The Flight

He's mine! NO NOT HIM! (HIATUS)


“Hello mam and sir what would you like to drink?” the flight attendant asked politely

“I’ll have a cup of orange juice”

The flight attendant reached over to hand it to me

“yah move back so I can get the cup”

Key didn’t answer but waved his hand around

“Yah! stop waving your hand around”

Seriously! This guy is so irritating!

Key automatically waved his hand furiously

Just as the glass of juice entered my hand it was flung away by Key’s stupid hand

“Not my clothes!” The cup was coming towards my direction however I pushed it away causing the juice to spill on Key instead

Key popped up and screamed “My CLOTHES!!! YOUU!” He pointed at me

“Yah it was your fault!”

“I’m so sorry sir!” The flight attendant bowed then tried to blot away the juice on his pants

“Yah where are you touching?!” Key called out, terrified

He continued to scoot closer to my side until he was hovering over my lap


I tried to shove him away but he didn’t budge

“Hey flight attendant unnie why are you just staring at him? Pull him away from me”

“huh? Oh okay!” she answered

“Don’t touch me!” Key immediately yelled out

“yahh Key I can hear you screaming from where I’m sitting” a boy with sparkling round eyes said irritatedly “Minho said I should check up on you and…so I can meet Suzy”

“Hey can you get Key off me?!”

“Key!! Get off the poor girl!” he smacked Key in the arm a couple times

“You must be Suzy Yang? I’m Jonghyun”

“Hyung! Can I switch spots with you please?!? This flight attendant is freaking me out”

“Sure Key. My spot is next to Minho. I’ll sit here with Miss Suzy”

I smiled warmly, glad that jerkface over there is finally leaving

“I’ll be back to get my stuff later!” Key announced


“So uh why were you in America?”

“I was raised there, I’ve always studied abroad”

“So you’re done studying and going back to Korea?”

“Yup that’s right”

“We just came back from SM town in LA. I heard that you don’t know what Shinee is, But don’t worry I’ll change that for you”

“You’re really different from Mister Diva over there. You’re really easy to talk to”

“Is that a compliment?”

“I guess so and I don’t give them often”

“Well Miss Suzy. You’re not so bad yourself” he grinned then added a wink

Did he just wink?

I’ll let it slide this time hehehe since it’s coming from a handsome boy


“You know it’s your own fault!” a finger stabbed into my left shoulder, my tears began to well in my eyes “You’re a clingy and annoying brat! Blame it on yourself that I found someone better”

“YAAHHH! You Jerk!!” I threw wild punches at his chest “It’s been 3 freaken years wasted on you!”

“Stop hitting me!”

“You’re horrible person!!” My foot automatically kicking his shin

Before I could even blink a hand swung across my right cheek with so much force that I fell to the ground

“You deserved that. I warned you to stop. Everything is your own fault. Get over yourself”

“Honeyy!” A high pitched voice called out sweetly

“Baby I just finished with this B****. Let’s go”

I tried so hard to stop my tears from falling

My hand gently slide over the swollen cheek

Stupid men! NO GOOD MEN!

My clenched fist shook uncontrollably; along with a piercing scream, my fist threw itself towards the concrete floor


“No!” I gasped

“mm” Jonghyun rubbed his eyes sleepily “something wrong?”

“No I’m fine. Just Sleep.”

He smacked his lips a couple times before dozing off again

Even in my sleep I have to think about that stupid person…

Staring out the window brought a sense of relaxation to me

10 more hours and I’ll be in Seoul enjoying myself…just ten more hours


A/N: just a quick update
Comments please XDD (they're so fun to read! >.< )

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Gongchan is soo cute! I hope she ends up with him...i doubt it though<br />
haha poor leeteuk getting picked on xP<br />
hope you update soon!
beeeaaaar #2
i want a donghae-suzy moment, Jonghyun-suzy moment and gongchan-suzy moment ... ^^ Update Soon..
awww Key you're already in love with her
pinkypn #4
but you are in love with suzy key
nice chappie <br />
update soon! :D<br />
Oh my goodness this chapter was adorable! <33<br />
i hope you update soon!
mehmeh #7
@kminji: hehe you can imagine it to be Gongchan from B1A4. I keep imagining
kminjii #8
jinjja? Gongcha? You mean Gongchan from b1a4??? <br />
SJoiecel #9
kekkeke this chapter was too cute!<br />
gongchan and jonghyuns jealous is so adorable! update soon! <33