chapter five

Mystery Illusion

“Eh…. Hagiya-kun is late today..” Girls from their glass whined as Yasui sat in his seat worried. Keigo was indeed very late. “Hey Yasui, where’s Keigo?” Juri whispered. “Wasn’t he fine yesterday?”

“Sorry… I’m late..” Keigo walked into the classroom, explained himself to the teacher and went straight to his seat. “Why are there bruises on Hagiya-kun’s face?” others from their class murmured. Keigo sat down in his seat and turn to look outside the window, avoiding eye contact with Yasui and the rest. “Keigo…. What’s wrong?” Yasui asked quietly, but there was no answer from Keigo.

Class was soon over and Keigo quickly rushed out of the school. Worried, Yasui and the other two followed him. “Why’s he going outside of the school at a time like this?” Juri was confused. “Hey, he’s going into that family restaurant! Is he cheating on you?”

They followed Keigo into the family restaurant and sat themselves at a table near by. Keigo was meeting someone, a guy, who Keigo didn’t look comfortable to meet. 

“Here is what you asked for”. Keigo handed the other guy an envelope. “Where is Wataru? What did you do to him?!”

“Relax Hagi-chan” the other chuckled with a smug face. “Wataru is fine. Can’t I take my little brother out for a play date? Besides, if I didn’t do that, you wouldn’t agree to meet me, would you? Now, how are you little brother?” 

“You’re not my brother. And I am not going back to do what that man wants. I’ll never join you.” Keigo was furious. 

“What’s going on..?” Jesse whispered to Yasui whilst watching what’s going on on the other table. “Is that his brother?”. Yasui was confused, he had never heard of Keigo having an older brother. 

“Oh really? Well you better watch out then, he’s sending people after you… I’m just the warning” The other sat back sipping his drink away. “You don’t want Wataru to see you covered in blood every day do you?”

“Where is Wataru? Where did you take him Myuto?!” Keigo sprang up from his seat.

“Bring Wataru in here.” The other boy told one of his followers who was sitting in the seat behind him. “Sit down Keigo.” Keigo flopped back down in his seat.

A few minutes later, a small child came running through the door. “PAPA!!!! MYU-NIICHAN!!”

“PAPA?!” The three who were secretly following gasped. “When did Keigo have a son?! Yasui..” Yasui was even more confused than he was before. Tears started to well up in his eyes. 

“Wataru….” Keigo let out a sigh of relief. Wataru shot him a smile as Keigo pulled the child into his embrace. “There, I returned your son to you” Myuto chuckled. “I told you I didn’t do anything right, Wataru?” Wataru although not knowing what he was talking about nodded with a bright smile in response. “Myu-niichan took Wataru to a theme park after school yesterday and let me sleep at his house, Mama was there too!”

“That’s good, did you have fun?” Keigo smiled kindly at Wataru, eyes still filled with concern. “Un! You should have come too, Papa”

After hearing the child call Keigo ‘Papa’ again, Yasui couldn’t hold himself anymore. He ran out the door. “H-hey Yasui!” Jesse chased after him and left Juri.

“Wataru, I told you not to call me that” Keigo sighed. “What’s with this Papa business?” Juri approached Keigo. “Juri… what are you doing here?”

“I’m not the only one. Yasui and Jesse were here too, but after hearing this child call you Papa, he burst into tears and ran away.” Juri snapped.

“Well, I see you have some stuff to sort out, so I’ll be taking my leave..” Myuto stood up to put his jacket back on and walked towards Keigo. “But remember, this isn’t the end. They’ll be more people after you. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Myuto’s attention shifted towards Wataru and crouched down to be the same eye level with the child. “Myu-nii has to go now, Wataru. We’ll play again some other time okay?” “Un! Bye bye!”

Myuto the continued walking towards the door. “Oh, I forgot. Yasui… I’m guessing you’re with him right? The old man knows about him, so he might be the next target.” “How do you know about Yasui?” Keigo questioned Myuto. “You should know, that man has people everywhere. It’s not hard for him to find out little things like that.” And with that, Myuto left. 

