
Fall Into Me

A/N: Fixed :D

I wake up, and the only thing I want to do is get back to sleep. I hate Mondays.

"Hurry, oppa!" I can hear Sulli yelling at me from downstairs.

"Yah, I'm getting dressed!" I'm not. I'm laying here, trying my hardest to wake up, but I can't. I love my bed so much, I wish I could just fade away into the covers. Not that I'm depressed or anything, I'm just lazy. But I get up anyway, against my better judgement. I get dressed and make sure to put careful consideration into whether my clothes are matching or not, 'cause I know Sulli's gonna judge me.

"Ricky oppa if you don't hurry it up, we're gonna be late!"

I guess I better get a move on, otherwise I'll be in hot water from both my mom and my best friend. Sulli's been staying over at my house for the past couple weeks while her parents are away on business. And while I love her, she nags way too much. Anyway I finish getting ready and I head downstairs. Just as I expected, Sulli looks over my outfit like she's some sort of handler and for once in a blue moon she approves. We head out the door and my mom drives us to my personal hell, school. We get inside the doors and I'm immediately reminded of what happened last night.

Every night for the last two weeks Sulli and I've been saying up late to tell each other a bunch of random stories. And sometimes, like last night, I'm into a conversation I almost wish I could've avoided.

"Sulli, who was your first kiss?"

"Are you sure you wanna know? It's gonna be a long story..."

I chuckled and said, "Well yeah that's why I asked!"

"Choi Jonghyun. It was when we were 11, our parents knew each other and we used to be close friends. We were having a get-together at his house and we were playing board games in his room and he wanted to play The Kissing Game. Y'know, the one where you try to pass as many sticky notes between each other with your mouths. And we were on the third note when he pulled it away from his mouth and kissed me. I said, 'You babo! How could you!' But he knew I liked it because I had a big cheesy smile on my face; we dated for a few months before his parents moved out of our neighborhood. We still went to the same school but during summer we just lost touch. I saw him again last year, freshman year, and I was gonna go talk to him, but then you dropped your books and I ran over to help you."

"Oh woops, I didn't mess anything up did I?" I said sarcastically.

She laughed, "No no no, we did finally meet back up and we're friends now, but I'm closer to you than him. Besides, I don't like some of his other friends. He's just way too popular..."

"Wait, he's the one with the red hair that all the girls want, right?"

"Yeah," there was a short pause before she continued, "but who was your first kiss?"

I hesitated, I was afraid of her laughing at my answer. But I figured if she was really my friend she wouldn't care. "I actually haven't kissed anyone yet."

"Jinjja!? Well do you want me to introduce you to someone? I bet you would like Sohyun!"

"Well," I felt a knot rise in my stomach. Was I really going to finally tell someone? Was I gonna be able to fight it any longer? "I do think she's really hot." Damnit I couldn't... I mean I do think she looks hot and I can't say I'm not attracted to her, but-

"Yay! I'll have you meet her at school tomorrow!" Sulli squealed enthusiastically. 

"Okay," I said with a smile.

Well that tomorrow is today and right as we walk through the front door Sulli runs over to Sohyun and drags her behind us as we walk to my locker. I really want to meet her, but I barely got any sleep last night and I know I look like crap compared to her. Her small face, flowing hair, and bright smile have made my heart flutter more than once just by looking at her. God, I sound like I'm in a drama or one of those creepy fanfics.

"Yah, Ricky! This is my friend Sohyun. Sohyun, this is Ricky."

"Hi, I'm Ricky." I say, awkwardly repeating what Sulli just said.

She nods and says, "Nice to meet you, I have to get ready for class but I'll see you guys at lunch, okay?"

"Great!" Sulli instantly jumps in. There is a small pause before Sohyun leaves and I can hear Sulli tell her, "Oh wait, I have to go back to my house during lunch and clean up some, my parents are coming back today." Sulli walks back to her locker, right next to mine, and I glare at her. "What?" She asks. I don't look away. "Stop! My parents are supposed to come back today..."

"Yeah, this morning at like 9 o'clock!" I snap.

"Well, I want you to get to know her..."

"If she even shows up now."

"Whatever, let's just get to class."

I drop my glare and she giggles. We are walking back to our first class when we pass by someone. I know him from somewhere. The dyed red hair, the great muscles, and the cute little mole by his lip. But who is he? Sulli waves and says, "Changjo oppa!" 

