Would you like to go out with me?

You Are Mine

We are currently talking about things that are not very important while we shop for Nicole’s clothes. Good thing Kai transferred some money on my account so that I could pay for all the things she wants. Now, I am totally broke.

“I can’t believe I let you buy anything you want, Nicole! I’m broke.” I complained, making her laugh at me. “What will I say to Kai and Siwon?!”

“Don’t worry! I’ll pay it back.” She assured me, tapping my shoulder. “I’ll make sure Hong Bin pays everything, I mean he is my mate and mates can’t do anything.” She then winks at me.

“Whatever.” I sigh, looking around the shop and saw a cute dress. It was an ice cream shirt dress and I just got to have it! But I can’t because of Nicole. “I want that one but I can’t have it because I’m broke.”

“At least try it. It may look beautiful on you.” Taeyeon pops in, handing me the dress. I smiled touching the garment and tried it on.

While I was trying it on, I heard a lot of noises outside, it were mostly from Hyoyeon, Yoona and Nicole. I went out, saw EunSun taking a picture. I rolled my eyes and went back. Since I’m not buying it might as well put it back to where it was.

I walked out of the fitting room; saw the others still talking to each other. I cleared my throat and went out.  The others followed in tow. After a few stores more, we decided to rest on a coffee shop. I sat beside SeoHyun and SooYoung and we talked about stuffs while Sunny was kind enough to give my foot a massage.

“Thanks,” I said, smiling at her. She smiled back. “What time is it?”

“It’s almost 5:30 PM. Where do you want to go next?” Shindong answered, looking at his watch and holding EunSun’s hands.

“Do you want to go back now or want to party? We can rent a karaoke bar if you want.” Minho suggested, looking at us.

We smiled at him and shouted in unison. “Yeah!”

The other girls suddenly went out running. Shindong laughed and took his phone out and went out also. I was now alone with Hyoyeon and Onew. I smiled at them and waited for them to follow them but they didn’t.

“I’m sorry for what happened last week, Jessica.” Onew suddenly said, making me wide eyed.

“Why did you reject him, Hyo?” I asked her, ignoring Onew for now.

“I thought that he will be like him.”  She answered, looking down. I breathed and tapped her shoulder.

“You could never compare your mate to that guy, Hyo. Onew is your mate and he’ll kill himself before hurting you.” I assured her, making Onew look at us confusingly.

“What are you guys talking about?” He asked, taking Hyoyeon’s hands. “Who is this guy you are talking about?”

“He’s Hyoyeon’s ex – boyfriend, an abusive one at that. I banned him from my pack once I knew the abuse he was doing to her.”

“What is his name? Where is he now?”

“He’s faraway now, Onew. I sent him to England.” I looked at Hyoyeon and tapped her shoulder. “I can’t tell you that.”

“Fine, it’s alright at least I won’t be killing anybody for abusing my mate.”

“Yes, that is great. Anyway, let’s go? The others are shouting at us right now.” I told them, making the turn around to see the girls yelling.

I laughed and went out, the two followed in tow and we both went inside each other’s car. I went to Shindong’s  car and sat at the back with Nicole. We went to unfamiliar Karaoke bar and saw 2 guys waiting for us. I ignored them and went to follow Taecyeon and Yoona. The 2 guys led us to a big room with a round table and couch on the side and a big space for dancing, I think. The karaoke was just in front of us and there were 3 books of songs ready to be read by us.

“What would you like to have?” The other guy asked, looking at me and earning a death glare from the others.

“Tequila sunrise and one coke.” Kibum answered, still glaring at the poor waiter.

“I’m sorry but we don’t drink tequilas.” Taeyeon answered, smiling at me. “Me and the other girls will be taking the Mango shakes and my other friend here will be taking the Avocado shake. What about you guys?” She then looked at them

“I’ll be having the Strawberry shake.” EunSun answered, smiling.

“And we are going to take the tequila sunrise please,” Onew answered for the guys except for Shindong.

“Will that be all?” He asked, still looking at me.  The others gave him a death glared and nodded. I rolled my eyes and took the song book from the table.

After the waiter left, everyone stood up and went to push some buttons on the machine. I waited at the couch by myself and heard SooYoung and Hyoyeon singing first. I laughed at how clumsy they dance. Their mates were just standing there, rooting for them. Shindong and EunSun were now busy making out at the corner and Nicole was in the middle dancing with them.

“Come on Jessica!” Taeyeon shouted, reaching out her hand for me to take.

I shook my head and looked for some songs. While doing so, I heard a knock on the door and Sunny and Shindong immediately stood in front of me protectively. EunSun and SeoHyun sat beside me. When the door opened, the waiter from earlier entered with our drinks. All of them relaxed and went back to what they are doing.

