
Fall Into Me

‘Chunji and Byunghun’ I think to myself. I swear I’ve heard those names somewhere before…

“We should be there soon…” Minsoo says distantly.


“The little cafe down the street here.”

“Really, Minsoo? And you couldn’t tell me this sooner?”

“I don’t know, you’re hilarious when you’re clueless. Changjo was right.” Minsoo says with a smirk.

“Changjo said that?”

“Yeah, and he talks about you all the time. He always says you look really aegyo when you try to look serious and he said you are a great friend. That’s why I’m not beating you up, because he has a crush on you.”

What? How does he know?! “What!?!” I say pretending to be shocked. “Changjo? A crush on me? But I’m not-”

“C’mon,” Minsoo interrupts. “Don’t play dumb I know you know he has a crush on you.

“You do? How?”

“He told me. He came out to me about a month ago. It was really weird at first. He seemed all embarrassed and was like ‘H-h-hyung… I-I H-h-have to t-tell you some t-thing…’ And when he told me I was a bit shocked, but I understood. I mean it’s how he was born, I can’t think anything less of him for it. He’s still my awesome little bratty brother and I’ll always love him. When I told him that he was surprised. He said he thought I was gonna freak out on him. And I was like ‘Of course not, why would I?’

“He and I talked a little bit more before I asked him if he had any crushes yet. He said that there was this one guy he had his eye on for a few months. His exact words were, ‘He’s really nice, kinda short, and has two different shaped eyelids and they are so freaking cute. And he’s Sulli’s friend.’ I asked him if his name was Ricky and he said yeah and I said woops I beat him up last year. He freaked out and said, ‘Hyung, why would you do that? How could you do that to my baby?’ I said ‘Your baby!?’ and he got all embarrassed and ran away.”

Wow, he’s had a crush on me for that long? I didn’t think I guy like him would ever notice me… “Wow,” I start. “I didn’t know he thought of me like that.”

“Yeah he really likes you. But for the last couple days he’s been acting weird when I bring you or Sulli or Sohyun up. I didn’t understand why until I got the full story out of him last night.”

“Oh. So you know about…”

“Sohyun? Yeah. But don’t worry, I know you’ll do the right thing and dump her soon, right?”

“Yeah… right…” I answer nervously.

“He really does love you. I better not see my little brother get hurt, alright?” He says, looking at me sternly.

“I won’t. I never meant to. I honestly really like your brother too.”

“Ah…” He looks forward again. “Those two tricky little words. Like and love. They are so similar but so different.”

“Woah Dr. Bang, where did Minsoo go?”

“Y’know I’m a lot smarter than I let on. And I can tell that what Changjo feels for you is real, but I’m not sure how you feel about him. I’m afraid you might be filled with more lust than love.”

“I’m not sure myself.”

“Well you better make up your mind before Changjo falls for you any further.”

“But… I want him to. I want him to fall for me. Like the way I fell for-”

“Sohyun? Aish, dongsaeng, what have you gotten yourself into?” He says, disappointed.

“I don’t know, I- Dongsaeng!?”

“Yeah, you’re with my brother so I figure you’re my dongsaeng and I’m your hyung.”

“Oh okay…”

“But, if you break my brother’s heart… I will be your worst nightmare.” Minsoo says forebodingly.

“Okay Mins-... Hyung, I promise.” I say weakly.

His pleasant demeanor returns. “Can I ask you something?”

“Without you getting mad?”

“Yes, what?”

“Are you gay or bi or what?” Minsoo blurts out.

Ah, the question I’ve avoided asking myself. “I uh… I don’t know. Until Sohyun I thought was gay but, I guess I must be bi...” My voice trails off.

“I’m just asking because… Just don’t pull a 180 and turn out to be straight or anything, got it?”

“Well I’m sure I’m not straight so-”

“Hey, Minsoo!” A distant voice yells.

“Hey Chunji!” Minsoo yells back.

Okay so that one’s Chunji. And the really small one, well I shouldn’t say that I’m not much taller than he is, but he’s Byunghun.

“Now don’t act like a freak.” Minsoo whispers.

Of course not. How could I?

As we come closer to the tables situated outside of the cafe I hear Chunji and Byunghun whispering about me. I can’t make out what they’re saying, though. Although, Byunghun looks like he might eat me alive…

“Hey Minsoo, who’s this guy?” Chunji asks, pointing at me.

“Uh this is, Ricky.” Minsoo introduces me. “Ricky this is Chunji and Byunghun.”

“Hi” I say sheepishly.

“What’s he doing here?” Chunji asks abruptly.

“Well, he’s a friend of my brother’s.”

“Oh. The gay one?” Chunji asks rudely.

