
Fall Into Me

It’s finally Friday and get up and get to school like it’s a normal day. Like things may be looking up. Except for the fact that my relationships are on the rocks. Why do I even have two of them? Ugh, whatever.

In between classes and during lunch I’m doing my usual lovey-dovey routine with Sohyun and trying my hardest to avoid Changjo and Minsoo. Maybe if they calm down everything will be fine.

And I’m surprised that when Sulli was at Sohyun’s last night Sulli didn’t say anything. Of course Sohyun did say Sulli left early to go to the hospital for her mom.

Today is actually going pretty well, that is until Friday repeats Monday. Right at the end of lunch Sohyun and I are in the middle of discussing the terrible line distribution in 4Minute’s Volume Up when I get a text. Freaking texts…

To: Ricky
From: Mom

Honey, Sulli’s mom passed last night. That’s why Minho came flying back from wherever he was.

I’m absolutely shocked. I show Sohyun the text and she leaves for her locker, dragging me with her. I reply


Yes, They are just going to have another small funeral today. They already have almost everything packed, too. Do you want me to come get you?

I ask Sohyun what she wants to do. She says she wants to go, but she shouldn’t intrude.

Me: No, but thanks for telling me.

Mom: Okay, sweety, I’m sorry. Talk to you later. Love you.

Me: Love you 2.

“I can’t believe this.” Sohyun says, annoyed.

“I know. This is such bullcrap, why couldn’t she have made it?” I respond.

“I can’t imagine how Sulli and them are doing. Now they have no parents. Their grandparents are dead, and their parents were both the only children in their families.” She says distantly.

“Really? I didn’t know that.”

“Yeah now they’re all alone. They’re probably going to move away.” She says sadly.

“But Sooyoung and Minho are going to college in the States! They can’t move that far!” I say with a sort of angry sadness. Sulli may hate me right now, but she’s still my best friend.

“Oh my God, this , Ricky.” Sohyun says as she dives into my chest and begins to cry. I hold her tight and rock back and forth, trying to comfort her.

I can’t believe how childishly we are handling it this time. Last time we were sad because we thought we lost Mr. and Mrs. Choi. But now we’re just pissed that Sulli’s leaving. I guess we deserve to throw fits though. Not many people have to go through two, maybe even three if Sulli leaves, losses in one week.

We stand there just rocking back and forth and sobbing. Sohyun is still buried deep in my chest with her eyes closed, trying to stop the tears from flowing. I never realized how close we all were to the Choi’s…

I start to reminisce on all of the things I have learned about Sulli family over the short time that I’ve known them. I start to sob too and someone comes up behind me and put a soft hand on my shoulder. “I heard,” the kind voice says.

I turn to see the man’s face, “Changjo…”

He gives me an assuring nod as if to say ‘I know, it’s okay.’

All I want to do is dive into his arms like Sohyun did for me. But I can’t. I’ll never be able to. And it’s my fault.

Sohyun pulls her head out of my chest to look up at Changjo. “This is the worst week of my life.”

“Hey, at least you have Ricky,” He says softly with a sad expression.

“Yeah, I have my boyfriend.” She says with a soft smile.

I give Changjo an apologetic look. He nods again and says, “Well, I have to get to class guys, but I’ll see you later.”

“Bye Changjo.” Sohyun says.

“Goodbye Jonghyun,” I say softly, mostly to myself. This doesn’t mean goodbye for good, does it?

We make it through the rest of the day a little depressed, but pretty well.

As I walk out of the school, I decide to take the long way and walk. I begin my trek down the sidewalk when I hear someone’s trademark fluttery footsteps behind me.

“Do you want to come to Sulli’s with me to say goodbye, noona?”

“Yes, please.” She says cutely as she comes up beside me and hangs off my arm.

We walk for a while, almost to the bus stop down the street from the school, making small talk when I realize that someone has been following us for awhile. I look back and see Changjo and Minsoo behind us. Changjo is leaning on Minsoo while Minsoo has his arm around his slightly taller younger brother. Minsoo shoots me a glare and Changjo sadly looks down at his feet. This sends chills down my spine.

As we pass by the bus stop they stand still, eventually sitting at the stop as Sohyun and I continue to walk. We make our way through the whole hour’s worth of a walk when Sohyun says, “You know, this is really fun. I’d like to take walks with you more often.”

