Double date turned to an Attack

You Are Mine

“What’s this?” I asked to no one in particular, I took the box from my bed and opened it immediately. I saw the pair of combat boots I was dying to have since last month. I looked for anything that could tell me who left it here but unfortunately there was none. So I tried it and saw that it fits me perfectly. Whoever left in here knows my size!

A knock was suddenly heard from my door and when it opened, I saw Sehun standing there and smiling. I nodded my head and he entered, after doing so I immediately asked if he by any chance left this combat boots but I was dismayed when he told me that he wasn’t the one who left it here.

I then shook my head. “Anyway, why are you here?” I placed the box under my bed and waited for his answer. I could look for the mystery person later.

“Jaejoong ordered me to convince you to come with us. He told me that I am not going anywhere until you join the camping trip.”

“How many times do I have to tell you guys that I’m not going?”

“Don’t blame me, blame your mate.” He answered, raising his hands for mock surrender.

“Where is he now?” I asked standing up.

“He’s in the office, talking to some pack Alphas who is passing by our – my territory.”

I immediately sat back and sigh, “That idiot Alpha of yours is really getting on my nerves right now.”

“You can’t blame him for being like that; he wants to be with you. If my mate is as stubborn as you, I’ll do the same.”

“I can blame him. He’s annoying.” I made my voice louder so that he could hear me.

“Can’t you feel the pull?”

“What ‘pull’?”

“The pull is something that mates cannot resist. You feel attracted to him and you want to be with him all the time. That’s why Sehun is always there wherever you are, he feels the pull and he can’t stay away from you, even if he wants to.” He then stood up and looked at me. “That’s also the reason why he threw a tantrum last week when you were suddenly gone.”

“I never heard of a pull, I’ve researched about mates before and I couldn’t just believe that two people can fall in love easily.”

“May be that’s why you can’t feel the pull! You don’t believe in love!” He shouted.

“I do believe in love! It’s just that I never had a boyfriend before so I am new to this stuff.”

“That’s pretty hard to believe Jessica, with your beauty and brains, I can’t see any reason why men don’t court you.”

“It’s very simple actually. No one dare to court me because I have 5 brothers and 1 best friend who are over protective of me. They don’t want me seeing dating anyone unless it’s my mate.”

“It’s a good thing I didn’t court you.”

“You’re not even from my pack.” I shot back.

He laughed and tapped my shoulder. After becoming quiet for a few seconds, he suddenly told me something that could stop Jaejoong from trying to convince me to come. He told me that I would say ‘yes’ to him and when it’s already time to go, I would pretend to be sick so that he won’t have any options but to go without me.

“You know, that’s not the best plan you have come up with but I think that could work.” I commented, crossing my legs.

“Trust me, someone as gullible as Jaejoong could be tricked on something as simple as that.”

I laughed and told him that I should better go and help on the work. He nodded his head and we both went out of my room and separated ways when he was suddenly called to Jaejoong’s office. He winked at me and told me that everything will go according to his plan. I smiled and walked away from him.  When I entered the kitchen I saw Rita and Eva happily talking while cleaning. I waved and walked by them and asked if there is anything that I could do.

Rita was the one who told me that I should go and clean Jaejoong’s room. I was about to protest when I remembered that they don’t know that I am his mate yet so I had to agree. I walked lazily to his room and saw the door slightly open. I slowly widen the door and his scent hit my nose. It was so intoxicating that I found myself suddenly sitting on his bed, inhaling his delicious scent.

While I was inhaling, someone suddenly walked out of the bathroom. I sat up and hurriedly walked towards his desk and pretend to clean it. I heard a deep chuckle from behind me and when I turned around, I saw my mate wearing only a towel.  My face became red and I turned around again to shake my head.

“I knew it! I knew you couldn’t resist me!” He shouted happily, I think he was also raising his hands for exaggeration.

I rolled my eyes at him. “The only reason why I am here is because Rita told me to.”

“Excuses,” He teased, making me turn around to see him already in front of me. “How can you not feel the pull?”

“Pull…” I repeated, trying to remember the explanation Sehun gave me earlier. “Ah!” I then shouted, laughing afterwards.


“Nothing, I just can’t understand how two people can fall in love THAT fast. I mean, you really have to know the person first before you could even say you are really in love with him.” I explained after.

He smiled and walked towards his closet to wear something more appropriate. I turned around too, avoiding his… manhood.  I shook my head and finished cleaning his desk. While doing so, Jaejoong suddenly grabbed my waist and pulled me and made me seat on his lap. I let out a small ‘ah’ and felt Jaejoong resting his head on my neck and his arms are secured around my waist.

“Why do you always rest your head on my neck?” I asked, looking at the picture that is hanging on the wall. “Is that you and your family?”