“Yes the gay one I only have one brother, .” Minsoo says defensively.

Byunghun laughs, “calm down Minsoo, Chunji’s just an idiot.”

Chunji looks at Byunghun, offended.

“You know if you guys are good,” I suggest, “I can still make it back before lunch.”

“No, it’s cool. Stay.” Byunghun says with a smile.

“Yeah, Ricky, I brought you along for a reason.” Minsoo says.

“What reason?” I ask.

“Well there’s a GS25 down the street and they know our faces and know we skip school so they won’t sell us anything. We need you to go in there and by us lunch.” Minsoo states his plan.

“Me? Buy you guys lunch? I’m good, thanks,” I say smartly.

“I don’t think so, shrimp,” Chunji says as he approaches me. “You’re gonna go in there, or I’m gonna make you.”

“Chunji, c’mon, give the guy a break. Minsoo wasn’t being serious,” Byunghun says, defending me.

“Oh…” Chunji backs away, embarrassed. As he sits back down he glares at me like it’s my fault.

“Really Chunji, are you on your monthly or something?” Minsoo says seriously.

I laugh and Chunji just sulks and looks defeated.

“I do want a banana milk though, c’mon Ricky.” Byunghun grabs my hand and leads me down the street to the GS25.

Once we are inside Byung hun looks at me and says, “Don’t mind Chunji he’s just an airhead that thinks he’s tough .”

“It’s fine, I’m used to being treated like crap.”

“Aww, why?” Byunghun asks with a distressed look on his face.

“I’ve just always been bullied. I was always shy and I was always smaller than everyone else. People just thought they could walk all over me.”

“But you’re taller than me!” Byunghun advises, “Just build up your walls, and people’s comments will bounce right off of you.”

“I have, but a couple years ago I used to act stupid and mean and people liked me, but I didn’t like me. So I stopped. I’m a lot more comfortable being ‘me’ now.” I say honestly.

“Cool.” Byunghun moves over to the refrigerated shelves and grabs some banana milk. “Do you want anything, Ricky? I’ll pay.” He asks.

“No I’m fine, thanks.”

“C’mon I’d feel like we’re starting off on the wrong foot if I don’t get you something.”

“Okay,” I say as I grab a chestnut soymilk. “Thanks.”

“No problem,” Byunghun beams victoriously.

After he pays for everything, we walk back outside and see Minsoo hyung and Chunji by the doors waiting for us.

“You ready to go?” Minsoo asks.

“Where hyung?” I ask baffled.

“A person from Chunji and Byunggie’s school.” He answers cooly.

“O..kay?” I say, questioningly.

Minsoo and Chunji pull ahead while Byunghun and I trail behind, out of earshot.

“His name’s Niel, he’s one of our friends.” Byunghun says.

“Oh.. okay.”

There is a short pause before Byunghun says. “So… I hear you’re with Changjo, huh?”

I blush, “Yeah.”

“Is he being nice to you?” Byunghun looks at me sincerely.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean is he treating you right?”
“Well, yeah. If anything I’m the mean one, considering I have girlfriend.”

“Yeah, Minsoo hyung told me. You got yourself in quite a mess, haven’t you?”

I become a little flustered. “But I didn’t mean to it all just happened so fast, and-”

“Woah, cool it, it’s ok.”

“Sorry, it’s just-”

“I understand. Changjo’s something.”

“How would you know?” I ask defensively.

“Well, between you and me… We used to be together before he came out to Minsoo.”

My face must be priceless, and my mind is absolutely  blown. “Huh!? No way!”

“Yes way, I was kinda the one that… helped him… find himself.”

“Then I guess I should thank you, huh?” I snicker.

He chuckles, “Maybe. But don’t tell anyone I said that, Minsoo doesn’t even know.”

“Ohh I see. Your secret’s safe with me!”


“So long as you never think about my Changjo that way again.” I say nonchalantly.

He looks at me, stunned, “O-okay, I won’t…”

We walk for about ten minutes or so and Byunghun and I have our drinks finished when we reach what I guess must be Niel’s house.

“Wow, I thought my house was nice!” I look up at this… this… mansion. There is a front gate giving way to a small yard which surrounds a big, white, three or four story house. There are huge windows all along the front and there’s a two-car garage near the entrance.

“Well his parents work for Samsung.” Minsoo says.

“Really!? Wow…” I say in awe. “But what are we doing here, anyway?”

“Niel has cancer and on the days he has chemo he’s usually too sick to come into school, so we bring him his homework.” Byunghun says and he rings the bell at the gate.

“Wow Minsoo hyung, I didn’t think you could be so thoughtful.”

“I’m not, it was Byunghun’s idea.” Minsoo answers as the gate opens.