“Yeah, we can do that.” I say, trying to hide the fact that I feel like my heart is just breaking. Did Changjo and I just break up? I should feel relieved but instead I feel… broken.

“Maybe that’s what we can do for our date,” Sohyun muses.

I realize that could be our date. Something easy and distracting. “Oh noona, you figured it out!” I say with a fake disappointed look across my face. Well it’s not fake, I am disappointed about something, just not this.

Anyway, she chuckles and we make our way up my porch. She is still hanging off my arm when we enter the house. “Oh Ricky, who’s this?” My mom, who is home from work early, asks.

I blush and Sohyun looks embarrassed. “Uh, Mom, this is Sohyun. ...My girlfriend.”

Sohyun looks down on her feet and my mom runs over to her, pulls her off of me and gives her a big hug. My dad, who is sitting at the kitchen counter, shoots me a smile and gives me a thumbs up. Oh if only they knew what their “perfectly innocent” son has been doing lately…

“Oh my goodness you’re Ricky’s first girlfriend, you know!” My mom says excitedly as she loosens her death grip on Sohyun.

“Well I guess I’m a very lucky girl then,” Sohyun says charmingly.

My mom nods, smiling like an idiot with tears in her eyes.

I try to rid the room of the awkward atmosphere that is building up by asking, “Mom, where’s Sulli and them?”

My mother’s demeanor quickly changes. “Well they had the funeral early this morning and they were all an absolute wreck. At around 1 or 2 they left for their flight.” She says sadly.

“They what? How did they get a flight that fast!?” I ask, shocked.

“Well Minho and Sooyoung were planning on leaving this Friday anyway, and they already had a ticket for Sulli who wanted to visit with them for awhile. I guess because their mother died they decided to just pack up and leave.” She says, almost as if it is painful for her to get the words out.

Well it was definitely painful to hear. Sohyun walks back out the front door and I chase after her. I catch up to her down the sidewalk a little ways. She falls into my arms and starts bawling. “She didn’t let me say goodbye! My best friend just left without telling me!”

Now I’m crying too at the sight of seeing my girlfriend so hurt, “I know Sohyun, I know. Shh… It’ll be alright. It’s going to be okay. I’m here.” I say in between her sobs.

After a few minutes of this she calms down. “I better get home,” She says.


“Well my dad  will probably kill me anyway once he finds out I skipped cram school.” She says I she wipes away her tears.

“I’m so sorry noona, do you want me to walk you?”

“No, I’ll be fine,” she says with a forced smile. “Don’t worry yeobo, I’ll be okay.” Yeobo, that word… I first used it on Changjo…

“Okay, noona. I love you.” I give her a kiss.

“Love you too.” She says as she begins her walk to the bus stop.

I walk back into the house slowly. Once I’m in my dad asks, “Is she ok?”

“Yeah, Dad, Sulli has been her best friend since they were little and she didn’t get to say goodbye.”

“Oh I’m sorry dear,” My mom pipes up. “I didn’t even know they were leaving until they already did.”

“It’s okay mom, I just. I think I’m gonna go for a walk too. When’s dinner?”

“We were thinking of eating out tonight. Wherever you want.” My dad suggests.

“Okay, I’m gonna go meet up with some friends. I’ll be back before 8.”

I get an okay from both of my parents and I make my way to the same cafe that I’ve visited the past two days, hoping to see Niel there. Sadly, I don’t. But I really don’t want to be home. I don’t want to be reminded of the person that called me horrible things yet I still consider my best friend. I sit and wait for awhile, eventually ordering an iced coffee. I think an hour passes before a black car pulls up against the sidewalk. And out comes the person I’ve been waiting to see.

“Ricky!” Niel says as his face lights up at the sight of me. His voice seems a bit stronger today, but his walking is weaker.

“Hey Niel!” I say gladly. I run over to him and lead him to one of the tables. His driver drives off.

“What are you doing here?” Niel asks.

“I don’t know I was bored and didn’t know where to go…”

“Oh well I’m glad you came here! Although I like being alone it gets lonely just sitting here for hours.”

“Well then maybe I should come more often!” I suggest.

His eyes and smile get wider. “Yeah!”

I laugh before I continue, “So what’s new?”

“Nothing really. Still got cancer. But I guess I do have a new friend~”

“Who?” I ask obliviously.