“Yasui… is the next target? For what…?” Juri asked confused. “And seriously, how did this happen..?” he looked at the child Keigo was currently holding. “I…. I don’t have time to explain, I have to go and find Yasui..” Keigo hesitated as he but the child down. “Wataru, this is my friend, he’s going to take you home. I have something to do right now, but I’ll be home soon okay?” “Juri, here’s my address, take care of him for me, I’m going to look for Yasui” Keigo dashed out the door before Juri could even say anything. “I didn’t even agree yet..” Juri looked down at the child who was looking at him confused but soon flashed a bright smile. 


“Yasui! Wait up!” Jesse huffed. “We don’t even know what’s going on yet, why are we running away?!”. Yasui kept running with tears rolling down his face. He didn’t exactly know why he was feeling this way either. Hearing the child run through the door and calling Keigo ‘Papa’ was just too much for him to handle. If it was really Keigo’s child, he would accept it. He wasn’t so much upset about the fact Keigo had a child, it was more of the shock that lead him to tears. 

“Jesse! Yasui!” Keigo called from afar. They both stopped after hearing their names being called. “You guys got it all wrong!”


“Uhm.. your name is Wataru right?” Juri asked awkwardly as he walked along the footpath with the child who was currently in his care. “Un! My name is Hagiya Wataru!” the child said cheerfully. “What is your name?”

“You can call me Juri! Ah, Wataru-kun lets cross the road now” Juri said kindly as he stepped onto the road. Wataru took hold of Juri’s hand which surprised him. “Papa said to always hold his hand when crossing the road” “O-oh..” They held hands and walked across the road. “Geez, Keigo taught this kid well…..” Juri thought. “Wataru-kun, how old are you?”

“I’m four turning five!” 


“You should go back… your child is waiting for you” Yasui continued to avoid Keigo, but after hearing what Yasui said, Keigo couldn’t help himself but laugh. “HEY! WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING! YASUI’S CRYING HERE!” Jesse shouted. 

“You guys seriously got it all wrong.” Keigo sighed. “Wataru is four. I’m sixteen turning seventeen at the end of the year. I couldn’t have possibly had a child at the age of twelve!”

“Then who is he?” Jesse asked completely confused. “We clearly heard him call you Papa.” Yasui finally turned around to face the other two, tears stained on his face. Keigo chuckled as he wiped Yasui’s tears away. “He’s my younger brother!” “YOUNGER BROTHER?!”


Juri and Wataru arrived at Keigo’s apartment complex. “Uhmm, Wataru-kun, do you know which number your apartment is? Keigo didn’t write it down..” “It’s number 304!” Wataru pointed out. “Oh, okay lets go then” Juri smiled. He then remembered that Keigo hadn’t given him the key for him to get into the house. “Argh, he didn’t give me the key. How the hell are we meant to get into the house?! Just wait a moment okay Wataru-kun? I’ll just call your Papa” He took out his phone and dialled Keigo’s number. “Hello?” the boy on the other line answered. “HEY YOU! YOU DIDN’T GIVE US A KEY! HOW ARE WE MEANT TO GET INTO-“ Juri turned around and Wataru had already opened the door while standing on a little stool (due to his height) and walked inside.

“Wataru should know where the key is. It’s under the-“ 

“Don’t worry, Wataru already opened the door…” He hung up the phone and walked into the house. It was small but tidy. Wataru had already sat himself down and the TV. Shelves were filled with photos of Wataru and some with both him and Keigo. “They look happy” Juri smiled. “But other than them two, there aren’t photos of anyone else…. What about Keigo’s family?” Juri continued to look around the house and found himself in the kitchen. He opened the fridge to see if there was anything for both of them to drink or snack on but there was nothing except water and milk. The fringe was pretty much empty. “Why do I have a feeling they live alone…”

Juri sat himself down next to Wataru who was watching Ghost Mama. “Tonbo-kun’s mother is dead, but he sees her and talks to her often…. Wataru’s mother is alive but Wataru and Papa don’t get to see her often…. she can’t talk to me even when I see her…” Wataru said without making eye contact with Juri and kept watching the TV screen. “Wataru envies Tonbo-kun..”

