Chapter 2

My Wonderful Family

Month 2

The family were having a great time. In some time, the others had adopted their kids as well. The house became choatic ever since the kids came into their family, but even more chaotic when Spirit's hormones starts to act up. There will be times when she will be angry all of a sudden, crying the next, happy, and all over again. The baby bump became a little visible, but not visible enough to tell.  "Umma." Seo Mi called.

"Hmmm~?" Spirit hummed. Seo Mi moved closer to her umma.

"When will the baby be born?" Seo Mi asked while looking at Spirit's stomach.

"Not for another 6-7 months honey."

"Is it a boy or girl?" 

"Hmmm~, I don't know, but I will know soon in 3 months."

"Chinja? Can I come with you on your next appoiment?"

"Sure." And with that Seo Mi was gone, Spirit smiled tiredly, and after a short of time, she fell asleep. Gongchan came in a few minuets after Spirit fell asleep. He smiled at the sweet angel that is sleeping on the bed. He went to lay by Spirit who was sleeping peacfully. He carressed Spirit's face and pecked it. He couldn't wait for their new baby, he hoped the pregnancy goes well. He was dead tired whenever Spirit starts to act up. He fell asleep with Spirit in his arms.

"Hmmm~, that piece of is married now, and getting a baby huh?" The mysterious voice said.

"Yeah, not only that. The other 3 are there as well, married too."

"Well, what do we do then?"

"I know how to make that child suffer."

"Really how?"

"We kidnap both of her childeren."

"Are you crazy?! There so many of them over there. how do you expect us to get 2 kids out of there, without anyone knowing?!"

"Don't worry~, just leave it all to me." The voice chuckled darkly while the other smirked.

Spirit woke up with shivers down her back when she had a bad feeling of something, something that scared her in her dream. She snuggled closer to the other wanting the feeling to disapperr. Gongchan woke up wondering what's going when he saw Spirit shaking and closed to tears. "What's wrong babe?" Gongchan embraced Spirit which seemed to clam her down a little. Gongchan was worried for Spirit wondering why she was even acting like this. He could feel his shirt getting wet, he pulled from the hug to be nothing, but greeted by tears. He went on top of Spirit, cuppinng her face, while kissing the tears away. "Shhhh~, baby, what's wrong?" Gongchan tried to clam her down, but it didn't stop anytime soon. Gongchan went down to hug her tightly to know that she wasn't alone. He was close to tears himself because he couldn't help Spirit at all. After a queit some time, Spirit was able to clam down. "Spirit, please tell me what's wrong." Gongchan begged the other.

"It was nothing. I- it was just that I had a bad feeling of something." She choked out while clutching the other's shirt. Gongchan looked at the clock and it showed 6:30 am. He thought it would be best if they go eat something or something that would take Spirit's mind out of the feeling. He picked her up bridal style while walking out their bedroom. He put Spirit down on the couch, when he was going to get something, Spirit grabbed onto Gongchan's wrist. Her eyes showed fear, which Gongchan didn't undertand why. 'Can a dream be really this bad to make her act like this?' Gongchan thought,  but hugged his wife. They stayed like that till they heard foot steps coming their way. 

"Gongchan? Spirit? What are you two doind here up so early?" Leeteuk asked, but notice something's wrong with Spirit. "What happened to Spirit?" 

"I don't know. She started to act like this when she had a dream." Gogchan said. Leeteuk walked towards the couple and took Spirit in his arms, everyone started to wake up, ended up seeing a frightened Spirit. The next people to walk out the door was Ji-Hoon and Soul. Ji-Hoon saw how Spirit was acting and knew what was happening to her.

 "Spirit, did you have a vision of anyone?" Ji-Hoon asked. Spirit nodded in response still in Leeteuk's embrace.

"What do you mean?" Kangin asked.

"*Sigh* Before our umma died, she said we were all special in a way. Our umma had powers, but we didn't know what kind. My power is charm and water, Jong Kook's is strength, and earth, Soul's is telepathic, and fire, and Spirit is seeing through the past/present/future, and wind."

"Won't that mean Spirit already knew this was going to happen?" Ren said.

"No, Spirit's power can only see a dose of it, but if she dreams it, it can be either good or bad. If it's bad, then she could have heard or saw something threatneing enough to make her act like this. Seeing the past/present/future is a powerful thing. You never know how relistic it can be once you see it."

"So, won't that mean, our next child will have powers?"

"Yeah, Seo Mi is already developing them." Ji-Hoon explained.

"Then how can we know what she saw?" Seungho asked.

"Easy, Soul." 

"I'm on it." Soul said while walking up to touch his twin's head. It took some while, but he was able to see the dream, but the people he saw were blurry, too blurry to see exactly who, and he could hardly hear what they were saying, but then one of the faces look staright at Soul. Soul widened his eyes hoping he wasn't looking at him, but it would be a lie if I said he didn't see him because the man's eyes turned red and smirked at him. H e sent a powerful shock wave to Soul that, he had to break away the contact and flew across the room hearing a thud once he hit the wall. The other eyes widened in shock that they ran to see if he was okay.

"Soul, what happened?" Zelo asked.

"Spirit's vision. There were a few people, but I couldn't quiet know who they were. It was to blurry to see and I could hardly hear what they were even saying. But one of them saw me, he literary saw me like he knew I was going to be there. His eyes turned and sent such a powerful shockwave." Soul said while holding his head. Ji-Hoon and the others were now confuse. Someone is trying to threaten they're pregnant princess and he/she knew what they were doing to make Spirit break.

Here's an update guys. I never planed to put powers into this story, but my hand writes on it's free will, and makes a lot of things up. So please comment! ^.^

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jackiekitt #1
Chapter 5: It's so cute! I can't wait for you to update!!! :)
Chapter 1: ohhhh i like hope you update soon :{D
I hope this is just like tough love, it was a really good story.