
Fall Into Me

A/N: Fixed! :D

I think Tuesdays are my favorite day of the week now.

I wake up in an unfamiliar bed being cuddled by an angel. I could even say he's my angel. I roll over carefully so I don't bother him and I take a good look at him. He looks so good in the morning light. His under eyes are a little puffy and his cheeks are a bit pushed out, only making him cuter. His lips are pouty too, actually... It looks like his kissing the air! He must be having a pretty good dream. I hope it's about me... The way the sunlight flowing through window is hitting him makes him look like he's glowing. Maybe he really is an angel. 

I look further down to his neck and it is covered in hickeys. Wow, did I really do that? He's still shirtless too, wait. So am I! Crap, I better get something on before he wakes up. I mean, at least at night he couldn't really see me, and I don't want him to have the chance too. I try my best to slide out of bed quietly but by the time I reach the edge his eyes start twitching. I panic and close my eyes and wait. After maybe a minute of pretending I'm asleep I start to move again.

I stand up and walk over to my shirt, which is now on the floor on the other side of the room. I grab it and start to put it on as I walk back over to the bed. But me being the klutz that I am, I trip and make a loud BANG! 

Changjo sits up, alarmed. "Hyung, are you ok!?" He jumps of the bed and helps me up. My shirt is still wrapped around my head, I know I look like an idiot. And of course, he starts laughing. 

I pull my shirt down and glare at him, but he doesn't stop laughing. He doubles over actually. I can't help it and I laugh with him. "What's so funny?"

"You hyunggie," He calms down a little. "But really, are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine." I say with a sarcastic smile.

"Sorry, about that though."

"It's fine yeobo." Dang, did I really just let yeobo slip?

"Yeobo!?! I like that!" Changjo smiles at me bigger than ever. He leans in a gives me a good morning kiss. Man, I've gotten a lot of action these last 24 hours.

I look over at the alarm clock next to his bed. "Crap it's already 12:30!?!? We are so dead!"

"Woah I guess we are a little late." He walk out of the room and across the hall to the bathroom. He looks over at me, "Well, you gonna get ready?"

I run across the hall quickly and shut the bathroom door behind me.

"Ricky hyung, what are you doing?"

"I don't want your mom to know I'm here!" I whisper.

"She left already."

"Really? And she didn't wake you up or check on us or anything?"

"No she leaves at five in the morning. She works for eight hours then comes home for four and then leaves again for four hours to volunteer at the senior center a couple blocks from here. By the time she comes back from there she is usually wiped and goes right to bed."

"Oh... Why does she leave for work so early?"

"Well, she actually works at the senior center that she volunteers at. And then they pay her overtime for volunteering."

"Wow, she's a hard worker."

"She kinda needs me after my dad ran her dry..." His voice trails off and he starts fixing his hair. 

"You know... If you ever want to talk about it I'm here."

"I don't," he snaps. 

"I'm sorry Changjo, I just wanna help."

"It's fine, don't worry about it." He moves on to brushing his teeth.

I decide to get a move on and fix my hair. Then I pray that my teeth look okay as I splash some water on my face. After I come up from the water my face is hit by a towel. I dry my face and look up to a snickering Changjo. "Get a shirt on you babo." I say.

"Okay, do you want to borrow some of my clothes?"


He walks me back to his room and hands me a pair of really cool distressed black jeans and a long sleeved, gray thermal shirt. I start to walk to the bathroom and he asks me, "Where are you going?"

"To get changed."

"Why can't you change in here?" He asks as he starts to undo his belt.

"I... I don't thing that w-would be a good i-idea." By the time I'm done stuttering he moves on to ing and ping his pants. I must look like an idiot because I'm just standing here, staring. Damn he's so y.

He looks at me before pulling his pants down and smirks. "Get a move on you babo," He says mockingly.

I'm pulled out of my trance and snap at him, "Hey! You shouldn't talk to your hyung like that!"

