❧ Glossary/Guide

d r a g o n r i d e r s ❧ l o s t s o u l s (d i s c o n t i n u e d)
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Ancient Language

Abr ↬ of
Ach ↬ do; does
Achí ↬ did
Adurna ↬ water
Äenora ↬ broad
Äf- ↬ adds bad connotation (prefix)
Äftaka ↬ steal
Agaeti ↬ celebration
Aí ↬ a
Aí varden abr du Shur'tugalar gata vanta. ↬ A warden of the Riders lacks passage.
Aiedail ↬ morning star
Älfa ↬ elf
Älfr ↬ he
Älfrs ↬ his
Älfrinn ↬ she
Älfrinns ↬ her
Allr ↬ all
Anldát ↬ death
Aptr ↬ backward
-Ar ↬ makes plural if ending in consonant; if ending in "r," add "a" before it (suffix)
Arget ↬ silver
Argetlam ↬ Silver Hand (a title for Riders)
Arucane ↬ Endless Fire; Living Fire
Atra ↬ may; let
Audr ↬ up
Baen ↬ sorrow
Beor ↬ bear
Bjart ↬ bright
Bjartskular ↬ Brightscales (honorific for dragons)
Blaka ↬ to flap
Blaka eom iet lam. ↬ Flap to my hand.
Blödh ↬ blood
Blöthr ↬ to halt; to stop
Böetk ↬ broad
Böllr ↬ a round object; an orb
Brakka ↬ reduce
Breoal ↬ family; house
Brisingr ↬ fire
Brun ↬ brow
Bullts ↬ bullets
Burthr ↬ birth
Burthro ↬ born
Carthungavë ↬ the Spine
Celöbra ↬ honor
Celöbreya ↬ honors
Dag ↬ day
Dagshelgr ↬ Hallowed Day
Datia/Rakr ↬ mist
Dauth ↬ death
Dauthleikr ↬ mortal
Dautr ↬ daughter
Deloi ↬ earth
Delois ↬ green-leafed plant with purple flowers
Deyja ↬ to die
Domia ↬ dominance
Domia abr Wyrda ↬ Domninance of Fate (book by Heslant the monk that chonicles all of Alagaesia history from before the coming of the elves to a few decades before the fall of the Riders)
Dras ↬ city
Draumr Kópa ↬ dream state (spell for scrying)
Dröttning ↬ Queen
Dröttningu ↬ Princess (not exact but similar)
Du ↬ the
Du Fyrn Skulblaka ↬ The Dragon War
Du Silbena Datia ↬ "The Sighing Mists" (elven poem describing two lovers separated by their love for the sea)
Du Sundavar Freohr ↬ Death of the Shadows
Du Vrangr Gata ↬ The Wandering Path
Dunei ↬ love
Dvergr ↬ dwarf
Dvergar ↬ dwarves
Ebrithil ↬ master
Edoc'sil ↬ unconquerable
Edur ↬ tor or prominence
Einradhin ↬ resolve
Eitha ↬ to go; leave
Eitrum ↬ poison
Eka ↬ I; me
Eka weohnata néita haina ono. ↬ I will not harm you.
Ekar ↬ oaken
Eld- ↬ adds "-er" (preffix)
Elda ↬ gender-neutral honorific of great praise; used mostly by and for elves mainly
Eldrvarya ↬ burning
Eldunarí ↬ Heart of Hearts (soul of Dragons)
Elrun ↬ thank
Eom ↬ to
Er ↬ is
Ero ↬ was
Eru ↬ are
Esterni ↬ good fortune
Ethgrí ↬ invoke
Evarínya ↬ stars
Eyddr ↬ to empty
Eyreya ↬ ears
Faelnirv ↬ Elven liquor
Fairth ↬ term used for a picture taken by magical means
Fathrblaka ↬ bird
Fells ↬ mountains
Fëon ↬ flower
Fethr ↬ feather
Finiarel ↬ honorific for a young male with great promise; used mostly by and for elves
Finna ↬ to find
Flauga ↬ to fly
Fodhr ↬ to mark
Fortha ↬ to put forth
Fra ↬ from
Freohr ↬ death
Frethya ↬ to hide
Fricai ↬ friend
Fricaya ↬ friends
Fym ↬ war
Gala ↬ chant, scream, sing, yell, etc.
Gala O Wyrda brunhvitr/Abr Berundal vandr-fódhr/Burthro Iaufsblädar ekar undir/Eom kona dauthleikr... ↬ Sing O white-browed Fate/Of ill-marked Berundal/Born under oaken leaves/To mortal woman...(an excerpt from an elvish piece)
Gánga ↬ to go 
Garjzla ↬ light
Garm ↬ wolf
Gata ↬ path; passage
Gath ↬ to unite
Gedwëy ↬ shining
Gedwëy Ignasia ↬ Shining Palm (mark of a Rider)
Gëuloth ↬ to dull
Gramarye ↬ magic (same as vanyali)
Grind ↬ gate
Güila ↬ luck
Haina ↬ to harm
Haldthin ↬ thornapple
Hávr ↬ to have
Heill ↬ to heal
Hel ↬ hell
Helgr ↬ hallowed; sacred
Hethr ↬ has
Hjarta ↬ heart
Hlaupa ↬ run
Hljödhr ↬ silent
Hórnya ↬ to listen; to hear
Hugin ↬ thought; knowledge
Huildr ↬ to hold
Hvass ↬ sharp
Hvitr ↬ white
-Í ↬ changes verbs except those ending in "i" or "r" to past tense (suffix)
Iet ↬ my (informal)
Ignasia ↬ palm
Iknol ↬ who
Ilerneo ↬ to speak
Ilia ↬ happy
Ilian ↬ happiness
Ilumëo ↬ truth
Indlvarn ↬ the bond between Dragon and Rider
Istalrí ↬ to fire 
Jierda ↬ to break; to hit
Kalfis ↬ calves (as in legs)
Kalfya ↬ calves (as in cows)
Knifr ↬ blade
Kodthr ↬ to catch
Kona ↬ woman
Könungr ↬ king
Kópa ↬ to stare
Kuldr ↬ gold
Kvaedhi ↬ script
Kvetha ↬ greetings
Kveykva ↬ lightning
Kvistr ↬ branch
Kyn ↬ kind; race
Lam ↬ hand
Lámarae ↬ fabric made by cross-weaving wool and nettle threads
Laufsbläd ↬ leaf
Laufsblädar ↬ leaves
Lethr ↬ leather
Lethrblaka ↬ a bat; adult Ra'zac; literally leather-flapper
Letta ↬ to stop
Liduen ↬ poetic
Liduen-Kvaedhi ↬ Poetic Script (the writing used by the elves; the script of the Ancient Language)
Líf ↬ life
Lífa ↬ live 
Lifs ↬ life's
Loivissa ↬ a blue, deep-throated lily
Losna ↬ to release; to loosen
Lunaea ↬ to smooth
Maela ↬ quiet
Malabra ↬ to mean
Malthinae ↬ to bind or hold in place; to confine
Ma'mor ↬ unlock
Manin ↬ memory
Medh ↬ with
Moi ↬ to change
Mor'amr ↬ to open
Mor'ranr ↬ peace
Nagz ↬ blanket
Naina ↬ brighten
Nalgask ↬ a mixture of beeswax and hazelnut oil used to moisten skin
Nama ↬ name
Nángoröth ↬ blasted (cursed)
Néiat/Neo ↬ not
Nen ↬ as
Nosu ↬ us
Nuanen ↬ beautiful
-O ↬ changes verbs ending in "i" or "r" to past tense (suffix)
Ono ↬ you
Onr ↬ your
Oro ↬ arrow
Orono ↬ or
Orúm ↬ serpant
Orya ↬ arrows
Osthato Chetowä ↬ the Mourning Sage
Pömnuria ↬ my (formal)
-R ↬ gives pronouns a masculine connotation
Ramr ↬ 