“I love your scent so much, it’s really hard to resist you know.” He talked while still resting. “And yes, that is me and my family.”

“Can I see?” I asked nicely. Jaejoong stood up and walked towards the picture and I was still beside him. “Wow…” The only thing I commented before looking at them.

It was a family photo, Jaejoong has 2 younger siblings, Tori and Tiffany and one older brother. The guy beside him was named Kang - In, he told me that he ran away and became a rogue because he’s afraid of the Alpha responsibility. I didn’t ask any further because it may be a personal topic for him. I then asked where his parents are and he told me that they are travelling around the world as part of their vacation. I pushed him gently and told him that I needed to finish my work. He obliged, irritated and went to rest in his bed. I gave him a small smile and went to finish my work.

After cleaning the room, I went immediately to his bathroom and locked the doors. I looked around to see his used towel in the ground and his shower is still working. I rolled my eyes, closed the shower and started cleaning it. While doing so, I suddenly heard a loud knock on my door and a really loud screaming, more like pleading to let him in.

“Jaejoong! Can you stop?! I need to finish!”

“I would stop when you open the door!”

“Stop acting like a child and wait for me outside! It’s not like I’m leaving you now!” I screamed irritatingly.

“Now?! So you are planning to leave me in the near future?!”

“I would if you don’t stop!”

He became quiet after that and waited for me impatiently. I smiled and wiped off the dirt on his mirror and checked my reflection before going out. When I get out, I saw him sitting beside the bathroom door and looked really irritated. I tapped his shoulder and told him that I am already leaving. He pulled me to a hug and kissed me cheeks before letting me go. I walked out of his room and rolled my eyes.

“Jerk,” I uttered under my breathe while going towards the porch.



“,” I heard Candy and EunSun whisper in unison.

I turned to their direction and saw them smirking at me. I gave them a confused look and waited for anything more, but there was none, only laughter. I then just shook my head and continued on my work. While doing so, I saw Jaejoong suddenly walking out of nowhere and Candy suddenly hugging him, I involuntarily growled but stopped and pretend to cough instead. Both heads turn to look at me.

“Sorry,” I apologized, walking the other way. “I need water.”

“Here,” Jaejoong then said, smiling and giving me his cup of water which I haven’t noticed he was holding.

I shook my head and bowed. “No thanks, I’ll be getting my own.” I then ran out of the room.

“Weird…” I heard Candy commenting while laughing.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the bottled water inside the fridge and drank it all in one gulp. After doing so, I walked out of the kitchen and took the broom from the side and placed it back. When I walked out of the room, I saw Sehun and Tori happily walking somewhere and stopped when they noticed me looking. I waved at them and they waved back. Tori suddenly shouted something I didn’t quite understand so I looked at Sehun confusingly. He then came to me and told me that they were going to the mall with Azalea, Eunhyuk.

“Do you want to come with us?” He then asked, carrying Tori on his shoulder.

“No thanks, I would go to the lake after a few minutes.” I answered, tapping his shoulder and walking away from the two.

I went out of the pack house and saw some wolves talking and not looking at me. I then took this chance to run towards the lake. I got there and saw no one. Good, I thought and saw the leaves moving. I laid down the grass and closed my eyes.

I then drifted to dreamland.


‘Mate,’ my wolf purred making me awake.


‘I want our mate.’

‘I want him too but you know that we are the Alpha of our pack and they need us.’

‘You love him! You love Jaejoong!’ she shouted making me chuckle.

I am still sleepy, I’m telling you and my wolf isn’t letting me take something I love. Why can’t she understand that sometimes human needs sleep to! Why oh why?!

While staring at the sky, I heard rustling of leaves; I turned around to see a huge black wolf standing not far from me. I shook my head and didn’t mind him at all. I then felt the wolf suddenly beside me and nudging my arm; I looked at him and asked what’s wrong. He didn’t say anything and just laid there. Me being the sleepy woman I am right now, leaned on the wolf and felt warm because of its fur.

“You know what the funny thing about my life is?” I asked the wolf, I know he wouldn’t answer me but he will listen. “I want to be with my mate but I can’t. I want to feel his arms around me and hear him say my name but I can’t. I have my responsibility and have to choose it before myself.” I then sigh, “Even if it hurts me so much.”

The black wolf nodded his head and I patted his back, “I lied to him, I lied even to Sehun! I feel the pull; I feel everything, the spark, and the butterflies on my stomach. It just hurts so much that I need to do this. Maybe I should go back, maybe I should just forget about this stupid idea of mine.”

The wolf made a sudden growl, making me look at him in confusion. “What’s wrong?” I asked leaning and patting his head. “Do you need anything?”