“Next song!” Nicole shouted, “Honey” by Kara played, making the girls shout.

While Nicole was busy singing, I decided to dance with the other girls and feel the rhythm. SooYong tossed her hands up and shouted as loud as she can and danced with the music. I and the other girls laughed at her because even though she’s not drunk she still acted like one.

After Nicole sung, I went in front of the machine and played Kai and I’s favourite song “Lost Love.” While singing, I heard Taeyeon and Yoona suddenly singing along. I placed my arms around both of their shoulders and sang.

We stayed like that for almost 4 hours and when I saw the girls sleepy, sleepy, I told Shindong to take them home. He nodded and kissed EunSun’s cheeks and bow in front of me before getting his car. I on the other hand wanted to walk. The guys and EunSun wanted me to go with them inside the car but I declined. Onew then told me that Taecyeon and Kibum will be coming with me while I walk and they will take Nicole with them.

We started walking towards the path and I heard a low growl. I looked everywhere and saw the two guys in his wolf form and circling around me. I tapped both their heads and when Kibum pushed me, making me realize that I have to run, I did. I lost sight of the guys when I saw no one following me anymore. I reached the pack house and saw Onew, Ryeowook and EunSun worried.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, standing in front of them.

“What’s wrong?! Where have you been?!” I then heard my mate shouting, Onew, Ryeowook and Onew walked away and at the same time, both guys appeared in their wolf form. “I thought you were only shopping with Nicole?”

“I did go shopping with Nicole.”

“Then why are Taecyeon and Kibum with you?!”

“They accompanied me on going home, Jaejoong. You don’t have to jump on conclusion since it isn’t true.” I answered, walking past him. But before I did, he snatched me from the ground and threw me on his shoulders.

I noticed that he took me to his room because he threw me to the bed and was now on top of me but his weight was both on his hands. I rolled my eyes and rolled to the side. He growled and dropped beside me. I didn’t dare look at him.



I woke up at 5:30 AM and saw Jaejoong still sleeping. I yawned and sat up. I looked around and saw Nicole sleeping soundly on the couch. I smiled at that, he did do what’s the deal. I couldn’t help myself after that; I had to kiss Jaejoong on the cheeks. Good thing he didn’t wake up. I stood and went to kiss Nicole next and went to take a shower.

I stretched my arms and legs in front of the closet and saw my stuff neatly placed on the other side of Jaejoong’s stuff. I took my black and blue top and skinny jeans. I went to take my shower outside of his room. After doing so, I went towards the laundry room and saw Shirley, another omega doing laundry. I smiled and asked her if she can do mine also, she nodded her head and pointed at the dirty clothes beside her. I walked out of the room and saw Jaejoong suddenly running towards me. He hugged me and smelled my scent.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, pushing him away and brushing my wet hair.

“I thought you ran away.” He reasoned, hugging me again.

“I just went to take a shower, Jaejoong.” I told him, pushing him again and tapping his shoulder before passing by him. “Anyway, I’ll go clean the living room now.”

“Can I help with that?” He asked, making my eyes widen. Him, cleaning? That’s new.

“Sure, just grab a broom and meet me there.” I walked away from him and went to the kitchen. I saw EunSun and Tiffany happily talking. “Good Morning.” I greeted, taking another broom at the side.

“Why didn’t you invite me yesterday?” Tiffany suddenly asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I rose at her also and looked at EunSun. “She told me everything, why did you go to the Karaoke bar without me?!”

“I’m sorry Tiffany, it was sudden.” I answered, smiling at her.

“Why are you taking so long?” We then heard Jaejoong shouting, coming inside the kitchen. Both Tiffany and EunSun laughed at him because he is still holding the broom.

“You’re cleaning?!” Tiffany asked, still laughing.

“What’s wrong about that?!” He snapped at her, making her quiet.

“Let’s just go. C’mon. Mr Hothead.” I ordered, pulling Jaejoong away from the two.

We both cleaned the living room, making almost everyone going down shocked, maybe because their Alpha is cleaning. The one I laughed the most was Candy’s reaction. She was practically dragging Jaejoong away from me and the broom and seducing him to go inside his room but he declined and growled when she still persisted. I then noticed Sehun, Onew and EunSun cleaning also. After some time, all of them, except for Candy were cleaning.

“Let’s take a rest!” Tiffany shouted, making everyone look at her. “We’ve been cleaning for almost 3 hours!”

“You go rest, Fany.” Aiden snapped at her, making her drop her cleaning material and ran to her room. I laughed at her and saw Sehun and Onew laughing along.

We finished cleaning the whole pack house at 6:30 PM and everyone is hungry. Eva, Rita and the other omegas, including me went to the kitchen to prepare the food. Jaejoong was still standing by my side while I cook his food, which he ordered for me to do. He said that he is not eating anyone’s cooking beside me. I sighed, cooking Spaghetti for him.

