Jonghyun's jealous of B-boy?

He's mine! NO NOT HIM! (HIATUS)


Suzy stomped into super junior’s dressing room, which was empty, then slammed her purse against the couch

“AIGHH!!” Suzy squealed frustratedly

“whoa whats wrong missy?”

“Heechul oppa! Help me! Think of a way to get out of a marriage”

“what?! You’re getting married?”

“My mom planned it! Ughhh!! I don’t understand her! I don’t want to marry someone I don’t know”

“You’re getting married!?!” Jonghyun gasped

“oh you heard” she grumbled   “noo she introduced me to her friends son and wanted to arrange a marriage. I think she’s just trying to get rid of me!”

“Then just tell your mom you have a boyfriend that you think of marrying”

“That’s genius Heechul oppa! Hold on! But what if they ask to meet him!”

The silent jonghyun finally spoke up “I’ll help you”

“you’ll help me too?! Thank you!”

“but what are you wearing? It’s so short!” Jonghyun mumbled

“I don’t think so. It’s cute Suzy”

“Thank you heechul oppa”

Suzy’s phone began to blare and scream HELLO HELLO Nareumdaero yonggil naessoyo HELLO HELLO

Jonghyun smirked happily and danced along to the ringtone

“SHinee song?! Not super junior!?” Heechul gasped, pretending to be horrified

Suzy hushed them before answering the call “Hello?” She checked the caller ID “hello? Who are you?”

“It’s me” it was the same voice from this morning

“YOU!! How do you have my phone number?”

“You’re mom gave it to me. Our moms... Anyway I’m headed to sm building right now. Where are you?”

“What?! Why would you come here?!”

“Our moms forced me to spend the day with you”

“You don’t even seem like the type to listen to your parents! Just go do whatever!”

“I keep my promises” he paused “just tell me where you are!!”

Suzy eventually sighed then gave up “I’ll meet you out in front then”


“Who was that?! The jerk you’re suppose to marry?!”

“yeah I have to find him outside. I’ll meet up with you guys in a bit! Don’t leave without me!”


“Yah! B-boy!”

The guy turned around then smirked “yah? b-boy?”

“You never told me your name, that’s your fault”

“The names Gongchan”

“Suzy” she smiled “now get those long legs moving, I have to go somewhere”

“where are we going Suzy ah?”

“suzy ah? We’re not that close”

“whyyy?” he stomped cutely “call me gongchan oppa!”

He continued to show off his cuteness causing nearby fans to giggle then ask if he was a trainee

“No he is not a trainee! Leave us alone!” Suzy dragged him inside

“oh suzy! There you are! Let’s go” Donghae signaled with his arms

“This guy is coming too”

Gongchan didn’t bother to budge

“I’m not moving until you call me oppa”

“No! Now lets go! They’re really going to ditch us!”

“Too bad then! You’ll be stuck with me”

“ughhhh! Let’s go! Gongchan oppa!”

Gongchan grinned in victory then hooked his arm around Suzy’s

Gongchan happily skipped away, however annoyance was written all over Suzy’s face as she was being dragged by him

 Jonghyun scowled as soon as he saw the handsome TALL guy beside Suzy

“Hey guys…this is ermm my friend Gongchan oppa. He’s gonna tag along with us today. That okay?” Suzy’s sweet voice asked

Jonghyun, momentarily mesmerized by her voice, nodded along

“Oh wait! What?!” Jonghyun snapped

“what are you doing Jonghyun oppa? Arent you getting in?” Suzy asked from her seat inside the van

Gongchan waved to him

“Coming” Jonghyun grumbled, then scowled when gongchan waved

Heechul smirked happily “You are totally jealous” 


A/N: wheww sorr for taking so long

even though this is a short update i hope you all enjoyed this chapter

anyone live in San Diego, CA like me?! MAnn a whole 12 hours without electricity so bad yesterdayy

Hope everyones alright ><

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Gongchan is soo cute! I hope she ends up with him...i doubt it though<br />
haha poor leeteuk getting picked on xP<br />
hope you update soon!
beeeaaaar #2
i want a donghae-suzy moment, Jonghyun-suzy moment and gongchan-suzy moment ... ^^ Update Soon..
awww Key you're already in love with her
pinkypn #4
but you are in love with suzy key
nice chappie <br />
update soon! :D<br />
Oh my goodness this chapter was adorable! <33<br />
i hope you update soon!
mehmeh #7
@kminji: hehe you can imagine it to be Gongchan from B1A4. I keep imagining
kminjii #8
jinjja? Gongcha? You mean Gongchan from b1a4??? <br />
SJoiecel #9
kekkeke this chapter was too cute!<br />
gongchan and jonghyuns jealous is so adorable! update soon! <33