
Fall Into Me

“You’re gonna love my family.” Byunghun says with a wide grin as he leads me up to his front door.

“Am I?” I ask honestly, I feel nervous for some reason.

“Lemme rephrase that. If you like me, you’ll love my family.” He says as he open his front door.

“O-okay…” My voice trails off.

I walk behind Byunghun into his house with my eyes glued to my shoes. Why am I so nervous?

Maybe I’m afraid that if I make another friend they’ll just rip my heart out. Like Sulli did.

“Earth to Ricky?” Byunghun says as he’s waving his hand in front of me.

I shoot my head up and my face instantly flushes with embarrassment. “O-oh what? Sorry…”

“It’s ok, my mom was just asking if you liked Naengmyeon.” Byunghun says.

“Oh uh yeah…” I say quietly.

We are still in the entryway so Byunghun begins to take off his coat and put on slippers and I do the same.

We walk into the kitchen and I am greeted by who I would assume to be Byunghun’s mother and grandmother.

“So this is the friend you’ve been talking about, hmm?” His mother asks.

“Yeah mom, this is Ricky. He’s Changjo’s boyfriend.” Byunghun answers sincerely, casually leaving out Sohyun.

, Sohyun!

Wasn’t I supposed to go on a date with her!?

Shouldn’t I be… a little more worried about missing it? Shouldn’t I ask to leave and be with her?

Because I really don’t want to.

“Oh, well if he stays the night keep your door open.” His mom says with a slight smirk as she turns back to her cooking.

Byunghun makes a noise that sort of points out the awkward effect that statement has made. “Ricky, this is my grandmother.” He motions to the older woman who is setting the table.

“Hello.” I say with a bow.

“Oh no need to be so formal dear, I’m not like those rich, prim and proper hussies that have CEO husbands.” She states nonchalantly.

I scoff slightly and my eyes widen. I think I like Byunghun’s grandmother more than I like him.

“Grandma.” Byunghun says with his head in his palms. She only chuckles as a response.

“Why don’t you two go in the living room for now until we’re done, okay?” His mother asks, not taking her eyes off of the food that she is only minutes away from being finished with.

“Okay.” Byunghun grabs my hand and leads me into the living room.

“Sorry about my grandma she’s-”

“No she’s funny.” I interrupt, giggling slightly.

“Yeah… yeah she is.” The look on his face says that he remembered something worth remembering.

“So…” He begins as he sits on the small loveseat, situated in front of the small tv in the medium sized living room, “how are you and Changjo?”

I follow suit and sit next to him. “Okay. I guess.” I say, avoiding his eyes.

“Okay? Did something happen?”

“No, well yeah it’s just-...” I heave a sigh, “I don’t know, I think I’m overreacting.”

“What happened?” Byunghun says, it almost sounds like he’s catching on.

“We’ll talk about it later, okay?” I’m obviously trying to avoid having this conversation.


“Boys, dinner’s ready.” His mom calls out.

Dinner goes very well. The food is fantastic and I feel very at home. I quickly warmed up to his mother and grandmother, who are amazing people. His grandmother wouldn’t stop making jokes that made everyone at the table blush. After we all finish eating Byunghun and I both offer to help but his mother interrupts us. “Don’t worry you two, I can handle this.” She says kindly, obviously sending us off.

“C’mon Ricky.” Byunghun grabs my hand and begins rushing me up the stairs.

“Oh, wait.” I say, treading back down a few of the stairs that I just began to ascend. “Thank you for dinner, Mrs. Lee, it was great.” I wait for her to nod with a smile and I head up the rest of the steps.

I have to say the Lees are really amazing people. They’re of average wealth, like my family, but they do a lot of things to help with the community. They volunteer often and donate to a local food bank almost every week. I don’t think I’ve ever met more kind-hearted people.

I walk into Byunghun’s bedroom, as I expected there are posters of idols, more specifically G-Dragon, plastered all over his walls. He has a queen size bed in the corner of his room, with a desk at the foot of it. On the other side of the room is a futon with a medium size TV sitting in front of it. This is where he’s sitting.

“What do you want to do?” He asks with a smile. His entire family’s been really welcoming, I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling since I got here.

“I don’t know, you pick.” I reply with a friendly smile. I can’t help but smile around him. He’s so freaking kind… I don’t know… It’s just a far cry from how everyone else has been treating me lately.

“Fine. Tell me about Changjo and Sohyun.” Byunghun says with a serious look plastered on his face.

I sit on his bed and twiddle my thumbs. He walks over and sits next to me.


“It’s just… I want to be done with it. With them.” I confess.


“Sohyun is great but, I really don’t feel right being with her, nor do I really want to be with her. And Changjo… he’s… he’s…” My speech cuts off.

“He hit you didn’t he?” Byunghun asks softly.

I’m baffled, the shock showing through on my face. “What? H-how did you?”