"Well, If my hyung would quit staring at my underwear I wouldn't have to."

"Oh.. Sorry." I try to avert my eyes from his tight black briefs and take off my shirt and put the new one on as quickly as possible. While he's putting his new shirt on and it is blocking his vision I change my pants hoping he doesn't sneak a peek. 

He looks me over after changing his pants. "Those jeans are a little long, huh?"

"Yeah, but they're fine."

"Here, let me help you." He leans down and rolls up the bottoms of my pant legs, they look and feel worlds better now.


"No problem, yeobo."

I blush at the idea of him being my yeobo, or even my... my boyfriend. Oh crap, Sohyun!

"Changjo we really have to get a move on!"

"I know, I know. My mom'll be home any minute too."

"Well then let's go!" I run down the steps and get my socks and shoes on, I don't remember leaving them here last night, though. He gets his shoes on and I finally look at a clothed Changjo again. He looks so great. He's wearing and blue shirt with a graphic of an eagle on it and some dark blue skinny jeans. I pull him out of his house and onto the porch.

"Hyung, hold on a sec!"


"I think someone's moving in your house!"

"What? No they should all be gone by now!" I look across the street and into one of my kitchen windows, surely enough Sulli has the curtains parted and is staring at us.

"Crap, I better go see what her problem is."

"Ok, I have to get to school though, I don't want my mom to see me and the next bus leaves in 7 minutes."

"Yeah I guess it is 12:53! See ya."

"Bye, yeobo." He tries to lean in for a goodbye kiss but instead I dodge him and bolt across the street to my house, it's bad enough that Sulli knows I spent the night with him.

I walk up to my door and stand there, staring at my feet. What is Sulli gonna do when she sees me? Why is she even home? I don't even get a chance to set one foot inside before Sulli pulls me in and pins me against the door.

"What the hell is your problem?"

"S-Sulli y-you don't understand"

"'S-s-s-sulli' Don't give me any excuses! I can't believe you cheated on Sohyun, you haven't even been going out for a full day yet!"

"I know it's just-"

"And with Changjo? MY Changjo! No, you don't get to do that to me, or to MY friends. Not during a time like this! Seriously Ricky, how could you!?"

"Sulli I-"

"And you know I had to cover for you this morning!" I woke before your parents did and went over in your bed and made it look like we were both sleeping in it. When your mom opened the door she asked if I wanted to stay home today and I said, 'Yeah, if Ricky can stay here, I don't want to be alone right now' They said ok and left. And then to top it all off, during lunch Sohyun came by and said she hadn't seen us or Changjo all day. I said that you guys were staying with me but you had to go to the store for milk. And being that amazing, trusting person she is, she believed me," Sulli screams at me.

"I didn't-"

"And she even confessed to me that she was worried if you were gonna last because you two had happened so fast. Oh and what was with the bruise on her face? Did you do that to her?!"

"No Sulli, I would never hit anyone you know that!"

"No Ricky, I don't. I don't know you at all any more. In less than three days you went from not having ever kissed anyone to being in some twisted love triangle! What are you bi?"

I stand there as all of her words send shockwaves through my body. I really messed up. All these people need me and I'm just ruining their lives. I start crying. I just fall to the ground and hide my face in my knees and cry.

"No no no, don't do this to me. Don't freaking make me comfort you when it's your fault everything is going wrong, you ."

What? ? Really? Did she just... "You know what!" I stand up and push us away from the door. "Screw you! Screw you Sulli! You don't think that I might need help with this? I don't know what to do anymore. I understand you are having a lot of trouble right now but so am I! I'm not sure of anything anymore and I thought you might be the one person that could help but no. You are trying to hurt me, and guess what? It's working! So why don't you shut up, sit down and listen? Because I have some crap I need to say too!" I finally scream back.

She does what I ask. Maybe I should get mad more often, seems like people will actually listen to me. 