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Chapter 11: The idea was really good, and if you one day come back with it again, or at least something along these lines, I would be happy to participate again -as an applicant or just a reader-.
Until a next time and good luck on your other projects.
Sé onr sverdar sitja hvass. May your swords stay sharp!
Chapter 3: hello there! so i just realized (when going back and seeing all my blog posts) that i started to apply for the dwarf position... but ended up losing inspiration when my computer had failed to save my process, but the majority of the work is still there--
if i finish it off... is this story still accepting apps? i'll hate to see it go to waste as this story has a unique flavor to it...
Chapter 3: Hi! Can I reply here? x3
First of all, I didn't know how long it was after the original story, so I'm sorry if somethings I wrote turned complicated. :p
If her crush will be like her seventh cousin, I believe it's more like crushing for someone from the same clan than for someone that's actually from your family. LOL xD So if you want, I have no problems with keeping it. :3 (but wow, LOT of time has passed if not even the dwarves and the elves we got to know are still alive. xD)
Oh yeah. I didn't mean the Witch to be a childhood friend. Just that the two could get friends after meeting each other. And everything I wrote about Yongguk is what I imagine that they relationship will be after he hatched.
About Jieun, that's ok. x3 And about Niel, I think I got a little too far really. xD hahahahaha But it would be interesting xD But that's ok. Change for what it will be better to the plot. :3
And yeah. The height. I always get confused of what's supposed to be normal height fot the different kinds. @-@ So that's ok if you shrunk her. xD haha
Thank you for being patient and so detailed.
Do you need me to really change something on the app, or that's ok?
Hi!!! I'm really sorry for taking so so so sooooooooooooo long to finish this app. I really got stuck in how to develop her personality and background. And then university was a b*tch. ;-;
I hope you can still consider it.
Chapter 11: Awwnnn man!!!
Eragon references! Eragon references everywhere!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Why I haven't found this sooner?? ;w;
Chapter 3: wow you started this so long ago. is this something you're going to keep writing?
Chapter 11: yay story is gunna start soon!
which reminds me, i needa comment on the teasers soon LOL