He shook his head and lay down. “You know, even though I don’t know who you are, you make me feel protected and safe.” My wolf then suddenly purred at my action, making me confused at her but she didn’t say anything. “I think it’s getting late, I need to go back.” I then stood up and looked at him. “Can we meet again tomorrow?”

The wolf nodded and ran the other direction.


“Good Morning!” Tiffany shouted, opening the door and smiling brightly at me. “Do you have anything to do today? Besides your chores…”

“Lucky for you today is my day – off.” I smiled and winked at her. “Where do you want to go today?”

“Jaejoong, Sehun and I are going to watch a movie after a getting our breakfast. Meet us in the front porch, okay?!” She shouted, leaving again.

I laughed and made my way towards the bathroom not too far from my room. After having a cold shower, I went to change to my new green long sleeves and ripped skinny jeans matched with my combat boots. I went first to the kitchen to greet the others and walk out to find Sehun waiting for me patiently and the siblings impatiently. I walked slowly only to be dragged towards someone’s car. I don’t know who the owner is but I think it’s my mates’.

“What are you watching?” Sehun asked, suddenly entering the back seat with Tiffany and Jaejoong is entering the driver’s seat.

“Despicable me!” Tiffany answered, shouting making the two boys look at her. “What?”

“I want to watch it too!” I replied, smiling. “But I don’t have any money so I’ll just wait for you outside.”

“I’ll be paying for you babes,” Jaejoong started, smirking at me and I glared in return. “So you’ll watch it with me.”

“Ewe, don’t call me that.” I ordered. “My name is Jessica. Not babes.”

“But I love calling you that.”

“Stop.” I then demanded.





And it continued some more until Tiffany snapped at us irritated. She told me that she doesn’t care if we argue but we shouldn’t be that loud. Sehun laughed and tried to calm Tiffany down but it is not working.

“Fany, can you just shut up?! I am talking to my mate here.” Jaejoong then snapped, glaring at the rear mirror.

“I don’t care. You should just shut up and drive!”

I placed both of my hands on my ear to protect me from their bickering. Thank the goddess we arrived at the mall and I immediately went out and went inside, Sehun followed in tow. We were waiting in the ticket booth when there was suddenly a very familiar scent hitting my nose. It’s not from my mate and Tiffany though.

“Do you smell that?” I asked, leaning closer to Sehun.

“I do and it’s a very disturbing scent. We better leave.” He then pulled me away from the booth and we both went inside a store. “Stay here and wait for either me, Jaejoong or Fany. Ok?”

“Sure,” I answered but when I already saw him leaving the store, I went out and looked for the familiar scent.

While searching, I saw someone looking at me with lust in their eyes. They are rogues that I could tell. I hurriedly turned around and went back to the store where I saw Sehun looking for me. Man that was fast. I thought that he’d be gone for a long time.

“Thank goodness.” He uttered, dragging me now out of the store and to the parking lot.

“Sehun, there are rogues inside the mall. Did you even tell it to Jaejoong?”

“He went to take care of the pack.” He answered, opening the door for me. “We are going back now. Fany is already back at the pack house and is safe.”

“Sehun, can I please help?” I asked, looking at him. “I want you to go back to the mall and mind link 5 men to come meet you there, kill the rogues and go back at the pack house when you’re done. Tell Jaejoong to make sure put all the children, women and elders to the safe room and also make sure to have 3 of the strongest fighters guarding the room.” He nodded his head and did what I told him. “Also, make sure to make Jaejoong assign 4 pack members to patrol ever day. This will also lessen the element of surprise of the rogues.”

When we got to the pack house, everyone looked scared making me want to order them around. I can’t take it. Not being able to help them when you needed to. I just waited for Sehun to do what I told him to do and wait inside the safe room with the others. I tended to the children who are crying and the elders who looked really scared. 

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gamitin mo yung banner. :D
Chapter 34: In this story, i really love Kai ! Not that i don't like him but he makes me feel safe and he's so sweet with Jessica .. ~
Jaejoong, as overprotective and jealous as ever :3
Selena was getting on my nerves the first time she appeared so .. I'll let it pass [x
So, Jae will visite Jessi saturday ? It's at that time that she need to go because of something .. Aha
PianoSica #3
Chapter 31: When is Jaejoong and Changmin going to appear in the story again?
PianoSica #4
Chapter 24: poor Jessica :(
jacqlow #5
your story is fantastic! 21chaps in 18days? You are on a roll! However, I would suggest as little names as possible, so that there is lesser confusion...
PianoSica #6
Chapter 19: update soon author nim! Hwaiting!
Chapter 13: this story is seriously good and awesome! and fyi dear author, I would always read this story and support u! keep updating! ;)
theresenurielle #8
Chapter 11: Go Jessica!