Family Date

You Are Mine

3 weeks after the accident I decided to make some rules that could help me maintain peace and order in our lands. I also moved in to this cool office my parents gave me as a present for my 15th birthday. The room looked elegant. The walls were dirty white; there is already a table not too far from the door and it also have the computer chair I love so much since I could play with it when I’m bored. There are also cabinets for files, photos placed on top of them and 2 particular photos displayed on my table, the one with my whole family and the one with Kai.  And now, I am currently staying in my office with Siwon talking about pack stuffs.

“I want to have patrol every day.” I told Siwon but continued. “…3 men in every border. I don’t want anyone trespassing without me knowing.”

“Yes Alpha.”

“Also, see to it that everyone obliges to the new rules Siwon oppa, I don’t want anyone doing any mistakes right now.” I breathed heavily and rephrased the last part. “I mean, I can’t afford having mistakes right now,”

“Yes Alpha.”

“One more thing,” I said, looking at him straight in the eye. “Everyone is to attend training every day. Children below 6 years old are not allowed to be trained yet so they are to be in the playroom with 3 men securing their safety. As for those who have school, they will attend and will be given time to do their homework and after that they would be trained for 2 hours.” I stopped and thought about the elders. “The elders are to be protected together with the children.”

“Is there anything more?” He asked.

“Ah yes!” I shook my head and giggled. “Other than the training and rules that I made, they can do whatever they want. But don’t cause any problem.” I turn my chair and looked at the great view I got form my window. “You may go now.”

“Yes Alpha.” With that, he went out of the room.

I was about to go out for some fresh air when Kai suddenly tackled me to the ground. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me. I asked what was wrong with him but he just laughed there and lost his balance. I laughed along with him, staring at my best friend’s stupidity and also kicked him on the back for him to stand up. Good thing he understood my message and hugged me. What the hell is wrong with my best friend now?

“What’s wrong with you today?” I asked, glaring at him afterwards.

“I just wanted to thank you for saving me and Jeong Min. I actually thought I’m gonna die there!” He raised his hands up and looked at me with happiness in his eyes. “Anyway, are you sure about that training?”



“So, if there is another attack that is going to happen, we will be ready.”

“You’re already a great Alpha.” He answered, smiling at me. “Where are you going anyway?”

“I’m going to get some fresh air.”

“Can I come?”

“No,” I said simply, looking at him. “There is actually one thing I want you to do.”

“What is it?”

“I want you to make sure that everyone is doing their job. I’ll be back after 30 minutes to see the pack and financial report. Also can you tell Jeong Min to install everyone’s profile on my computer?”

“Sure thing, Caramel.”

I smile and kissed him on the cheeks. “Be back in exactly 30 minutes.”


I then turned around and ran towards the woods to smell the fresh air. I stopped in front of the lake and sat in the water. One thing I love about living in this town is that it has an amazing view of the woods and a very welcoming lake for picnics.

I then decided to go for a swim. I took my clothes off and jumped to the water. I felt really relieved on how cold the water is, considering that is really hot today. I swam until I had the urge to go back to the pack house. When I arrived, people acknowledged my presence and greeted me. I smiled at them and went straight to my room to change. I chose to wear a blue tank top and denim shorts with my combat boots and headed straight to my office.

I was met by my parents who were sitting comfortably on the couch I never knew was there ‘till now. I smiled and hugged both of them and sat to my chair and checked the reports until my father called for my attention, making me quickly look at him with worried eyes.

“You are working too hard this past few weeks, baby girl.” He continued, looking at me worriedly. “I think you need to rest.”

“I’ll do that once I finished my homework and these reports.”

“Baby girl, please listen to your father. Let Siwon take care of that.”

“No mom.” I protested, looking at the reports now. “I will not let someone else do my job.”

Both of my parents sighed heavily and stood up to stand across me. “We are having a dinner tomorrow, you think you could come?” My mom asks nicely.

“Of course I will.”

“Thank you, baby girl.” They then kissed me on the cheeks and hugged me and went out.

I thought no one else will go inside my office when Jeong Min suddenly opened the door and looked shocked when he saw me sitting on my chair. I asked what’s wrong but then laughed at how nervous he was of me, I mean, hello? I’m your baby sister! There’s no need to be nervous.

“I forgot to place the profiles of our pack mates.” He looked down at me and looked shocked for the second time when I stood up and tapped his shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it Jeong Min, you go do that and I will go check on the children.”

“Yes Alpha.”

