"I need you.."

You Are Mine

Jessica’s POV

I’m back home.

My heart is still aching and my wolf is still howling inside me because of the decision I made. The other part of me wanted to go back and be with her mate but the other one told me that it was the best decision I made.

“Are you alright?” I heard Kai ask, pulling me to him. “I know it’s tough to leave him but we need you here.”

“I know, it’s just…Why do I have to be torn between my family and mate?” I asked him, looking at his eyes to see… pain?

“Don’t worry too much baby girl.” I then heard Siwon oppa say, offering a smile. “One day, if he really loves you, he’ll find a way to see you.”

“He’s an Alpha, Siwon oppa. I can’t just be selfish and make him look for me.”

“But don’t you think that what you are doing right now is making him look for you?” He asked, looking at me confusingly.

“I didn’t…” I stopped, thought about it for a minute before realizing what I did. “Oh my…” My eyes widen and turned around to call Sehun but Kai immediately took my cell phone away and tossed it to Siwon.

I glared at him and punched him on the stomach before going to Siwon. I was about to get my phone when he tossed it to Hong Bin who was laughing along with Nicole. Siwon looked at him, making him pull Nicole away from us and because I was beyond pissed, I kicked my brother, effectively knocking him to the ground and started going to the pack house.

Kai was with me within seconds. He only kept quiet because I was totally pissed off. How could they take my phone away from me?! They don’t have any authority to do that to me but they did. I sigh, opened the door only to be surprised by my pack mates suddenly shouting a “WELCOME BACK!” I froze in place and was only able to move when Dong - Jun and Jinyoung pulled me to a hug.

“We missed you so much baby girl! Where did this business trip take place?” My parents shouted in unison.

“I miss you guys too.” I answered back, smiling at them. “You don’t have to know where because I’m not going back there anymore.” When I said this, my wolf howled in pain because she wouldn’t be seeing her mate anymore.

“That’s good then!” My dad shouted, hugging me and shaking my shoulders. “Now let’s go and eat.”

“You didn’t have to do a welcome back party for me.” I whined, leaning on Kai’s shoulder. “I’m tired; I want to go to sleep.”

“No! You can’t sleep yet Jessica. You need to eat.” Junsu yelled, pulling me to him.

“Junsu oppa, I’m really sleepy. You guys go and eat; we’ll continue the party tomorrow.” I told him and turning around.

Junsu didn’t stop me and told everyone that I was really tired and in need of rest. Jinyoung and Dong - Jun went to entertain the others and Kai and Siwon stayed with me inside my room. While lying on my bed Kai sat on my bean bag and Siwon just leaned on the wall and waited for anything to happen.

“Guys, can you let me sleep?” I asked them nicely, staring at them.

“Sleep, baby girl.” Siwon said.

“Alright, but don’t be too noisy, okay?”

“Ok,” They both uttered in unison.

Then I turned around and slept.


~~Few Days later~~


I woke with a groan; I stared blankly at the ceiling and noticed something different. It’s different from Jaejoong’s ceiling which means I’m back home.

I sat up, shook my head before stretching. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my bed hair. I laughed at how I look and went immediately to the bathroom to take a shower. After doing so, I changed to my green and black tank top and black shorts with my black high cut converse before going to the kitchen to grab some food before doing some Alpha works.

“Good Morning baby girl.” I turned around to see Dong - Jun.

“Good Morning, Dong - Jun.” I answered back smiling,

“How are you?” He asked, sitting beside me.

“I’m fine. How about you?”

“I’m fine too.”


“Oh.” He repeated, suddenly scratching the back of his neck. “So I better get going.”

“What? Why?” I asked, looking at him confusingly. “You’re not eating with me?”

“No, No, baby girl. I just need to do something.”

“Fine, but meet me in my office after lunch, got it?” I asked using my Alpha tone.

“Yes, Alpha.” He answered, bowing his head and started walking somewhere.

I shrugged, looked at my apple and bit again for two times. I wonder what is happening with him. Did something bad happen? Or did he already found his mate and wouldn’t want me knowing it?

“Good Morning baby girl.” I suddenly heard my other brothers, including Kai greeting me.

“Good Morning boys.” I answered. “How come Dong - Jun went out early?”

“Oh, that… He went to go do something.” Siwon answered rather nervous.

What is going on?

I stared at Siwon then at the others before sighing. I stood up from my seat and told them that I would be inside my office for a while and I also ordered them not to interrupt me unless it’s really important. Not waiting for an answer, I walked to my office and saw my phone safely placed beside my laptop. Oh how I missed my laptop.

