Oh yes I did!

He's mine! NO NOT HIM! (HIATUS)


“This is your pilot speaking; we are landing in approximately half an hour”

My grumbling stomach caused me to wake up from my nap

I finally realized there was something heavy against my shoulder

Typical men...

But I’m in public….I can’t just flick his head away

“Jonghyun sshi. Jonghyun sshi? We have 30 more minutes left before landing”

Jonghyun smacked his lips and wrapped himself around my arm causing me to be even more flustered


I didnt do that?

“Yah! You big flirt! We have to change seats again before landing because I need my stuff”

“hu-huh?!” Jonghyun sat up straight then rubbed the back of his head “when did you get here Key?”

Jonghyun wiped the side of his mouth then looked at me

“Suzy sshi I’ll see you at the airport later?”

“ah yeah. sure?”

Jonghyun smiled then disappeared behind the curtains

“hmph grateful that I came back right?” Key sneered

“In your dreams” I scoffed “you smell like orange juice”

“Oh really! I wonder whose fault that is!”

“Not mine”

Key snarled while I looked at him innocently

“Please secure your seatbelts. We’re landing momentarily” the stewardess instructed, the same one who tried to touch Key’s ‘junk’

“sir would you like me to help you?” she asked Key

“No I’m good! Stay at least 2 feet away from me” Key demanded

“I’m just here to help” she smiled, I do sympathize with Key though

In actuality she is a bit creepy

But Key being terrified of the Flight attendant was still hilarious

He squealed like a little piggy and squirmed around when she secured the seatbelt for him

“wow conceited jerk is afraid of women?” I partially chuckled

“I have you know that I’m not afraid! I just…really respect their personal space. That’s all”

“puhaha okay. Sure whatever floats your boat” I sang annoyingly

Key stared me down

“stop staring”

“no” he replied instantly

“Oh it’s so on Jerk. Staring is my middle name!”


“ahemm! Everyone has already gotten off the plane 5 minutes ago. Will you two please gather your things?”

“Not until she loses this stare war!”

“Hmph! I don’t want to waste my time on you! You’re not worth it”

I pulled my purse over my shoulder and slid right past him

while he stood there stunned with an Oh-no-you-didn’t look planted on his face

I smirked in satisfaction

Oh yes I did!   


Haha! What a loser

I clasped my hands together as I stood there waiting for the luggage

Mommy, Daddy, and little Ricky I finally get to see them again! I can’t even remember the last time I saw them

My purple suitcase with zebra stripes appeared and I reached to grab it

Just an inch away, the suitcase was taken away

“Yah! That’s my suitcase!” I called out “oh great. It’s you”

“oh it’s you” Key sighed “and for your information! This is MY suitcase”

“nuh uh! Look at the name tag!” I pulled it out revealing a name

A gasped was released

This time Key was the one who smirked in satisfaction

“Get your facts straight. You brat”

Why does he even have a girly suitcase??

“yahh why are you so mean to a girl?” a sweet voice said

“That’s not it Onew Hyung! She’s so mean!”

“no way! Suzy sshi is an angel!” Jonghyun chimed

I smiled awkwardly and waved

“That’s right. Suzy is super nice. Don’t pick on girls, Key!” Minho added

“By the way Suzy sshi this is Onew Hyung and Taemin. He’s the Maknae”

Taemin, the boy with light brown hair smiled brightly then bowed politely

I returned the bow and smiled

Wow they all look like models, well except for Key. Hmph!

I spotted my luggage “One second” I reached for the purple bag

A hand stopped me

“let me help you. The purple one?”

“Yeah the purple one. Thanks Minho sshi”

“This sure looks like Key’s suitcase” Minho muttered awkwardly


I ended traveling around the airport with the boys after everyone grabbed their luggage

“Put your bag on the cart. I’ll carry it for you”

“You’re such a sweet guy. Thanks Minho”

“Oppa. Call me your oppa”

“I will. Next time”

Minho faked a laugh, embarrassed

Before we even exit the gate we can already hear girls chanting


Once we stepped pass the automatic doors, whoo man! it was a frenzy

I gathered some attention from some fans, I mean I was the only girl walking among the group of boys

“Suzy! Suzy!”

Oma? That was totally mom’s voice

“Minho oppa!”

Minho was caught off guard when I tapped his arm


“I think my family members are around here somewhere. Can you-  Nevermind I’ll just go by myself now”

“uh wait. I’ll help you find them”

“We’ll help you find them” Jonghyun corrected

“ahemm! We?!” Key interrupted

“Key” Onew said sternly

“Hyung it’s 5 versus 1. You lose!” Taemin teased

“Taemin! Minho! Onew! Jonghyun! WAGHHH SGHHH I LOVE YOU KEY!!”

Okay their fans are officially scaring me

And whats so great about the jerk? she should be screaming Minho oppas name! HMPH!

Key suddenly swooped beside me then whispered “you win this time. But after this we’ll never see each other again!”

“uhm no I won twice already” I said pointing to my eyes and guided his glare to my luggage

“Suzy! Give me your number! We should hang out sometime!”

“Sure Jonghyun sshi!”

I looked at Key and wiggled my eyebrow “I guess you might be seeing me again”

Muhahhaha I got him again



I was gonna stop after the stare war part but thought it was too short
so I hope it’s not too long of a chapter XDD

anyway please comment on what you think so far ^^

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Gongchan is soo cute! I hope she ends up with him...i doubt it though<br />
haha poor leeteuk getting picked on xP<br />
hope you update soon!
beeeaaaar #2
i want a donghae-suzy moment, Jonghyun-suzy moment and gongchan-suzy moment ... ^^ Update Soon..
awww Key you're already in love with her
pinkypn #4
but you are in love with suzy key
nice chappie <br />
update soon! :D<br />
Oh my goodness this chapter was adorable! <33<br />
i hope you update soon!
mehmeh #7
@kminji: hehe you can imagine it to be Gongchan from B1A4. I keep imagining him...lol
kminjii #8
jinjja? Gongcha? You mean Gongchan from b1a4??? <br />
SJoiecel #9
kekkeke this chapter was too cute!<br />
gongchan and jonghyuns jealous is so adorable! update soon! <33