He shoots me a demeaning glare, “You… duh,” he deadpans.


“So how are you?” He asks.

“Fine I guess. My best friend Sulli’s mom died and she moved away to the US.”

“Oh I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, I just don’t know who to talk to anymore.” I say, depressed.

“Well you can talk to me.” He suggests softly.

I smile at the idea. “Okay.”

We sit and talk about anything and everything for what must be hours because when Niel’s driver comes for him, Niel tells him to go back. As we talk I’m realizing that Niel is a very kind person. He’s been through a lot in his life but he’s very strong. And I think we’re becoming really good friends, which is something I really need right now.

We talk for awhile longer before Niel ask me to walk with him back to his house. As we are walking his knees start to get wobbly and he keeps tripping. He’s obviously very weak.

“Niel, do you want me to carry you?” I ask, concern showing all over my face.

“No Ricky, I’m not helpless.” He says. And then he trips and almost lands in a thorn bush. “...Yeah… You better carry me.” He says laughing.

I hoist him up and give him a piggy back ride. Thank God he’s light because I barely have the strength for this. By the time we get to his house I’m sweating and huffing and puffing like there’s no tomorrow.

“Thanks Ricky.” Niel says apologetically.

“No problem Niel,” I say exasperatedly, “Anytime.”

He laughs at me and walks into his house. I check my phone and realize it’s almost 8 and I’m half an hour away from my house. I decide to run down the street as fast as I can. Which is no easy task considering I’m still winded from carrying Niel.

Soon I’m near my house but I see something I’m shocked to see. Changjo and Minsoo are standing outside Changjo’s house and they are yelling at each other. I didn’t catch all of it and I can’t clearly make out what they’re saying but I’m pretty sure I hear Minsoo saying, “Stop crying over that loser, he’s no good for you!” And Changjo tackles him to the ground. I think Minsoo yells quite forebodingly, “Don’t you dare start this crap again Changjo!”

Then Changjo yells, “Screw you hyung! You don’t understand, you never have!” He runs into his house and locks his door. Well he must’ve because Minsoo tries to get in but fails. As he storms down the porch he spots me, glares at me, and points at me. I think I get his hint. He wants to kill me. I walk inside my house only a few minutes late and my parents aren’t even ready yet anyway. They catch my deer-in-headlights expression and my mom asks what I’ve been doing.

“N-nothing, just took a run and then I saw some kids next door fighting.”

“Oh okay,” my mother says.

We soon get ready and leave and have a nice dinner at a samgyeopsal restaurant. When we get home I’m too tired to watch any dramas so I head to bed.

Before I fall asleep I pull out my phone and text Sohyun.

Me: I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 7!! Ahh I’m so excited~~! Gn Noona I love you :*

I can’t shake the feeling that I should apologize to Changjo, though.

Me: I’m sorry Changjo. I understand if you hate me.


A/N: Not my favorite chapter I’ve written. And quite a short one too.  But just you wait for chapter 10… Oooo boy I got some big things planned xD

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i swear ill update soon lol


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Chapter 14: No, Niel please don't die ;;__;; Oh gosh, this is so interesting. Ang Ricky and Ljoe looked like they're close to each other now. I hope you'll update soon! Fighting! ^^
Chapter 14: Niel is so sweet! This can't happen D:

I really love Rickjoe haha. *Wants them to be together in this story xD *
Chapter 14: Nook Niel why! Arg I hope Changjo changes
Chapter 13: Wtf has Changjo lost it? It was all happy until now
Chapter 11: Awe poor baby Changjo I feel bad for him he's broken and in love
Chapter 5: Omg angry Ricky is fears
Chapter 4: Aww changrick
PotatoLife #8
Chapter 14: I honestly want Ricky to break up with Sohyun cuz I really want Changrick to be together since they r my favourite Teen Top otp
Chapter 13: This is the most intense chapter ever sdfjiosdf! I can't believe Chunji said that.
And I sort of want to know what L.Joe is doing. Cough. Ricky could break up with Changjo and Sohyun, telling them both the truth, and then randomly fall in love with L.Joe XDD. /just kidding, I know that would never happen...because Rickjoe isn't in the tags XD.
Vathar21 #10
Chapter 13: Just break up with Sohyun and you can fix everything Ricky! Ahh I feel like i want to pinch your cheek =_=