“Something smells delicious. Who’s cooking?” We heard Onew and Sehun shout.

“That’s mine!” Jaejoong growled back, glaring at them who showed up at the same time.

“Don’t be selfish Jaejoong, give some to us!” Sehun growled back, standing now next to me.

“Eva and the others are cooking for you, Jessica is cooking for me.” He then pulled his tongue out, acting like a kid.

 “A selfish jerk.” Tiffany uttered under her breathe, suddenly appearing in the kitchen making me laugh and Jaejoong growl at her.

I placed my hands on both shoulder and pushed them away from the kitchen. I was now finished and would just place it on a plate for Jaejoong. After that, I went out and placed it in front and went out again but before I could even go out, Jaejoong called for me and told me to seat beside him. Everyone looked shocked except for Tiffany, Sehun, Onew, EunSun and the other guys.

I shook my head and told him that I am going outside for some fresh air. He nodded, taking his plate and going outside. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow but followed. What has gotten to this guy? I saw him sitting on the grass, waiting for me to seat beside him. I slowly obliged and shot him a confused glance.

“What?” He asked, started eating his food. “You want? Here,” He then stretched his hands with the fork and spaghetti and positioned it in front of my mouth. I took it because I am also hungry.

After chewing, I asked him. “What are you doing? Why are you here instead of being inside with your pack mates?”

“What? I can’t be with my mate now?”

I rolled my eyes and lay. “When is your camping trip?”

“A day after tomorrow. Have you packed your stuff yet?”

“Yup, they are in my old room.” I lied, smiling at him so he wouldn’t suspect anything.

He nodded his head and continued eating his food. “Do you have anything to do tomorrow?”

“Besides cleaning? Nope.” I answered, popping the ’p’ on nope. “Why?”

“I just want to ask if you… want to umm… go… go out with me tomorrow.” He asked, his voice low and soft making me look at him confusingly.

Once it registered in my mind that he is asking me out, I begun to blush, turning around. I chuckled afterwards because I look like a 13 year old girl being asked by her crush. Jaejoong stood up and went in front of me and asked again. I smiled and nodded my head; I do not trust my mouth right now. My wolf is purring.

“What should I wear then?” I asked him.

“Something comfortable. I think you would love this place.”

“Oh? And what may this place be?” I raised an eyebrow at him, making him laugh.

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out, babes.” He teased, pecking me on the cheeks and leaving.

I laughed and went back to the kitchen to see Nicole and EunSun happily talking. I sat beside EunSun and asked what they are talking about. Both girls just smiled at me and I looked confused. That was when I heard Tiffany shouting something.

“Jaejoong and Jessica have a date!” She shouted, making me blush like a tomato and the girls laugh at me.

“I am so gonna kill Jaejoong!” I yelled/whispered under my breathe.

“Hey, don’t kill your boyfriend, Jessica. You can’t blame a guy for being excited, ok?” EunSun reasoned out, making me glare at her.

“He is not my boyfriend!”

“He isn’t yet.” Nicole pops in, making me glare at her.

 “Anyway, after asking you out, Jaejoong shouted while going inside that you said yes for a date tomorrow. “ Tiffany continued.

“If you are looking for him, he’s in his office doing a happy dance.” I snorted, isn’t a happy dance for children?

I shook my head, laughing and going to Jaejoong’s room to rest. But before entering, I saw Candy, wearing lingerie and had this seductive pose in Jaejoong’s bed. My wolf growled and wanted to rip her head off but I stopped her and went back to my old room. 

“I won’t say I am in love with him,” I uttered to myself, smiling. “Not until he proves it.”

I turned around and waited until I fell asleep.

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gamitin mo yung banner. :D
Chapter 34: In this story, i really love Kai ! Not that i don't like him but he makes me feel safe and he's so sweet with Jessica .. ~
Jaejoong, as overprotective and jealous as ever :3
Selena was getting on my nerves the first time she appeared so .. I'll let it pass [x
So, Jae will visite Jessi saturday ? It's at that time that she need to go because of something .. Aha
PianoSica #3
Chapter 31: When is Jaejoong and Changmin going to appear in the story again?
PianoSica #4
Chapter 24: poor Jessica :(
jacqlow #5
your story is fantastic! 21chaps in 18days? You are on a roll! However, I would suggest as little names as possible, so that there is lesser confusion...
PianoSica #6
Chapter 19: update soon author nim! Hwaiting!
Chapter 13: this story is seriously good and awesome! and fyi dear author, I would always read this story and support u! keep updating! ;)
theresenurielle #8
Chapter 11: Go Jessica!