"Now, I'm sorry that I'm messing everything up, but I didn't want this to happen! When Sohyun took my first kiss, I felt weird because I was questioning myself before I even met her. I made up the whole story I told you about it. But then, when I walked her home last night. I kissed her and it felt good! It felt right! I felt like all I ever wanted was her. She was what I was missing. I stopped questioning myself and I fell in love with her. I love her, Sulli! I love Sohyun and she loves me."

"Well then, why-"

"Shut up, I'm talking! And then when I came home and cooked food for you and you flipped out on me. I felt sorry for you. I wanted to help but you didn't let me. Everything would be fine right now if you would've let me in your room and talked to me. But no. Instead I went to my room and Changjo messaged me and we started talking. He asked me to come over to make him food and I did. And he confessed something to me Sulli. Do you wanna guess what it was?"


"He said he's been having feelings for guys lately. And I must be one of them because HE kissed ME. And I'm sorry to say that I liked it. I felt like I was indulging a part of me that I hadn't really yet explored. And I tried to leave but when I came over here you flipped out on me again. I went out to cry and he called me over. We ended up kissing again and he wanted to go further but I wouldn't let him. Instead we feel asleep together. And that was the best sleep of my life. And honestly, I'm in love with him too."

"Please, you probably turned him-"

"Don't even try to finish that sentence. Hell no. I don't know what you want me to do Sulli. I tried to get out but I just couldn't. Maybe everything would be better if I were just gone altogether. Then the world could get over me and you would all move on. Is that what you want? Huh? For me to kill myself?"

I see tears form in her eyes. "No, Ricky I just don't understand. Please, help me understand."

I lower my voice and stare into her eyes. "Sulli, I never meant to hurt anyone. Sure I could've tried harder to stop everything but right now, I think we could both use each other's help."

"I think that's good. I'm so sorry I said all that Ricky I just... I'm so sorry." She runs up against me and hugs me. 

"I'm sorry too, Sulli. I'm completely, totally sorry." I start to cry too and we stand there. Crying into each other. It feels like yesterday all over again.

We calm down a little and we pull away. "Are you hungry? I know I am,"

"Yeah I am, oppa."

"Okay, what do you want?"

"Jjajangmyeon?" Sulli asks hesitantly.


"But can you order it instead of making it? I wanna talk to you."

"Alright, gimme a minute." I dig in my pockets for my cell phone, crap it must be at Changjo's. Sulli rolls her eyes and hands me the home phone. She's obviously still mad. I call the local chinese delievery and order two Jjajangmyeon. "It'll probably be here in like, half an hour."


We go sit in the living room. And awkward silence fills the air until the doorbell rings. I pay for the food and bring it into the living room and we eat at the coffee table. 

"This is really good, oppa! Not as good as yours, but still yummy!"


"So... what are you going to do,"

What inkling of a good mood I have left instantly drops. "I don't know... I guess I can't keep this up, can I?"

"No you can't. I won't let you. Besides you're not the best liar. Yo're going to tell both of them what happened and you're going to deal with the consequences." Sulli says straightforwardly.

"Well I'd only have to tell Sohyun."


"Changjo knows she's my girlfriend. When I told him he said that I could have both of them and he stared kissing me again."

"No, that's... That's not Changjo."

"You really think I would lie right now?" The tension in the air is so thick you could cut it with a knife. "People don't act the same for everyone."

"But still..."

"No Sulli, stop. I've told you literally everything. I don't know what else you want to hear but if you're not ready to understand then I can still catch my last period."

"Ok, Ricky, I just don't know what to tell you. This is all so wrong."

"What me cheating or me being with Changjo?"

"Both, Changjo is straight. He was with me and he loved me."

"Yeah? And I'm with Sulli and I love her and she loves me, but I still love Changjo too. That is a bullcrap excuse. Just because someone seems one way doesn't mean they are that way. We are all confused at one point."

"Well then maybe you and him are both confused. Because that is... you are... no."

