Chapter 5

My Wonderful Family

Month 5- 

Spirit's baby bump is starting to getting bigger. The kids couldn't stop touching her stomach, it was a sight for them to see that they're baby cousin/sibling is in there. Spirit smiled and giggled when the younger ones put their ears to her stomach to see if they could hear the baby. Spirit was alone at home once again. She was watching tv while rubbing her stomach. Tomorrow would be her appointment when she get's to know what gender the baby is. "Nehh~ baby, I wonder how active you will be when you come out. I hope you won't be trouble some." Spirit said caressing her tummy. Spirit heard the door opening and looked at the door. In came Gongchan. "Yebo~!!" Spirit squealed in delight to see her husband. Gongchan chuckled and went to her. He kneeled by her and pecked her on the cheek.

"How've you been?" Gongchan asked while rubbing her stomach. 

"Hmmm~, it's been good." Spirit said while looking down at her stomach. Gongchan laughed till something kicked his hand. Spirit and Gongchan looked at her stomach.

"Spirit did it?" Gongchan asked. Spirit didn't have any words for it, she nodded with tears b on her eyes. Gongchan kissed Spirit hard on the lips and let go, and went to the baby bump. "아기를 주셔서 감사합니다, 우리는 지금 당신의 건강임을 알 수 (Thank you baby, we could now know that you're healthy.)." (The baby kicked if you didn't get it at all) The others had just got back while Spirit was crying in Gongchan's arms.

"What happened?" Hangeng asked while running up to Spirit. 

"Hangeng hyung, can I see your hand?" Gongchan asked. Hangeng nodded and Gongchan guided to Spirit's baby bump. Hangeng was confused at first till he felt the baby kick. Hangeng widened his eyes.

"The baby kicked!!" Hangeng shouted. The "wives" heard and ran to feel it too. They couldn't stop crying as well. The day went like that. The kids came home from the academy, seeing their ummas crying.

"Umma, what's wrong?" Kangteuk asked while walking to Leeteuk.

"Nothing, just.... Put your hand on Spirit umma." Leeteuk said while guiding his hand on the baby bump. Kangteuk waited for a while till it kicked.

"! Umma! I felt something!" 

"That's the baby kicking. It means that the baby is healthy." Leeteuk said. Kangteuk kept on touching. After a few , the baby kicked again. The kids wanted to feel it too, so they asked Spirit if they could touch it as well. Spirit nodded and laughed. The night went on like that.

I'm so sorry for not updating for a while! I've been busy with my new story called "Hello Baby" and was watching some dramas. One of them are called The Queen's Classroom and rewatching School 2013. And now I'm going to update my next fic...... So see you guys later. Also I have been watching some shows, listening, and watching some mvs. So Bye Bye! ^.^

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jackiekitt #1
Chapter 5: It's so cute! I can't wait for you to update!!! :)
Chapter 1: ohhhh i like hope you update soon :{D
I hope this is just like tough love, it was a really good story.