“He hurt me too, Ricky. At first he seems so perfect, but after awhile he started getting jealous and just weird… Not long after that he sent me flying to the floor. Guess what, I didn’t stick around for that I was outta there.” He confesses.

“He let you leave?” I ask, thinking back to my previous attempts to free myself.

“After he hit me hard enough to make me bleed.” Byunghun deadpans.

“O-oh my God, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be, I’m more worried about you.”

“Well, he hasn’t really hit me, he’s just… Not been very gentle with me.” I try to lighten the problem.

“If it gets worse you need to say something, alright? I didn’t and he coulda really messed me up. Luckily I didn’t let his little mind-games get to me.”

“Y’know… It kind of bothers me that you two were together…” I say honestly, trying to change the subject.

“Why? And trust me we’re not done with that last conversation.” He says with a smirk.

“Am I really that transparent?”

“Like glass.” He laughs.

I playfully hit his arm. “Thanks.”

“But really, why?”

“I don’t know. I just… I feel like I have to one-up whatever you and Changjo did together.”

“Well we didn’t do much. Remember, I got away from his fast.”


There is an awkward silence before I break it. “I’m surprised you even talk to me.”

“Because you’re a cheater?” He says.

I flinch a little at his frankness. “Yeah…”

“I understand that you don’t mean it. And now I know that you’re trying to end it. Which I think you really need to. This isn’t good for any of you.” He says sincerely.

“I know, Minsoo said I had until the end of the week to end things or he’d end me.” I say with a slight laugh.

“If he doesn’t I will.” Byunghun says with a sarcastic tone, although somehow I don’t think he’s being sarcastic…

“You’re not joking are you?”

“Nope.” We both have a small laugh.

“So… what do you do in your spare time?” He asks.

“Lately? Get frustrated. Cry.” I’m being honest.

“Well then you need to stop that. Any time you feel like you want to cry or something, just call me, kay?”

“Okay.” I say with a half-smile.

Another pause fills the air.

“Do you wanna watch a drama? Or Hwasin or something?” He suggests.

“Yeah, sure.” I say, knowing that if I stay I will be blowing off Sohyun.

I feel guilty, but I really don’t feel like I’ll regret it.

We move to his futon and watch a couple episodes of some crappy drama, we really just spent most of the time talking, though. Now I know that his father usually lives with him in Korea, and his mother in the States, but due to his father’s recent health complications, she has had to come over to help take care of the house.

He also told me that he’s kind of a loner, he only has a couple friends. That surprised me, I figured he’d be really popular, but he said once when he was younger all of his friends bullied him for crying when his dog died. Since then he hasn’t really been that social.

We start to talk about fashion when his phone starts ringing.

“Hello?” He asks.

“What? M-Minsoo hyung, slow down. O-OH! Ok we’ll be right over. Yes we, focus!” He hangs up the phone and quickly grabs my hand. “Come on Ricky, we have to go!”

“Go? Go where!?” I ask as he’s dragging me down the steps.

“Niel stopped breathing.”

“W-what?” My voice cracks.

We bolt out of the front door, Byunghun only shouting his mother a short goodbye and letting her know what has happened.

Yes this is terrible. Yes it is short. I'm really sorry but I haven't updated in so long that I kinda just churned this out in an hour. Don't worry though, I plan on updating again really soon it's just, the holidays are really the only time of the year that I'm busy and that means less time for writing, and I don't want to let anymore fics go on hiatus. But I also don't want to leave them unupdated, and I figure that a small update is better than nothing.

I'm really sorry but I hope you still comment!! I really like Rickjoe as a brotp so I had to write it in! ^^

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i swear ill update soon lol


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Chapter 14: No, Niel please don't die ;;__;; Oh gosh, this is so interesting. Ang Ricky and Ljoe looked like they're close to each other now. I hope you'll update soon! Fighting! ^^
Chapter 14: Niel is so sweet! This can't happen D:

I really love Rickjoe haha. *Wants them to be together in this story xD *
Chapter 14: Nook Niel why! Arg I hope Changjo changes
Chapter 13: Wtf has Changjo lost it? It was all happy until now
Chapter 11: Awe poor baby Changjo I feel bad for him he's broken and in love
Chapter 5: Omg angry Ricky is fears
Chapter 4: Aww changrick
PotatoLife #8
Chapter 14: I honestly want Ricky to break up with Sohyun cuz I really want Changrick to be together since they r my favourite Teen Top otp
Chapter 13: This is the most intense chapter ever sdfjiosdf! I can't believe Chunji said that.
And I sort of want to know what L.Joe is doing. Cough. Ricky could break up with Changjo and Sohyun, telling them both the truth, and then randomly fall in love with L.Joe XDD. /just kidding, I know that would never happen...because Rickjoe isn't in the tags XD.
Vathar21 #10
Chapter 13: Just break up with Sohyun and you can fix everything Ricky! Ahh I feel like i want to pinch your cheek =_=