chapter three

Mystery Illusion

“To protect myself” was all Yasui could think of that night. Why must Keigo protect himself? Why is he being chased? So many questions filled his mind, once again.

Having already given back the pocket knife, Yasui still held onto one thing, the necklace. It would have been the only excuse to have another chance to talk to Keigo in private and force hidden secrets out of him.

Yasui walked into class heading straight for his seat without any morning greetings to his friends or fellow classmates. Putting his head on the table, face out of anyone’s sight.

“Hey, it’s rare that you’re not lively… you haven’t been yourself lately” Jesse pointed out. Yasui lifted his head to greet his friends with an exhausted and blunt “good morning.”

“Woah, what’s with those bags under your eyes? You look like a panda. It’s like you didn’t sleep or something..” exclaimed Juri

“I didn’t.”

Keigo glanced over at Yasui and figured it was his fault for Yasui’s lack of sleep, although he thought it was actually because Yasui would be terrified about the fact he carried a pocket knife with him.

Their first period was Maths, Yasui’s most hated subject. Of course he didn’t concentrate; instead, he wrote a note and placed it on Keigo’s table.

Keigo took the note and secretly opened it under the table.

After this, meet me at the rooftop.

-Yasui Kentaro

After reading the note, he slipped it in his pocket and returned his gaze to his textbook.

Watching each second pass by on the clock, Yasui slowly fell asleep. The bell rang and the lesson was over. He suddenly woke up, turned around and Keigo was no where to be seen.

He ran up the stairs to their appointed destination, and there, standing that rails looking up at the blue sky, was Keigo.

“You’re here..” Keigo said as he heard Yasui shut the door behind him.

“.. your knife that I gave back yesterday…. Also came with this..” Yasui said as he put the necklace in Keigo’s hand. 

Opening up his hand so the item Yasui put in it could be revealed, Keigo started tearing up and let himself fall on the floor as if he had no more strength left in his body, as soon as he saw the silver tag. Quiet sobs, then became loud cries. Yasui was confused. Why had a necklace made Keigo cry this way? Watching Keigo cry, made his heart break. He didn’t know what to do. Following his instincts, Yasui sat down next to Keigo and embraced him.

Keigo gripped onto Yasui’s shoulder and cried into his chest. Knowing there was someone there for him and warming up his heart, calmed him down a little.

After some time, Keigo went back to normal, looking up at the sky once again. Yasui stayed quiet, just watching Keigo’s figure, wanting to ask questions, but too afraid.

Keigo turned around to face Yasui, aware that he would want an explanation.

“sorry for letting you see me like this…”

“oh, no it’s okay… that necklace must be very important huh..?”

“Yeah, my father made it for us..”


“I have a younger brother”

“oh, i see.... did something happen to your father? Is he sick or -"

"He's in jail."

"o-oh" Yasui was shocked. He was speechless. 

"He was accused of murder six years ago"


"It was a trap.. he was lured into a trap”

After Keigo's brief explanation about how his dad got went to jail, it was clear to Yasui why Keigo had cried so hard, he must of really missed his father, but he still didn't understand why Keigo was being chased and why exactly he had to protect himself. 

Since Yasui got to understand Keigo a little more, they started getting closer and closer. Sitting together for lunch, walking back to Yasui's house together and sending text messages at home, Yasui was able to make Keigo smile and he wanted it to stay that way. 

Jesse and Juri noticed that Yasui and Keigo had gotten incredibly close; they could obviously see there was something more than friendship between those two. “Hey, Yasui” Juri said as he dragged Yasui to a corner where they could talk privately. “What’s up with you and the new kid?”

“Eh? You mean Keigo? Nothing, why?” Yasui answered a little confused about what Juri is trying to ask.

Just as Keigo walked into the classroom, Yasui flashed a smile. “Urgh, you’re getting no where” exclaimed Jesse who shoved Juri and took over. “You like him right?”

“Eh..?” Yasui was surprised. “What’s this all of a sudden…?”

“Just admit it Yasui! It’s so obvious!” Jesse teased.

“Yeah, if you like him, go for it, tell him! Don’t do what Jesse did to me!” Juri encouraged.