Wow, this Byunghun guy is really nice! We walk inside the gate and up to the large front doors of the house. Once we are inside Byunghun leads us all up the stairs and into what I guess would be Niel’s bedroom.

“Hey guys.” Niel greets with a smile. His voice is quite weak and hoarse. His under-eyes are dark and baggy. His skin is extremely pale and his body is frail. His hair is very light and thin, but he still has enough of it.

“How are you doing today?” Minsoo asks.

“I’m not dead…” Niel says optimistically.

Byunghun releases a small chuckle as he introduces me. “Niel this is Minsoo’s friend, Ricky.”

“Hi…” I say shyly, still standing in the doorway.

“Hi, you can come sit down if you want.” He motions me over to the futon Byunghun and Chunji are sitting on. Minsoo sits next to Niel on his bed. “Thanks for bringing this today, guys. And well, everyday.” Niel says attempting to laugh, but his laugh turns into a harsh cough. Minsoo reaches up and pats him on the back until he calms down.

“Woah, calm down. Are you ok?” Minsoo asks, alarmed.

“Yes hyung, I’m fine.” Niel says after his fit.

I feel so bad for him, he looks so broken, so pitiful, so… just sad.

“Don’t look at me like you’re sorry for me, I don’t need your pity.” Niel bites at me.

I come out of my daze, alarmed, “What? I wasn’t. I-I’m-... Sorry...” I say as my eyes shift to stare at my feet.

We stay there for a few hours. Niel explains to me that he has bone cancer, and the doctors aren’t sure if he’ll pull through. But he said that he wasn’t that depressed, especially when he had Minsoo, Chunji, and Byunghun to help keep him up. We leave a little after 4:30.

“Hey guys, I can still make it to my cram school, if you’ll let me go.” I say.

“Yeah you can go.” Minsoo says.

“Okay, thanks. I had fun today. See you guys later.”

“See ya,” Byunghun says.

I make my way ahead to a bus stop. Once I’m at cram school I look around for either Sohyun or Changjo, but I don’t see either of them. So I spend my time well and finish my work a little early and get home around 9 PM. And of course my parents are already asleep again. But Sulli, Sooyoung, and Minho are all sitting at the kitchen table, looking really gloomy.

Sooyoung is the first to acknowledge my existence as I walk in the door. “Hey Ricky…”

“Hi noona.” I say as I take off my- Changjo’s jacket and my shoes. I walk over and sit next to Minho hyung, across from Sulli and Sooyoung. “How’d it go?” I ask to no one in particular.

“Fine I guess…” Minho pipes up. “It was rough, Ricky.”

“Yeah, especially when I had to cover for you.” I hear Sulli mumble quietly under her breath.

There is a pause before Sooyoung says, “Well, we’re gonna go over to the hospital, Ricky. Sulli you’re coming with.”

“No I’m not.”

“SULLI! YOU ARE!” Minho snaps.

“Fine.” Sulli huffs.

“Bye Ricky.” Sooyoung says with a staged smile.

“Bye noona.” I say softly.

They exit my house and I walk upstairs, now too depressed to take a shower. And I haven’t even eaten yet today, but I’m not hungry. I just want to sleep. Forever.

A/N: I love where the story is going now! And I didn't even plan for Niel to have cancer, it just sort of... happened. But no, I don't plan on killing him off. I can't wait for you guys to see the next two chapters! The second one is definitely going to change some things! Mwahahahahaa

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i swear ill update soon lol


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Chapter 14: No, Niel please don't die ;;__;; Oh gosh, this is so interesting. Ang Ricky and Ljoe looked like they're close to each other now. I hope you'll update soon! Fighting! ^^
Chapter 14: Niel is so sweet! This can't happen D:

I really love Rickjoe haha. *Wants them to be together in this story xD *
Chapter 14: Nook Niel why! Arg I hope Changjo changes
Chapter 13: Wtf has Changjo lost it? It was all happy until now
Chapter 11: Awe poor baby Changjo I feel bad for him he's broken and in love
Chapter 5: Omg angry Ricky is fears
Chapter 4: Aww changrick
PotatoLife #8
Chapter 14: I honestly want Ricky to break up with Sohyun cuz I really want Changrick to be together since they r my favourite Teen Top otp
Chapter 13: This is the most intense chapter ever sdfjiosdf! I can't believe Chunji said that.
And I sort of want to know what L.Joe is doing. Cough. Ricky could break up with Changjo and Sohyun, telling them both the truth, and then randomly fall in love with L.Joe XDD. /just kidding, I know that would never happen...because Rickjoe isn't in the tags XD.
Vathar21 #10
Chapter 13: Just break up with Sohyun and you can fix everything Ricky! Ahh I feel like i want to pinch your cheek =_=