"Maybe, maybe not. But you can't look at us or think of us any differently. We are still your best friends Ricky and Changjo. That's never gonna change."

"Whatever, you still need to tell Sohyun, I can't do anything about Changjo but I will not let you hurt her."

"Ok, can we just move on or something? I feel sick."

"I guess."

There is another long pause and we finally get halfway through our food.

"Did you say something about Sohyun having a bruise?"

"Yeah on her face. Did you do it?"

"No! I would never! I walked her right to her front door. It had to have happened sometime last night after she went in side or sometime this morning, because she didn't have a mark when she walked in."


"Did you even try to ask her about it?"

"Yeah, she said she slipped and landed weird this morning."

"Well last night after she closed the door I heard a bunch of noise inside, I thought she fell then."

"Maybe she's just a klutz, it's whatever."

"I guess..."

"Do you wanna come over to my house and help me pack up some of my stuff and bring it over here?"


We spend the rest of the afternoon packing and avoiding talking to each other. Sulli barely makes more than a half an hour between crying sessions, and I don't even try to comfort her. Even though I know I should I just don't want to deal with her anymore. My parents come home around 7 PM and by then we got all the important stuff packed. Mom and Dad cook dinner and ask how our day was and Sulli covers for me again, making up a completely plausible story. She even covered up how I got my new outfit. I wish I was as good at lying as her. After dinner I walk out to the porch and almost step on my clothes and my phone. Changjo must've put them here. He's sweet. I take my things inside and put my dirty clothes in the hamper and charge my phone. I get a shower and get ready for bed.

At about 10 PM my phone is charged and it starts going off like crazy. I got 7 texts from Sohyun. 3 calls and 16 texts from Sulli. And 2 texts from Changjo. I decide to ignore Changjo and Sulli for the time being and look at Sohyun's texts.

"Yeobo, where are you guys?"

"How are you?"


"Did I do something?"

"Oh, Sulli told me everything, you must have bad service where you are too, text me when you get this."

"Btw I love you!"

"I hope I see you tomorrow oppa, goodnight!"

Wow! I'm her yeobo. I can't help but smile at how cute and cheesy she is. I can't believe I worried her though. I respond.

"Hey yeobo, sorry I didn't get your messages, my phone is acting weird. And you could never do anything wrong! See you tomorrow! Love you! Goodnight!"

With that I fall asleep.

Remember how I said I think Tuesday is the best day? It's worse than Monday...

A/N I cried writing this chapter! I hope the fights come across natural enough. And sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I wasn't sure what I wanted to happen in this chapter. And please keep commenting!!! I love hearing from you guys, it makes my day! 

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i swear ill update soon lol


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Chapter 14: No, Niel please don't die ;;__;; Oh gosh, this is so interesting. Ang Ricky and Ljoe looked like they're close to each other now. I hope you'll update soon! Fighting! ^^
Chapter 14: Niel is so sweet! This can't happen D:

I really love Rickjoe haha. *Wants them to be together in this story xD *
Chapter 14: Nook Niel why! Arg I hope Changjo changes
Chapter 13: Wtf has Changjo lost it? It was all happy until now
Chapter 11: Awe poor baby Changjo I feel bad for him he's broken and in love
Chapter 5: Omg angry Ricky is fears
Chapter 4: Aww changrick
PotatoLife #8
Chapter 14: I honestly want Ricky to break up with Sohyun cuz I really want Changrick to be together since they r my favourite Teen Top otp
Chapter 13: This is the most intense chapter ever sdfjiosdf! I can't believe Chunji said that.
And I sort of want to know what L.Joe is doing. Cough. Ricky could break up with Changjo and Sohyun, telling them both the truth, and then randomly fall in love with L.Joe XDD. /just kidding, I know that would never happen...because Rickjoe isn't in the tags XD.
Vathar21 #10
Chapter 13: Just break up with Sohyun and you can fix everything Ricky! Ahh I feel like i want to pinch your cheek =_=