I went out and went to the play room and saw children happily enjoying themselves. But when I entered the room, everyone became quiet and bowed at me. I laughed and told them that there was no need to do that since I’m just a friend. They smiled and went back to what they are doing. But one particular girl suddenly stood in front of me and asked if I could carry her, I smiled and did what she wanted. People then stared at me. I smiled and went in the middle. All the children sat around me and waited for me to talk. That’s the time when I decided to tell them a story that my mom used to tell me before I go to sleep. That made all the children sleep and I smiled and saw the girl I was carrying also fell asleep in my lap.

‘Nan kkeutnass-eoyo (I’m done).’ I heard Jeong Min say, making me stand up and placed the little girl beside the other girls and went out.

‘I’ll be there shortly.’  I answered and walked silently towards the door. ‘You should take your rest now Jeong Min oppa. We’ll be going to mom and dad’s dinner party tomorrow.’

I’ll be setting some security cameras now, actually.’

‘You can do that tomorrow. Sleep, it’s already 11:30’

‘I’ll go sleep when you go sleep also.’

‘I will sleep after I have seen the reports Jeong Min oppa.’

‘You can do that tomorrow too, baby girl.’

‘I could do that but I won’t.’


‘It’s because I want tomorrow to be my free day.’ I reasoned. ‘I want to spend my time with my family and Kai tomorrow because I become alert these past few weeks and I also need to rest so that I could think of a better plan.’

‘Fine, but if I see you work tomorrow I will drag you out of your office and tie you in your bed so that you could rest.’

‘You wouldn’t dare’

‘Oh I would. I wouldn’t consider the fact that you are my alpha.’

‘Go to sleep.’ I ordered to him through the mind link and shutting him off.



I woke up the next day finding myself still sitting on my chair and when I sat up straight, I saw Dong Jun, Junsu and Kai standing across me and looking worried. I shook my head and stood up. I asked what they wanted and they just told me that they have nothing to do so I just ordered Dong Jun to go and see if there is any problem and go back here if there is none, then I ordered to Junsu to get me the pack report and place it to my table so that I could check it tomorrow and I told Kai to wait for me in my room. They nodded in unison and left. I went to take a bath in my shower room and changed to my incredible hulk shirt, white shorts and combat boots. I saw Kai waiting on my bed.

“What do you want us to do today?” I asked, smiling at him.

“You are free? You won’t do any Alpha stuff today?” He asked, smiling happily.

“Yes, I need to rest anyway because I became restless these past few weeks.”

“That’s good! Do you want to go to the mall?”

“I want to watch a movie and shop for new clothes.” I answered, pulling him towards the door. “Are you up for it?”

“Sure! But please, can we not go to Victoria secret?”


“Ha!” He shouted, running towards the garage. “We are going to the movies and shop for clothes and jewelleries!”

I laughed and ran to follow him. I sometimes can’t understand Kai. He may seem one of the hottest guys but he loves shopping more than me. That’s what I love about him, he can pick clothes for me and I wouldn’t even question him because he has more fashion sense than me.  When I got to the garage, I saw him standing beside a black Ferrari. I ran beside him and checked out the cool car.

“How did you get one of these?” I asked, still looking at the car.

“My dad bought it for my 16th birthday.”

“Dangsin un-I joh-eun gae! (You lucky dog!) I want one of this!” I shouted and entering the passenger seat while he went to the driver’s seat. I inhaled the scent of the new car and felt really relaxed since I was able to ride one.

“Let’s go then!” He shouted, starting the engine and going to the mall. “What are we going to watch?”

“Something mysterious!” I shouted, raising my hands.

“Well… let’s see…” He answered, placing his hands on his chin. “Well… can we just skip? I’m kinda not into movies right now. Let’s just shop?”

I sigh, looking at the window. “Fine, but you’re buying me ice cream.”


We arrived at the mall and were surprised to see that half of the people are wolves, making me more noticeable. Everyone greeted and bowed to me whenever I am 2 feet away. Kai on the other hand walked towards the sport shops to buy new shoes. I followed him, half happy and half complaining because I thought we were going to shop for my clothes not his.

I then pouted at my best friend. “I thought we’re going to buy my clothes?”

“We can buy your clothes after I am done buying my shoes.”

“Why do you even need those shoes? How about the gift Jiyoung gave you?”

“Didn’t I tell you not to say her name?” He asked looking at me angrily.

“Fine, whatever.”

If you’re wondering who Jiyoung is, She was Kai’s first girlfriend.  They broke up 2 years ago when he saw her kissing some guy from the mall. After that incident he burned all of the photos they took together and promised to never love again, naturally Jiyoung would beg to be with him because he’s hot but since Kai knew better he never did gave her a second chance.