While typing some reports, I suddenly heard my phone ringing. I looked at it and saw Sehun’s name in the caller ID. I stared at it for a while before deciding to answer it. When I said my greeting he shouted at me rather happy. What’s gotten on this guy?

“I’m with Kibyul, she’s already my girl.” He said, calmly before laughing.

“That’s good then. How did it all happen?” I asked, crossing my legs.

“I will tell you someday but not now. I’m here to talk about your mate.” He said in a serious tone.

“What’s wrong? Did something bad happen to him?” I asked, already standing up.

“He’s… a mess. He doesn’t like to talk to anyone, he wants you back and he won’t go anywhere besides your old room. He holds this white wolf toy and says things like, Jessica will come back, and Jessica will come back and be mine.”

Oh my god. I cannot believe in what I am hearing. Jaejoong… is a mess because of me? I shook my head and looked at my window. There, in the other side is the land of my mate, where, I am feeling his sorrow.

“Can you please talk to him? Tell him to come back to his old self, please.” Sehun pleaded.

“I can’t. He needs to let go of me,” I told him.

“You can’t just say that Jessica. Jaejoong is your soul mate. You can’t just make him let you go. He loves you and I’m sure as hell that I can prove that.” He answered with determination.

“I can’t just go back there Sehun, I’m needed here.” I countered, shaking my head.

“Please, just talk to him. He needs you, we need you.” He stopped, breathed for some time and continued. “You are our Luna and you are the Alpha of your pack, Jessica. Jaejoong couldn’t lead a pack without you by his side.”

“I…” I started but suddenly was cut off when I saw the door suddenly open. I turned my phone off and looked at the person in front of me. Who is this? “Who are you?” I asked, looking at him.

“Miss, I am a new pack member and I am here to talk to the Alpha.” He said, looking down. “Where is he?” He then asked looking around.

“Why do you need to talk to the Alpha?” I asked, glaring at him.

“His brother, Dong - Jun found me. I am a rogue, miss. I wanted a new life and with the Alpha accepting me I can do that.”

“You do know what pack you are joining, right?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.


Dong - Jun. I called through the mind link.

Yeah? He asked.

Did you found a rogue lurking around our lands? He seems to know you.

I didn’t found anything or anyone. You must be mistaking. It’s Jeong Min’s turn to patrol today.

OH? I stared at the rogue who only looked at me with nervousness present in his eyes. Kai, Siwon, Junsu, Dong - Jun, Jeong Min and Jinyoung in my office now! I shouted through the mind link and after a few seconds, all of them were standing in my door.

The rogue turned around and saw them and was taken aback. Dong - Jun and Kai took a step forward and grabbed him by the shoulder and made him look at me.

“If you are trying to deceive me, rogue, you better think again. You are entering a very big family, rogue. I don’t want to see you hurting anyone or I will personally kill you.” I told him through gritted teeth.

“Why are you acting as if you are the Alpha? Pathetic.” He spit in front of me and tried getting out of their hold but this were the guys I trained with and they wouldn’t back out. “Where is he? I want to be in your pack.”

Leave or Die, rogue.” I threatened through my Alpha voice, making him look at me wide eyed.

“How can this be?! A woman?” He shouted, looking at me. “You are the one deceiving me! Woman cannot lead a pack. Their useless and pathetic!”

The last part really pissed me off. How dare he talk about woman as useless and pathetic?! He needs to die right now and I will be glad to do it. I breathed heavily and ordered Kai and Dong - Jun to bring him in the open area. They agreed and dragged him there.

Jeong Min stopped and asked what I will do and I told him that no one steps in my land and accuse women as useless and pathetic. He stiffened, stared at the ground and let me go. I don’t have time to say I’m sorry because I was beyond pissed right now and I don’t know if I could control my wolf. I went to my room first and changed and walked towards the open area with Siwon and Jinyoung beside me. We saw the man trying to escape but he can’t. Good.

“You are looking for the Alpha?” I asked a loud. Everyone looked at me and glared at the man.

“Yes! I just wanted to join his pack.” He pleaded.  “Just bring me to him!”

“You have guts to order around our Alpha!” Someone shouted ready to attack him.

“How can your Alpha be a woman?!” He shouted, laughing evilly. “Women are useless and pathetic.”

“Shut the hell up rogue if you want to live,” Jinyoung shouted, holding my arms to stop me from attacking the guy.

“You messed with the wrong pack, rogue.” I said calmly, smirking at him. “Why are you here? I want the truth. You are not here to have a new life.”

“I’m here to have a new life! Believe me!” He shouted, smirking for a split second before kneeling.

