
My Wonderful Family

Sorry for not updating for a long time, so this is going to be the last chapter since I really don't have much thought into this now.

Spirit and the others were at the house watching a movie. They didn't have much to do, so they decided to have a family time. They were watching the movie when the baby was kicking a little bit to hard. Spirit rubbed her stomach and Gongchan notice. "What's wrong honey?"

"It's nothing. The baby is kicking a little to hard." Spirit said while rubbing her baby bump.

"Umma, Spirit umma peed on the couch!" Banglo said and the others turned their head to see. The kids didn't really understand what was going on, but their parents did. They all of sudden starting to move around quickly, too quickly for the kids to see. They all went to the hostipal knowing that Spirit was going to give birth soon. The kids were there with them. They were horrifyed when they heard Spirit screaming.

"Is Spirit umma going to be okay?" Yewook asked. Ryewook smiled.

"Of course, you will understand when you get older." But the kids were still to occupied by the screaming. It took about  a hour or two till they heard a baby crying. The doctor came out.

"The baby is healthy and you all can go in the room." The doctor said and left. The kids went in the room where Spirit and Gongchan were in. Seo Mi went to look what her umma was holding in her arms.

"Who's that?" Seo Mi asked.

"This is your new baby sister Seo Mi." Gongchan said and kneeled down with the baby in his arms.

"What's her name?" Leeteuk asked.

"We decided to call her Joo chan." Gongchan said while looking Spirit. Spirit smiled weakly since she used all her energy to give birth.

"Kids, I think we should be heading home." Kangin said.

"What about umma?" Seo Mi asked.

"You can stay, but we all have to go." Seo Mi nodded and went to hug Gongchan while the others left home.

The Next Day~

The others came back with a carset for the baby to sit in and went back home. The kids liked holding Joo Chan a lot, they thought she was cute.

After 2 years-

The men decided to leave for their military service as it is required for korean men. The women (the actual women) were shocked and begged for them to wait for another 2-4 years, so that kids would be at least the worries for them, but they said they wanted to, and had already signed up. 

Now present time-

The family are all happy now that their parents are back. The parents who came back from the military understood what the remaining mothers meant. Their kids were michivious as ever. They loved playing pranks on their parents and the little ones were to hard to take care of when they wouldn't stop crying for various needs that they didn't know or remember, but luckily the mothers that stayed were able to help them with that. Even with a trouble some kids, they all love each other very much. 

The End


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jackiekitt #1
Chapter 5: It's so cute! I can't wait for you to update!!! :)
Chapter 1: ohhhh i like hope you update soon :{D
I hope this is just like tough love, it was a really good story.