They were really the most adorable couple before. I just don’t get why girls aren’t contented with one guy. They are not toys you know. Same goes for guys too. Girls are not toys to be used and played with. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Kai elbowed me on my arm and told me to go. I turned around to follow him to some shop and decided to look for clothes for me. Yehey! I shouted mentally, smiling as I look around the shop.

Caramel, I’ll just buy this and you continue to look.” He said, turning around and going to the cashier to buy the thing he was carrying.

“Okay…” I answered, still looking at the clothes.

After some time of picking some tees, shorts and pants I decided to buy them all and go back home because it’s already 4:30 PM and my mom hates late people and if I am late, she’ll kill me. I placed my entire thing in the trunk and sat on the passenger seat. Kai followed in tow and started the engine.

We arrived at the pack house a few minutes later and I immediately went to my room to change, leaving a laughing Kai in the garage. I locked my door and chose something that my mother would like. Will shorts be okay or jeans? Casual or elegant?

I think you should wear a dress for a change, which will make mom happy.’  I heard Siwon say through the mind link.

One problem though, I didn’t buy any dress.’

‘You should wear the dress Dong Jun gave you last year? We haven’t seen you wear that, you know.’

‘Oh! Right. I forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me.’

‘See you later.’ He was about to cut me off when he remembered something. ‘By the way, Kai is coming with you.’


I then went to my wardrobe to look for the dress Adrian gave me last year. It was a white calypso skater – skirt dress. I matched it with my chamois chevreau heel and tied my hair to a high ponytail. I went out and saw Kai in a tuxedo smiling at me.

“You look beautiful, as always.” He says, escorting me to his car. “Where is the dinner taking place?”

“It’s in Buvette. You know where it is, right?”

“I know where it.” He answered and driving to Buvette.

When we arrived at the restaurant, I never thought that it is so… fancy. People were dressed in fancy dresses so I should make a mental note to thank my brother later when I see him. I snapped out of my thoughts when my door is suddenly opened by some guy and was waiting for me to come down. I immediately went out of the car and waited for Kai.

Kai pulled me closer to him and led me inside. People are now staring at us like we were celebrities. Good thing that we reached the room my father had rented and saw my family chatting happily with each other and when we arrived, they stopped and hugged me one by one.

“Now that is what I call a beautiful lady.” My mother said, smiling at me. “Where did you get that? I never saw you wear something like that before.”

“It’s Dong Jun’s birthday gift last year.” I answered, standing beside Adrian and smiling. “I never really wore it before.”

“Explains it.” They answered in chorus looking at me right in the eye.

After that awkward talk, the waiter came back and placed our food in the table. I went to seat beside Kai and Jeong Min and started eating. After eating we all continued to talk about random stuff and when they heard me yawn they told me to go back home and sleep already. Kai was the one who escorted me back to the pack house.




“What about going with me to the prom? It may seem early to ask about this but I wanted you to be my date.” Key asked, looking at me with hopeful eyes.

I rolled my eyes at him. It’s been 3 weeks already and all he talks about is this prom. It’s really irritating me right now. I looked at him and shook my head, telling him that the one I am going with is my best friend and not him. He stiffened, making me mentally laugh at him. He asked why I was going with him and I told him that since he’s my best friend, I would rather go with him.

“Why not go with me instead?” He insisted, making me want to punch him in the face.

“I’m sorry Key, but a promise is a promise. I can’t break that.”

“C’mon, it’s just a promise. You can break it if you want.” He still insisted. “Kai wouldn’t even mind.”

“I’m really sorry Key but I would still go with Kai. He’s my best friend and I would be more comfortable on going with him.”

“I really can’t make you change your mind?” He asked, looking at me with pleading eyes.

“Nope.” I answered, popping the p word.

He breathed heavily and shook his head. I tapped his shoulder and walked away. Ha! Loser! I am never going out with someone like you, psycho! Jeongsin bunseog (psycho)!!              

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gamitin mo yung banner. :D
Chapter 34: In this story, i really love Kai ! Not that i don't like him but he makes me feel safe and he's so sweet with Jessica .. ~
Jaejoong, as overprotective and jealous as ever :3
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Chapter 31: When is Jaejoong and Changmin going to appear in the story again?
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Chapter 24: poor Jessica :(
jacqlow #5
your story is fantastic! 21chaps in 18days? You are on a roll! However, I would suggest as little names as possible, so that there is lesser confusion...
PianoSica #6
Chapter 19: update soon author nim! Hwaiting!
Chapter 13: this story is seriously good and awesome! and fyi dear author, I would always read this story and support u! keep updating! ;)
theresenurielle #8
Chapter 11: Go Jessica!