He shoots her a quick smile before saying, "Hey Sulli, can you meet me for lunch today?"

"I can't I have to go-"

"She'll be there." I interrupt.

This Changjo guy tells Sulli where he'll be and she says she'll meet him there. He says bye and then walks off into his class. I look over to Sulli and ask her who that was.

"Oh that's the guy I was telling you about last night! Choi Jonghyun."

"Oh... But why do you call him Changjo?"

"It was the nickname I gave him when we were little, now almost everyone calls him that."


We walk into our classroom and before I can even sit down I'm greeted by the eyes of the biggest jerk in school, Bang Minsoo. I know that once class is over I need to bolt out of there as quick as possible to make sure he doesn't hit on Sulli. That guy doesn't know when to take a hint!

He's been trying to get with Sulli, well more like get Sulli in bed, for the last year. And he loves to just barge in on us during lunch or whatever just to get a chance to talk to her. I don't know how he does it, but he manages to treat me like crap and make Sulli feel like an angel in seconds. I've tried to tell her millions of times to stay away from him. He has had with at least twenty girls, has beaten up at least four guys, and is only trying to get you in bed I'll say. She listens but I know she doesn't care. Luckily she's not a like the other girls Minsoo usually has his eye on. 

I go through with my daily routine of going to class and trying not to show off the fact that I'm usually the smartest kid in the room. It's fun being smart, but damn does it make everyone hate you. I used to act like a clueless airhead to get people to like me, and I was actually one of the most popular kids in middle school. But I got tired of acting.

I finally get through my first couple classes and am gifted with my favorite part of the day, lunch. I can hear my stomach growling since I was stupid and missed breakfast this morning. As I'm walking back to Sulli and I's usual table I'm met with a new face, Sohyun. 

"Wow you came!" I say. "I didn't think you would come because Sulli wasn't here."

She hits my arm lightly and says, "I'm not just gonna abandon you 'cause Sulli's not here."

"Oh well just so you know, Sulli lied to you. She didn't need to go back home and clean. She just wanted me to get to know you." I state matter-of-factly.

"Of course, she's always been like that," She responds. "So, how's life?"

"Good, well as good as a Monday can get," I joke.

She laughs and says "I know, I barely got myself out of bed this morning, I just wanted to stay wrapped up in the blankets all day."

"Really?" She nods. "You should see me on Saturdays," I continue, "I act like I'll die if I'm out of bed for more than five minutes."

"I know, I spend my weekends just listening to music and watching TV."

"Cool, what kind of music to you listen to?"

"Mostly pop, some SNSD, 4Minute, and I really like Teen Top!"

"Wow, I love Teen Top too!"

"No way! I haven't found anyone that likes their stuff!"

"I listen to them all the time!"

Then we fall into a deep conversation about how we spend lazy days and all the stuff we like and I'm having a really good time. But all the while I have this nagging feeling in my gut that something bad is happening. As if it read my mind my phone goes off and interrupts our conversation. I look at the text and it says

To: Ricky

From: Mom

Ricky I'm coming to get you. Sulli just told us that her parent's plane crashed.


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i swear ill update soon lol


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Chapter 14: No, Niel please don't die ;;__;; Oh gosh, this is so interesting. Ang Ricky and Ljoe looked like they're close to each other now. I hope you'll update soon! Fighting! ^^
Chapter 14: Niel is so sweet! This can't happen D:

I really love Rickjoe haha. *Wants them to be together in this story xD *
Chapter 14: Nook Niel why! Arg I hope Changjo changes
Chapter 13: Wtf has Changjo lost it? It was all happy until now
Chapter 11: Awe poor baby Changjo I feel bad for him he's broken and in love
Chapter 5: Omg angry Ricky is fears
Chapter 4: Aww changrick
PotatoLife #8
Chapter 14: I honestly want Ricky to break up with Sohyun cuz I really want Changrick to be together since they r my favourite Teen Top otp
Chapter 13: This is the most intense chapter ever sdfjiosdf! I can't believe Chunji said that.
And I sort of want to know what L.Joe is doing. Cough. Ricky could break up with Changjo and Sohyun, telling them both the truth, and then randomly fall in love with L.Joe XDD. /just kidding, I know that would never happen...because Rickjoe isn't in the tags XD.
Vathar21 #10
Chapter 13: Just break up with Sohyun and you can fix everything Ricky! Ahh I feel like i want to pinch your cheek =_=