Juri’s eyes widened in surprise. To think the four year-old child who was jumping and hoping with a bright smile on his face during the walk home was now talking about serious and meaningful things like an adult surprised him. Juri could tell this child had many feelings suppressed inside him. Feelings that a normal four year-old wouldn’t understand. He wanted to hug this child in front of him. To do anything to comfort him. Juri put his arms around Wataru and brought him to a tight embrace. “It’s okay”. With this, tears flowed down Wataru’s face as his cries became louder. 


“This is where I live”. Before Yasui had noticed, Keigo had taken him and Jesse to his house after receiving Juri’s phone call. “So this is where Keigo lives…” Yasui thought I himself. 

“You live on your own?” Jesse asked staring at the apartment door. “No, Wataru lives here too.” Before any further explanations were made, Wataru’s cries could be heard. Keigo quickly opened the door to see what was going on. Juri with a serious face will of worries and Wataru crying in his arms. 

“P-papa..” Wataru realized Keigo had come home and ran toward him crying. “What’s wrong Wataru?” Keigo bent down to pick up his little brother. 

“I want to see mama! I want her to talk to me! I want to play with mama!” 


“Juri.. wai-“ “Jesse, don’t but in. I’m not finished.” Jesse tried to in but was cut off by Juri who was in full rage. “HOW CAN YOU LET YOUR SON SUFFER?! HE’S FOUR. HE’S MEANT TO BE PLAYING AND LAUGHING LIKE OTHER KIDS! HOW DO YOU THINK HE WOULD FEEL WHEN HE GETS LAUGHED AT FOR NOT HAVING A MOTHER?!”

“Onii-chan, what does pregnant mean?” 

“H-huh? Onii-chan?! Wasn’t it Papa just a second ago?” Juri said completely confused. “Idiot. This is what happens when you don’t let me talk. You got it all wrong.” Jesse wacked Juri across the head. 

“Wataru is my younger brother. Not my son…” Keigo said with a sigh as he let Wataru down. “See Wataru? This is why I told you not to call me that in public.”

“But we’re not in public. We’re at home!” Wataru protested.

“T-then, everything I said just then…. Was wrong… right?” Juri scratched his head. “tsk. Idiot” 

“You said too much Juri…” Yasui said quietly.

Keigo chuckled. “It’s okay. It was just a misunderstanding”

Once they seated themselves around the coffee table, Keigo began to explain the situation. “So… Wataru, is my younger brother. Not my son.” He laughed. “The reason he calls me Papa is because we was never able to meet our father. So I was the substitute..”

“Right… so where are you parents?” Jesse asked curiously whilst looking around the house. “H-he his parents are…” Yasui butted in, thinking this would be a sensitive question for Keigo. “It’s okay Yasui. We’re friends, they have a right to know…” Keigo smiled. “My father is in jail” He said quietly making sure Wataru couldn’t hear. “Wataru doesn’t know this, so please keep it away from him.” Juri and Jesse’s eyes widened in despair. “J-Jail?”

Yasui kicked Juri under the table, hinting for him to not ask further questions. “O-oh, so who was that guy you met up with? Myu…. Something?”

“Oh Myuto? Uhm…. He’s just an acquaintance.” Keigo flashed an unpleasant look on his face. As if not wanting to mention the name Myuto and explain what their relationship was. Yasui showed a concerned face. He had a feeling something was not right, but then and there was not the right time to ask. The room broke out in silence. “Well… I think we should go back to school now..” Jesse broke the silence as he stood up. “What’s the point of that?! School is almost over! Lets go to the arcade!” Juri exclaimed as he started to put his shoes back on. “Juri-nii is leaving?” Wataru asked. “Un, but we’ll come back to visit you guys often okay?”

