
Guilty pleasure
I came back from shoppping and I sighed puting down the bags. Kai and Chanyeol helped me with the shoping bags and I thank them both. Chanyeol smiled like crazy,as always, and Kai gave me a smirk that made me feel buterflys. 
„Come on, stop it!” I said pushing his shoulder playfully.  He smiled and put an arm around my shoulders. Chanyeol took a chocolate from the shoping bags and exited the kitchen. He went upstairs. I heard his door slam when I put the cherries in the fridge and turned abruptly. I remembered what use to do a few days ago. And Kai escaped. 
Hmmm.... I smiled and Kai looked at me. He was taking his shopings form the bag and put them in a corner of the table. He use to buy just for him and Kyungsoo some sweets. 
He had some lolipops and chocolates. I took the spagetti bags, oranges, cucumbers and onion and placed in their place in the fridge.
„Kai...I need to ask you something.” I said and didn’t look at him. i wanted to look like it wasn’t important but Kai turned and look at me with a serious face.
„Something wrong?” he asked me and I smiled bright.
„Oh, no.  Just talk to you. I feel like to tell you something.” I took his hand and let him sat on the chair at the table and i sat next to him. 
„I ...I feel strange these days. I ....I have something to tell you.” he looked at me with a serius face.
„I feel like I can have trust in you. .... And I need to tell someone a little secret of mine. Can you keep it secret?” I asked innocently. He smiled and nodded.
„Of course you can tell me.” I smiled shy and tried to blush. 
„Let’s do something else.” I said and he nodded.
„I will tell you my secret guilty pleasure and you tell me yours. Everyone has to have one. You must have yours.” i waited for his answer. He smiled and then, after a few seconds he nodded slowly.
„ guilty pleasure is to read fanfictions. About all kpop.” I said and tried to look shy and he laughed.
„Yeah, I can imagine.” He siad and I nodded.
„Now tell me yours.” he bited his lips and look towards his sweets. He showed me. there was his chocolates and lolipops.
„I use to buy those sweets with a purpose.” He stopped and pun a hand over my wrist.
„But promise me you won’t tell anyone.” I nodded.
„Kyungsoo like to eat chocolate and lolipops. And I made him eat so many because I love the way his lips turn when he that lolipop. And the chocolate in shi lips. It looks so...sensual...” I think he blushed...
„If you understand what I mean...” he added slowly and I surely understand what he meant. I nodded.
„I mean...his lips are so” it was obviously that he was thinking about other word, but I got it, boy!
„Don’t tell anyone or I will kill you.” he playfully pushed me and I laughed.
„Don’t worry. I won’t, don’t worry. Trust me, your secret is safe with me.” 
A/N: picture not mine...story by will be Purple_Tulip...^_^
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Chapter 12: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH geez this is like the best story ever! Thanks to the author nims!
Chapter 1: Woahhahha! Krissssssss you naughty! ^_^ I love it!
Sounds interesting! Update soon!