I rolled my eyes and told everyone to circle him around. They did what I told them and I also told Dong - Jun and Kai to let him go. I walked inside the circle and crossed my arms.

“I will only say this twice, rogue.” I stopped, breathed and continued. “Why are you here?!”

The rogue only laughed and told me not to deceive him again, making me angrier. I looked at Kai and told him to take care of the piece of trash. Anyone who defies me as the Alpha would be called a piece of trash. No matter how they plead for my mercy, once they said it there would only be two choices. Leave or die. Oh how I wish they would choose the first one so that I wouldn’t be killing anybody.

I went back to my office, sat on my chair again and typed on my laptop. The reports are done, I’m done with everything and I think I should go and have fun. But what should I do then?

A sudden sting hit my head and I do not know what is wrong but I fell to the ground and shouted. Few seconds later, I saw Jinyoung carrying me to my room.  I asked what happened but he only kept quiet. I lay on the bed thinking of things that may cause this sudden sting on my head. It happened before, but what caused it?

Mate, my wolf howled, making me place my hand on my heart.

Dara, I called out for her, she ignored me and continued to call on her mate. “Jinyoung, get my phone, now!” I yelled, making him run to my office. I’ll call Sehun, okay?

I want our mate, Jessica. Not Sehun or Alyson. I want Jaejoong! She yelled at making me roll my eyes.

“Here’s your phone, sis.” Jinyoung said, giving me the phone with shaking hands.

I nodded my head and went to call on Sehun while Jinyoung gave me some privacy. I waited for him to answer but there wasn’t anyone.  I called again and again but there was still no answer. What must have happen to him?

Then Kai and Siwon entered my room and asked if I was okay, I shook my head and told them to call Sehun. My wolf is weak and is already demanding the presence of her mate and I don’t think I can’t stop her on making me do something she wants.

“There’s no answer.” Siwon said, shaking his head.

“His phone is ringing.” Kai countered, giving me his phone.

“Hello?” It’s a woman’s voice. Kibyul?

“Hello, can I talk to Sehun? It’s an emergency. Please,” I said, hoping she’d understand.

“I’m sorry but he’s busy tending to his friend Jaejoong. I’ll let him know when he’s done. Who’s this?”

“Jessica, Jaejoong’s girlfriend.” I said, making my wolf purr at my action.

“Oh! So you are Jessica. Wait for a minute, I’ll call Sehun.” She left the phone hanging and I was left waiting for a long time.

Let’s go there. Dara suggested.

Even if I wanted to, I can’t. I told her shaking my head. My body’s weak.              

She ignored me again. I was still holding the phone when suddenly it fell to the floor making it end the call. Kai picked it up and saw that it’s already dead. He immediately went out and looked for Jeong Min so he could fix it and just like that, my phone begun to ring.

I picked it up and said, “Hello?”

“Hello? Jessica? It’s me, Sehun.”

“Sehun…” I said, my voice is weak and soft. “How’s Jaejoong?”

“He’s still a mess, why? What’s wrong?”

“Can I talk to him?”

“Sure, wait for a moment.”

I waited again, placing the phone beside me. I’m weak, I can’t stand up and my wolf is blaming me for leaving her mate.

“Jaejoong won’t talk.” I heard him say through the other line.

“Give… him…the…phone…please…” I pleaded, still my voice is weak.

“I’ll try.” He said, leaving his phone again and going to Jaejoong.

Please, I pray to the goddess above us, make him talk to me. I need him now. I need him forever in my life. I tried to stand up but there’s no use. I’m already weak. While I am trying to stand up, I heard shouting and its coming from my phone.

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gamitin mo yung banner. :D
Chapter 34: In this story, i really love Kai ! Not that i don't like him but he makes me feel safe and he's so sweet with Jessica .. ~
Jaejoong, as overprotective and jealous as ever :3
Selena was getting on my nerves the first time she appeared so .. I'll let it pass [x
So, Jae will visite Jessi saturday ? It's at that time that she need to go because of something .. Aha
PianoSica #3
Chapter 31: When is Jaejoong and Changmin going to appear in the story again?
PianoSica #4
Chapter 24: poor Jessica :(
jacqlow #5
your story is fantastic! 21chaps in 18days? You are on a roll! However, I would suggest as little names as possible, so that there is lesser confusion...
PianoSica #6
Chapter 19: update soon author nim! Hwaiting!
Chapter 13: this story is seriously good and awesome! and fyi dear author, I would always read this story and support u! keep updating! ;)
theresenurielle #8
Chapter 11: Go Jessica!