“Hey, what’s that suppose to mean?!“ Jesse glared at Juri. 

“Anyway, you should really tell him how you feel..” said Juri.

Yasui and Keigo walked home together like usual. Talking and laughing, nothing out of the ordinary. Suddenly Yasui stopped in the middle of the path way and realized there was no one around them. Now is my chance.

“Hmmm? What’s wrong?” Keigo asked, concerned.


Yasui kept his head down as Keigo turned and walked back to where Yasui was. He gently put a hand on Yasui’s head and ruffed his hair lightly. “What’s up? You don’t feel well?”

“No, I’m fine. There’s just something bothering me..” 

Keigo flashed a slightly surprised look but then smiled gentle and bend down to meet Yasui’s low gaze. “Let’s go to the park!” He grabbed Yasui by the hand and ran to a park they pass every day.

It was quiet and there was nobody else around. Yasui and Keigo played like children on the playground. Forgetting everything that was bothering them. 

They then both collapsed on the floor, still full of laughter though tired and sweaty. Both relaxed whilst looking up at the sky.

“So, what was bothering you?” Keigo suddenly asked. “You can tell me, you know”

“…. It’s nothing….”

“If there’s something bothering you, you should tell someone. It’ll make you feel better. I told you about my father right? So if there’s anything wrong, I’d like you to tell me. We’re friends right?” Yes, only friends..


They both stayed quiet whilst looking up at the sky once again. Keigo worried about Yasui and Yasui afraid to tell Keigo his true feelings. Suddenly, Yasui spoke.

“There’s someone I like… but I don’t if that person feels the same way.” After hearing these words, Keigo was somewhat saddened. “You should just tell that person how you feel..”

“But that person doesn’t consider me as anything more than a friend..” 

Keigo sat up without looking at Yasui. “You should still give it a shot, confess!”

Yasui stood up facing Keigo and shut his eyes. “The person I like is you!”

Keigo was stunned to hear these words come out of his friend’s mouth. 

“I’ve liked you ever since you first bumped into me, I don’t even know why!”

Tears started streaming down Yasui’s face whilst he spoke. 

“I know I’m only a friend to you, so forget everything I said” 

Yasui grabbed his bag and ran off. Keigo who was still processing what had just happened finally stood up and ran after Yasui. 

“YASUI KENTARO!” Keigo screamed out to the person walking a few meters ahead of him. “WAIT!” he screamed once again as the figure started to run.

Yasui suddenly felt someone’s warm hand holding him back. 

“I know you only see me as a friend, it’s fine. I just need to be alone right now, so please let me go.” Yasui said as his eyes filled with tears once again.

“How do you think I can let you go after saying all that and then running away?” Keigo said as he tightened his grip.

“I’ll be back to my usual self soon; we’ll continue to be friends!” 

“We can’t be friends anymore!” Keigo exclaimed.

Yasui lifted his gaze to meet Keigo’s, afraid. He was afraid that his confession may have broken their friendship and that was all they had left. 

He felt Keigo’s grip loosening and at that point, he only had negative thoughts. Tears over-flowing.

Keigo let go of Yasui’s hand completely and embraced him.

“Idiot… do you only want to stay friends when I have the same feelings?” Keigo said gently.

Yasui was lost for words. What was Keigo saying? 

“You ran off before I could say anything, of course you wouldn’t know.” Keigo flashed a bitter smile. He wiped off Yasui’s tears with his fingers and fixed his fringe in order to see his eyes. “You don’t know how I felt when you said you had someone you liked…. My heart ached because I thought you liked someone else..” Keigo chuckled.

“But you kept saying we’re friends this and friends that…” Yasui said confused.

“What else could I say when I wasn’t sure of your feelings?”

“This is all a lie right?” Yasui said insecure. “It’s just a prank.” “Let go of me!” He struggled to get himself out of Keigo’s embrace. Suddenly, he felt Keigo’s warm soft lips on his. It was a sweet but gentle and passionate kiss. 

“It’s not a prank.. I truly love you” Keigo whispered after pulling away.

“Un, I believe you” Yasui smiled as he blushed.

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