“Oh… okay!” Wataru pulled a sad face for a split second but smiled brightly at Juri. “Aww man, this kid is so cute! Keigo, lemme take him home! Pleaseeee!” He picked Wataru up and ran out the door. 

“H-hey!” Keigo ran after them. “You can’t just take him!”

“Fine… Onii-chan” Juri said mockingly. “I’ll just have to get my own then….. Jesse~ give me a child” 

“Gross! What are you talking about?! I’m not capable of doing that!” Jesse blushed. Juri returned Wataru and waved as he laughed at Jesse. “We’ll come back to visit soon!”

The remaining three stood at the door way whilst waving goodbye. “Well, I guess I should take my leave too” Yasui said. Suddenly, Yasui felt warmth on his back. “Stay… Just a bit longer..”

“Onii-chan, why are you hugging him?” Wataru looked up. Yasui pushed Keigo away in embarrassment. Keigo smiled. “Wataru, be nice to this onii-chan okay? This is the person I love.” He smiled while patting Yasui’s head. “His name is Yasui Kentaro.”

“Uhm, who exactly is that Myuto guy? I know his not just an acquaintance” Yasui asked as he sat down. Keigo laughed. “You read me like an open book huh?” the room broke out in silence once again. “He’s my step-brother… but we’re not on very good terms”


“My mother remarried after Wataru was born, in order to raise us both” Keigo looked over at Wataru who was now reading a picture story book. Flashing a sad face.

“Your step-father must be a nice man…. “

“Nice? Hah. Don’t make me laugh. That bastard. He was the reason my father is in jail! The reason why my mother is laying on a bed unconscious! The reason Wataru can’t see his parents even though they’re alive!” Keigo raged. Tears forming in his eyes. “Onii-chan…?”

“Wataru, go into the room..” Keigo avoided Wataru’s gaze. “Why?” “JUST GO!”

Wataru broke into tears and ran into the room. “Keigo…” Yasui ran after Wataru into the room.
“Wataru-kun..?” Yasui called out as he could not see Wataru when he got to the room. The wardrobe door slid open and Wataru came out to face Yasui. 

“Kenken, does onii-chan hate me?” he cried. “Of course not. He loves you. He loves you very much.”

Yasui hugged crying Wataru tightly. Keigo came into the room, face stained with tears and pale in the face. “I’m sorry, Wataru..”

Keigo hugged both the boys and also started to cry quietly. “Wataru, I’m sorry for making you feel lonely..” 


“Is it really okay with your parents that you’re staying over?” Keigo asked Yasui as he lay down his futon. “Yeah, I called home earlier and said I’d be stay the night”

Wataru had fallen asleep on a futon next to Yasui, holding onto his hand tightly and not letting go, causing Yasui to have to spend the night at Keigo’s house. It was their first time spending the night together. Though there was little Wataru sleeping in between them, they were extremely close to each other, which made Yasui a little nervous. Wataru started to whine a little, so Yasui comforted him by hugging him and caressing his cheek. “He must have felt so lonely without a mother..”

“You’re already acting mother-like, so he doesn’t need to worry about that anymore” Keigo joked. “What are you saying?”

“Thank-you for everything” Keigo said whilst staring at the ceiling. “For being there for us. Wataru must also be feeling very warm right now”

“Are you jealous because I’m hugging your brother and not you?” Yasui chuckled.

“Why do I need to be jealous when you’re already mine?” Keigo leaned over to kiss Yasui on the forehead. “Be careful, you might wake Wataru up” Yasui blushed.

“He won’t wake up..” Keigo smiled as he took hold of Yasui’s hand. Fingers intertwined. “I love you.”

“I love you too” 

Keigo shifted closer, adjusted the blankets and put his arm over the other two. Warmth filled the room and all three of them fell into a deep sleep.

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