Chapter 4

Strangers With Benefits
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  After an exhausting walk carrying the angry Dara, Jiyong manages to walk to Dara's apartment. He's still shocked that he hasn't fractured anything from the hard blows from Dara.   Dara blows a raspberry and glares at Jiyong.   Jiyong freezes in his spot upon seeing the glint of murder in Daras eyes. Frantically racking his brain to find something to to distract Dara. The only thing he comes up with is gasping and point at Dara, and well that's exactly what he did.   Dara gives Jiyong a dumbfounded look as he gasps and points at Daras jeans. Dara looks down at her jeans *what? Did I get my period or something?*.    Dara examines her jeans when suddenly the flashback of TOPs evil dog taking a whiz on her...   Dara stares at her jeans and begins to scream making Jiyong jump in surprise and hide behind.... Well there's nothing to hide behind so he's pretending to 'hide' behind a pole... Tsk   Dara continues to scream as she pries her jeans off of her. Jiyongs eyes widen "W-what are you doing!?" Jiyong stutters looking away from Dara.   Dara ignores Jiyong and manages to take her jeans off leaving her only in her ...    Jiyong swallows hard as he glances at Daras milky white legs, but quickly looks away as the latter runs into her room like a headless chicken. Her screams turned into screeches.    Jiyong stands in the living room dumbfounded. What just happened?...   A few minutes later a calm and collected Dara wearing yoga pants comes out of her room and calmly approaches her jeans.   Jiyong raises an eyebrow at Dara. He has a bad feeling about Dara's calmness.   Dara suddenly pulls out an lighter and grabs her jeans, an evil smile grows on her smile as she looks at Jiyong.   Jiyong's breath gets caught in his throat when Dara sets her jeans on fire.   "HO HO HO HO" Dara's evil laughs echoes in the apartment as she drops the jeans on the floor. Dara sits in front if her jeans with a wide smile. Yes ladies and gentlemen Dara has completely lost it.   Jiyong panics upon seeing flames and quickly grabs a kettle with 'water' in it and throws it on the jeans hoping it will put the flames out, but it only makes it worse. Jiyong sniffs the kettle an the scent of alcohol meets his nose.   " " Jiyong mutters under his breath as he fills the kettle with water and throws it on the jeans, killing the fire, but also wetting Dara in the process.   Dara, who still has mascara all over her face looks at Jiyong with an unreadable expression.   Jiyong holds his breath and prays to god  *please don't let me die! PLEASE DONT LET ME DIE!*   Dara suddenly lets out a giggle "so have you decided what you want to wish for? I have!"   Jiyong looks at Dara exasperated, how can she change the subject so fast, a few seconds ago she was on super psycho mode burning jeans and glaring at him like a rabid dog, and now she's all happy go lucky asking about Jiyong's wish.   Dara giggles more ignoring Jiyong's creeped out and judging look, "well I'll tell you my wish first! I want to swim in the Atlantic Ocean!" she says excitedly.   Jiyong looks at Dara bewildered "how am I supposed to make that come true!?"   Dara shrugs her shoulders "I don't know,  google it".    Jiyong face palms, wait no face walls himself.   "What's your wish Jiyongie!" Dara says excitedly.   *Wish?* Jiyong stops banging his head on the wall. What should he wish for? There isn't anything that Jiyong wants except for money to pay off his debt, but that isn't an option.   "I don't have a wish" Jiyong replied timidly "I don't know what to wish for" he slumps against the wall.   Dara quietly observes Jiyong. He has a good body and damn his lips are hot, but h
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An update will be brought to all my lovely and patient readers some time this week :)


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Chapter 11: I think Dara has a "past" and some memories of "That" past is invading her brain ^.^
TOP is so so funny here ! HAHAHA ! In another stories, he would be the "Calm and Cool" guy, and BOM would be the one "Drooling" and i was beyond in tears laughing like a retard when Their characters was more of like "Switched" and now, BOM in this story is the "Calm and Cool" one XD authorniiiiim, please update~!
Pishpish #2
Chapter 11: TOP is so funny
rinrindam #3
Chapter 11: Dara sad because she love GD. And GD mr.clueless why you are so slow? Kkkkkk juat update moreee. Thanks ^^
joms_sundae #4
More more pls thnks for nt abandoning this fic hopefully u can find a lot of inspiration so that u can update this fic of yours (⊙o⊙)(⊙o⊙)
Chapter 11: are there bushes in the desert? *joke*
this chapter is one crazy chapter!
Devibaby #6
Chapter 11: OMG AN UPDATE <3
AHAHAHAAH I love everything about this chapter c: From crazy TOP and manly Jiyong xD. But Unnie Dara seems sad :( I wanna know more about why she suddenly feels upset!!
Chapter 10: This is hilarious! XD
Thanks for sending me the link to this^^ it seems interesting! We have a lockdown in my school right now so I'm gonna start reading it here^^~~
seondara #9
this story is so amazing~!
pls update authornim:D
nia_arphiyanti #10
Chapter 10: perfect,,,,,,daebak i love this story.....please update...kamsahamida