new complications

He's mine! NO NOT HIM! (HIATUS)


-Author POV-

Suzy smiled as warm sun rays beamed on her cheeks

Stretching her arms silently with a smile plastered on her face, she froze

‘what am I touching?!’

Before she knew it she panicked “HIYAHHHH!!” She yelled along with a kick

Suzy winced as a heavy thud echoed throughout the room

“oww…” a voice groaned, seconds later gongchan stood before her with his hand rubbing his aching back

“yahh! Why did you kick me off the bed!”

“Why are you sleeping in my bed! You pevert!”

Gongchan shrugged it off then flicked the girl on the forehead

“stop dreaming of naughty stuff”

Suzy’s nose wrinkled as she attempted to rub away the pain “tch!”

Soon after that incident, things began to calm down as the holidays passed

Suzy returned to work fully recovered

“Yo Suzy!”

“Hi Donghae oppa!” Suzy bowed slightly

“How have you been?”

“I’m okay. It’s only been a few days since I returned but I feel that a lot has changed already”

“well just take care of yourself alright? How’s Key?”


“Did he say anything to you about that day?”

“what day?”

“you know that day he totally confessed his lo…”

Suzy’s eyes shrunk in confusion “what are you talking about?”

“Nevermind! Maybe it was a drama I was watching! Hehe see you around!” Donghae half smiled

‘Key is such a diva! Why is everyone asking me about him? Jonghyun oppa, minho oppa, Gongchan oppa, and now even Donghae oppa! Key isn’t so bad…just a little stuck up sometimes..but sweet when he taught me how to ice skate…and caring when he took me to the hospital…he’s actually handsome and cute at times…’

Suzy grinned while she fiddled with her fingers then facepalmed herself

Her palm print stained red on her forehead “OH GOD! WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT HIM?!”


Suzy jumped “Taemin you scared me!

“Why is your forehead so red! Did someone hit you! I’ll go hit them back!” Taemin sniffed as he rolled his right sleeve up

Suzy shook her head then walked away

Leaving Taemin standing in the lobby alone and very confused

“what the heck! Where is Suzy?!!” Key sneered

“You know it’s so obvious that you like her why don’t you just confess?” Minho blurted

Onew chuckled “I know! Just confess already!”

“what the heck are you guys talking about?” Key faked a scoff

Knock knock“hey guys!” Gongchan smiled warmly “where is Suzy?”

“She should be getting our schedule from the Manager’s office” Minho replied

“Thanks. See you guys later” Gongchan’s head disappeared behind the door

Onew turned back to Key “Confess! Before someone else beats you to it”

Jonghyun, sitting in the corner of the room eavesdropping, made peace with himself ‘I’ll confess to her the next time I’m with her, just the two of us’

Puzzled, Key stayed silent

-Suzy POV-

I was about to knock on the door to find Minho and bring him to his next schedule until I heard other voices

“Yeah I’m worried about Key. He’s such an airhead and diva he would never have the courage to confess to Suzy” Minho scratched his head

‘confess to me?! What is going on?’

“I’m worried about him too. I think it’s the first time Key has liked someone this much” Donghae smirked

“But I’m worried about you too. It seems like Suzy likes you. So what is this? A love triangle?”

“Aniya. I’m not involved she’s just like a younger sister to me!” Donghae exclaimed

I exhaled lightly ‘why are they even talking about me? Besides Donghae oppa is my crush only…I’m not dying to date him..tch’

Before I knew it, I had already backed away from the door and my feet had carried me to the garden out behind the building

A voice called out to me, breaking me free from my thoughts “Hey Suzy”

“Jonghyun oppa, what are you doing out here?”

“I saw you walking out here”

“oh…” I returned my focus onto the water fountain in front of me

Jonghyun sat down on the side of the concrete fountain “I have something to talk to you about” he patted the seat beside him

I lowered my body and sat beside him “okay. What is it?”

“I- I was wondering…I mean..umm” Jonghyun chuckled nervously “I like you a lot and see I..I want you to be my girlfriend”

I looked at him questioningly “Oppa…”

when did everything get so complicated?’



I'm sorry to all my readers and subscribers out there who wanted to read this

I hope i havent lost all my readers and subbies ^^ I hope this fic is still worth the reading

It's finally summer for me so i will be updating often until this fic is finished! I will make this fic much more interesting!

Thank you for your patience! <333

To thank you here are some pictures of my biases!

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTU6Zo5htd6tnacfh8nCCA  images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ-ze3QMfl5Hl6up3e18LI


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRMgrZR3NU1goVb5alrbsW images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSxsd0T8YHPimO9vTNPkIu

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQFJbpK4IIlTWveFP9SkKK images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQqeI_IAZxoHh4hLO342OY

<333 keke

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Gongchan is soo cute! I hope she ends up with him...i doubt it though<br />
haha poor leeteuk getting picked on xP<br />
hope you update soon!
beeeaaaar #2
i want a donghae-suzy moment, Jonghyun-suzy moment and gongchan-suzy moment ... ^^ Update Soon..
awww Key you're already in love with her
pinkypn #4
but you are in love with suzy key
nice chappie <br />
update soon! :D<br />
Oh my goodness this chapter was adorable! <33<br />
i hope you update soon!
mehmeh #7
@kminji: hehe you can imagine it to be Gongchan from B1A4. I keep imagining
kminjii #8
jinjja? Gongcha? You mean Gongchan from b1a4??? <br />
SJoiecel #9
kekkeke this chapter was too cute!<br />
gongchan and jonghyuns jealous is so adorable! update soon! <33