Midnight photographer

Guilty pleasure

The doe eyed boy sat in front of me and I smiled. He had and apron pink with three purple flowers. He looked cute with it.

Yeah, if you wonder, I was sitting next to Kyungsoo in the kitchen. And I wanted to find out his secret guilty pleasure. And I didn’t know how to ask him. Probably he wouldn’t tell me. But I was determined to make him tell me.

„So, the weather is nice today, right?” I asked and looked outside the window. I felt awkward. He made me feel awkward.

„Yeah. I like when it snows.” He told me smiling and I bitted my lips.

„However, I like the weather.” I insisted. He took off his apron and I bitted form an apple.

„I was thinking, Kyungsoo....” I started and looked at him.

„Hm...everyone has a guilty pleasure. Mine is to read fanfiction’s.” I smiled shy and took a knife to cut slice from my apple.

„Want some apple?” I asked and he nodded. I gave him two and waited for his reply.

„Guilty pleasure? I don’t think I have something like that.” He told me still thinking.

„Well, there must be something. I mean, everyone has a guilty pleasure. Think about it. Some like to eat in the middle of the night and then fell awful for this.” I told him thinking. He smiled and nodded.

„You are right. I think I have something like guilty pleasure too.”

„Oh, you do? What is it?” I asked trying to make him tell me quick. I was really curious what guilty pleasure could have this cute boy. Eat lollipops?

„I can’t tell you. You might tell somebody. It’s a secret.” he added and I pouted.

„Oh, come on! I won’t tell anyone.” I assured him and he looked at me with a serious face.

„Okay. I will tell you.” I waited and my eyes grew bigger as I heard what he was telling me.

„I like to take pictures.” He said and I didn’t understand what he meant.

„With Kai.”

„And? What’s so guilty about this?”

„I like to take pictures with him while he sleeps.” I raised an eyebrow. I didn’t get it. Okay, while he sleeps. It’s not something to be ashamed. I was expecting something that even me make me blush.  He rolled his eyes and whispered.

„He usually sleeps .” He added and looked away. My mouth was now in a big shape O.

„Yeah, but he looks cute when he sleeps and I take at least 3 time a week a picture with Kai. I can’t help it, he’s so cute and sweet. He doesn’t know and please don’t tell him.”

„I won’t! Trust me Kyungsoo.” I assured him and he exited the kitchen. It was late night and I should go to sleep too.

So, this cute and innocent-looking boy like to take pictures with Kai sleeping. .

Hmmm....strange these boys. One like how Kyungsoo’s lips the lollipop and the other like how Kai looks while he sleeps, . Great!


A/N: the picture is not mine...story by pouring_rain...next will be mine...^_^

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Chapter 12: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH geez this is like the best story ever! Thanks to the author nims!
Chapter 1: Woahhahha! Krissssssss you naughty! ^_^ I love it!
Sounds interesting! Update soon!