna: Emm… Give him love letter. Haha

You: Eww.. I wouldn’t do that.

Luna: If you don’t want to tell him…..

You: What?

Luna: I will tell him then. Haha. Jaechan love Yongjae. Such a sweet couple

You: Yaaa!! You’re promised me!

Luna: Hehe. Just Kidding

Youngjae’s POV

Auw… We kissed today. I know she accidently kiss my lips but I can’t resist her pinky lips and I kiss her back. I think I can’t sleep tonight. Oh, god!

BabyQueen’s POV

Agh…. Why he didn’t reply my message??? Damn!

Daehyun’s POV

Hrm.. I kinda sad today. I didn’t get a latter from Luna. Where did she go? I miss her..


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Chapter 7: OMO ! It's so cute . I really like Youngjae and Jaechan . Kyaaaaa~ Youngjae so cute !!
Chapter 7: I really like this story~~ sooo cute youngjae and his red hat~ xD
AhSongyi #3
I love this story~I had read this story before and haha,it's great! ^^ I like it :D
rieru_mashiro #4
Chapter 2:'re very creative author. that's a good story. very interesting and funny. hope you will continue it soon..^^